Special Patho Corrected

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CORRECTED by DR ARBAZ GULL ig BMC Q)1. Most important cous hyperaldosteronism is ? a) Hyperglycemia b) Hypertension ¢) Cushing syndrome d) addison disease e) Adrenogenital syndrome T Q) 2. A35 year female is coming to the dinical attention with moon face, buffalo hump (deposition of fat back of neck and back) due to cushing syndrome. It is due to increase production of following hormone ? a) Growth hormone b) Lactrotroph hormone J Gonodotroph hormone 4) Thyroid stimulating hormone e) Adenocorticotrophic T Q) 3. A.30-year-old school teacher is know to beat a strict disciplin@ti class room. She has angina 4a) obesity T b) Type A personality ©) Diabetes mellitus 4) Sedentary life style e) Age Q)4. After a mastectomy with axillary node dissection for breast cancer year ago, a 47-year-old woman has developed persistent swelling and puffiness in the left arm. Physical examination shows firm skin over the left ‘arm and doughty underlying soft tissue. The arm is not painful and discolored. She developed cellulitis in the left arm 3 the followings 4) Pituitary apoplexy T e) ACTH pituitary adenoma Q) 6. A 25 years male has tall arms and legs. He is suffering from increase level of hormone from chilhood. What will be the diagnosis ? a) Acromegaly b) Gigantism T ) addison disease ) Cushing's disease ) Dwarfism Q) 7. Insulin hormone causes peripheral uptake of glucose and glycogen. Insulin hormone is released from ? a) Alpha cells b) Pancreatic polypeptide cells o) beta cells T d) D1 cells e) Enterochromaffin cells Q) 8. Most common cause of Hemorrhagic NIPPLE discharge is ? a) Galactocele b) Invasive duct cell carcinoma ¢) Intraductal papilloma T d) Breast Abscess ) Granulomatous mastitis Q) 9. Which of the following genetic mutations are important in BREAST cancer ? a) Pten 6) RB gene ) BRCAIT d) BCL-2 e) P53 Q)10 logical ¢) Medullary car d) Metaplastic carcinoma e) Phyllodestumor Q) 11. Which of the following feature is true for paget's disease of breast ? @) Common manifestaion breast cancer b) Palpable mass is present in all cases ¢) Paget cell cannot be detected from nipple secretion 4) Clinicaly present as erythmatous eruption of nipple skin T ) Underlying carci differentiated 5. Seflally transmitted viral lesion of “erviRinclude ? 1) Endocervical polyp ‘b) Squamous cell carcinoma T ) Chronic cervicitis d) Leiomyoma €) All of above Q) 14. Most common tumor arising from ovarian surface epithelium ? 4) Serous T b) Mucinous ) Endometrial ) Clear cell carcinoma e) Brener Q) 15. Which of following is most common complication of heart failure ? a) Hydrothorax T b) Pneumothorax ©) Pyothorax d) Hemothorax e) Chylothorax Q) 16. The Jones major criteria for diagnosing rheumatic fever include all of the following except ? a) Carditis b) Aortitis T ©) Polyarthritis d) Chorea e) Erythema marginatum Q) 17. The most common cause of abdominal aortic aneurysm is ? a) Trauma 6) Syphilis ©) Atherosclerosis T d) Vasculitieds e) Hypertensior Q) 18. Most ign gel e) Dysgerminoma Q) 19. 60 years female complains of postmenopausal bleeding, most common cause is? q) Cervical carcinoma b) Endometrial carcinoma T ©) Granulosa cell tumor ovary ) An ovulatory cycles e) Mild cystic hyperplasia endometrium Q) 20. 30 years fe « lains of sever . M@St common malignant Surface ;pith@lial tumor of ovary is ? 1) Brannertumor b) Serous cyst adenofibroma ¢) Serous cyst adenocarcinoma T d) Clear cell Tumor e) Endometroid carcinoma Q) 22. In 4 years female child present with polypoid Mass projecting through VAGINA, Morphologically look as Bunch of grapes ? ) Neuroblastoma +b) Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma T ¢) Squamous cell carcinoma ) Candylomaaccuminatum ¢) Valvarinteraepithelial neoplasm Q) 23. The risk of testicular tumor is higher in patients with ? 4a) syphilitic orchitis, b) Tuberculosis syndrome ¢) Testicular ferminization T d) Non specific orchitis: e) Testicular atrophy Q) 24. Benign prostatic hyperplasia originates in the ? 4) Transitional zone of prostate T b) peripherals zone of prostate ¢) Central zone of prostate 4) Peri urethral zone of prostate e) Capsule of the prostate Q) 25. Primary PeriCarditis is caused by ? a) Cossackie A virus T 6) Influenza virus ¢) Enterovirus d) Poliomyelitis e) Mumps Q) 27. Which of the following is most likely cardiac consequence of hyperthyroidism ? 