AFDP4.0 2013-En - CN - BI

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AFDD 4-0, Combat Support 23 April 2013
AFDD 4-0,战斗支援 2013 年 4 月 23 日

The revision to AFDD 4-0, Combat Support, reflects the current Air Force combat support construct and
capabilities. This construct dropped the term expeditionary combat support due to the increasing
frequency of operational missions conducted from outside an operational area (e.g., remotely piloted
aircraft, cyberspace operations). Key discussion points within AFDD 4-0 include the following:
对 AFDD 4-0“战斗支援”的修订,反映了当前空军作战保障的结构和能力.这一结构取消了远征作战支助一
词,因为从作战区域以外进行的行动任务(例如遥控飞机、网络空间行动)的频率越来越高。民主力量联盟 4-
0 的主要讨论要点包括:

Combat Support (CS) (pages 1-2, 50)

战斗支援(CS)(第 1 至 2 页,第 50 页)
 The Air Force defines CS as the foundational and crosscutting capability to field, base,
protect, support, and sustain Air Force forces across the range of military operations. This
definition encapsulates the Service’s mindset that CS goes far beyond the basics of logistics or
空军将 CS 定义为战场、基地、保护、支持和支持整个军事行动范围内的空军的基本和横切能力。这
个定义封装了服务的思维方式,即 CS 远远超出了后勤或维护的基础。
 CS provides a structural overview for what is perceived as a wide variety of functional areas;
understanding its core capabilities and processes gives a solid foundation of what support to the
Service entails.
CS 为被视为广泛的各种职能领域提供了一个结构概览;了解其核心能力和流程为支持该处提供
 The foundation of CS is a ready force, properly sized, organized, trained, and integrated. The
structure comes from diverse functional communities that train and are equipped to provide a wide
variety of capabilities. CS derives its capabilities from three overarching principles:
CS 的基础是一支准备好的部队,适当的规模、组织、训练和整合。该结构来自不同的功能社区,它们
o CS enables operations in peacetime and wartime with effects supporting US national interests
at any time or place across the range of military operations.
CS 能够在平时和战时进行军事行动,在军事行动范围内的任何时间或地点都能支持美国的国家利
o CS provides essential support while minimizing the forward footprint and maximizing
reachback, thus increasing effectiveness and responsiveness.
CS 提供了必要的支持,同时最大限度地减少了前进足迹,最大限度地实现了回退,从而提高了
o CS provides the ability to transition swiftly from home station to a deployed environment
and between operational requirements.
CS 提供了从主站快速过渡到部署环境和业务需求之间的能力。

CS Command and Control (pages 6-8)

政务司司长指挥及控制(第 6 至 8 页)
 Air Force C2 structures for CS enable a commander of Air Force forces (COMAFFOR) to execute the
Service’s Title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.) responsibility for logistical support while also
supporting the combatant commander’s (CCDR) exercise of directive authority for logistics (DAFL).
用于 CS 的空军 C2 结构使空军指挥官能够执行该部队的标题 10,美国代码(U.S.C.)。负责后勤支助,
 The COMAFFOR is responsible for ensuring essential support to all assigned and attached Air Force
personnel within a joint force.
 The COMAFFOR has responsibility for the C2 of the Air Force component’s CS operations. The
majority of CS forces operate within air expeditionary wings, but the COMAFFOR may choose to
retain at theater level some CS support assets. In this case, selected CS personnel are aligned in
squadrons or groups that report directly to the COMAFFOR or to an AETF-X commander if one is
COMAF 部队负责空军的 C2 部分的 CS 行动。大部分 CS 部队在空中远征翼内作战,但
COMAFFOR 可以选择在战区一级保留一些 CS 支援资产。在这种情况下,选定的 CS 人员在中队
或组中排列,直接向 COMAF 部队或 AETF-X 指挥官报告(如果指定的话)。

Establishing Operating Locations (OL) (page 24)

设立业务地点(其他职等)(第 24 页)
 The Airman’s perspective encompasses the understanding that “supporting bases with their people,
systems, and facilities are essential to launch, recovery, and sustainment of Air Force forces.”
o One of the most important aspects of the Air Force has proved to be its ability to move anywhere
in the world quickly and then rapidly begin operations. However, the need for mobility should be
balanced against the need to operate at the deployment site.
o The availability and operability of suitable bases can be the dominant factor in
employment planning and execution.
 Airbase opening is a critical task and requires significant attention during planning. The figure below
illustrates the specific times during airbase opening when transitions between events may drive
actions for which CS forces should be prepared.
具体时间,在此期间,事件之间的过渡可能会推动采取行动,而 CS 部队应该为此做好准备。

 There are two key individuals involved with opening and sustaining an airbase.
o The senior airfield authority (SAA) is responsible for the control, operation, and maintenance of the
airfield. The Joint Force Commander should designate the Service component responsible for
airbase operations and that component should appoint a SAA for airfield operations.
o The base operating support-integrator (BOS-I) acts as the joint BOS provider, coordinates the
efficient use of mission support resources, and provides master planning for facilities and real
estate. The Service component with the preponderance of forces should normally provide the
BOS-I. A CCDR may designate an individual within a Service component or JTF as the BOS-I at
each OL.
基地运营支持-集成商(BOS-I)作为 BOS 联合供应商,协调有效利用特派团支助资源,并为设施和
房地产提供总体规划。部队优势的服务部门通常应该提供 BOS-I。在每个 OL 中,CCDR 可以指
定服务组件或 JTF 中的个人为 BOS-I。
 The BOS-I and SAA have an important interaction with a significant seam.
BOS-I 和 SAA 与一个重要的 Seam 有着重要的交互作用.
o In many cases the CCDR will designate a BOS-I and a SAA from different services at the same
location (a common practice is to designate the Army component with BOS-I responsibilities while
designating the Air Force component with SAA responsibilities).
在许多情况下,CCDR 将从同一地点的不同部门指定 BOS-I 和 SAA(一种常见的做法是指定负有
BOS-I 职责的陆军部分,同时指定具有 SAA 职责的空军部分)。
o However, the SAA will perform many BOS functions on the facilities close to the airfield.
然而,SAA 将在机场附近的设施上执行许多 BOS 功能。
o The BOS-I and SAA should closely coordinate along this seam during planning and execution of
operations. A common solution is to form an agreed upon line around the airfield and give the SAA
responsibility for the area inside the line and the BOS-I responsibility for the area outside the line.
BOS-I 和 SAA 在计划和执行操作时应密切配合这一接缝.一个共同的解决办法是在机场周围形成一
条商定的线路,并赋予 SAA 对线路内区域的责任和对线路外区域的 BOS-I 责任。

For more information e-mail or DSN 493-9575.

To view AFDD 4-0, Combat Support, click here.
欲知更多信息电子邮件 或 DSN 493-9575。要查
看 AFDD 4-0,战斗支援,点击这里.

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