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SCHOOL: Compra National High School TEACHER: Crisel Abad-Bandong

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of classifying substances as elements
or compounds.
B. Performance Standard The learners shall be able to make a chart, poster, or multimedia presentation of
common elements showing their names, symbols, and uses
C. Most Essential Learning
The learners should be able to recognize that substances are classified into
Competencies. Write the
elements and compounds (S7MT-Ig-h-5).
MELC code for each
D. Specific Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
 classify substances as elements and compounds;
 determine the constituent elements of the given compounds.
II. CONTENT Element and Compound
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learners Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional materials from Science – Grade 7
Learning Resource (LR) portal. Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 2: Elements are Like Spices, When Mixed Together,
They Become Better
First Edition, 2020
B. Other Learning Resource
A. Reviewing previous lesson ELICIT
or presenting the new lesson  Preliminary Activities (5 minutes)
 Opening prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of attendance
 Imposing class rules

 Reviewing the previous lesson (5 minutes)

Teacher: Last meeting, we learned that matter has two types of pure substances
and those are called?
Student: Elements and compounds!
Teacher: All right! The two types of pure substances of matter are elements and
compounds. Again, what is the difference between elements and compounds in
terms of their characteristics and properties?
Student: (Possible Answers)
 Elements are made up of one type of atom while compounds are
made up of two or more atoms (chemically) bonded together.
 Elements cannot be broken down into other simpler substances
while compounds can be broken down into a simple type of
Teacher: Very good! As we learned from our previous discussion that
compounds are made up of two or more atoms and can be broken down into a
simple type of substance which is the component of a compound, am I right?
Student: Yes ma’am. (Expected Answer)
 Presenting the new lesson (2 minutes)
Teacher: All right! So, what do you think is the component of a compound that
is known as the simplest substance of matter?
Student: Element ma’am!
Teacher: You are correct! Elements are the components of compounds since
compounds are created if there are two or more elements that are chemically
bonded together.

B. Establishing a purpose for the (3 minutes)

lesson Teacher: For our lesson today, you are going to classify substances as elements and
compounds, and you are going also to determine the constituent elements of the given
compounds. (Teacher may show the learning objectives through written material by
putting it on the board or a slideshow using a screen monitor or projector then let them
read it aloud.)
C. Presenting ENGAGE
examples/instances of the Teacher: Last meeting we identified the characteristics and properties of an element
new lesson. and a compound of the poem entitled Mr. Purey’s Lab y Leah Joy A. Desamparado.
This time, I want you to identify the elements and compounds mentioned in the same

Activity 1. (5 minutes). Identify the elements and compounds mentioned in the poem
using the given set of properties.

Mr. Purey’s Lab

by Leah Joy A. Desamparado

Inside the lab, I always do a great job.

Everything is in the right corner and always in order.
I never mixed one that is different from the other.
As you enter the room, all is perfect, not a single clutter.

A red cabinet can be seen on the other side of the corner

Where another pure substance, a compound is placed in there
It can be broken down into simple types of matter,
Composed of atoms of elements two or more bonded together.
It has unique properties different from its individual origins
Chlorine is a poisonous gas when combine with sodium.
A shiny metal turns into a table salt
which in cooking food is very fundamental.

Now everything is a mess

Elements and compounds all over the places
Can you help me sort them out?
And organize all of them without any doubt.
I am an Iron, made up of a single atom
Where do I belong?

Is it in the blue cabinet or somewhere between rust, salt, and alcohol?

I am a water, made up of hydrogen and oxygen
They say I am a compound
If you agree, in the red cabinet is where I should be.

You just made a good job!

An apprentice I never had
Always bear in mind
There are two types of substances inside my lab
The simplest matter is the element.
And a compound that can be broken down into its components.

Expected Answers:

chlorine salt
sodium rust
iron alcohol
oxygen water
Teacher: Can you find these elements in the periodic table? (Referring to the answers of
activity 1.)
Student: Yes ma’am! (Expected answer)
Teacher: How about these compounds, can you find them in the periodic table?
(Referring to the answers of activity 1.)
Student: No ma’am! (Expected answer)
Teacher: I agree! You cannot find these compounds in the periodic table since only
elements are listed there, however, you can still be able to find the constituent elements
of the following compound in the periodic table by knowing their chemical name or
chemical formula. To understand it further, let’s do activity 2.
D. Discussing the new concepts EXPLORE (This is another competency. Please focus on the lesson’s objective.)
and practicing new skills #1 Activity 2. (5 minutes). Identify the component elements of the following compounds.