4a) Subendothelial necrosis b) Coronary spasm ¢) Arteroseptal infarct 4) Tachycardia T e) Endocarditis Q) 28. The lymph nodes are 1st affected by carcinoma of prostate is most likely ? a) Perivesical b) tac ) Inguinal ) Obturator T e) Sacral ) Urethra e) none of above Q) 31. Renal cell carcinoma is called hypernephroma because ? ) It arises in upper pole of kidney T b) It arises in lower pole of kidney ¢) It arises from adrenals ) Tumor cells resemble clear cells of adrenal cortex €) All of above Q) 32. Paraneoplastic syndrome caused by secretion of ACTH and VIP is seen in? a) Follicular adenoma b) Medullary adenoma T ¢) Papillary carcinoma d) Follicular carcinoma e) Anaplastic carcinoma Q) 33. Granulomatous thyroiditis is triggered by ? a) Parasitic infection b) Bacterial infection ©) Fungal infection d) Viral infection T e) Auto-immunity Q) 34. Maternal graves disease leads to neonatal ? a) Hypothyroidism b) Hyperthyroidism T ©) Depends on duration of, cy d) Depends upon degree of hyperthyrodism d) Hypotension e) Coagulation necrosis Q) 36. During a routine pelvic ‘examination, a 25 year old female was found to have enlarged uterus. Ultrasound report showed a muttiloculated cystic structure in the uterine cavity. The mass was removed by a dilation &curretage (D & C) of the uterus and it showed placental like tissue. Which tumor marker is helpful in diagnosis and prognosis? a) CEA b) PSA ) S-100 of the following is the most vasculitis in adults ? zner granulomatosis d) Churgstrauss syndrome ?) Takayasu arteritis Q) 38. Restricted cardiomyopathy most likely occurs in ? a) Hemochromatosis b) Amyloidosis T ) Sarcoidosis ) Tuberculosis: e) Chronic anaemia Q) 39. Which of the following is not principle component of atherosclerotic plaque ? a) Smooth muscle cells b) Macrophages ¢) Neovascularization ) Calcium e) Magnesium T Q) 40. A 70 years old man presented with left vetricular failure and a harsh systolic murmur. Echocardiography revealed stenosis of aortic valve as welll as hypertrophy and dilation of the left ventricle. Which change would also be expected ? a) Dilation of ascending aorta b) Dissection of ascending aorta ¢) Calcification of aortic valve T d) Rapture of aortic valve e) Vegetation on the aortic valve Q) 41. Frequent site of tuberculosis in female genital system is ? a) Cervix b) Vagina ¢) Endometrium d) Fallopian tube T e) Ovary 4) Chocolate cyst T e) Serous cyst adenoma Q) 43. Rt: BREAST lumpectomy performed ‘on young female showed acini arranged in intracanalicular pattern and loose fibroblastic stroma. What would be probable diagnosis in such case ? 4) Fibroadenoma ) infiltrating ductal carcinoma T J. adenocarcinoma b) Type Il- adenocarcinoma T 5) carcino sarcoma d) Adeno sacrcoma e) Leiomyosarcoma Q) 45. Young female with enlarged thyroid and cervical lymphadenopathy, when biopsied of thyroid showed ‘malignancy comprising of pleomorphic cells with orphan annic eye nuclei. What would be most likely diagnosis in such a case ? 4) Papillary carcinoma T b) Follicular carcinoma ¢) Medullary carcinoma ) Anaplastic carcinoma e) Metastases Q) 46. Very rare congenital cardiac Q) 50. Rapidly progressive malformation is ? glomerulonephritis is histologicaly characterized by ? a) vsD b)asD 4) Endothelial cell proliferation ©) Pulmonary stenosis ‘b) Mesangial cell proliferation d) Tricuspid atresia ¢) formation of crescents in the urinary e) Aortic stenosis space T ) Focal hyalinization of glomerular space Q) 47. Which of the following is most unlikely regarding major prognostic criteria for breast cancer ? 4) IN situ disease b) Distant metastasis T Tumor grade d) Locally advanced disese e) Tumor size Q) 48. Most common site of formation stone in urinary tract is ? a) Kidney T b) ureter 52. A 41 years old man complained of oJ urinary bladder swollen ankles. Physical examination d) urethra revealed marked lower extremely edema e) none of al and periorbital swelling. Urine dipstick was 4+ positive for protein but negative Q4 ce for blood and glucose. 