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di Ht helps i , eveloped by students d. it in orderly delivery of contents ie A. Ne gatie. means. Saves from haphazard teaching . To investiga ne b.T 5. Evalu: - To show _T ation that monitors learning ee ae . eae a. Placement evalu: c IC ation E ; LB: Formative evaluation . Diagnosti evaluation —d. Summative evaluation 6. Af ‘formal and systematic procedure of getting information is? a Test . b. Measurement 7 c. Assessment d. Evaluat a of obtaining numerical value is? : a. Test 5. Measurement c. Assessment d. Evalua B. ws move from specific to general in: a. Inductive method b. Deductive method c. Drilimethod —d. Discu: method 3, Assessment in Education Instrument used for measuring sample of behavio a“Test b. Measurement c. Assessment d. Evaluat 10.Limited to quantitative description of pupil's performance is? a. Test \b. Measurement ¢. Assessment d. Evalua 11.The purpose of evaluation is to make judgement about education? a. Decision b. Prediction c. Judgment d. Opini 12. The purpose of evaluation is to make judgment about education? a. Quantity b. Quality c. Time period d. Age onary and cultural change is that evolutio 13. The key difference b/w evoluti alters. a. Reproduction: environment c. Environment: behavior 4.Practice is made in a. Inductive method b. Deductive method \e“brin method 4.0 method whereas cultural change alters = _». Heredity: environment d. Development: learning, A8BOTTaD- ‘ > min nt MAES ea I is purposeful activity i ts proceeded in social environment it 1s accomplished in red lite Wt is teacher centered activity 0 American approach emphasizes b. Content presentation tion that monitors learning progress is? b. Formative evaluation c. Diagnostic evaluat yor Techer \ np aa c Learning objectives 4. Methods Placement evaluation d. Summative evaluation aining numerical value 42. The process of obt c. Evaluation d Assessment Rest b. Measurement 33. Practice is made in la. Inductive method b. Deductive c: Drill method d. Discussion method British approach of lesson planning more emphasis 's on ja. Activity b. Teacher c. Content presentation Bath &c olutionary and cultural change Is that evolutionary ? 35. The key difference b/w ev change alters__— Reproduction; environment a b. Heredity; Environment c d whereas cultural alters Environment, behavior _ Development; learning 36. The Socratic method is known as a. Lecture demonstration method b. Discussion method Inquiry method -Answer method Educational instrument c. Assessment c. d. Question 37.Assessment in b. Measurement used for meaning sample of behav d. Evaluation a. Test 38.The purpose of evaluation is to make? a. Decision b. Prediction c. Judgement d. Opinion 39.Which one is not the type of lesson plans on the basis of objectives? a. Micro lesson?’ b. Cognitive plan & Affective d, Psychomot 40.Limited to quantitative description of pupil's performance is? c. Assessment d. Evaluation a. Test b. Measurement “ ¥ its role the development of Curriculum, for S€rvice untry atest knowledge he above ’ 5 SUDPosed to 16 Currie Prove @ & School (t teac 17. Mini culture is @ Content b curriculum ¢ home d. society 18 Cu ulurn brganization used diflerent concepts at the Sarne class is? a ntal b. vertical c logical d. none of the above 19 Curriculum Presents instructional material is stated by Dn & Elizaih Maccis b. Jack kerr ¢ WTelte@d) smith 20 The importance of curriculum in the system of education is just lke a 21. The category of audio-visual aids is & Tape-recorder b. television c radio d.all of the above 22.An online of the topic of a subject to the covered in specific time is 4. Programmed b,syllabus c. curriculum dd. course 23. Learning means a. Teaching process » by) curriculum change “c. change in Behavior, above 24. The outline of the content is? “A a, Syllabus b program c course % all of the above 25.Component of curriculum is a. Teaching strategies’ b. objective c. evaluation ‘d) all of 26.Curriculum is interpreted to mean ail the organized courses, activiti which students have under the directions of school, whether