 The teacher may provide worksheets or a work chart, or the teacher may
prepare a slide to flash this activity on the screen monitor and ask the students
their answers.

1. Salt - NaCl
Elements: _________________,___________________
2. Water - H2O
Elements: _________________, ___________________
3. Alcohol - CH3CH2OH
Elements: _______________, ____________________, _________________
4. Rust - Fe2O3
Elements: ______________________, _________________________
5. Sugar - C12H22O11
Elements: __________________, __________________, _________________

E. Discussing the new concepts Activity 3. (5 minutes). From your answers in Activity 2, write down the chemical
and practicing new skills #2 formula and constituent elements of the given compounds. Complete the table.
 The teacher may provide worksheets or a work chart, or the teacher may
prepare a slide to flash the table on the screen monitor and ask the students
their answers.
 The teacher may conduct this as a group activity to increase the engagement of
the class.

Expected Answers:
Compound Substances Chemical Formula Constituent Elements
Salt NaCl Sodium (Na) and Chlorine (Cl)
Water H2O Hydrogen (H) and Oxygen (O)
Alcohol CH3CH2OH Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), and Oxygen (O)
Rust Fe2O3 Iron (Fe) and Oxygen (O)
Sugar C12H22O11 Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), and Oxygen (O)
F. Developing EXPLAIN
mastery (Leads to Activity 4. (8 minutes). From your answers in Activity 3, explain why that particular
formative compound substance has the following constituent elements.
assessment 3)  The teacher may assign a particular compound substance to each group to save
the time consumed.
 The teacher may assign a particular compound substance to explain by each
group through draw lots, group choice, or any kind of selection strategies.
G. Finding practical (7 minutes).
application of concepts and Teacher: Aside from the compound substances we have mentioned in our discussion,
skills in daily living what other compounds do you know or always heard or always mentioned by the people
around us? Who can give me another example of a compound substance?
(The teacher will wait for the response of the students.)

Teacher: What are the constituent elements of that compound you mentioned?
(The teacher will wait for the response of the students.)

Teacher: Are elements and compounds important to our daily living? Why?
(The teacher will wait for the response of the students.)
H. Making generalization and ELABORATE
abstraction about the lesson Activity 5. (5 minutes). Read each situation below.
a) Identify the pure substance in the sentences.
b) Classify the identified substances whether it is an element or a compound.
c) If it is a compound, determined the constituent elements.

1) Karena brought a sample of iron to the class.

2) Keybird gives a piece of copper to his friend.
3) The plants use carbon dioxide in making food.
4) Michaela is a fan of eating junk foods with sodium glutamate (C5H8NO4Na) which
is commonly known as vitsin.
5) Iniego borrowed an aluminum basin from her aunt.
Expected Answers:
1) iron/element
2) copper/element
3) carbon dioxide/compound/ carbon and compound
4) sodium glutamate/compound/carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sodium
5) aluminum/element

(The teacher may have a draw lot or any kind of fair selection strategy to answer the
following item of the activity.)

(2 minutes or more)
Teacher: Did you learn something from our lesson for today?
Students: Yes ma’am (Expected answer).
Teacher: Do you have questions or clarifications regarding our discussions?
Students: None ma’am (or answers vary).
Teacher: If none, kindly get ¼ sheet of paper and answer the following questions.
I. Evaluating learning EVALUATION
Assessment: (5 minutes). Write only the letter of the correct answer for each question.
1) Which of the following is NOT an example of a compound?
A. Gun Powder B. Salt C. Smoke from cars D. Oxygen
2) When is carbon and oxygen combined through a chemical process, they will end up
producing a ______?
A. Element B. Compound C. Substance D. Acid
3) What elements made up the compound Potassium Nitrate?
A. Potassium and Nitrogen C. Potassium and Hydrogen
B. Potassium, Nitrogen, and Oxygen D. Potassium, Hydrogen, and Oxygen
4) Which of the following is NOT correctly matched?
A. Salt: Na and Cl: Element
B. Water: H and O: Compound
C. Carbon: O: Element
D. Magnesium chloride: Mg and Cl: Compound
5) Are elements important in the existence of compound substances? Choose the best
A. No, we can have compounds without elements.
B. Yes, since elements are the constituents of compound.
C. No, compounds are different from elements.
D. Yes, since the are both pure substances.
J. Additional activities for EXTEND
application or remediation Assignment: Look and bring any food product label. Paste your chosen food product
label in the box. Identify which of the substances are classified as elements and
compounds. From the contained compounds, choose three and determine the constituent
elements. *Please use extra sheets if necessary.


A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lesson worked? No. of learners
who have caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to require

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my

principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized material did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

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