24 hours urine epitl collection showed proteinuria of 5 mg/day. The diagnosis is ? a) Brenner b) serous cyst 4) Diabetic nephropathy ¢) serous cyst ad@Wiocarcinoma T +b) Membranoproliferative d) clear cell tumor glomerulonephritis e) Endometroid carcinoma ¢) Membranous glomerulonephritis T d) Minimal change disease e) Berger disease Q) 53. Cushing disease is feature of ? a) chromophobe adenoma of pituitary gland b) Acidophilic adenoma of pituitary gland ©) Basophilic adenoma of pituitary gland 4) Non-secreting adenoma of pituitary gland e) Corticotroph cell adenoma of pituitary gland T Q) 54. In early diagnosed case of adenoma of adrenal gland with raised steroid level having also associated symptoms including nervousness, palpitation and heat intolerance. These symptoms are best explained by ? a) psychological disturbance b) Low thyroxine binding globulin T ¢) Raised blood sugar d) Electrolyte imbalance e) Tumor mass Q) 55. An eosinophil adenomt anterior pituitary glar GrH is most lif the following Q) 56. Immune complex mediated vasculitis all of the following , the most unlikely would be ? 4) Hepatitis B & C induced vasculitis T b) Henochschnolienpurpura ¢) Drug induced vasculitis d) Cryoglobulinemia e) Churg Strauss syndrome Q) 57. P-ANCA is typically found in ? a) Wegner granulomatosis b) Churg Strauss syndrome T ¢) Good pasture syndrome ) Cryoglobutinemia ) Henochschonleinpurpura Q) 58. Which of thé following is direct ssculitis ? b) Unstable angina }) Subendocardial infarction d) Sudden death e) Transmural infarction Q) 60. Aschoff's nodules shows the presence of ? a) Coagulation necrosis b) Aggregates of lymphocytes +b) Multinucleated gaint cells T ) Numerous plasma cells d) Marked fibrosis Q) 61. Heart failure cells are ? 4a) Swollen myocardial failure cell in heart b) Degeneration cell in myocardial infarction ¢) Haemosiderin laden macrophage in chronic pulmonary congestion T 4d) Aschoff cell e) Degenerated macrophage Q) 62. A 6 year old boy presents with fever, and abdominal mass which has growen rapidly over the last four months, ‘accompanied by weight loss. Ultrasound confirmed a solid space occupying lesion in the kidney. The diagnosis is ? a) Renal cell carcinoma b) Transitional cell carcinoma of kidney ¢) Squamous cell carcinoma of renal pelvic d) Wilmtumor T e) Hyronephrosis Q) 63. Acute nephritig syndr dominated by acute onet of ? a) proteinuria’ 6) Hematuria 1e uterus to develop is directly related tothe failure of which one of the following Embroyonic structures ? 4a) Urogenital ridge b) Mesonephric duct ©) para-mesonephric duct T d) Metanephric duct e) Epoophoron Q) 65. The most common cause of Hypothyroidism ? 4) Colloid goiter b) Graves Disease ¢) Hashimoto thyroditis T ) Follicular carcinoma e) Medulary carcinoma Q) 66. 40 % of Somi hormone) pituit roph (Growth lenoma bears ? a) P53-mutation b) MEN1- ¢) Tuberculosis !) Trichomonasvesiculosus ) Candida albicans Q) 68. Acute left ventricular failure is ‘accompanied by ? 4) Decrease in pulmonary blood value b) Normal jugular venous pressure ¢) Generalized vasodilation d) Ankle oedema ¢) Pulmonary oedema T Q) 69. Which of the following is not feature of atherosclerosis ? a) Lipid deposit in smooth muscles b) Excessive collagen deposited intimae ¢) Calcification occurs d) Contraction of blood vessels occurs T e) Disintegration of internal elastic lamina Q) 70. UTI due to B. proteus most likely produced which of the following stones ? ) Calcium Oxalate 6) Calcium phosphate ) Magnesium aluminium phosphate T d) Cystine e) Carbonate Q) 71. A3 years old child suffering fre testicular mass. Histopathlogical examination reveals medium sized cuboidal cells arranged inti pattern, papillary structur schiller Duval bodies and hy¢ globules are present. suffering from? a) Seminoma b)5; ic oer cit d) Yolk €) Immaturetterat Q) 72. A50 years old male reveal a 5 cm nodular mass in the urinary bladder wall. Histopathological examination reveals neoplastic cells with large hyperchromatic nuclei, eosinophilic cytoplasm and typical and atypical mitoses. There is loss of polarity and dyscohesiveness. All features favour. 4) High grade urothelial carcinoma T 1) Carcinoma in p) An ovulatory cycles d) Endometrial hyperplasia e) Endometriosis T Q) 74. A 40 years old female consults a doctor, complaining of tachycardia palpitations and protrusion of eye ball ( ‘exophthalmos). Laboratory investigations reveals increased level of free T3 and free T4, The most likely diagnosis is ? a) Toxic adenoma +b) Neonatal thyrotoxicosis associated with maternal graves disease ¢) lodine induced hyperthyroidism d) Toxic multinodulargoiter e) Graves Disease T Q) 75. A 10 years old child is diagnosed as a case of hyperthyroidism. Laboratory investigations helpful in the diagnosis reveal? 