Time Table Medical 11.12.2023

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Physics 5 5 4 3 4 2 3 3 6 4 4 2 4 2 4 5 5 4 0 0 1 3

Chemistry 0 3 2 3 4 5 3 3 2 4 2 1 4 2 1 1 3 2 0 0 1 3
Botany 1 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 0 4 2 4 2 2 2 0 0 1 1
Zoology 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 0 2 2 3 2 2 2 0 0 1 1
Weekdays - Morning Weekdays - Evening Weekends FACULTY Details
MR04 + COE-12 MR01+03 (11th)- NBP(12th
Batches → COE-12(1+2) TR03 TR04 TR05 MR05 RM01 RM02 RM03 RM04 RM05 RM06 (2) MR02+06+05 (N) COE-11 TR01 TR02 TW01 MW01 MW02 New Weekend) Code

Room → 13 9 19 8 7 22 20 1 17 1 5 4 5 1 6 8 7 1 8 22 Faculty Subject Code

Day Timings Sir) Physics P-2744
Sir (AD
Monday 0 To Sir) Zoology Z-091
Sir (AHM
11/12/2023 7:00 8:45 B-10508 Sir) Zoology Z-6841
8:55 10:40 C-11166 C-11908 Sir Physics P-8735
9:30 10:30 Upkar Sir Physics P-12792
10:45 12:30 Test B-8575 P-3102 B-10508 P-13089 Z-10844 P-12792 P-2744 C-10761 Rishabh Chemistry .C-10761
12:45 2:30 Test Z-6841 Z-091 Z-10844 C-10761 C-11908 B-10508 C-038 B-8575 Sir Chemistry C-11166.
3:45 5:30 P-8735 ( 3 - 4pm) C-11908 C-10761 Z-6841 P-12792 Z-10844 Sir Chemistry .C-038
Ajay Soni
5:45 7:30 B-15280 C-10761 B-5479 Z-091 P-12792 Sir Chemistry C-11908
Mam Chemistry C-11549
Tuesday From To Nitin Sir Botany P-2744
12/12/2023 7:00 8:45 C-11908 Mam Botany B-8575
8:55 10:40 Z-6841 Z-091 C-11908 Amit Sir Botany .B-10508.
9:30 10:30 Sir Physics P-10392
10:45 12:30 Jee test C-11166 P-3102 P-12792 Z-091 C-11908 B-10508 B-5479 P-8735 B-8575 Mam Zoology Z-12843
12:45 2:30 Jee test B-8575 C-038 P-12792 P-13089 C-11908 C-11166 Z-6841 B-10508 P-8735. Chirag Sir Zoology Z-10844.
P-10392 ( 3 - 4pm)
3:45 5:30 P-15259 Z-6841 P-12792 B-5479 C-11166 SQP Ques Paper
5:45 7:30 B-15280 B-8575 B-5479 P-12792 B-10508

Wednesday From To
13/12/2023 7:00 8:45
8:55 10:40
10:45 12:30 P-10392 P-8735 P-12792
12:45 2:30 P-10392 P-8735 P-12792
3:45 5:30 P-10392 P-8735 P-12792
5:45 7:30 P-10392 P-8735 P-12792

Thursday From To Room-18 Room-18.

14/12/2023 7:00 8:45 B-10508
8:55 10:40 P-10392 C-11908
9:30 10:30

10:45 12:30 Z-6841 P-10392 B-5479 P-12792 Z-10844 B-10508 C-038 P-8735 B-8575
12:45 2:30 B-5479 Z-6841 P-3102 Z-10844 C-11166 P-12792 P-2744 B-10508 P-8735
3:45 5:30 P-12792 ( 3 - 4pm) C-11908 P-10392 Z-6841 C-038 C-11166
5:45 7:30 Z-10844 Z-6841 P-12792 B-5479 B-10508

Friday From To
15/12/2023 7:00 8:45 C-11908
8:55 10:40 B-8575 C-11908 P-10392
9:30 10:30
10:45 12:30 Poll test P-10392 Z-091 C-11166 C B-10508 P-12792 P-8735 Z-10844
12:45 2:30 Poll test C-11166 P-3102 B-10508 B-8575 P-12792 Z-10844 C-038 P-8735
3:45 5:30 P-15259 P-10392 Z-6841 P-12792 Z-10844
5:45 7:30 B-15280 B-8575 B-5479 Z-091 P-12792

Saturday From To Room-5 Room-8 Room-7 Room-9 Room-1
16/12/2023 8:45 10:15 C-038 C-11166 P-8735 B-10508 P-10392 Z-091 P-8735(P8)
10:30 12:00 B-5479 B-10508 Room-7 Z-10844 P-10392 B-8575 B-5479 P-8735(P9)
12:30 2:00 P-12792 C-038 Z-091 P-8735 P-10392 (Z8)
2:10 3:40 B-10508 Z-6841 Z-10844 P-12792 C-11908 C-038(C-7)
3:45 5:30 P8,P9 P-10392(P-8,P-9) P-12792 C-11166 Z-10844
5:45 7:30 Z8,C7 (Z8) P-12792

From To
Sunday 7:00 8:30 Room-5 Room-1
17/12/2023 8:30 10:15 Z-10844 P-10392 P-8735 (P10)
10:30 12:00 C-11166 B-10508 Z-10844 C-11908 C-10761 B-5479(B-6)
12:30 2:00 C-11166 P-2744 C-038 C-10761 B-8575 8)
2:10 3:40 C-11166 Z-6841 Z-10844 B-5479 P-10392 9)
3:45 5:30 B-5479 (B-6) C-10761 Z-10844
5:45 7:30 B-6, P-10 C-10761(C-8,C-9)

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