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San Jose, Banga, South Cotabato

OCTOBER 26-27, 2023

Name:______________________________ Section:_____________ Score:______

Parents’ name and signature

I. Multiple Choices. Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is considered as the process of thinking about something in a logical way in order to form a conclusion
or judgement.
A. Reasoning B. Argument C. Proposition D. Reflection
2. Imagine that you are in Boracay walking with Thales. He is convincing you that the only reality is water.
Would you believe in him?
A. No, because I had my own belief.
B. Yes, because Thales belongs to the school of monists which believes that only one kind of stuff
C. Either yes or no, I will have my own investigation that is based on the data and reason presented.
D. Neither yes nor no until it is proven true.
3. According to Gabriel Marcel this type of reflection enables us to look deeper into our experiences and see
the bigger picture of reality.
A. Secondary reflection C. Primary reflection
B. Tertiary reflection D. all of the above
4. Why do we need epistemology?
A. To overcome poverty C. To become geniuses
B. To acquire and validate knowledge D. To succeed in life
5. Greek philosophers who pioneered a method of argument called dialectic.
A. Plato C. Pythagoras
B Socrates D. Aristotle
6. Knowledge is ultimately grounded on___________.
A. Emotions C. Beliefs
B. Convictions D. Sense perception
7. Philosophers who believed that knowledge is based on sense perception.
A. Idealists C. Empiricists
B. Rationalists D. Nominalists
8. Evaluate which of the following statements is factual?
1. My brother arrived at 11 pm.
2. My brother always comes home late because he is a good for nothing individual.
3. Man is a living organism.
4. Free trade simply promotes the selfish greed of businessmen.
A. 1 and 4
B. 2 and 3
C. 1 and 3
D. 2 and 4
9. Evaluate which statements above are mere opinions.
A. 1 and 3
B. 2 and 4
C. 2 and 3
D. 1 and 4
10. Which among the following publishers pose no particular agenda or bias?
A. Bulag Ang ABS-CBN sa Katotohanan by Antonio Brigas
B. ABS-CBN Naipasara Sanhi ng Di Pagrenew ng Prangkisa by GMA News
C. Nararapat Lamang na Huwag ng Magbukas ang ABS-CBN by Balat Sibuyas
D. Bye Bye Kapamilya by the Avengers

11. Which of the following is NOT an essential component of the human person?
A. Conscience B. Mind C. Soul D. Spirit
12. Which of the following BEST describes the concept of embodiment?
A. Human person is essentially his/her body and nothing more.
B. Human person is essentially his/her spirit and nothing more.
C. Human person is essentially the unity of his/her body and spirit.
D. Human person is essentially a separate entity of the body and the spirit.
13. Vincent loses his arm and leg due to a car accident. He loses a part of his physical body which makes up
his physical identity. Which of the following statements is true about the concept of embodiment?
A. Vincent can still be considered a human person despite losing a part of his identity.
B. Vincent is not fully considered a human person since he lacks one aspect of his identity.
C. Neither a nor b
D. None of the above
14. It is the term used to describe humans who are not just mere humans different from animals but with
inherent birth rights and exact origin of his/her classification.
A. Human being C. Human nature
B. Human creature D. Human person
15. Which of the following experiences describe the concept of embodiment?
A. Joy attaches a sentimental value to a pair of rubber shoes which was given by her mother.
B. Kim associates love with hypothalamus, a part of the brain that is responsible for feelings.
C. Ivy recalls a happy moment in her life and still feels the same happiness he felt at that moment.
D. Trina received a pat in her shoulder from her best friend and felt completely relieved at that
16. Bringing your own empty Tupperware when you buy foods at the canteen shows what principle of
A. Environmental integrity C. Equity
B. Economic efficiency D. Sustainable development
17. A businessman grabbed and bought a vast land from the farmers and decided to convert it into a
subdivision. During the construction, farmers left without jobs and hundreds of trees were uprooted and
streams were covered in cement. What principle of sustainability was violated?
A. Environmental integrity C. Equity
B. Economic efficiency D. Sustainable development
18. Finishing your meal without leftovers shows what principle of sustainability?
A. Environmental integrity C. Equity
B. Economic efficiency D. Sustainable development
19. The discipline that studies the moral relationship of human beings with the environment and its non-
human contents.
A. Environmental aesthetics C. Sustainable development
B. Environmental philosophy D. Environmental integrity
20. This view believes that humans are the most important species on the planet and they are free to
transform nature and use its resources.
A. Biocentrism C. Ecocentrism
B. Anthropocentrism D. Ecology
21. It is an activity that requires a person to examine his or her thoughts, feelings and actions and learn from
A. reflection C. wondering
B. questioning D. reasoning
22. What is the science and art of correct thinking?
A. Ethics C. Metaphysics
B. Aesthetics D. Logic
23. It is the idea that various systems (e.g. physical, biological, social) should be viewed as wholes, not
merely as a collection of parts.
A. holism C. existentialism
B. idealism D. rationalism
24. It is a term used to describe a method of philosophical argument that involves some sort of contradictory
process between opposing sides.
A. deductive C. Inductive
B. dialectic D. reflective
25. The western philosophical tradition originated in______.
A. Greece C. India
B. China D. Egypt
26. It is the term commonly used to represent the entire human race.
A. Human being C. Man
B. Human nature D. Person
27. It is a general term which refers to the deepest and natural behavior of a person that distinguish human
from animals. It consists of collective traits that formed and considered the very essence of humanity.
A. Human being C. Man
B. Human nature D. Person
28. Carlo is a tall person with brown hair and brown eyes. What aspect of the human person is being
described in the statement?
A. Cognitive Self C. Psychological Self
B. Physical Self D. Sociological Self
29. Marie is very cheerful and friendly to her classmates. What aspect of the human person is being
described in the statement?
A. Cognitive Self C. Psychological Self
B. Physical Self D. Sociological Self
30. What is the branch of Philosophy that studies the method of acquiring and validating
A. Metaphysics C. Politics
B. Ethics D. Aesthetics