4) Increased TSH level and decreased T4 level b) Decreased TSH level and Increased T4 level T ¢) Increased T3 level and decreased T4 level d) Increased T3 level and increased T4 level e) Decreased T3 level and Decreased T4 level Q) 76. A55- year old woman has noted the increasing prominence of dilated superfiscial veins over both lower leg: the past 5 years. Physical examination shows temperature of 37°C, pulse of 70/min, respirations of 14/min, and blood pressure of 125/185. is no pain, Swelling, Q) 77. A patient presents with fever, flank pain, dysuria, Costovertebral angle tenderness. Laboratory findings indicate pyuria with pus cell casts. Suggestive diagnosis is ? 4) Acute glomerulonephritis b) Nephrotic syndrome ¢) Acute pyelonephritis T ) Nephritic syn e) Chronic renal, yrcinoMia spread early 4) Endothelial cell proliferation b) Mesangial cell proliferation ¢) Formation of crescents in the urinary space T ) Focal hyalinization of glomerular loops e) Wire loop formation Q) 80. Which of the following congenital renal diseases is inherited as an ‘autosomal dominant trait ? 4) Infantile polycystic kidney disease b) Medullary sponge kidney ¢) Medullary cystic kidney disease complex 4d) Cystic renal dysplasia ) Adult polycystic kidney disease T Q) 81. During a routine physical exami8nation, an old is found to have a ‘small mass in his abdomen. Angiograph reveals aneurysmal dilation ( about 5 cms) of aorta distal to renal arteries. Which of the following is most likely cause of this aneurysm ? a) Hypertension 4) A previous syphilitic infection ©) Atherosclerosis T 4d) A congenital defect e) Trauma Q) 82. In Lactating mother most common cause of painful lump is ? a) Periductal mastitis 6) Fibroadenoma ¢) Acute mastitis T d) Mammary duct ectasia e) Fat necrosis Q) 83. A 27 years old female Q) 84. A 55 years old male suffering from prostate enlargement. Biopsy ‘examination reveals varaible sized glands lined by double layer of epithelial cells Showing Papillary infolding’s. The glands are separated by fibromuscular stroma, The most likely diagnosis is ? }) CBlalevel e) Beta HCG Q) 86. Which one of the following is not correct association of tumor marker with corresponding tumor ? 4) Sertolileyding cell tumor-androgen b) Choriocarcinoma-Alpha fetoprotein T ¢) Serous cyst adenocarcinoma-CA-125 ) Granuloma Cell-tumor-oestrogen e) Dysgerminoma-Beta HCG Q) 87. If patient has TSH decreased, Ta ‘and T3 normal. What is your diagnosis ? a) Hyperthyroidism b) Hypothyroidism ¢) Subclinical Hyperthyroidism 4) Subclinical Hypothyroidism e) Report is normal T Q) 88. 4.55 years old male is suffering Srom difficulty in passing urine. Ultrasound examination reveals enlargement of Prostate. What is the most common site of benign prostate hyperplasia? a) Peripheral zone b) Central zone ¢) Periurethral zone 4) Transitional zone T Q) 90. After myocardial infarction lab reports shows an elevation of CKM & LDH . What is the time interval passed since that attack ? a) 3 hours b) 6 hours 12 hours T d) 18 hours e) 24 hours Q) 91. Bilateral polycystic kic 4) Autosomal b) Autosomal’ ) linked Q) 92. alld except ? 4) Brenner tumor b) Mucinous adenocarcinoma ©) Endometriodtumor d) Teratoma T e) Serous cyst adenocarcinoma Q) 93. Which of the following HPV viruses ‘are known to cause cervical cancer ? a) All types of HPV viruses b) HPV type 16 and type 18 T ¢) HPV type 8 and type 11 ) Low risk HPV viruses e) None of above Q) 94, Ovarian t Virilising effects ‘most likely to have 50 years of the age b) Up to the 30 years of the age r) Up to the 3 years of the age T d) Seen in all age groups e) Noage limit Q) 96. Pure glucocorticoid or cortisol hormone is secreted from ? ) Hypothalamus b) Pituitary glands T ¢) Thyroid glands ) Adrenal gland ) Pineal gland Q) 97. Precise cause of Cryptorchoidism is most likely ? 4) Idiopathic b) Short spermatic cord ¢) Deficiency of LH d) Deficiency of testosterone T e) Trisomy 13 Q) 98. Lymph nodes are first affected by carcinoma of Prostate is most likely ? a) Perivesical b) Mac ¢) Inguinal d) Obturator T e) Sacral Q) 99. The most common type of prostatitis in these days is ? a) Acute bacterial b) Acute abacterial ) Chronic bacterial 4) Chronic abacterial T e) Fungal Q) 100. When a solitary cyst develops i breast, the usual anatomical site is ? a) Ductule T b) Lobule ¢) Terminal duct d) Lacteferous sinus e) Segmental A. Renal vei B. Renal artery C lymphatics D. Local spread E. Nervous 102 - Organism is involved in pathogenesis of Rheumatic fever : A. Streptococcus pyogenes T B. Streptococcus