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Budgeted Lesson

School Year: 2022-2023 Semester: First

Subject: Oral Communication
Chapter 1: Nature and 1.1Describes how
communication is
Elements of affected by media and
Communication information, identifies  Reporting
1. Defines communication. the similarities and 3 Hours  Twenty (20) Item
2. Explains the nature and differences of media Quiz (Per Topic)
process of communication. literacy, information  Dialogue Activity
3. Differentiates the various literacy, and technology
 Playing Charades
models of communication. literacy, editorializes the
4. Distinguishes the unique value of being a media
and information literate
feature(s) of one
communication process from
the other.
5. Explains why there is a
breakdown of communication.
6. Uses various strategies in
order to avoid communication
7. Demonstrates sensitivity to
the sociocultural dimension of
communication situation with
focus on
a. culture
b. gender
c. age
d. social status

e. religion

Chapter 2: Functions Of 2.1. Discusses the

functions of  Reporting
Communication communication.  Twenty (20) Item
 Regulation/Control 4 Hours
2.2 Identifies the Quiz (Per Topic)
 Social Interaction speaker’s purpose(s).  Watch and Listen
 Motivation 2.3 Watches and listens to the Speech
 Information to sample oral “You’ve Got to
 Emotional Expression communication Find What You
activities. Love”.
Ascertains the verbal
and nonverbal cues that
each speaker uses to
achieve his/her purpose.
Comprehends various
kinds of oral texts.
2.4 Comprehends
various kinds of oral
2.5 Identifies strategies
used by each speaker to
convey his/her ideas
2.6 Evaluates the
effectiveness of an oral
communication activity.
Chapter 3: 3.1 1. Identifies the
Communicative various types of speech
Competence Strategies
3.2 2. Exhibits  Reporting
In Various Speech appropriate verbal and  Twenty (20) Item
Situations nonverbal behavior in a Quiz (Per Topic)
given speech context 4 Hours
A. Types of Speech  Watch and Listen
3.3 3. Distinguishes types
context of speech style
to the Speech “I
1. Intrapersonal Have a Dream”
3.4 4. Identifies social
2. Interpersonal a.1  Write a
situations in which each
Dyad Monologue
speech style is
a.2 Small group about your inner
appropriate to use
3. Public self
3.5 5. Observes the
appropriate language
B. Types of Speech forms in using a
Style particular speech style
1. Intimate 3.6 6. Responds
2. Casual appropriately and
3Consultative 4. effectively to a speech
Formal act
5. Frozen
Chapter 4. Types of 4.1 Engages in a
communicative situation
Speech Act using acceptable, polite  Reporting
1. Locution (Utterance) 3 Hours
and meaningful  Five (5) Item
2. Illocution (Intention)
communicative Quiz (Per Topic)
3. Perlocution (Response)
strategies  One (1) Minute-
4.2 Explains that a shift Stop Quiz
C. Types of in speech context,
Communicative speech style, speech act
Strategy and communicative
1. Nomination strategy affects the
2. Restriction following
3. Turn-taking o Language form
4. Topic control o Duration of interaction
5. Topic shifting o Relationship of speaker
6. Repair o Role and
7. Termination responsibilities of the
o Message o Delivery
Chapter 6. Types of 5.1 Distinguishes types
of speeches
Speeches 5.2 Uses principles of  Reporting
A. According to purpose
effective speech delivery  Five (5) Item
in different situations. 3 Hours
Expository/Informative Quiz (Per Topic)
5.3 Uses principles of  One (1) Minute-
o Persuasive Speech effective speech writing Stop Quiz
o Entertainment focusing on  Speech Delivery
Speech o Audience profile
B. According to delivery o Logical organization
o Reading from a o Duration
manuscript o Word choice
o Memorized Speech o Grammatical
o Impromptu Speech correctness
o Extemporaneous 5.4. Uses principles of
Speech effective speech delivery
C. Principles of Speech focusing on
Writing o Articulation
o Choosing the Topic o Modulation
o Analyzing the o Stage Presence
Audience o Facial Expressions,
o Sourcing the Gestures and
Information Movements
o Outlining and o Rapport with the
Organizing the Speech audience
D. Principles of Speech

Title: Variety Show

Description: Each grade twelve (11 )section will be expected to perform these: Each students will present
different speeches according to their choice.They will then be graded according to their performance.
Note: The theme is dependent upon agreement and approval of all the grade eleven (11) oral
communication class under the undersigned teacher.

Reference: Enhanced English Engagements

Oral Communication
By: Diana R. Agbayani, Ph.D , Yolanda M. Meru
Philippine Copyright @2016

Prepared by

Senior High Oral Communication Teacher
Noted by Noted by


Grade 11-Coordinator Overall Coordinator

Checked by


School Principal

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