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Question Bank for Business Research Methodology Unit 1 and 2

Q. what is meant by Research?

Q. Give the classification of Research.

Q. Elaborate the Research Process

Q. Explain Unit of Analysis

Q. Elaborate scope of research.

Q. Explain different types of variables with examples

Q. if categorical variables are not based on true Quantitative scale, then why is number assigned to

Q. Define the following:

A) Hypothesis

B) Variable

c) Mediating and moderating variables in research

Q. what are different types of Research Design .Explain with examples

Q. what is the difference between Quantitative variable and categorical variable

Q. Short note on:

Survey method

Data Series

Interview method

Types of questionnaire

Longitudinal study

Panel Research

Structured Vs Unstructured questionnaire

Reliability Vs Validity

Q. Process of Formulating Research problem

Q. Explain the criteria for good research

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