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This exercise aims to identify your own cultural knowledge networks and how they can be activated to
guide your behavior.


 Identify your home culture and build a network similar to the one discussed in the video
lectures, and fill in the elements of the network that more readily come to mind.
 Identify another culture you are familiar with (a heritage culture, one that you have learned
about through travels or media, or a culture you know about from casual observation) and
build a network similar to the one you just did. Fill in the elements of the network that more
readily come to mind.

 Identify one situation in which your home culture should be salient. This could be a situation
you remember in which you thought of being a member of your culture or one in which you
imagined your culture would be salient.
1. Describe the situation in detail
2. explain why the situation activates your culture
3. predict your opinions and behaviors in the situation
4. explain whether your opinions and behaviors are aligned or not with your culture’s
 Identify one situation in which the other culture (not your home) should be salient. This
could be a situation you remember in which you thought of assimilating to this other culture
or one in which you imagined this other culture would be salient.
1. Describe the situation in detail
2. explain why the situation activates the other culture
3. predict your opinions and behaviors in the situation
4. explain whether your opinions and behaviors are aligned or not with what the other
culture would promote



Word Limit:
Your answer for the questions in each prompt should be in the range of 300 words or less. Total should be
less than 1200 words.

Sources should be acknowledged (e.g., Smith & Jones, 2009), particularly if direct quotations are used. Full
references are not required for assigned course materials.

Late Submission:
According to iMBA policy, late submissions cannot be accepted.
This assignment is due by the end of Module 2. You can only submit your assignment three attempts.
Please make sure you have attached the correct file before you submit your assignment. The assignment
must be submitted in WORD or PDF attachment. Submission in "Comment" Box will not be graded.

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