Ielts Induction Tasks

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IELTS Induction Writing Task

45 minutes

Answer ONE of the following Questions:

You should write about 250 words.

Question 1

Some people think that the only way to learn a second language successfully is to go
and live in a country where that language is spoken and learn the language in the

Others believe that attending classes with a good teacher is essential.

Discuss these views. Use examples from your own experience where appropriate.

Question 2

More and more people are using the internet to communicate and to get information.

What improvements has the internet brought to people’s lives? What problems has it

Discuss, using examples from your own experience where appropriate.

IELTS Induction script Speaking

1. Can I have your full name, please?

And what shall I call you?

2. Do you work or are you studying?

Why did you choose that job / course?
What are your hopes for the future?

3. I’d like to talk about … (choose 2)

holidays [where … what did you like about … would you recommend …?]
clothes [do you like … what kind of shops … what don’t you like …?]
shopping [when do you … what kind do you like? What do you not like?
Sports [do you do any sports? Which sport would you like to try? Do men do same
sports as women in your country
‘papers What news papers or magazines do you read? Why do some people prefer
mags to papers? Do you think newspapers will change in the future?
British TV [What do you watch? What kinds of programmes? The differences between TV here and
where you come from?]

4. I’m going to give you a topic to talk about. You can have 1 minute to think
about the topic. Then you will have 1-2 minutes to talk while I listen. And
your topic is … (give a topic-card)

Try to talk as much as you can. I will stop you after 1-2 minutes.

5. A follow up discussion on the theme of the card-topic. Try to ask questions

which will elicit 3 time references – present, past and future. Try to get the
student to speculate

relaxation: how do people usually relax in your country? What are the main
causes of stress? Do you think life is less stressful now than in the past? Do
you think life will be more / less stressful in the future?

Stories: what kind of stories do you like reading now? Do you prefer reading or
going to the cinema? Is reading a common activity in your country? Do you
think books will disappear in the future?


The 10-14 minute speaking ‘test’ closely resembles the actual IELTS speaking test. Try and keep to the script if
you can so that everyone gets the same input.

A good potential student will:

a. be more fluent – less hesitation, more confidence, less self-repair, more willing to speak and take risks, better
ability to paraphrase
b. more coherent / cohesive overall. Use of discourse markers or ‘signals’. Decent grammar. A good range of

You will have ONE minute to talk about:

What you do when you need to relax

Where do you go?

What do you do?

Why do you find it relaxing?

You will have ONE minute to talk about:

A story you enjoyed as a child

What was the story?

What was it about?

Why did you enjoy it?

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