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ID: 1200414


Table of Contents
1. UNIVERSALISM VS. REGIONALISM ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 What is universalism in architecture?........................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 What is regionalism in architecture? ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 How can we relate universalism and regionalism in architecture? .............................................................................. 1
1.4 What is the difference between universalism and regionalism in architecture? ......................................................... 1
1.5 How can we reconcile universalism and regionalism in architecture? ......................................................................... 1
1.6 How can we apply universalism and regionalism architecture in Ethiopia context? ................................................... 1
2. MODERNISM VS. POST MODERNISM ................................................................................................................................. 2
2.1 What is modernism in architecture? ............................................................................................................................ 2
2.2 What is post modernism in architecture? .................................................................................................................... 2
2.3 How can we relate modernism and post modernism in architecture? ........................................................................ 2
2.4 What is the difference between modernism and post modernism in architecture? ................................................... 2
2.5 How can we reconcile modernism and post modernism in architecture? ................................................................... 3
2.6 How can we apply modernism and post modernism architecture in Ethiopia context? ............................................. 3
3. CONSTRUCTIVIST VS. DE-CONSTRUCTIVIST ........................................................................................................................ 3
3.1 What is constructivism in architecture? ....................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 What is de-constructivism in architecture? .................................................................................................................. 3
3.3How can we relate constructivism and de-constructivism in architecture? ................................................................. 3
3.4 What is the difference between constructivism and de-constructivism in architecture? ........................................... 3
3.5 How can we reconciled constructivism and de-constructivism in architecture? ......................................................... 3
3.6 How can we apply constructivism and de-constructivism architecture in Ethiopia context? ...................................... 4
4. CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE ....................................................................................................................................... 4
4.1 What is Contemporary Architecture? ........................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 What are the different types of Contemporary Architecture? ..................................................................................... 4
4.3 How can we apply Contemporary architecture in Ethiopia context? ........................................................................... 5
1.1 What is universalism in architecture?
Universalism in architecture means designing buildings and spaces that can be used by people from different cultures,
backgrounds, and abilities. The idea is to create designs that work for everyone, no matter where they come from or what
challenges they may face.

1.2 What is regionalism in architecture?

Regionalism in architecture means designing buildings that show the unique characteristics of a specific area. It's about
creating designs that reflect the culture, history, climate, and context of a particular place.

1.3 How can we relate universalism and regionalism in architecture?

Universalism and regionalism in architecture can be connected in a way that combines their different ideas to create
something special. Here are some ways to understand how they relate:

1. Designing for Everyone: We can connect them by making designs that are accessible to everyone while still fitting in
with the local culture and traditions.

2. Including Different Cultures: Universalism can support regionalism by making sure that different cultures are included.

3. Being Sustainable: Universalism and regionalism can come together in thinking about the environment.

4. Considering the World: Universalism can help regionalism by thinking about the bigger picture. While regionalism
focuses on one place, universalism reminds us that the world is connected.

1.4 What is the difference between universalism and regionalism in architecture?

The main difference between them is universalism is all about universal design considerations while regionalism is
contextual regional design considerations.

1.5 How can we reconcile universalism and regionalism in architecture?

Reconciling universalism and regionalism in architecture means adapting universal design principles to fit the local
context, respecting the local culture, considering sustainability, creating adaptable designs, and involving the community.
This way, we can make buildings that are inclusive, culturally relevant, sustainable, and responsive to the unique aspects
of the region.

1.6 How can we apply universalism and regionalism architecture in Ethiopia context?
In applying universalism and regionalism in the context of Ethiopia, let's consider a take example of designing a
community center in a rural area. Here's how we can incorporate both approaches:

1. Universalism:

To ensure accessibility for all community members, we can:

 Include ramps and accessible entrances for individuals with disabilities.

 Provide wider doorways and corridors to accommodate wheelchairs.

2. Regionalism:

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To reflect the local Ethiopian culture and context, we can:

 Incorporate traditional Ethiopian architectural elements, such as using locally sourced materials like stone,
bamboo, or thatch for construction.
 Incorporate traditional design motifs or patterns that are culturally significant to the region.
 Consider the climatic conditions of the area and design the building to respond to the local weather.

By combining universalism and regionalism in this community center design, we make sure it's accessible to everyone
while also representing the local Ethiopian culture and needs.


2.1 What is modernism in architecture?
Modernism in architecture is a style of building design that started a long time ago.

In modernist architecture, buildings look simple and neat. There are not many decorations or fancy details. The focus is
more on how the building works and serves its purpose. Architects thought about the people who would use the building
and designed it to be functional and efficient.

They used new materials like concrete, steel, and glass, which made it possible to create buildings with big open spaces.
Natural light was also important, so they designed buildings with lots of windows to let the light in.

Some famous examples of modernist architecture include the Bauhaus school in Germany, the Villa Savoye in France,
and the Farnsworth House in the United States.

2.2 What is post modernism in architecture?

Postmodernism in architecture is a style of building design that came after modernism, which was a more strict and
serious approach. Postmodern architects wanted to be more creative and have fun with their designs. They mixed different
styles and ideas from the past to create something new and exciting.

Some famous examples of postmodern architecture are the Sony Tower in New York City, the Pompidou Centre in Paris,
and the Dancing House in Prague.

2.3 How can we relate modernism and post modernism in architecture?

Modernism and postmodernism are two different ways of designing buildings. Modernism was popular in the past, while
postmodernism came later as a response to modernism. They have some connections and can be related in several ways.

First, postmodernism started as a reaction to modernism. Modernism was all about simplicity, practicality, and using
modern materials. Postmodernism, however, wanted to break free from the strict rules of modernism and be more playful
and diverse in design.

So, while modernism and postmodernism have their differences, they are connected through their historical context and
their ideas about diversity and cultural influences in architecture.

