Transition Metals Chem U5

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TRANSITION METALS AND THEIR CHEMISTRY The general configuration For a deblek element is [ArT 3d™ 4S ushere 15 the mo of columns along the d-bloc Fer When a d-block element in period 4 Jyses elehor and form a positive tons the outer s-eectons are always lost hefere any d-eleh Losing all the 4s- elechom makes the nic radi, small fron if it Mad lost. ik 3d-elechons - This means that the LE and He hyiraHon evergy are amore xD TherePo?) in a TKN; the * overall DH ig energeHeally more Favourable than iF just the 3¢-eler roms hod keen ost Tramiion metal are d-block ements frat Form one or mae stable ions with —mncompletly filled d- orbitals - - ¥¥E Why do frarsiton mea have variake oxidahon state, 2 > The differences toe successive IE of HramiHon metal iow in the Ys and 3d subst are vey similar whlch = mean tik con yust Or eonily ws 3d even after losing all He 4st Hene, it con form relatively stable row oP diff oxidation states: Tho reoron fx voriable sridation stater is te succesyye IE increones Sleadih Fo ecole, Hee extra erergy required Hy remp~ A Hard em frym Cwomrivm % regained in IKE shorger iowe bonding involvirg He Cx jon compared with He weaker ionic bondmg by He Us ent ag mn - jac Neopenem TF can be seen tat fhe Wighest common ON Increases From ¢c¥ to Mat? on all the 4g and 44 elechows be corre involved en bonding: From Fe fo Cy» the incremirg nuclear charge means tna Be electors = are athected mor? shorty and are ae Involved in bonding: Therefore, ior with Wigrer @ ON ave 12S Common: a ie ®® The eho energy required HD remove a third e7 From on Fe ion > fon Fe aoe iy only +2460 KJwal” witn com be recovered eFher from LE if it forms a gids or from bydrakion avergy iF iF Sims in. Solubon - d-block element. I+ is an element in wrth Fhe teal elechon pts bo fill phe d-otbllal - The elements yet group? and 4% ace dcbbde a ¥*F Goh tramiton elements form iow , they Ise Scandium i aan ae me bi of ik 4s e7 and ik only 34d elechon, eS ion Zire loses both of IK Ue 6” ad none ut i 3d © 1 formns — Br ion + Because Here hwo Hen fr only one ion Coch, and tree iom have no j . le tel “ale d-ottiton » Hey are not — clamified or tramikon ae i’ EE OOUbbLh YY, ~A ligand as a spec that ves a. lone pair of & fo fum & dolive tnd with a retail ion’ * Coordinaton —aaymber ig He 10- of dative covalent re) pte. % Mono datiate ligand: a. rmolecole oF fo” that form ore dative ond with antl ion ny dorehing tome pair of € # Bidentate: q ugand Hat con. donate Mopel tha $i to form 2 coordinate = bona - 0. Y 4 a 4 a NN-0-c-NZ PX, wets oS HH ethanedionle ethyl diamine ion & Poyd nile “ oO Oe Na rik ae Lh oF \. “fo NO Ox pNo thy. = CHy = NO oO S Cm pie NN eo os eo ‘Neopenem * Complex ton | Compurentr : Tt is an ion or a compomd in whi -meleule or tor (ligand) form dative covalent bonds with the central metal dom or ion: A complex can either bo positvely chorged , negokver or who « Sterooisomers m Some octahedral compleres exhitit cis-han — isoredrisye Cae eWibit opheok ray - -™ in octanedeal and sqpare pla a5 ce vite “ woctahedr of Wh H of are “adjacomr > cis awe ype and 2 of vohin hwo Ugards ui : . ditfoeit type . oppusite > Ham x Square