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TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023

NILAI Paraf Guru
Bidang Studi : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VI (Enam)
Hari/ tanggal : ………………………………….. Ttd Ortu
Waktu : 90 Menit
Nama/Absen : ......................................................

I. Choose the best answer for a, b, c or d!

1. Rizky : Do you like Durian?
Yoga : No, I don’t. I hate it. The smell is stingy.
Rizky : I hate it too. What about apple?
Yoga : I love it
From the dialogue, we know that ...
a. Rizky likes durian. c. Yoga likes durian
b. Yoga doesn’t like apple d. Yoga likes apple

The text is for number 2-3

Hi, I am Yulia. I am twelve years old and I live in Surabaya. I usually eat rice with fish or
meat and I drink some milk or tea for breakfast. I don’t eat any noodle, I don’t like it. At
school, I like to play football, read a book in break time. I don’t play badminton. I don’t
like it.

2. Choose the correct statement from the text!

a. Yulia likes rice, fish, but she doesn’t like noodle
b. Yulia likes rice, noodle, but she doesn’t like fish
c. Yulia likes football, but she doesn’t like reading
d. Yulia likes badminton, reading and basketball

3. Does Yulia like noodle?

a. Yes, she does c. Yes, they do
b. Yes, he does d. No, she does not

The table is for question number 4-5

Name Swimming Football Reading Cooking
Farid ✔ ✔ X X
Hafidz ✔ ✔ ✔ X
Lenny ✔ X ✔ ✔

4. Do Hafidz and Lenny like reading?

a. Yes, he does b. Yes, they do c. No, he don’t d. No, they don’t

5. Which one is the correct statement?

a. Farid likes swimming, football and reading, but he doesn’t like cooking
b. Hafidz likes swimming, football and reading, but he doesn’t like cooking
c. Lenny likes swimming, football and reading, but she doesn’t like cooking
d. Hafidz and Lenny like swimming, football, but they don’t like cooking
The table is for question number 6

6. Which one is the correct sentence?

a. Alfian likes cake and coffee, but he doesn’t like chicken
b. Adam likes chicken and coffee, but he doesn’t like cake
c. Nisywah likes chicken and coffee, but She doesn’t like cake
d. Alfian and Adam like cake and chicken.

7. Azza : ... girls are there?

Tiara : There are twenty girls.
a. How many b. How much c. How often d. How long

8. Andre : ... is this shirt?

Fadil : It’s seventy thousand Rupiah
a. How many b. How much c. How often d. How long

9. Fabian : ... is a box of milk?

Shopkeeper: It is five thousand Rupiah.
Fabian : ... boxes I get for twenty thousands Rupiah?
Shopkeeper: You’ll get four boxes, here you are
Fabian : thanks
a. How much, How many c. How much, How about
b. How many, How much d. How many, How far

10. Complete the dialogue!

Faris : …. , can I have a glass of tea please?
Seller : Sure, here you are
Faris : …. is it?
Seller : It’s Rp. 3000
a. Excuse me – How much c. Thank you – How many
b. Thank you - How much d. Excuse me – How many

11. The correct arrangement is ….

A. Aris : Look at your jacket, how much is it? a. A-C-D-B
B. Bintang : Thanks. b. A-B-C-D
C. Aris : It is a hundred thousand rupiahs. c. B-A-C-D
D. Bintang : Wow... that’s cool. d. B-A-D-C
TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023
NILAI Paraf Guru
Bidang Studi : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VI (Enam)
Hari/ tanggal : ………………………………….. Ttd Ortu
Waktu : 90 Menit
Nama/Absen : ......................................................

12. Teacher : What do you feel?

Alex : I feel .....
a. thirsty
b. hungry
c. sleepy
d. softly

13. How is the boy?

a. He is hungry
b. He is sleepy
c. He is tired
d. He is happy

14. How is the girl?

a. She is hungry
b. She is sleepy
c. She is sick
d. She is scare

15. Is the boy confused?

a. Yes, he is
b. Yes, she is
c. No, she is not
d. No, he is not

16. John : What do you feel?

Nani : I feel .....
John : Do you want to take a rest?
Nani : Yes, I do
a. thirsty b. hungry c. tired d. scared

