Content Marketing in Harmony With Good CMS

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Content marketing in harmony with good CMS

You might think… why you should ever write anything, because who reads anything these days,
when everything is shaped into fine-looking videos, images into infographics, etc. Well, you’re
wrong. Content has been and still is the king.

Great content allows you to speak to your targeted audience, it enables you to create new
perspectives and show them possibilities they might not even know to exist. You can put
yourself in a specific place in the purchasing process, to be precise, put yourself in the
customer’s shoes. Every day, when you read your news from the social media world, write
something down that interests you the most, and then you won’t have to struggle with the lack of

You will have a starting point as opposed to a blank paper, and nothing will discourage you more
than a blank paper. It’s amazing what can come up from just one single sentence.
Using minimal efforts, you can build credibility, boost search engine rankings, increase website
traffic, and foster relationships with potential and current customers. Tell your story with
customer-centric examples. Since you are the one working with customers, you are the one who
knows what troubles them. Although the content is still No.1, we can not forget about making
things crystal by using meaningful images and media. And the most important of all, never
forget a clear and simple CTA!

Once you have started to create content, keep in mind these tips:

1. Be consistent

Meaning that eventually, people will get used to your words, your opinions, your pieces of
advice, and they will come back for more. But if they are not sure when they should return, or
they check it too quickly, or nothing happens for an extended period, then your potential readers
will seek some other source. Do not let that happen to you.

2. Be credible

Each job carries different kinds of responsibilities that differentiate one job from another. Write
yours, believe me, some people feel your problems, they are looking for some help or are just
interested in other people’s experience. Don’t write about things that you haven’t checked or
tried yourself because people can feel that. Stand behind your words, let people feel them.

3. Be contextual

If a sentence is not related to the rest of the text, it is outside context, and then it has little or no
meaning. When we put information into context, which can even be our assumption, we give
some significance. When making a story without a proper introduction, you will confuse
everyone around you, so be sure to put things into a legitimate perspective.

4. Be cohesive

Cohesion in science is an attractive intermolecular force that works between like molecules.
When we transfer it to real life, it is still the force that brings like-minded or like-something
people together. So try to behave like a force that will use words to bring people together. Words
with meaning and words that people can relate to.
5. Be concise

Expressing or covering much in a few words means to be concise. There’s this useful application
called Hemingway app ( that I like to use. It helps me when I
mix up words, for example, when I want to emphasize something and then exaggerate it. Even if
you don’t use this app, keep in mind that things should be short and straightforward.

Indisputable is to have good content, but where will you publish it? For quality publishing of
content, it is crucial to find a good CMS. According to Wiki, a content management system
(CMS) is a computer application that supports the creation and modification of digital content
using a familiar user interface, and thus usually supports multiple users working in a
collaborative environment. And in simple words, it is an application that enables the end-user
with limited knowledge to put, edit, and remove content from the website.

Good CMS is required for effective content marketing because it provides:

- content publishing

- content analytics

- mobile responsive

So, you don’t have to be an expert in programming to make your site, but you need to invest a
little time and effort to publish content. Also, a good CMS gives you the possibility of seeing
how many people have visited your page, how many have shared your content, where they have
shared it if they commented, liked…

Here is what EasyDNNnews offers you:

Also, the content managed by your CMS must be mobile responsive. You know that today
nobody goes far without their mobile phone, I am pretty sure that yours is now within your
reach. People are more and more used to searching for things with their mobile phones that is
why CMS that you are using must be responsive.
What is important for a good blogging article?

1) Good SEO

Once you have stepped into the blogging world, it is crucial to find your audience, and great
SEO can help you achieve it.

EasyDNN News offers you great SEO results just by using it. Your article link will generate
from the article title, but it’s also possible to enter a custom link. This module gives you the
possibility of entering title tags, meta description, and meta keywords directly into Article editor
> SEO settings.

And all your images can be SEO optimized also. Using Alt tags reportedly has a positive impact
on Google rankings. Alt tags or alternative text tell search engines about the image. If you add
titles to images added in articles, then titles will be used as alt tags.

2) Social media sharing

We want your posts to reach as many readers as possible with the least amount of effort on your
part. EasyDNN News enables auto-posting of published posts to your social media profiles on
Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

3) Sending Articles via email

We are constantly finding new ways for your posts to reach as many readers as possible. To this
end, we offer options such as the ability to automatically generate and send a newsletter to your
subscribers once a post has been published. For this functionality, you will need to use the
EasyDNN MailChimp Plus module.

4) User engagements (comments, likes, ratings, and similar)

At the bottom of every article, you can find a place for your readers to express their opinions,
likes, check the number of people who visited, and read your article. The user’s perspective is
and has always been, great feedback for finding the focal point of an article. In such away, you
can also get a fresh perspective and ideas for future blog posts.

All these can be found in the EasyDNN News module, and it can be even better when combining
it with our other modules! You can find everything you need in just one place –

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