2.4 What is the difference between modernism and post modernism in architecture?
The main difference is modernisms strictly guide by rules to make simple and functional but in post modernism there is a
freedom of design in material selection and other thing to make space fictional.

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2.5 How can we reconcile modernism and post modernism in architecture?
To reconcile modernism and postmodernism in architecture, we can combine functionality and simplicity with cultural
relevance and diversity. By considering the building's purpose, using appropriate materials, creating visually appealing
designs, reflecting the local culture, and considering people and the environment, we can strike a balance between the two
approaches. It involves merging universal design principles with contextual elements and embracing both innovation and
cultural identity.

2.6 How can we apply modernism and post modernism architecture in Ethiopia context?
By combining modernism and postmodernism in Ethiopian architecture, we can create buildings that are practical,
sustainable, culturally sensitive, and true to the Ethiopian identity. It's about finding a balance between modern design
principles and the unique cultural expression encouraged by postmodernism.


3.1 What is constructivism in architecture?
Constructivist architecture uses strong shapes and interesting designs. It often looks futuristic and uses materials like steel
and glass. The architects wanted to show the changes happening in society and how people could live together in a better

In simple words, constructivism in architecture is about creating buildings that look modern, serve a purpose, and show
the spirit of the time they were built in.

3.2 What is de-constructivism in architecture?

In de-constructivist architecture, buildings don't have straight lines or usual shapes. They look like they've been taken
apart and put back together in a strange way. The architects want to make people think and question what a building
should look like.

In simple words, de-constructivism in architecture is about making buildings that look different and break the rules. It's
like a puzzle that makes us think and see buildings in a whole new light.

3.3How can we relate constructivism and de-constructivism in architecture?

Even though constructivism and de-constructivism have their differences, they both represent a change in how buildings
are designed. They are about trying new things, breaking rules, and pushing the boundaries of architecture.

3.4 What is the difference between constructivism and de-constructivism in architecture?

The main difference between this two approaches is clear that Constructivist architecture uses strong shapes and forms but
as we can see and manifested in their building the form promotes flexible shapes. Even they coined the philosophy of
“function follows form”.

3.5 How can we reconciled constructivism and de-constructivism in architecture?

To bring constructivism and de-constructivism together in architecture, architects can mix their ideas to create something
special. They can combine the useful and geometric aspects of constructivism with the unconventional and interesting
elements of de-constructivism.

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For example, an architect could design a building that is practical and follows constructivist principles. They would focus
on making the spaces inside useful and efficient, using geometric shapes and clean lines. At the same time, they would
add de-constructivist touches to make the building look different and catch people's attention. This might include using
unusual shapes, angles, or materials that challenge what we normally expect from buildings.

3.6 How can we apply constructivism and de-constructivism architecture in Ethiopia context?
Using constructivism and de-constructivism in Ethiopian architecture means finding a balance between practicality,
sustainability, culture, and creativity. It about understands what Ethiopia needs, using local materials and ways of
building, and also adding new and interesting ideas. The goal is to make buildings that are useful, beautiful, and unique to

4.1 What is Contemporary Architecture?
Contemporary architecture means the buildings and designs that are made in our current time. It shows the ideas and
trends of our modern era. Contemporary architecture is all about being new and innovative. Architects use new
technologies and think about the environment to create buildings that are useful and can change as needed.

Contemporary architecture is about making buildings that are modern and forward-thinking. It involves using new
technologies, being mindful of the environment, and creating designs that meet the needs of today's world.

4.2 What are the different types of Contemporary Architecture?

Here are some different types or concepts within contemporary architecture that focus on specific aspects or approaches:

1. Bio mimicry: This means using ideas from nature to design buildings. Architects study how plants and animals work
and make buildings that are efficient and sustainable, just like nature.

Here we mimic the process of the nature.

2. Regenerative Architecture: Regenerative architecture goes beyond just being sustainable. It focuses on making
buildings that can actually improve the environment and help restore ecosystems.

3. Biophilic Design: Biophilic design is about bringing nature into buildings. Architects use things like plants, natural
light, and water features to make buildings that make people feel good and connected to nature.

4. Metabolism: Metabolism is a type of architecture that started in Japan. It's about designing buildings that can change
and grow over time. They are flexible and can adapt to different needs and situations.

5. Parametric Design: Parametric design is using computers to create complex and dynamic shapes for buildings.
Architects can control every detail and make unique and interesting designs.

6. Responsive Architecture: Responsive architecture means designing buildings that can change and respond to different
things. They can adjust to the environment or the needs of the people using them.

7. Smart Buildings: Smart buildings use technology to make buildings more efficient and comfortable. They can control
things like lighting, heating, and security to save energy and make things easier for people.

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8. Sustainable Design: Sustainable design is about making buildings that are good for the environment. Architects use
materials and methods that are eco-friendly and reduce waste.

9. Adaptive Reuse: Adaptive reuse is when architects take old buildings and give them new purposes. They can keep the
old character but make them useful for something new.

10. High-Performance Buildings: High-performance buildings are designed to be really good at things like saving
energy, keeping people comfortable, and using resources wisely. They have special systems and designs to make them
work well.

4.3 How can we apply Contemporary architecture in Ethiopia context?

To apply contemporary architecture in Ethiopia:

 Respect Ethiopian culture and traditions.

 Design with sustainability in mind.
 Consider the local environment and climate.
 Involve the community in the design process.
 Use appropriate and accessible technologies.
 Plan buildings in a way that fits with the city or town.
 Preserve historic buildings and give them new purposes.
 Collaborate with local professionals and communities.

By following these principles, contemporary architecture in Ethiopia can blend modern design with Ethiopian culture,
protect the environment, and create practical and beautiful buildings.

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