viridians C Streptococcus agalactiae D. Staphylococcus aureus bodies are the istics morphological feature of : . Rheumatic fever T B. Marfan syndrome C infective endocarditis D. Mitral degeneration E.SLE 105 - Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis is histologicaly characterized by : A. Formation of crescents in the urinary space T B. E, Coli proliferation . Mesangial cell proliferation D. Focal hyalinization glomerular space E. Wire loop formation 106 - A 35 years old female develops ocular disturbances cold with numbness of fingers. Biopsy of aorta reveals granulomatous inflammation of tunica media with giant cell. The most probable diagnosis : A. Takayasu's arteritis T B. Giant cell arteritis . Wegener's granulomatous D. PAN 107 - Which of the following congenital renal diseases is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait : A. Adult polycystic kidney disease T 8. Infantile polycystic kidney disease C. Medullary cystic kidney disease complex D. Cystic renal dysplasia E, Medullary sponge kidne) one D. Typical bilate E. Adrenal origin involvement 109 - Which of the following is most likely cause of clinical combination of generalized oedema, hypoalbuminemia, hypercholestrolemia in an adult whose urine analysis shows marked proteinuria with fatty casts : A. Nephrotic syndrome T B. Nephritic syndrome C. Acute renal fail D. Renal tubular E. Urinary rer, flank glomerulonephritis . Nephrotic syndrome . Nephritic syndrome E. Chronic renal failure 111 - A boy brought to emergency ward, after a road traffic accident, present with ‘hypovolumic shock, low urine output. Laboratory findings are normal platelets, elevated serum creatinine and BUN levels. Findings favor diagnosis of : A. PrerenalAzotemia T B. Renal Azotemia C PostrenalAzotemia D. Hemolytic uremic syndrome E. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 112 - After myocardial infarction lab reports shows an elevation of CKM & LDH. What is time interval passed since that attack : A. 12 hours T B. 18 hours C. 24 hours D. 03 hours E. 06 hours 113 - Acute left ventricular failure is ‘accompained by : A. Pulmonary oedema T B. Ankle oedema C. Generalized vasodilation D. Normal jugular venous pressure E. Decrease in pulmonary blood value 114- UTI due to B. Proteus most likely cull, the cause of A. Genetic defectin reabsorption of amino acids T B. Sarcoidosis . Hyperparathyroidism D. Infection by urea splitting organism E. Acidic urine pH < 5.5 116 - Thromboangitis obliterans ( Buerger disease ) is strongly related with which of the following : A. Cigarette smoking T B. Hypertension . Hyperlipidemia D. Decrease intake E, Decrease vita ‘distension is found to have i left side flank mass arising from it but dwarfism left kidney. The ost likely diagnosis is : A. Wilmstumor T B. Polycystic kidney €. Angiomyolipoma D. Renal cell carcinoma E. Transitional cell carcinoma 119 - Which of the following is most likely cause of clinical combination of generalized oedema, hypoalbuminemia, hypercholestrolemia, in an adult whose urine analysis shows marked protein urea with fatty casts : A. Nephrotic syndrome T B. Nephritic syndrome C. Acute renal failure D. Renal tubular defect E. Urinary tract infection 120 - The most commonly feared consequence of long standing chronic pid is: A. Infertility T B. Intestinal obstruction C. Bacteremia D. Vulvovaginalis E. Paritonitis 121 - Condition associated with endometrial hyperplasia except : A. Amenorrhea T B. Menopause C. Polycystic ovarian disease D. Prolonged administration of estrogen E. Functioning granulose of cell tumor of ovary 122 - Higher frequency of carcinoma of endometrium is seen with all except : A.TbT 8. Hypertension C. Obesity D. Disease E. Infertility C. Sex - cord stro D. Metastatic non ovarian cancer £. Malignant tumor 124- All are clincal presentation of eclampsia except : A. Anemia T B. Hypertension Edema D. Proteinuria E. Convulsions 125 - Schiller - Duval bodies are pathognomonic of : A. Endometrial sinus tumor T B. Wilm'stumor C. Choriocarcinoma . Clear cell adenocarcinoma of cervix jost common cause of death in -d cervical carcinoma is : |. Renal failure T B. Brain metastases C. Lung metastases D. Adrenal cortical failure E. Vertebral fractures 128 - When a solitary cyst develops in breast, the usual anatomical site is : A. Ductule T B. Lobule C. Terminal duct D. Lacteferous sinus E. Segmental duct 129 - The survival rate for which of the breast