(Reviewer) ORAL COM Q2

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● Speech Context
○ Intrapersonal
○ Interpersonal
■ Dyad Communication
■ Small group
■ Public
■ Mass Communication
● Types of Seeches
○ According to Purpose
■ Informative or Expository
■ Persuasive
■ Entertainment
○ According to Delivery
■ Manuscript
■ Memorized
■ Extemporaneous
■ Impromptu
● Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
● Speech Styles
○ Intimate
○ Casual
○ Consultative
○ Frozen
○ formal
● Speech Act
○ Locutionary
○ Illocutionary
■ Assertive
■ Commissive
■ Directive
■ Expressive
■ Declarative
○ Prelocutionary
● Communicative Strategy
○ Nomination
○ Restriction
○ Turn-Taking
○ Topic Control
○ Topic Shifting
○ Repair
○ Termination
● Factors associated with a Shift in Speech context, speech styles, speech acts and communicative
○ Language form
○ Duration of interaction
○ Relationship of speaker
○ Roles and responsibility of speaker
■ To inform
■ To entertain
■ To persuade
■ To instruct
○ Message
○ Delivery
● Speech Writing
○ Audience profile
○ Logical organization
■ Introduction
■ Body
● Methods of Organization
○ Problem-Solution Order
○ Categorical/Topical Order
○ Chronological order
○ Comparison amd Contrast Order
○ Spatial/Geographical Order
○ Causal Order
● Transitional Words
■ Conclusion
○ Duration
○ Word choice
■ Jargons
■ Redundancy and Excessive repetition of words
■ Language inappropriate for the audience
■ Language inappropriate for the occasion
○ Grammatical correctness
● Speech Delivery
○ Articulation
○ Modulation
○ Stage Presence
○ Facial expression
○ Movements
○ Rapport
● Inflection
● Composure

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