II. DIRECTIONS: Write the correct answers from the questions being asked.
Write “A” if the 1ST and 2nd statements are true
Write “ B” if the 1ST statement is correct and 2nd statement is wrong
Write “ C” if the 1ST is incorrect and 2nd statements are true
Write “ D” if the 1ST and 2nd statements are both incorrect
31. A. Humans are capable of controlling their souls
B. Humans are rational animals
32. A. Cognitive Self deals within our body and cannot be seen by our eyes
B. Cognitive Self composes of human beliefs and religion
33. A. Physical Self deals with the beauty of one’s body
B. Physical self is a manifestation of people’s strength and weakness
34. A. Person is a term that commonly connotes birth rights provided by the state
B. Human nature is a term used to define the inner soul of the person
35. A. Human Nature is the total reflections of human activities
B. Embodied Spirit is the incarnation of a material body
III. Matching Type. Match column A with column B. Write the letter of your answer.

Column A Column B
___36. It is the capacity to direct and discipline one’s A. Anthropocentrism
activities and the behavior using reason that is cautious B. Ecofeminism
and, as much as possible, keeps away from any risks. C. Economic Efficiency
___37. It assumes that male-centered view of nature is D. Environment Aesthetics
the root cause of ecological problems. E. Environmental Integrity
___38. “Development that meets the needs of the F. Environmental Philosophy
present without compromising the ability of future G. Equity
generations to meet their own needs.” H. Frugality
___39. It refers to conserving our natural resources so I. Prudence
that the future generations will still be able to use it J. Social Ecology
K. Sustainable Development
___40. This view believes that humans are the most
L. Transcendence
important species on the planet and they are free to M. Dignity
transform nature and use its resources. N. Self- awareness
___41. It means that any human activities or economic O. Self determination
advances should not unduly disrupt the environment P. Externality
and human communities located in the area.
___42. The discipline that studies the moral
relationship of human beings with the environment
and its non-human contents.
___43. It believes that ecological problems can be
traced to social problems.
___44. It is the quality of being thrifty. It is the careful
supervision of one’s resources
___45. A philosophical view that believes in
maintaining order in the environment will bring out
the natural beauty of surroundings and contribute to
the well-being of the people and other organisms
living in it.
___46. Refers to person having a clear perception of
oneself, including his or her thoughts, emotions,
identity, and actions
___47. The capability of persons to make choices and
decisions based on their own preferences, monitor and
regulate their actions, and be goal oriented and self-
___48. A human person is able to connect and interact
with another person, an animal or an inanimate object.
___49. A human person has an inherent value and
___50. Ability to surpass your limits

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