carcinoma is most likely highest : A. Intraductal carcinoma T B. Medullary carcinoma C. Colloid carcinoma D. Papillary carcinoma E. Infiltrating lobular carcinoma 130 - Longer disease free survival and overall survival are expected in women whose breast cancers show a high degree or level of : A. Estrogen receptors T 8. Nuclear atypia © Histologic grade D. EGF receptors 131 - The most common type of prostatitis in these days is : A. Chronic abacterial T 8. Chronic bacterial C. Acute abacterial D. Acute bacterial E. Fungal by A. Obti 8. Inguinal C.Hliac D. Sacral E. Perivesical 133 - Prognosis is most likely better in prostatic cancer, when tumor cells are : A. Aneuploid T B. Diploid ¢ Tetraploid D. Pentaploid E. Haploid 134 - Chronic bacterial prostatis is most likely caused by all except : A. Chlamydia T B. E.Coli C. Pseudomonas D. Staph aureus E. Enterobacter 136 - Function of parathyroid hormone is regulate the following : A. Secretion from pituitary gland B. Secretion from adrenal gland C. secretion from thyroid gland D. Secretion from hypothelium E. Regulate the serum calcium level T 137 - Pure glucocorticoid hormone or cortisol secrated from : A. Hypothalamus B. Pituitary glands . Thyroid glands D. Adrenal gland T E. Pineal gland 138 - Which one of the testicular tumors is highly malignant : A. Yolk sac tumor B. Seminoma . Embryonal cell carcinoma D. Choriocarcinoma T E. Sertoli cell tumor 139 - About 60% of testicular tumors are composed of : A. Leyding cells B. Sertoli cells C Yolk sac D. Embryonal cells E. Mixed germ cells. T 140- The most histological type of cervical cancer is : A. Adenocarcinoma B. Squamous cell carcinoma, T ¢. Endocervical polyp D. Endometriosis E. Cervical intraepithelial tumo} 141-Allare ¢} i ovariahytum except : A 8B. Muc ma D. Teratoma E. Serous cystadeNocarcinoma 142 - Ovarian tumor most likely to have virilizing effects : A. Sertolileyding cell tumor T B. Brenner tumor ¢. Cystadenoma D. Dysgerminona E. Mucinous adenocarcinoma 143 - Which of thw following HPV viruses are known to cause cervical cancer : A. All types of HPV viruses B. HPV type 16 and type 18 T C. HPV type 6 ans type 11 D. Low risk HPV viruses E. None of above 144 - In patients wit prognostic facto} except : breast cancer, poor ibdominal pain and dysmenohrrea. On ultrasound xamination both ovaries are enlarged, cystic and chocolate brown in colour. Which one of the following is possible diagnosis : A. Endometriosis. T B. Pelvic inflammatory disease C leiomyoma D. Endometrial hyperplasia E. Salpingo - oophritis 146 - A patient with age of 30 years shows lobulated bulky mass ten times the size of normal testis. Its histopathological examination shows large round to. polyhedral cells with distinct cell outlines, watery appearing cytoplasm large central nuclei with one or two prominent nucleoli. What will be the diagnosis : A. Embryonal cell carcinoma B. Yolk sac tumor C Leyding cell tumor D.Seminoma T E. Sertoli cell tumor 147 - A.42 years old woman had a hysterectomy because of uterine enlargement. Histological examination showed an exaggerated down growt endometrium into myometrium. The most likely diagnosis is : A. Adenosis B. Adenomyosis T C. Endometriosis D. Endometritis E. Cervicitis 148 - 45 yea able breast. likely, would suggest : B. Sclerosing of a C. Fat necrosis D. Intraductal papilloma T E. Chronic cystic mastitis 149 - A lesion from the breast of a 60 year old woman contains a firm area 3 cm in diameter with irregular, ill- defined ‘margins. The lesion is densely fibrous and gritty. The sectioned surface id gray, slightly depressed and opaque. Cords of fibrotic tissue extend irregularly into surrounding adipose tissue. The most likely diagnosis is A. Fat necrosis: of trauma by child head 1. Which one of the C. Fibroadenoma ‘D. Carcinoma E, Intraductal papilloma 151 - A 30 year female clinicaly presents with hard irregular right breast lump. Which one of the following is not associated with increased risk of breast cancer: A. BRCA - 2 gene carrier B. Family history of breast cancer C. Biopsy results that show atypical lobular hyperplasia D. Breast feeding T E. Biopsy result that show clinical ductal carcinoma in situ 152 - A50 year old female is suffering from severe abdominal pain with complains of nusea and vomiting. Clinicaly the case is diagnosed as acute pancreatitis. Which following laboratory investigation will help in the diagnosis : A. Increased level of serum