planer wim Hore 2 btered. OPTICAL ou, With pidentate Ugaets 3 biden ligands Explain in ferry cits shoche, ow WN CHAZ NHL CaN ack on en bidentate Uigemd wearean HNNH2 canal - Both hove two ningen atoms with lone pais. en has a longer chan in perwan bot hylozine too short * The. dakve- honts repel in byhees a MFP TPAO SSIS SHS SHSHL SSS ff. Jo 0 ty ty DD DM, ORIGIN OF COLOUR IN TM IONS An. isolated yretal ator or ion, hon degenerate d-orbi aby - -— ee, ns vies gl a -orbi toda Fare ai celles AS Ye sane ered level . rhon--degerer le degerarote ee d -orbj Ws When ligands Approach fowords tye TM ions, the. desubshell is splitted energetically and when white light is shone on it, d-d transition of electvon takes place- This meam that photons of a parHelar Frequency are absorbed «and trex erergy promote an elechon Fon tre lower eregy level fo Hee upper erergy level The remaining part of the white Ugh? is seen ar coloor- Tors with 10 d-dechom arte not colosted because Hey don't d-elechom fo provrale - Therefore 63 and Ti? are hove ony : Tm we elec cong vt [Ar] 38°40 coloviless bythe (dl Neopenemi Tors with 10 d-elechons are not coloured. Even though «the energy Weey are All levels of the d-orbita are split by the ligand, ig not possible. $0 promohon From a lower d- foo higher d-level Effect of Ligand on Colpor: , others “with d-elechoms Some ligands interact more shongly than and oo mose a greater splithrg - Strong Ligands _ eN IF a stronger ligand replaces c NH2CH2CHa NHo voealer ligand, the coloor” absorbed ni moves fowords the high ~ereagy violet) 4,0 alee end of the spechum - OH™ SCN™ ur $04 Weak Ligands ON of the TM ion: An ion with a igh Charge —lemity will attract a ligand shongy so tht splitting of the q-orbital will be grea: fh Bond angle, im ganar ve bp ad alp on the D atom - eee “Tn water wdleces ther (04'S? Lp > bp repuver = So ie we 1 dp and 3 s when HLO wt on ligand ' oO, 1 fp repos (on Hem TEP lof “nny, i on dep od Ip uae oly ligar hs 4 bp so angle. 5 1045 - Bi Haemoglobin Or 2.N NA LA . ra oe The for nitrogen alms ack on ligands with He contral FO* aun Forsing Planar Shuctvre. The ivon 15 bonded shongly with globul ar poln below fe ving. The sixth pusibon, which 15 above we ergs con reversibly land wr oxygen by A dak ve cpvolert Vorb Yor comping ee ocknvelrm, — group ox {igandn Uber OmygOr ih cemved, a weakly tonded waler moladl Aly Whe site, fore A dishorled aca hed ron. Gar bor roronide on wnt wweeveviibly IN he putihon where oman normally ove? * pay prevents natmog Cabin coryyiny oxygen cells ard iF edn Covtory enoravide 's whakd, Fee penon doh ‘Neopenem Heanthcare Platin, PL(NHs),. Ch: ch co . \ YPC wu md nes NHS N as we as -plaHin we rrtecul in ONL The platinum complex bods to & adjacent quan rm": stand of DNA % came eld by o ligand exchar§ © Eoch oot the chlonide Ligands i geplaced by ove & the im guowives This prevents —replicahion of tHe ‘DNAY mnikogen ohm The damaged cancer cally then dexhoye d . by He boy's ivamure syste: eo, Cis-plahn bon m ef side etfeds, wiv vaLey dang pet Hee tow oe ber gow . Trew phtin is eth lee efFeckee caneer bended om 1 NR 55 Th is wae veert ae Oe in tee reer trreabeant!. as a q oy We cas igor TCHEMIcTRY OF VANADIUM yt [Vanadium (1) ions