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Criteria Unsatisfactory Emerging Proficient Mark

0-1 2-3 4-5

Introduction There is no or weak attempt at The issue is inadequately Contextualises the issue with a /5
contextualising the issue because contextualised because the thorough description of the specific
the description of the specific description of the specific school school situation, the root causes of the
school situation, the root causes of situation, the root causes of the issue, and the importance of addressing
the issue, and/or the importance issue, and/or the importance of the issue.
of addressing the issue is addressing the issue is brief.
not/partially provided.

Literature No in-text citations or minimal A fair attempt was made at citing A strong attempt at citing various /15
citations to critically analyse recent various sources to critically analyse sources to critically analyse recent
literature based on leadership recent literature to support or literature to support or develop the
theories/studies to support or develop the author’s argument author’s argument based on leadership
develop based on leadership theories/studies. Arguments and ideas
the author’s argument theories/studies. There may be are free from contradictions/biases.
some contradictions/biases.

Content No or weak attempt at: A good attempt at: An excellent attempt at: /20
-explaining the opportunities -explaining the opportunities taking -explaining the opportunities taking a
taking a leadership vs managerial a leadership vs managerial role in leadership vs managerial role in solving
role in solving the issue solving the issue the issue
-analysing leadership styles, traits, -analysing leadership styles, traits, -analysing leadership styles, traits,
and behaviours required to solve and behaviours required to solve the and behaviours required to solve the
the issue identified issue identified issue identified
-recommending practical strategies -recommending practical strategies -recommending practical strategies to
to solve the issue as the school to solve the issue as the school solve the issue as the school leader
leader leader
Organisation Very poor paragraph structure with Topic and concluding sentences are Highly effective topic and concluding /10
no flow in topic sentences or overall included but need to be more sentences (consistent, clear links to
link within the piece of writing. directly linked to the thesis thesis/ claims/ arguments) and
statement/claim/argument. paragraph structure
Paragraph structure is poor in Very well-organised and smooth
places. transition from one idea to the next.

Language Vague, imprecise or Generally precise and Precise and concise vocabulary was /10
inappropriate vocabulary is used. straightforward vocabulary is used. used. Sentences vary in pattern and
Sentences are mainly simple and Errors in grammar, punctuation length.
lack variety. and vocabulary are rare and do The writing is free of errors in
Serious errors in grammar, not interfere with reading and grammar, spelling and punctuation.
spelling & punctuation interfere comprehension.
with reading and comprehension.
Conclusion No, or weak concluding remark. Attempts were made to review key Strong review of key aspects with /5
aspects of the work. the integration of the
assessment objective.

References Only a list of URLs was given, no A few credible sources were used. An A variety of credible sources are used, /10
references were used, and/or attempt has been made to adhere to and both in-text citations and the
serious errors were found in both the 7th edition of the APA referencing reference list correctly adhere to the 7th
the in-text citations and the style both in the in-text citations and edition of the APA referencing style.
reference list. the reference list, but there may be
minor digressions.

Total /75

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