3 - Identifying Problem Statement - Student

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Choose the most appropriate answer based on what you learned from the topic

1. Which component of a research study typically explains the context and rationale for
conducting the research?
A) Background of study
B) Dependent variable
C) Independent variable
D) Research findings
Correct Answer:

2. In a research problem statement, what is the factor that is affected or influenced and is the
focus of the investigation?

A) Background of study
B) Dependent variable
C) Independent variable
D) Literature review
Correct Answer:

3. What element of a research problem statement provides the reason or justification for
conducting the study?

A) Independent variable
B) Dependent variable
C) Literature review
D) Rationale for the study
Correct Answer:

4. In a research problem statement, what is the variable that is intentionally manipulated or
studied to observe its effect on the dependent variable?
A) Dependent variable
B) Literature review
C) Rationale for the study
D) Independent variable
Correct Answer:

5. What aspect of a research problem statement often involves presenting statistics, facts, or
evidence to support the need for the study?
A) Research questions
B) Use of data for research
C) Dependent variable
D) Methodology
Correct Answer:

6. Which part of a well-crafted research problem statement explains why the research is
relevant, important, or necessary to address?
A) Independent variable
B) Motivation for the study
C) Literature review
D) Hypothesis
Correct Answer:

7. In a research problem statement, the description of the relationship between measurable

properties often includes:
A) A detailed literature reviews
B) Statistical methods used in the study
C) A brief history of the issue at hand
D) Research questions and hypotheses
Correct Answer:

8. Which component of a well-constructed research problem statement typically provides a
brief history of the issue at hand, including its development and key milestones?
A) Background of the study
B) Rationale for the study
C) Independent variable
D) Data analysis plan
Correct Answer:

9. In a well-crafted problem statement, researchers often highlight the recent increase or

worsening of an issue to emphasize its relevance. Which section of a research proposal or
paper typically addresses this aspect?
A) Hypothesis
B) Literature Review
C) Methodology
D) Data Analysis
Correct Answer:

10. Researchers often articulate the problem statement because they have dissatisfaction with
current knowledge in a particular area. Which part of the problem statement typically reflects
this dissatisfaction?
A) Background of the study
B) Independent variable
C) Data collection methods
D) Research questions
Correct Answer:

11. When identifying the problem statement in a research proposal, it's important to consider
the potential beneficiaries of the study. Which section of the proposal typically discusses who
stands to gain from the research?
A) Abstract
B) Literature Review
C) Methodology
D) Research Questions
Correct Answer:

12. In research, understanding the potential beneficiaries helps clarify the significance of the
problem. Who are these potential beneficiaries most closely related to?
A) The researchers
B) The research participants
C) The broader community or stakeholders
D) The funding agencies
Correct Answer:

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