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Name: Hazel Jane S. Juntilla Date: September 21, 2022
Course/Batch: BSCrim 1F

DIRECTION: Identify the following political caricature/cartoon then explain what are the meaning of it or
what is something behind that picture. Explain it in ten sentences of each picture.

The cartoon's message is that political pressure prevents media outlets from reporting the truth in the
modern era. In the Philippines, the media has developed political prejudice and would withhold the facts
in order to follow the wishes of its financiers. The media consistently reports bad news; they do not
emphasize the positive things taking place all around us.
The cartoon serves as a test for the media's ability to put aside political bias and convey the facts.
because the public is currently losing faith in the media. They should tell the truth if they wish to
maintain their credibility. Their main purpose, though, is not to amuse you but to persuade you. A good
political cartoon makes you think about current events, but it also tries to sway your opinion toward the
cartoonist's point of view.

For me, the cartoon's message is all about disasters. Because in this situation, we have a political So, if
disaster strikes, they will provide a meal, also known as ayuda. So, I think the corruption starts once the
municipality gives an AYUDA to every community. They will start to give the food to people who need it
the most. But the other politicians will choose other people that they know instead of the people who
need food, so I think they have corruption in this situation. If the election comes, we need to know who
is the one who is worthy of his position. We must support him. So, our community has no corruption
anymore. We deserve the best politicians in our community that are reliable for us.


This image depicts the students who have an online class today. As a student today, I also know how to
suffer because of online classes. Because it's hard to teach yourself to know the lesson and also the
internet corruption. Because if we don't have access to the internet, we cannot use Google or our
messenger to talk to our instructor. So, I think this is the one that all students suffer because of the
internet. Like me, I don't want this situation now that all we have is online classes because I want face-
to-face so that we don't have to suffer anymore. And because in online classes we don't have an idea of
how to teach ourselves, I think we must prefer face-to-face classes. and to have a lot of friends in our

The message of this cartoon is all about agriculture. Agriculture is the art and science of cultivating the
soil, growing crops, and raising livestock is known as agriculture. It involves preparing plant and animal
items for human consumption and distributing them to marketplaces. Most of the food and textiles in
the world are produced by agriculture. So, without agriculture it is not possible to have a city, stock
market, banks, university, church or army. Agriculture is the foundation of civilization and any stable
economy. Why is agriculture important? It helps sustain life by providing the food we need to survive.
Therefore, we must protect our plants. because we cannot consume the delicious meals that we have in
our country without plants.


The effort to educate children is negatively impacted by poverty. Stressful home environments,
differences in exposure to technology, and a lack of money for schools. Even the wealthiest states
and districts must slash. Education spending in the current economic climate, and districts that were
previously on the verge of collapse are now in an even worse situation. Children in certain
classrooms must contend with a lack of books, copy paper, extreme congestion. This cartoon's main
message is one of poverty. Many teenagers who live in poverty are unable to attend school because
their families cannot provide financial support, thus they must decide to stop learning. They would
rather get a job than complete their education.
Even if they are sick of looking for job, they won't give up because they have faith that they will
someday be able to endure difficulties.
Rubrics for essay exam:

Criteria 50 pts. 40 pts. 30 pts. 20-10 pts.

Completeness Shows a thorough Presents a general Shows a limited Does not answer
understanding understanding understanding the specific topic
about the picture. about the picture. about the picture. regarding the
Address all the Completely Does not address picture presented.
aspect about the addresses most most aspect
picture aspect about the about the picture.
completely. picture or
addresses all The answer
The answer must aspect copied from the
be own words not incompletely. internet
be copied in the completely.
internet. The answer
partially own
words and
partially copied in
the internet

Prepared by: Approved by:


Instructor GEC Coordinator

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