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The Prince of Egypt Movie Guide

Name: _________________________
1. What does the mother do to the baby in the basket?Mother puts baby in a basket to
save the baby from danger, this basket swims through pirates and crocodiles.

2. What is the baby named?The baby was named Moses.

3. What body part falls off the statue while they are racing?The statue parts were nose, the
nose fell during the race.

4. Why is their father more angry at Ramesses than Moses?The dad was angry because
during the race they teared up the statue's nose.

5. What job does Ramesses receive?Ramesses was appointed by his father.

6. What does Moses do when the girl is trying to escape?He is distracting them so the girl
could escape.

7. What are Moses’ brother and sisters’ names?Moses' real sister was named Miriam.

8. What did Moses’ father do to the Hebrew slaves?He is forcing them to do a lot of work in
hot weather.

9. What does Moses do to the man who is whipping the slaves?Ramesses punishing him.

10. What did Moses fall in after helping the kids?Moses fell into the well with water.

11. Who does Moses find when following the sheep into the cave?He took his camels and
distracted them to let away from the kids.

12. What job is Moses given?He became the prince of Egypt.

13. Who is the pharaoh when Moses returns to Egypt?Ramesses was before when Moses
became the one.

14. What does Moses’ staff turn into in front of the pharaoh?He is becoming a snake.

15. What does Moses turn the water into?The water doesn't let move others so Mosies
stopped the water and it becomes air.

16. What begins to happen to the city?The city is destroyed by a volcano.

17. What will happen to those that do not put blood above their door?They wouldn't get safe
because the blood saves them.
18. What do the Hebrews (Jews) begin to do once after this night?They are listening to

19. How does Moses get his people across the sea?He is pulling the water up the air.

20. What happens to the Egyptian soldiers once Moses’ followers make it across the
sea?They can't cross the sea.

Essay - Write 3 paragraphs for an A, 2 paragraphs for a B, 1 paragraph for a C.

Do you think this story is true, why or why not?

_I think that this is true and based on the true story.The whole characters are real and this story
is based on a true story like a can't say that is a fiction story. This story is about a Moses who
had a war when he was a baby so mother decided to move and be safe. He swam in the basket
and came to Ramesses and his village. He didn't know he had another family except for
them.That is where he finds adventure and saves the world like a hero.

He saw a girl and he wanted to act like a hero so he took the thing that pulled her.He just threw
it away. He thought that it is a bad thing to do for a girl he felt guilty. His brother Ramesses said
after this he is gonna be the prince of egypt. Then he saw how the girl wanted to escape this
town with her lion. Moises saw two guys walking. He distracted their attention that she would
escape. He thought that the last time he hurted girls feelings so he helped her. Then he finds
the adventure in this town. He becomes the hero and saves the world.

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