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Q: When heat is supplied, how does the kinetic and potential energy change during change of state?
A: Kinetic energy remains the same but potential energy increases
Q: Why is the kinetic energy not doubled when the temperature of an idea gas in degree Celsius is doubled?
A: The kinetic energy is directly proportional to the temperature in the Kelvin scale, not Celsius scale.
Q: How does the kinetic energy and speed of the molecules of a mixture of gases compare at a fixed temperature?
A: They have the same kinetic energy as they are at the same temperature. However, the molecules that have a
greater mass, will have a smaller speed
Q: In energy transfer questions, for instance when metal block is heated with an electric heater, we assume that
the electrical energy from the heater is equal to the thermal energy transferred to the block. Why is this never
the case in real life?
A: Some energy is always lost to the surroundings
Q: How do gas molecules exert pressure on the walls of the container?
A: Gas molecules move randomly and collide with the walls of the container. As they rebound there is a change
in momentum which exerts a force. Force per unit area is pressure.
Q: How does an increase in temperature at increase the pressure?
A: As the temperature increases, the average kinetic energy of the molecules increases. There are more frequent collisions.
There is a greater rate of change of momentum causing a greater force and therefore a greater pressure.

Q: Describe an experiment using absorbers of different materials that could be carried
out to identify the different radioactive sources. Explain your conclusions
A: The background count rate is first measured without the presence of any sources [1]
Keeping the distance fixed between the radioactive source and the detector, different absorbers are placed
between them. [1]
If the reading drops down to background count rate by the introduction of a paper, it must be an alpha
emitter [1]
If the reading is unchanged by paper, place an aluminium sheet [1]
If the reading now drops down to background count rate, the source must be a beta emitter[1]
If the reading is unchanged by paper and aluminium, the source must be a gamma emitter. To test this
experimentally, place a lead sheet between the source and absorber. The reading should drop down to
background count rate
Q: Why is energy released in fusion and fission reactions?
A: The total mass of the products is less than the initial mass. [1] The decrease in mass (Δm) results in a release of
energy (ΔE) according to the equation E  m c2
Q: What are the advantages of fusion power over fission?
A: Virtually unlimited fuel supply for fusion, but limited fuel for fission. [1] Hardly any radioactive waste for fusion, but
significant radioactive waste for fission [1]. For a given mass of fuel, fusion produces more energy than fission [1]
Q: What is binding energy?
A: Binding energy is the energy released when a nucleus is formed (from the context of fusion)
Or the energy required to split a nucleus into its constituent particles (from the context of fission)

Q: Why does the nucleus recoil after the emission of radiation and in which direction does it recoil?
A: The nucleus recoils to conserve momentum. Since the initial momentum is zero, to conserve momentum it always
recoils in the opposite direction to the direction of the particle being released
Q: What do the terms random and spontaneous mean in radioactivity?
A: Spontaneous means radioactive decay is unaffected by external factors. Radioactivity being random means it
cannot be predicted which radioactive atom will decay next or when it will decay
Q: State with reasoning the penetration powers of each of the three types of radiation.
A: α is least penetrating because it is highly ionising.  radiation is quite penetrating as it is moderately ionising
 radiation is very penetrating as it is weakly ionising

Q: What is meant by half life?

A: It is the average time taken for half of the unstable atoms to decay

Q: Why do only light nuclei undergo fusion?

A: For energy to be released the binding energy per nucleon must increase. The binding energy per nucleon only increases
for light nuclei up to nucleon number less than 56.

Q: Outline the conditions necessary for viable fusion to occur and explain why the interiors of stars are ideal for
this. Also explain why these conditions are very hard to replicate on earth
A: Very high temperatures are required to overcome electrostatic force of repulsion between the nuclei.
Very high densities are required to maintain a sustainable collision rate required for fusion
These extreme conditions give rise to confinement problems as contact with the container would cause
temperature to fall and fusion to cease.


