Sailpoint IIQ - Content-Revised

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Duration: 5 Days

Day 1

Installation of Sailpoint
Patching IIQ Environment
IdentityIQ Preview,Product Architecture
Identity Cubes and Administrative Features

Day 2

Application onboarding
{Delimited Single Object,Multiple Object}
JDBC Applications-Mysql database
LDAP Application
Special case Connectors
Multiplex Application and Logical Application
Sequential Tasks and Filter Capabilities
Identity Coorelation

Day 3
Implenting Risk in IIQ
Identity and Application Level
Policies In IIQ
SOD Policies,Account policy,Risk Policy and Advanced Policy
Certifications in IIQ
Identity and Event Based Certifications
Application,Manager,Entitelment Owner,Membership and Composition based Certifications

Day 4

Event Based Certifications and Lifecycle Events

Roles in IIQ
Role Modeling and Mining Activities
Tools,Debugging and Troubleshooting
Rules,Tasks and API

Day 5

Lifecycle Cycle Manager

Access Requests
Lifecycle Events and Custom Workflow
Provisioning in LDAP and JDBC Applications

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