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1) For number 1 - 2, please refer to the following word problem.

There are 4 apples

and 6 oranges. What is the ratio of apples to oranges in its simplest form? *

2) What is the ratio of oranges to fruits in its simplest form?

3) What's the ratio of pentagons to squares? *

4) Write the ratio of 72 : 84 in its simplest form.

5) Write the ratio of 120 : 150 in its simplest form.

6) Fill in the missing numbers. 64 : ? = 8 : 10 *

7) Fill in the missing numbers. 144 : 204 = 12 : ? *
8) For number 8 - 10, please refer to this word problem. Angel and Florie shared some
money. Angel received $24 and Florie received $36. Express the ratio of the amount that
Florie received to the amount that Angel received in its simplest form. *
9) Express the ratio of the amount that Florie received to the total amount of money in its
simplest form.
10) Express the amount that Florie received as a fraction of the total amount of money in
its simplest form. *
11) For number 11 and 12, please refer to this word problem. To make waffles, Mrs. Lie
mixed sugar, butter and flour in the ratio 2 : 3 : 5. She used 30 g of sugar. How much flour
did she use?
12) How much butter did she use?
13) For number 13 and 14, please refer to this word problem. The length of a rectangle is
45 cm and its breadth is 2/3 of its length. Find the ratio of the length of the rectangle to its
14) How much longer is the length of the rectangle than its breadth?
15) For number 15 - 18, please refer to this word problem. A supermarket sells a packet of
rice in different sizes. Packet A is 5 kg. Packet B is 10 kg. Packet C is 50 kg. What is the
ratio of the mass of Packet C to Packet A to Packet B in its simplest form?
16) Packet C is __________ times as heavy as Packet B.
17) Packet B is __________ times as heavy as Packet A.
18) Packet C is __________ times as heavy as Packet A.
19) A piece of ribbon, 132 cm long, is cut into 3 pieces in the ratio 6 : 2 : 3. How
much longer is the longest piece than the shortest piece?

20) Erwin, Rafael and Juan share $ 396 in the ratio 1 : 4 : 6. How much money
does Juan receive than Erwin?
21) For number 21 - 22, please refer to this word problem. The mass of cocoa powder in
Container A is 2/3 of the mass of cocoa powder in Container B. What is the ratio of the
mass of cocoa powder in Container B to the mass of cocoa powder in Container A?
22) What is the ratio of the mass of cocoa powder in Container B to the total mass of
cocoa powder in two containers?
23) Davin and Raka shared an amount of money in the ratio 4 : 7. Raka had $ 126 more
than Davin. Find the amount of money the two boys shared.
24) At the party, there are 45 donuts, 81 pizza slices and 108 chicken nuggets. What is the
ratio of pizza slices to chicken nuggets in its simplest form?
25) The ratio of potatoes to carrots is 7 : 9 . If there are 70 potatoes, how many carrots are
26) A science club has 28 members, of which 11 are males and the rest are females. What
is the ratio of females to all club members?
27) Lorraine drew 2 squares, 6 triangles, and 24 rectangles. What is the ratio of rectangles
to triangles in its simplest form?
28) 35 students play on the school's volleyball team and 49 students play on the rugby
team. What is the ratio of volleyball players to rugby players?

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