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Article Structure:

1. Title

2. Introduction
– start with an engaging question for the reader

3. Body
– answer questions given in the task

4. Final sentence
– give a final comment


You see this announcement in your school English-language magazine.


Write an article telling us what you find funny and who you enjoy laughing with.
Do you think it’s good to laugh a lot? Why?
The best articles answering these questions will be published next month.

Grade 5:


I love to watch comedies a lot because it makes me laugh. The comedy I

love the most is the Chinese Running Man. I enjoy watching and laughing
it with my family. In the show, famous actors and actresses must
overcome some challenging quests, such as trading a coffee bean with
someone else for something more expensive and racing in the mud to
capture the flag. The storylines are very interesting and they always tickles
my funny bone. Laughing out loud is great! Laughing can help us to
release stress and make us feel better. It may also make us more attractive
Content5All content is relevant to the task.

The target reader is fully informed about what the candidate finds funny, and who they laugh
with, with my family and the final point is developed quite well and introduces a wider
view, Laughing can help us release stress.

Achievement5The conventions of article writing, such as sharing personal information and
expressing opinions, are used to hold the target reader’s attention and to communicate
straightforward ideas.
The topic is clearly introduced, I love to watch comedies a lot because it makes me laugh and
there is a nice balance between how the writer feels and how laughing affects the wider

5The text is generally well organised and coherent. There is a variety of linking words and
some cohesive devices, particularly reference to avoid repetition, are used to connect the
ideas across and within sentences.Language5A range of everyday vocabulary is used
appropriately, and there are examples of less common lexis as well.
A range of simple and more complex grammatical forms, particularly modal verbs, are used
with a good degree of control

Grade 3:

So, I laugh always and for nothing.

I find very funny when someone fall down and I laugh for bad jokes. I like
to watch funnys videos to laugh.

I enjoy laughing with my family and my friend but I really enjoy laughing
with my best friend.

I think it’s good to laugh a lot and have humour to have a funny and good.
I find important laugh with our friends to be better and have a good life.

It’s for this I laugh for anything and I enjoy life like it is
Subscale Grade Commentary


All content is relevant to the task.

The target reader is fully informed about what the candidate finds funny.

Achievement 3

The conventions of article writing, such as sharing personal information and expressing opinions, are
used generally appropriately to communicate straightforward ideas, I think it’s good to laugh a lot;
It’s for this I laugh for anything.

The article doesn’t have a standard introduction, but the topic is generally introduced with a
sentence about what the candidate does, So, I laugh always and for nothing.

Organisation 3

The text is connected and coherent. Paragraphs are used to separate the text into sections and,
although these are often limited to one sentence, different ideas are expressed in each one,
providing a structure to the text. Some basic linking words and the occasional cohesive device, such
as a referencing pronoun, are used to connect the ideas.

Language 3

Everyday vocabulary is used generally appropriately.

Simple grammatical forms, such as the present tense, are used with a good degree of control,
although there is not much variety in terms of tenses used.

There are some noticeable errors, with agreement and prepositions, but meaning can still be
determined, someone fall down; laugh for bad jokes; funnys videos; to have a funny and good; I
laugh for anything

Grade 4:


What makes me laugh? Pretty much everthing. I can start laughing simply
from watching my cat trying to catch a laser dot on the wall, or a fly. And I
laugh even more with my friends and family. It is practically the only way
we are spending with ourselfs ourselves. We are making jokes, laughing at
something or telling funny stories about our trips, days at school or our

I think it is important to laugh a lot, because it makes everyday stress

easier to handle or it simply wears off! And it makes you look happy,
optimistic and ready for a challenge.
Subscale Grade Commentary

All content is relevant to the task and the candidate has addressed all the questions in the input
announcement.The target reader is fully informed, and there is development of the points, in
particular of who you enjoy laughing with and the last two questions in the input announcement.


Achievement 5

The candidate uses the conventions of the communicative task of an article successfully, such as the
opening question echoed from the input announcement, to obtain the reader’s interest and
attention; an appropriate informal register and engaging style, which holds the reader’s attention
throughout; and a clear and motivating concluding paragraph.

Straightforward ideas are communicated in an entertaining way.

Organisation 4

The article is generally well organised and coherent, using linking words and some cohesive devices: I
can start laughing … And I laugh even more; It is practically the only way; And it makes you look

Language 4

The candidate uses a range of vocabulary appropriately: Pretty much; It is practically the only way;
making jokes; telling funny stories; it makes everyday stress easier to handle or it simply wears off …
happy, optimistic and ready for a challenge.

Simple grammatical forms are used with a good degree of control, for example, I can start laughing
simply from watching my cat trying to catch a laser dot on the wall.

However, the language is less accurate in the second part of the first paragraph and present
continuous is used incorrectly: … the only way we are spending with ourselfs (candidate corrects to

Homework: Write an article:

What kind of films do you enjoy? – question (1)
Do you prefer watching them at the cinema or at home? Why?- – question

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