Pople] ; \eos- < | zn id . y3t [Manadiom (i) ion Green ] e22£ vo, [vanadivm (1H) ovik] [Oxovanadivm (1v) ion Blue ] 24 Voy, [Manodive CW) ov] soy cad Zn + acid NO," — [Dioeovanadivm (v) ion, Yellow | alkali ll acid Vos [Vandate (ion , Colowless | “05 + OH 4 av + 3Hh0 Yop + 2 — wh + Ho voy + HO = vor + 20H" (Ol (Neopenem Ammonivm vandate (¥)» NHNOS> & a colourless sdid, bok ven added — to waters He — solukor 15 yellows This is because d the nn: S$ Vos + HO =vOr * 20H- = bo ; os Addition of acid “drives the equililoriom to the vignt and. the = yallow — cbr becomes yore iene, aie : adiwrs 6 san both VO; NOE ect This is not a vedox nan Incase van adiv +S , er a pl TE exces zinc and acd 15 added Wo fre sol, a seri of clo os charge is obsorved - . i Yellow Gren 2 Ble — Gren > Por ple ey ‘, nbvre of vor (glad & ve (he) . The Ak green clowr is due fo wm 2 ; a + e- Or -rnoken Ot gol. ble sybt maken grees aut walt pet a - @ V™ and VO enisk in aver” sol a Lv (HOg]” ond (Wd © > at ot b= a vit and VY do ™ . : eee Ths ig due fo the high chage demity of vanadwrs (Ww) /01) ios E rhc “mses the ybsysis of the comple [V(0,]" and [utay)® « s and finally gels stabilised formar, yO (VD, iow” ; Fl Chemistry of = Chromium Amphoteric_Hydvoxi de : LeeCHy0),]™* (ogy + 30H" Coq) “Wy [ev Cao), (0Ms) (5) + 340 ua) green ppt at gren sol ee [eaCHyd)g(o¥ds]G@ + 30H" Cop Bs [ero] (aq) + 3420 green ppt green sol This is NOT q ligand exchange ven Ts is further DEPROTONATION [eeCHD),(OMs]) + gHraM — (er(HD]” Gad green ppt green sol Ligand Exchange : [ee(+1,05 (0H, ] (9) + BNE Cag) [lec (NHS) agt 3 4204) + 30H" (aq) green ppt purple sol Oxidakon: ae 2[eccony” + HO, —> 2Cr0,"" + JOH + BH,0 The +6 state The +6 stole Cr09 + HO > LCrOy + DHT oraneg yellow . Stable in acidic © stable in alkaline Summor! Somme (oud > (eecary(orrs] 2 (eens) genda?” NAS [ecryd (OWy] NES fer nll” oN - wOVOR oar Hs C04" (10H see F ferqussy% 28S er (Hid) CHROMIUM SUMMARY acid Cr, O72" (ad) Orange — M00, (aq) “Aloe +6 247 sol alkali @ne and Hoe oR H,0, Fe*F acidifidd with Ke Limited orn Or (c on)” . aN Cr(H20) 3(0H) 3 (5) 1 (OW), +4 (cccoush fe ae achvoiom eet] S Ue Probucls forn and wml fhe cotolyhic sudan: frastriah chemishy offen vse hetero rather Khan pan aay StS Beconye ik ag emvier Fo sepacoke He ren pinducly from tee conse iF TH re in differ or prorey. rhe Covalink pond willdn the rade rolecw ley eemg fo break the, pee geese eee ery Lb TIPTREE EERE ES epee \ Z PELES orp PPT THE coniact ppocess Port 1: Gulfur diode adsorbs onfo the vanadiom (v) oxide and Q ‘yedox TxN ocCLY - N05 (8) + $0, GY > V204 + S034). ON of vanadium decreases “From +5’ fp +4- The sul dioxide’ ton desorb, » ' Part 2: orygen reacts with V404 on tre sorface and another zedox ren ocwr%- V0 + 4 O2G) — “2050 The Orginal cotalyst 15 regener dts oy ON jncremts fram +4 It The streqh of adsorption Wels to dokrwive Ht effecHvenom of wtalye acl vily « Gowe vein ¢-g- W have foo Shrowg alsorphton wed $0 FR convet % releored - fa hove foo quealh avorphon, od (te cont + pro dls a w veges do Kok Gdsom in Wigh araug hk (4) “Neopenem CATALYTIC CONVERTERS eres, with oryaen tromport fom he “0 15a tome gos rat inter Wo vill orgwr 1a We body - lurgs trrewgh the bloodsrream "NO is emily oyidised = in the abrusphere bo N02 - Ik an ak & writer! ond can contrive / tre formato OF acid rein: a rerprrotory , eh CO form they incomplete cormbushon é hydeogor * wow , rin bE Ny aed, On at bah ee Vif evisk wan went — combnon —ergine: CotolyHe convetes use a plaHnum or rhodwm —cotalyst fo convert" these gases nko niboyn and carbon dioride - 2NOG) + 2000) 9 NzCq) + 260, G) Calg + INO G > BLOLG) + 124 Na) + 410 © 0 and NO ynolecule Porm ponds with atoms ot achve cite on the surface of the catalyst Adsorbed on the suv Fixe - + Ps a result) Dor iw the reactants are weaered ena betuk- * New bonds carayst — sor face - fiom bel the reads Weld close together on © Desorplion oF CO, od Ne prouck molecdier Rom He SuPfecg oF the catalyst POF ee Bae TLTIILPT PPT P PP Pree E Edo OEP DO HOHE Catalyst Ppisonivg Heterogeneouy catalysts canbe poisoned by ivpuriles whch block the active sites ond prevent adsorplim: Wher IRS Hoppe, tee calmlyse hoe no effect on He vale & ren. Recchon impuritie, Can lead to on increme in chenrical production ext derby 09 Hee cglebysh hor to be replaced orc Lemad veaieciy - : P, Sulfor tnpodhs —potson Hee solih von catalyst an ayer Prodm . Neopenem Healthcare Homogeneovs Catalyst Homogeneos catalyss are nH same promre a4 Ihe venues, torts fo form arn with tHe rene ere He pecs bind. They work by combiring Wlerrmebate speci 9 which te anh tof reforrs Ue cokaly st ° see $,0g (04) * oy) 2 gsr Ca) 0 E 204) Both the io ore cownide rable approach each offer" reg lively charged - In order FO Collide aed reat Were tom weed evergy bo overcont repatavt (res when (ike changes Fe™ on catabyst » Fe Os calolyst ore 4 S08 es) LE END 9p +21 fe” + I, aes a are the apt + S08 > are + 250, Avtocataye Retin — berwah Efrane dicate ard Margarete ion Step 1: mye’ + MnOy + SHt 5M" + 4thO Step 2, 2MPt + ¢g,2 9 2M + 2002 Overall. 2nd" + 5QOF + l6Ht — QMat + 5(0, + $20 Mixture with only yeoctanls shaxing tect of outocafelysis The imittal oncatalysed rn is Slow at becouwe HE ren is Collision beH* bo regohve low which vepd eah ofter leadirg fo a high outvoHon eredy . The Me tony pattunl ot on on qutocata sy ard terefore the vm Stark bo speed vp Hey boetrg aout We allerabee yovle wil twtr Ea oa He MnO cones — drops: Hire heeawe Te reachion evertvally glows in qkolie condition 9 Qiwy taont He nn be lad which are ned eve Tn gkalire nditions tere would be no Ht ios veoct with alkali forrn on repckants « Alto Ma iow voould aaryst’ precipitate and © would rob be available In at a1 The ven rate cm he followed by re mevirg’ Sawpke oF set tine Hr ales lo wath ot me conc: of B Mog" spec tort ler rearing HR tre advan toge Ml bet end iF lealy ond Yt old poe he lowe by usin preity ot Hee purple wlours This nulted bw Ye oertk — Uswpk tre ren mathe, using yp Hee he qui cker Uglemivaho of Conc. Ww nw HO cot + $O> Sar : —™, vf * 4,0 Son” * QT +2¢7 cot Be Ot ant + BG > 4,0 + 0" eh ee ch = aco* + SO¢ + Ho sor yante te Q- CxO5 contaim chiomivt in yee oxidation stot? +6° Suggat ho beantrs why 010% Vs unlikely bw tone U4 iow, Oc IF Us Gece The evargy reeled 1 YemOKe six te aman 9yonker thon LE ok A. highy chorged Yor, (oF jon) 1s highly polaritivg . is exhemely high the JE is

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