Statement of Background and Goals

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Mercy Makumi

Statement of Background and Goals

Masters Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity

I was born in Kenya, and during my childhood, I used to spend almost every holiday on
my parents' farm upcountry, where my mom, dad (a retired military man), and a few of
our relatives lived. My parents were fortunate enough to be able to afford a second-
hand black and white television and a battery-operated radio during the 90s. I was
always curious about how my favourite cartoons and music would disappear and then
reappear once I turned them back on. Little did I know that my curiosity was the start of
my passion and career.

I have always struggled with education, so I had to work hard and study late into the
night for as long as I can remember. Despite the many challenges I've faced, I've
dedicated more than half of my life to being in school, because I know the many
opportunities it can open up for me. I am interested in pursuing a Master of Science in
Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity at SUNY Albany University. This degree would
solidify what I have already learned and give me further confidence in pursuing my
goals. I believe that I would excel in your program, as I have a strong desire to learn.
Having already completed my undergraduate degree in Computer Science, I am eager
to add cybersecurity skills to my skillset, as this is the logical next step for me
considering my career path so far.

In 2015, I completed my undergraduate degree in Computer Science at the age of 22.

At that time, I was a single mother and had to raise my kid while trying to apply for
certifications to enhance my chances of getting employed. However, due to my new
responsibilities, I was unable to accomplish that. Later on, I secured an internship
position at Adcare IT, which eventually led to me being promoted to an IT services desk
Engineer and then the IT Service Desk Team Lead.

At the beginning of 2020, I decided to resign from my position and establish my own
company, "Proven IT," which focused mainly on data protection, disaster recovery, and
cybersecurity. Unfortunately, my business did not thrive due to the pandemic, which
forced many companies to close down. During this time, I improved my skills by working
on WordPress, HTML, CSS, and cybersecurity, and YouTube was very helpful in this

After my unsuccessful attempt at business, I reached out to my former employer in

2021, who was happy to take me back. They even offered me additional responsibilities
as the Service Desk Operations Manager. I feel grateful that I did not burn any bridges
and was able to return to a job that I enjoy.

I have gained all my knowledge through reading books, manuals, researching on the
internet, and learning from my colleagues. I am not worried about relocating to a
different country, as I have had the chance to meet and work with people from various
Mercy Makumi

nationalities throughout my career. I am adaptable to change and open to new


As a Kenyan girl, I recognize that not all girls in my home country have the same
privileges and opportunities to pursue education. Therefore, I consider myself fortunate
and will not take this opportunity for granted.

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