Q: What is the definition OR what are the conditions for SHM?
A: The force and therefore acceleration is directly proportional to the displacement from the equilibrium
position[1] The force and therefore acceleration always acts towards the equilibrium position [1]

Q: At a certain driven frequency, a system oscillates with a large amplitude. Explain this observation.
A: This phenomenon is called resonance. [1] Resonance occurs when a system is driven into oscillation at its
natural frequency. [1] Maximum energy transfer occurs during resonance which accounts for the large amplitude [1]
Q: Q: How is energy of an oscillating system related to its amplitude?
A: If energy is doubled, the amplitude increases by a factor of √2
Q: How is deformation of materials used in damping?
A: When the material deforms it absorbs energy. [1] The material does not transfer the energy back to the system [1]
Therefore energy is removed from the system [1]


Q: What is the only factor that determines the orbital time period of a body?
A: It’s orbital radius
Q: If star A has twice the luminosity of star B, how can star B be brighter?
A: Star B must be closer than star A according to inverse square law
Q: What is the evidence for the existence of dark matter?
A: They exert gravitational forces of matter
Q: How do red giants compare to the sun?
A: They are cooler and brighter
Q: How do white dwarfs compare to the sun?
A: They are hotter and dimmer
Q: How do astronomers use trigonometric parallax (wobble) to calculate the distance to nearby stars?
A: The star is viewed from opposite ends of the Earth’s orbit diameter about
the Sun. [1] The change in angular position of the star against backdrop of fixed stars is
measured [1] The diameter/radius of the Earth’s orbit about the Sun must be known and Trigonometry is used to calculate
the distance (to the star) [1]
Q: Suggest why the parallax method is only suitable for measuring distances to nearby stars.
A: If the stars are too far away, the angular displacement is too small to be determined accurately
Q: How do astronomers determine the distance to distant stars/galaxies that cannot be determined using parallax method?
A: A source of known luminosity is identified. [1] The radiation flux of this source is measured (at the Earth) [1] The
radiation flux, F obeys an inverse square law. Hence the distance can be calculated using F = L/4πd2 where L is the
luminosity and d is the distance to the source
Q: Discuss the eligibility and limitation of standard candles.
A: Standard candles can be used to determine the distance to distant stars, nearby galaxies but not distant galaxies because
radiation) flux is too small to be measured for more distant galaxies
Q: Explain what is meant by dark matter
A: Dark matter does not emit any detectable electromagnetic radiation [1] but it has mass [1]
Q: How does the presence of dark energy and dark matter affect the predictions about the future of the universe?
A: The presence of dark energy and dark matter means the density of the universe may be greater than the critical density
which means that the universe is more likely to reach a maximum size before contracting. Hence the universe may be a
closed universe
Q: Describe how scientists came to the conclusion that the universe was expanding.
A: Doppler shift is found out by calculating the fractional change in wavelength. The velocity is calculated using the
equation of Doppler shift. It is seen than farther the galaxies, greater their speeds. This means that they must be moving
away from each other
Q: Light from a distant galaxy appears to be red shifted. What can you conclude from this?
A: The galaxy is moving away from us.
PS You just have information about one galaxy. In this context you cannot say the universe is expanding!
Q: How do scientists determine the velocities of distant galaxies?
A: The wavelength of the light from galaxy is first measured and compared with a source on Earth. The light would
appear to be red shifted. The fractional change in wavelength, Δλ/λ is calculated. The recession velocity, v of the galaxy is
found using Δλ/λ = v/c, where c is the speed of light.
Q: Why are scientists still uncertain about the ultimate fate of the universe?
A: Because of the existence of dark matter, the value of the average density of the universe has a large
uncertainty. Hence measurements of the critical density of the universe have a large uncertainty
Q: Why are scientists still uncertain about the actual age of the universe?
A: The age of the universe is calculated using the Hubble’s constant. It is difficult to make accurate
measurements of distances to galaxies which give rise to a large uncertainty in the value of Hubble’s constant.

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