in the said by? a. John Dewey b. Stephen Romine c.H-Rugg d. Hilda Tal 27.Curriculum is; io a. Course b. syllabus c. co-curricular activities d, overall activiti 28.Major concern of curriculum is; a. Change in individual's behavior b. Preparation for device c. Personal satisfaction d. None of the above 29.Psychological foundations play its role in the development of cu: a. Preparation of students for service b, Constitution in a country c. Provision of latest knowledge BB tea or ine snow =a; mageent fe 9 Re eptmcrent fay ucteme b Romarye he omtayctove Rot 2 end b 0 tame of the adowe 1) epertant tector of currculum is te help to achieve the * Educator ib objectwesc values d job mM Srowide guMtance for @ Sexe Oteecher c home @ society ty HF tom Cutture 4 2 Content 6 5 curr, 28 Crerecastesen wien ¢ home d society orpantrater used different concepts at the tame class is? “or rota 2 wertica C logical d none of the above WF presents Mitructiona! materia! % Stated by eh er Wider amet 56 Currculum prowite @vdance tor * Schoo D.teacher ¢ home @ society . ST WINCH of the tattowang & the nature of curricutjen? ™ reflect the culture of p. Paper: Functional English Choose the correct answer; an 1 What ts the wha parviene ct Marie ine y * i'n, Alves tions manners © Varewel it Autivonny 5 } poad tee coftes (gto © than © Ue aw s! ¥ They said Hurrah! We have wan the h @ The sand That they won the mat Db. They exchairmed with joy tha y won the mateh ¢ Loe They exclaimed with joy that they had won the match df They exctaimed with joy that we had won the match. ald +. the bad weather, the outdoor party was rescheduled a" @)Mecause of b. inorder ¢ Despite J None of the shove 5 Ne writes, inh Ae 2 with b. in « for don 6 Idiom ‘to cut tong short’ means @ Tell the story briefly Come to the point © Miss the main points 4. None of the above 7 Which af the following is antonym of ‘Flaunt’ while others are synonyms? asvove: b. brandish § c. Display 4. Exhibit as «lique’ means _? ; Q°A group of animals 4 group of birds =p group of people , J. none of above 9. “Prosaic’ means ? a. Good (6) Dull. Beautiful d. None - 10. which one of the following is antonym of ‘Progaie’ while others are synonyms? - a.Pedestrian b. prosy tedious (@) interesting 11. which one of the following is antonym of ‘Picayune’ while others are synonyn a. Piddling b. Trifling colossal d. Trivial 12. which one of the following is antonym of ‘Minuscule’ while others are synon a. Diminutive b. Lilliputian c. Miniature, Majuscule 13. which one of is antonym of ‘welter’ while others are synonyms? a. clutter b.Fuddle c. Jumble (@)order 14. He said ‘I am studying now’ a. He said that | am studying then b. He said that | was studying than. ¢. He said that he was studying than. d. He said that he was studying now. 15. ‘All Hours’ means ? a. At regular times @at irregular times c.everyhour d. None of these 16. He is busy with his works. 2 Cae bie moved mst ot 1 ap tie sree CG tame te te tae ka se 1 Soprvcnreyere cof Vase resentl 10. , 2 Cow heme © fewerval L Me arinaes (a Contusion 18 whieh of the following 1 antompm of Apatryphal etthe OTM are wpresmgen | Genuine b Mythical © Obscure 6 unmutntentiatnd 19. He said” I need your help now a Me said he need help naw jie said that he needed my help then ¢ He said that | needed your help now d. None of these 20. He said ‘I need some money’ a. He said that | need some money b. He said that he needs some money. He said that he needed some money d. He said that | needed some money 21. We come to college __ toot ; oo yr ee ae 22. We see_ 7 . ® from bby rth ntonyrn of “apocryphal while others are synaryy 3. which one af the following 1s # c. Obscure unsubstantiated @ Genuine — b. Mythical 24, They Come here a . aon . through d. from 25. Birds fly mm our head p then ges we a, into b. with cin dite - 26. The thief broke a shop. a) into b. with cin dto f- ve Ww. which one of the following is antonym at ‘Raucous: while : are syncmyt a. 32, watHoarse = b. subdued = ¢. 38 Discordant ? . 28. A student has to read books. ce a.much b. more c.many afreveral tea in water. 