17. Feel – I – so – tired – running – after – 3 km.

a. feel I so tired after running 3 km c. I tired so feel after running 3km
b. I feel so tired after running 3 km d. so I tired feel after running 3 km

18. Caca : What do you think about the pupils?

Raisa : ....
a. I think they are singing together
b. I think they are making noise
c. I think they are playing together
d. I think they are studying together
19. Rangga : Do we have plan for holiday?
Supri : .... camping?
Ozil : That’s good idea.
a. How many
b. How much
c. How about
d. How long

20. Nuril : How is my ...?

Ayatullah : I think it is awesome.
a. hair style
b. nail cut
c. hair dresser
d. hair wash

21. Icha : Why don’t we visit the museum?

Indy : ... I am very busy right now
A. I think so
B. I agree with you
C. That’s good idea
D. I disagree with you

The dialogue is for number 22-24

Kinanti : What do you think about English test today?
Annisa : I am not sure. It will be hard for me.
Because I did not study last night.
Kinanti : Of course it will be hard for you
Annisa : How about your test?
Kinanti : I am sure I can do it well.
Annisa : I believe you.

22. What does Annisa think about the test?

a. It will be hard c. It will be fine
b. It will be easy d. It will be great

23. Why Annisa is not sure?

a. Because it will be hard
b. Because she studied hard last night
c. Because she didn’t study last night
d. Because he didn’t study last night

24. Is Kinanti sure that she can do the test well?

a. Yes, he is b. No, he is not c. No, she doesn’t d. Yes, she is

25. Arrange the dialogue!

a. A - D - B - C A. Yes, sir. I am sorry
b. D - A - B - C B. Excuse me “ what did you say?”
c. C - B - D - A C. Dani, Do not scream!
d. D - B - A - C D. I said , “Do not scream”
TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023
NILAI Paraf Guru
Bidang Studi : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VI (Enam)
Hari/ tanggal : ………………………………….. Ttd Ortu
Waktu : 90 Menit
Nama/Absen : ......................................................

II. Fill in the blanks!

1. Etika : ___________ pens do you have?

Naya : I have five pens

2. Nafi’ : ___________ is a glass of orange juice?

Zaki : It’s five thousand rupiahs.

3. Do they happy on their graduation day?

4. Let’s arrange!
Don’t – badminton – playing – like – I

The text is for number 5-6

I am Sinta. Today is a good day for me. My parents give me new shoes and bike.
Those are gifts because I have graduated from elementary school. I’m so happy. Thank
you, mom and dad. I love you so much.

5. How was Sinta?

6. What does she got?

7. Cantika : What do you ______ about my new clothes?

Naila : I think it looks good on you. You look preety.
Cantika : Thank you.

8. Sisil : We need to study before examination

Lika : ____________ studying together?
Sisil : That’s good ______. I agree with you.

9. Anna : Lucy, come here please

Lucy : Sorry, ______________?
Anna : I said “come here please”

10. Alisa : What are you going to do tomorrow?

Bian : ____________, I don’t have any plan.
Alisa : What about watching movie together in my house?
Bian : That sounds great.

III. Let’s Write

1. Write two statements for this table!

Names banana pineappl durian

Fian √ √ X
Diana √ X √

a. ______________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________

2. Make a dialogue for this picture!

Dian : ___________________________?
Lili : ___________________________ Rp. 100.000

3. Let’s arrange!
- I am not sure, I don’t have any plan
- What are you going to do next week?
- I think that’s good idea
- What about going to Coban Rondo waterfall?

Leon : _________________________________________
Nando : _________________________________________
Leon : _________________________________________
Nando : _________________________________________

4. Let’s arrange!
- Are you ready for English test today?
- What did you do?
- I doubt it, I didn’t study English last night
- I played phone

Lisa : _________________________________________
Nara : _________________________________________
Lisa : _________________________________________
Nara : _________________________________________

5. Make a dialogue based on the table below!

No. Taylor Swift Bella Hadid Camilla Cabello

1. I am free now Going to Bali? Disagree, need to take a rest

TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023
NILAI Paraf Guru
Bidang Studi : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VI (Enam)
Hari/ tanggal : ………………………………….. Ttd Ortu
Waktu : 90 Menit
Nama/Absen : ......................................................

Taylor : _______________________________
Bella : _______________________________?
Camilla: _______________________________

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