amylase T B. Decreased level of serum amylase C. Decreased level of serum lipase D. Increased serum insulin level E. Increased level of glucokinase 153 - Yolk sac tumor is most commonly seen: A. After 50 years of the age B. Upto 30 years of the age C. Upto the 3 years of the age T D. Seen in all age groups E.No.age limit 155 - A 30 year old lady suffering from enlarged thyroid histopathological report reveals a well cirumscribed lesion of thyroid with well formed intact capsule. The most likely diagnosis : A. Papillary carcinoma of thyroid B. Follicular carcinoma of thyroid D. Increased T3 level and increased T4 level E. Decreased T3 level and decreased T4 level 157 - A 40 years old female consults a doctor, complaning of tachycardia palpitation and protrusion of eye - ball ( ‘exophalmos). Laboratory investigations reveals increased level of free T3 and free 74. The most likely diagnosis is : A. Toxic adenoma B. Neonatal thyrotoxicosis associated with maternal graves disease G lodine induced hyperthyroidism D. Toxic multinodulargoiter E. Graves disease T 158 - A 17 years young lady come to doctor with a complaint of swelling in the cervical region of neck. Swelling was excised, histopathological report reveals lymph node showing papillary process with fibrovascular course lined by cuboidal epithelium. The cell contain orphan - Annie eye nuclei. The features are in favour of : A. Papillary carcinoma of thyroid metastatic T B. Medullary carcinoma of thyroid metastatic . Follicular carcinoma of thyroid metastatic D. Anaplastic carcinoma of thyroid metastatic E. Follicular adenoma of thyroid 159- The most commonly featured complication of long standitfigychronic pid is: A. Infertility T B. Peritonitis C. Bacteremia ATT 8. Obesity C. Diabetes D. Hypertension E. Infertility 161 - Most common benign germ cell tumor is : A. Mature cystic teratoma T B. Serous cyst adenoma C Yolk sac tumor D. Dysgerminona E. Struma ovari 162 - Which one ofthe following tests assessing the best ré functional thyroid . Intraductal papilloma T B. Breast abscess C. Galactocele D. Phyllodestumor E. Duct cell carcinoma 164 - A 30 year female had pap smear test which shows high grade intraepithelial lesion. which one of the following is causative organism : A.HPV16&18 T 6. HIV C EBV D. Herpes simplex virus E. Chlamydia 165 - 60 years female complains of bilateral partly solid and cystic ovarian tumor and present with ascites. Which one of following is most common type : A. Serous cyst adenocarcinoma T B. Mucinous cyst adenocarcinoma ¢ Teratocarcinoma D. Clear cell carcinoma E. Brenner tumor 166 - which type of ovarian tumor has the highest frequency of occurring : A. Surface epithelial cell tumor T B. Germ cell tumor C. Malignant tumor D. Sex cord stromal tumor E. Metastatic non ovarian cancer 167 - Which one of the following is estrogen producing tumor’ Ki A. Granulose cell tum 1e lesion is excised, and -arance shows its microscopic aj dilated, endothelium - lined spaces filled with RBCs. Most likely diagnosis is : A.lymphangioma T 8. Kaposi sarcoma . Angiosarcoma D. Hemangioma E. Telangiectasia 169 - A 70 year old woman has been bedridden for last one month. Physical examination shows swelling and tenderness of the right leg. Which worsens when she raises or moves the leg. Which of the following terms best describes the condition involving the patients right leg : A. Thrombophlebitis, T ld woman had painful rficial veins of the r fingers become blue and becomes gangrenous and is ted, diagnoses as a case of Thromboangitis obliterans. Which of the lowing is associated with this disease : A. Cigarette smoking T B. Hypertension C. Hyperlipidemia D. Decrease intake of fruits E. Decrease vitamin and zinc intake 171 - Which of the following thyroid tumor produces amyloid : ‘A. Medullary carcinoma T 8. Follicular adenoma . Follicular carcinoma D. Papillary carcinoma E. Anaplastic carcinoma 172- During a routine physical examination, an old man is found to have a small mass in his abdomen. Angiograph reveals aneurysmal dilation of ( about 5 cms) of aorta distal to renal arteries. Which of the following is most likely cause of this aneurysm : A. Atherosclerosis T B. Hypertension A congenital defect D. Trauma E. A previous syphilitic infection 173 - A 60 years old male comes to dinician with complaint of retention of urine. Ultrasound examination reveals enlarged prostate. Name the most common zone/region from which