29. We take “much b, more c. many d. too 30.Ali is the of his class. a. tall bitaller \ctallest 4. very tall than Ali , | 32- wich one of the following is antony Pea seman oan cing eee — . . 33. She is the best all BAL f b.from c.on d. than 34. You are happier him. 31. Ahmad is f a. intelligent nore intelligent c. most intelligent m aa “Prosaic’ pe a.from b.than c. then 35. He.writes b.nice c. nice fully d. very nice 36\vhich one of the following is antonym of ‘Picayum’ while others are — a. Piddly ©. Trifling Colossal d. Trivial 7. A good workers works a.Goodly b.Good (C)well d. better 8. A bad worker works a. Badly b. Bad c. worse d. Poor 9. 1am undone a.Hurrah! © lalas! c.Poo! d. Huh! 0. Which one of the following is antonym of ‘Flaunt; while others are synom 4) cover b. Brandish cc. Displayed d. Exhibit Subjectives s Short oo _ write the forms of the verb with examples? > 2.0\ What i is interjection? bb Oe? & ae 4 Frat i is phrase? Pe rite kinds of noun? — a avd DS Linde [ efine Predicate? vA at we 2114 hat is sentence and also write its parts? hat is unified sentence? >} Wy rite analysis of sentence structure. a 8 - rte forms of verb. Give examples. - abe years and chronological ame of 4 yer d 100 he tool for formative Assessment i" Projects d, Oral Questions acher in meeting the individual diffe rest and aptitudes of individuals s per the needs of individuals » iid Development Paper: Child De : Objectives sa tt Hite U o mait ' # thre te “ ' ‘ f 2 ath iis MCR Prop 1 _ oo ee 4iffer ae sachs meoting . rest 4 1 # f tt . . ernow tty we ; fF individual " b. Try i) we cur aS per the net in 4 pedage a ; ta guide the child b. to understand the child ta lead the child 1, to understand the ehile Pedagogy ence of dealing 4 student b. Teact Both 1, Norn 6, which one of the following indicat ib h al growth 1 Negative b, Quantitative ¢, Qualitative 1. Positive The use of technology to enhance learning Process is called ___in education aT b) ICT ¢. Information Technology d. Communication Technol Teacher should present information tc the st udy clearly and in interesting way, information to the-thing student a. Don'tknow b.alreadyknow —c. willingto know —_d, willing not to kne 9. Which of the following statement is not true? 4. Growth is a biological proces: 6. Development is a quantitative proces: c. Education is a goal-oriented process. d. Learning is a process of behavioral changes 10. According to john Dewey, school is a process institution, and education | a. Social, science b. Social, Philosophical ¢. Philosophical, Philosophical d. Environmental, Psychology 11, Pedagogy is the study of a. Education b. Guiding students Today, 6:56 pm © Learning process 9 Teaching Method The best method to study growth and development of child ix & Psychoanalytic method &) Comparative method © Developmental method d_ Statistica! method Term PSRN in Or & Probl b. Problem solving ©) Perceptual skill, relationship and maw eloprr n Solving relatic numeracy d. Perceptual skill, relationship and numb 14. “Individual learns from his own mistakes” this statement is based on which lea @ Instrumental conditioning b. b. Insight Trial and error d. classical conditioning @ « of learning declines 15. AS people grow older, The @ Power (®) Speed © Quality 4. Quantity used to increase correct responses and apy us 16. Which of the following should be 1 @ Ignorance b. Strictness c. Reward d.) Praise XL 17. According to John Dewey, schools must prepare stud for a. Research b. Future life @ Present life d. Entrepreneurship 18. Special education is related to a. Education for talented students ( 6) Educational Programs for disabled < Training program for teachers d. Training Program for Retarded 19. What type of evaluation identifies learning deficiencies and difficulties a. Placement b. Summative x Continuous d,J Diagnostic 20-Which of the following statement is not true in case of MCQS? a. An Experienced teacher can prepare questions. b. All choice appears to be plausible c. Error free and quick evaluation is possible by computer d) Only one the choice is correct answer. 