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Sanitation/Wastewater Management and Current

Status in the Country.


Adama, Ethiopa

Head, Urban Sanitation Infrastructure Study,

Design and Construction Supervision Desk
12th December,2022
SDGs: Higher Expectations, New Impetus!
The SDGs go further than the MDGs: Universal, comprehensive
and sustainable coverage of sanitation services, with focus on
safe management.
MDG focus SDG focus

Containment Emptying Transport Treatment

• SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities – inclusive, safe,

resilient and sustainable cities
• SDG 3: Good Health and Wellbeing – ensure citizens’ health and

…and other SDGs (reduced inequality, gender equality, education, etc.)

SDG 6 Ensure Availability and Sustainable Management of

• SDG6.2 By 2030,achive access to adequate and equitable

sanitation and Hygiene for all, and end open Defecation,
paying Special attention to the needs of Women and girls and
those in vulnerable situations.
 6.2.1.Population using safely managed sanitation services.
 Definition: The Population using an Improved Sanitation Facility which
 Not shared
 Excreta are safely disposed in situ (On-site) or
 Transported and treated off-site

Can we achieve these without sustainable urban sanitation provision?

Sanitation service levels in Ethiopia

Estimate for 2020

Estimate for 2020 Goal by 2030
Around 65% million people use unimproved dry pit latrines

• …these self-constructed unimproved dry pit latrines do not

effectively or sustainably separate excreta from human


Using unimproved toilets

• Joint Monitoring Program (JMP) 2021,WHO,UNOCEF

Sustainable Sanitation for a Healthier
Growing Urban, Growing Sanitation Problems
Introduction Cont.---------
Need for Safe Disposal/Reuse FS and Wastewater
Avail Sanitation Infrastructure for Management
Sanitation Infrastructure
Sanitation Infrastructure ---
Sanitation Infrastructure ---
Purpose of good sanitation/Benefit

• Public Health (Reduce diarrhea and other excreta-related

diseases, worms infestation and Stunting)
• Food Security (water and Nutrient Recovery)
• Part of a Future “Low Carbon Economy” (Energy
Generation,GHG Emissions)
• Environmental Benefits (Improve Water Quality)
• Quality of life for residents ,Recreations and Business
• City competitiveness
• Tourist attraction
To Achieve Sustainable Sanitation
• Effective Policy
• Legal and Regulatory Framework
• Institutional Arrangements
• Prepare Standard Project Implementation Manual
• Prepare Standard Operation and Manual Document
• Budget and Monitoring System
• Participatory tools for stakeholders to Build
consensus on priority action (Municipality, Urban
Drainage, Housing, Environment Protection)
• Skilled Manpower
• External and Internal Exposure Visit of Sanitation
Technology Option .
Sanitation/Wastewater as Resources
Thank You!

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