benign prostate hyperplasia arises : A. Transitional zone B. Peripheral zone Central zone D. Periurethra 174- )from adel Veals follo atures. Which of the follow! gature of prostate adenocarcino A. Glands are lined by double layer epithelium T B. Glands are smaller and crowded . Nuclei are large with one or more prominent nuclei D. Perineuralinvasional is present E. On immunohistochemistry neoplastic cells are positive for alpha methyl acyl co enzyme A recemase 175 - Which of the following disease is not caused by mutations in CTLA4 and PTPN22 gene: A. Granulomatous (De Quervainthyroiditid) T B. Graves disease C. Addison disea; D. Hashimoto th Ventricular fibrillation 178 - Most common tumor arising from ‘ovarian surface epithelium is : st serous tumor 179 - Dyspnea, orthoponea and paraxyomaldypnea are the characteristic clinial features of x left sided heart failure 180 - In rheumatic fever most common involved valve is : x Mitral valve 181 - Aschoff bodies are characteristic morphological features of : x Rheumatic fever 182 - Most benign hyperplasia arises from: x Transition zone 183- Most common site of prostate cancer is from : ¥* Peripheral zone 184 - The most common cause of urinary tract infection is : E.Coli 185 - The most common malignant turn of the kidney i x Renal cell carcinoma 186 - Hyman's is inolved'tn,immi jathy glomerulonephropathy 188 - Spitting of the basement membrane due to mesangial interposition is seen in: xtMembrano - proliferative glomerulonephritis 189 - The most common type of thickening of basement membrane of glomerulus is due to: x Sub Epithelial Deposits 190- A male suffering from arthritis of Jong duration. Now he develops symptoms of cushing syndrome. What is most likely cause : + Corticosteroidtherapy 193 - The main Androgen in prostate is : s¢Dihydrotestosterone 194 - Most hyperplasia arises in which zone of prostate : ¥# Transitional Zone 195 - Most carcinoma arises in which zone of prostate : Peripheral zone 196 - The most common cause of bacterial prostatitis is : HE. Coli 197 - The presence of alpha fetoprotein in tumor cells is highly characteristic of : x Yolk Sac Testicular Tumor 198 - Seminomas are : x Radiosensitive testicular tumor 199 - NoNSeminomatous are : x Radio Resistant Testicular Tumor 200- Teratoma of tetes arises from : x More than one germ cell layers 201 - P- ANCA is typically found in: »tChurg Strauss syndrome 202 - Aschoff nodules show the presence of: xt Aggregates of lymphocyté 203 - The most common Cause o} 205 - Which of the following genetic mutations are commonly seen in breast cancer: xt BRCA- 1 206 - Which of the following is estrogen producing tumor of ovary : % Granulosa cell tumor 207 - Most common benign germ cell tumor is : # Mature Cystic Teratoma 208 - Increase Secretion of ACTH hormone causes : % Cushing syndt 1on tYpe of renal cell 211 - Hyperpituitarism is due to: x Adenoma of Pituitary Gland 212 - Ankle edema and pretibial edema is hallmark of : x Right sides heart failure 213 - The most Serious complication of deep venous thrombosis is : x Pulmonary Embolism 214 - Lymphangitis is most commonly caused by : ¥ Group A beta hemolytic streptococci 215-- In varicose veins typically involved vessels are : x Superficial veins upper and lower legs 216 - The most common cause of aortic dissection and thoracic aortic aneurysm is x Hypertension 217 - Thrombophlebitis obliterans (burger disease) is clincal condition of vascular insufficiency, almost exclusively associated with : x Heavy Smoking 218 - Calcium stones are : xt Radiopaque 219 - Uric acide stones are : x Radiolucent 220- There are four typebof re1 1e B. Mitral vaive prolapsed C. Myocarditis D. Pulmonary hypertension E. Pulmonary valve prolapsed T 222 - Ring abscess, systemic emboli and Septic infarcts all are the complication of which of the following disease : A. Rheumatic heart disease B. Liban sacks endocarditis C. Non bacterial thrombotic endocarditis D. Marfan syndrome E. infective endocarditis T 223 - Which of the. angina also re} ‘angina : ry syndrome inclue all 1g Except : . MI B. Unstable angina . Sudden cardiac death D. Stable angina T E.All of the above 225 - Which of the following group of drugs are thought to stabilize plaques to coronary arteries by their lipid lowering effect as well as by reducing plaques : A. NSAIDS B. Skeletal muscle relaxant C Statins T D. Antibiotics E. Steroids

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