21. Validity of an assessment relates to @. Usefulness b. evaluating synthesizing Oetevance 22. According to john Dewey, children should experience in school to © Learning process Teaching Method “The best method to study growth and development of child & & Psychoanalytic method ) Comparative method © Developmental method d_ Statistical method 13. Term PSAN in Development implies @ Problem solving relationship and numeracy b. Problem solving reasoning and numeracy (© Perceptual skill, relationship and numbers d. Perceptual skill, relationship and numbers "individual learns from his own mistakes” this statement is based on which lei a. Instrumental conditioning b. b. Insight © & Trial and error d. classical conditioning 15. As people grow older, The __ of learning declines. a. Power @® Speed c. Quality d. Quantity 16. Which of the following should be used to increase correct responses and apy a. Ignorance b. Strictness c. Reward A d.) Praise 17. A¢cording to John Dewey, schools must prepare student for a. Research b. Future life @ Present life d. Entrepreneurship 18. Special education is related to a. Education for talented students b) Educational Programs for disabled c. Training program for teachers d. Training Program for Retarded 19. What type of evaluation identifies learning deficiencies and difficulties a. Placement b. Summative 5) Continuous ( d, Diagnostic 2 hich of the following statement is not true in case of ™mcas? a. An Experienced teacher can prepare questions. b. All choice appears to be plausible c. Error free and quick evaluation is possible by computer d,) Only one the choice is correct answer. 21. Validity of an assessment relates to a. Usefulness b. evaluating Cosynthesizing (@)Relevance 22. According to john Dewey, children should experience__in school ta alc. economical and phil eacher is ofa Peper: Teaching Literacy Skills Choose the correct answer: em enna 1 Temner we eftctiely engnae ord sehen 68 tenting undersea ail of the foltoming hal Sc a a ee ee ‘motivation and ox resourem to help wastain sont en . natucational environments nd INpteenenOng cum sussent mecrests needs and goat promote stat «Yoo many choses will restrict New Understandings aed te a romeinact knowtedae with trends and classmates 4 Engagement must remains connected to academic iteraC processes in order to give energy and direction to studem motwation 2 Good nme management enables you te (any one option is corre Work smarter B work harder © you get less done in 3 Wnsch one in the necessary still needed to be # successful sched a) Teamwor b single tasking Ability to beat som 4 Which ane is most important time management shill? * Single tasking Decision-making —_¢. No goal seeting can save your hours of lsbertous ahways the most appropriate way to read 2 Skimming b Sequencing 5 Using Assessment 3s # too! for learning and) following EXCEPT? @ Employing better teachers & Critical thinking < Metacognitive awareness. @ Metacognitive awareness What is meant by “effective: s weornang now to tel Ce, Ol J characters comes frst whan sem are compared rings are placed tn on ventional ordering i tics! onder is general cated 8 vrap aml we incor of orien and ean ee sa system whereby characte to persuade the r swith higher Sey al ‘refers to the identification of the components of a:st beginning. middie and end 2, _are reading techniques that us islarnic Studies Le ihee = eA ir tee “eA F307 gua \ rh wy ak da 7 he Ole Orn ale : : srtsipSucit fe eh, Ge ete PS « $ Si ws i OS *_#(3 genic tiG Den sirne Fee icy a - cn PVEZL Aa > re a 2 sf Sta 76 c SIA fa, AK Le ah ars = Hl ae ae 16) We niatTe "fo (6 sly et CF DES ste T "Gin re wear (a te “bof EssSU" “(VO Hi po ve 2% ° pe? ure ¢ SEP Ut iS Ste Pe a? ¢ wc I7®e pos tie PG bie TL om CO Sacatt Wis Price Beruc hue Con Sa PVELC 52 Oe Ja” mS Zee WIA e AR Lluis L Mehe 2 (3 eG HE sea SCN WW Wertrictean isa» (4 wt Ue Fe SHI eu es Bier te CN Sethe C Steer a(6 Eee re sere Eure 'Cn » “seta PR Cha wre "See abe ( SUP thse Bese (8 ates Irv ot ED te Catt Set 2 AL oli E19 picts ue Me PFE ge? 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