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PART-A : Work Permit No: JSA No. Date: Pages: 1 of 9

Unit:- Area: Work Permit Location:

Job Title: JSA Done By:

Job Title:- Installation of fence for office lay dawn SN Name & Designation Signature
area. 2.
Job to be Executed By : 5.
PJ PMC Contractor 7.
JSA Reviewed By (HOD’s Name Designation Department Signature
Name & Designation)

HOD of receiving (Executing)


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Sl. No. Activities Hazards Recommended Actions /Procedures Compliance Status Checked By-Name of IOCL
& Control Measures (Complied/ Not Officer/PMC Engineer with Sign.
complied) date & time

1 Marking of Surveyed Biological hazards & poor 1-Use Spray of anti-dose like-Carbolic
area for barricading of housekeeping. acid. All mandatory PPE's like as Safety
fencing Slip/trip and fall. Chemical helmet, safety shoe, Gum booth, Safety
hazards (Lime power) goggles Hand gloves, Dust mask shall be
used. First aid facility must be available
at site. Proper illumination to be
maintained. Work area to be watched
properly during working.
2-Good housekeeping to be maintained.
3-Safety goggles, chemical hand gloves,
Nose mask to be used. MSDS of chemical
to be followed for details information.
Unsecured Materials Ensure the proper wind-up and
housekeeping of the worksite.

2 Permit Procedure Work Interruption 1-Prior to start of any activity proper

work permit should be obtained issued
by IOCL along with proper permission by
2-Permit shall be displayed at worksite.
3-All persons involved in the job must
discuss and understand the work permit
& JSA by concerned Engineer/Supervisor.
3 Manual/Mechanical Collapse of soil/ Soil eruption. 1-Define and provide stable barricades.
excavation& Back filling. 2-Exclusion zone should be provided.
3-Safety Warning signs shall be in place.
4-Provision of designed and approved
5-Adequate sloping and benching shall
be ensured..
 Latest guideline of
esteemed client sub.: safe
operating procedure (sop)
for excavation- document
no. P&U/MN/WI-44 -
Page 2 of 6
date of issue 07.02.2023
Revision 06 to be followed
 Ensure manual pilot cutting
up to 1.5mtr below EGL
(existing ground level) to
identify underground cables
or pipe lines prior to
excavation by machine. If
found any underground
facilities stop the job
immediately and intimate
the same to the concerned
dept. of Client under
intimation to IOCL/PMC.

Blocking of access/egress and

equipment’s  Safe access shall be made
for free movement of vehicle.
 Proper stairway, ladder or
ramps to be arranged in the
excavated trench/pits

Fall of excavated material. 1-Remove all the excavated materials

Dust pollution. from edge of excavated pit.
Interruption of live lines 2-All personnel to use dust mask and
(Electrical Utility) goggles as well as appropriate PPE’s
must be used.
3-Work Permit shall be provided before
work commencement & Strictly follow
the PTW system.
4-Trial pit/pilot cutting to be carried out
prior to start excavation.
5-Direct supervision shall be ensured by
6-Flag man to be deployed and reverse
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horn must be functioning.
Skilled operator to be engaged.

4 Concreting of Slip/trip & fall Safe access/egress shall be ensured.

foundation (RCC/PCC)
Electric Shock due to Allelectrical connections to be
damaged/ incorrect routed through ELCB and
cable connections earthed properly.
Electrical cables shall be in good
condition and routed through
Housekeeping to be maintained
on and around the work area.

Personal injury 1-Trained person to be engaged.

2-All the personnel must be used job
specific PPE’s.

Handling & Exposure of Health hazards MSDS of cement to be followed.

5 cement.

Irritation of respiratory system Nose mask to be used for respiratory

or lungs protection

Irritation of skin & eye. 1-Safety goggles to be provided for eye

2-Rubber gloves to be provided for hand

6 Fence pipe Unloading Pipe slip from hand. 1-Hold the scaffold material with proper
and stacking of grip.
materials. 2- Use hand gloves.
Spain /strain for excessive load. If require two or more person to be
engaged for unloading the 6 mtrs. pipes
1-Stacked the materials properly and
Improper stacking of materials. barricading to be ensured.
2-Access area to be cleared.
7 Sheet& fence pipe Fall from height (men, pipe & 1-Sheet/scaffolding should be handled
fixing. Sheets) carefully by trained person.
2-Personal fall protection system to be

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3-Sheets to be secured properly during
lifting & fixing.
4-After fixing only the lifting rope to be
5-High wind time the sheeting activity to
be suspended.
Cut injury by metal sheet 1-Don’t put your hand on sharp edge of
metal sheet.
2-Nobody should allow under the
sheeting activity.
8 Working at Height Fall of person & material 1-If it is more than 1.8 mtr, Full body
harness to be used.
2-Work platform (planks board) with
hand rail, mid rail and toe guard must be
3-Trained person to be engaged for the
Close supervision to be ensured by job
Slip/trip/fall 1- Adequate safe access to be provided
for ascending & descending.
2-Remove all unwanted material from
work location.
9 Illumination of the Personal Injury and Damage to 1-All points of exit, pathways and muster
works (night shift work) Plant and Equipment points shall be clearly illuminated.
2-Ladders accesses and egress shall be
clearly illuminated.
3-Illumination shall be in place prior to
any works commencing.
4-Lighting shall be fit for purpose and
shall be sited to avoid a glare.
All electrical cables for lighting shall be
lifted from the ground and or placed as
not to cause a tripping hazard.
10 Adverse weather Heavy wind, water logging, 1-Advance intimation of Earthquake&
condition. Falling of metal sheets etc. other climatic changes to be regularly
checked/monitoring from forecast &
necessary communication also to be
passed to all concerned.
2-Ensure proper drainage at workplace.
Use gum shoes in case of water logging /
muddy soil.

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3-Ensure all sheds to be properly secured
& stacked
4-Ensure all the metal sheets to be
secured & stacked properly.
11 Emergency / Evacuation Gas leak / Fire 1-In case of Emergency situation all
works must be stopped, equipment’s to
be switched off and all personnel must
report to the nearest assembly point
considering wind direction.
2-All people to be carried valid IOCL gate
pass and Company ID
To make JSA process effective, the defined job shall be broken down into sequential steps. Actions / activities for each step shall be logical & linked with
previous & forward action steps. All possible hazards associated with each job step shall be deliberated among team members and recorded carefully. JSA
recommendations / control measures for each hazard / job step should be validated by team members & recorded in the Part-A of JSA sheet. Use additional
JSA sheets as per requirements.
Review of JSA shall be done by HOD of respective Operation Department and HOD of Concerned Department. After review, respective HOD to put his signature
with name & date.
The Job shall be carried out with safety precautions as per JSA recommendations. HODs/ Fire & Safety & higher management personnel may also check
compliance of JSA recommendations while doing visit & checking of hot jobs during schedule visit to the unit / area.

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