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CRIME: RAPE (2020)





JIL SHAH B039 40310190087
ANITA PARMAR B028 40310190078


For the completion of my assignment, I had to take the assistance and guidance of some
respected persons, who deserve my deepest gratitude. As the fulfilment of this assignment gave
me much pleasure, I would like to show my gratitude to Mithibai College for giving me this
opportunity study in sociology department. I would also like to enhance my gratitude to all
those who have directly and indirectly counselled me during this assignment.

In addition, thank you to Professor Khevna Desai, who introduced me to the Sociology of
environment and society, and whose passion for the gender roles and majorly feminism had
lasting effect.

Many people, particularly my classmates have made useful comment suggestions which gave
me push to improve the quality of the assignment.















Rape, generally known as balatkar is a terrifying word in itself. In India, it is one of the most
common criminal activities. So petrifying, humiliating, traumatic and terrifying the word rape
is that it destroys the entire psychology and effects the deepest emotions of the person being
raped. The word rape has been derived from the Latin word ‘rapio’ which means to take away.
Therefore the literal meaning of rape could be forcibly snatching something from someone
which is clearly an offence. To force means to indulge in an activity without the consent of
another. India used to believe in the concept of Maatri Devo Bhava which means to worship
women or mother. But keeping in view the number of rape cases which arise every day in India
the concept of Maatri Devo Bhava seems to disappear nowadays. Rape is a crime not only
against the victim as an individual but against society as a whole. So utterly shameful is the
offence that it even is a crime against the basic human rights. No single definition can define
the word rape because of its exhaustive nature. Only the person who suffers it, knows it.
Therefore rape can be termed as a sex crime.


Rajasthan is situated in northwestern India, bounded on the west and northwest by Pakistan
and shares borders with the states of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat and Madhya
Pradesh. With a area of 342,239 sq km, it is geographically largest state in India. The state has
33 areas and comprises nine regions. The western part is generally infertile and dry. Rajasthan

is home to the Great Indian Desert, known as the Thar Desert, and the Chambal River, which
is only responsible for the water supply within the region. Jaipur, Ajmer, Kota and Ajmer are
known as the four smart cities in Rajasthan.

Total population of Rajasthan as per 2011 census is 68,548,437 of which male and female are
35,550,997 and 32,997,440 respectively. The total population growth in this decade was 21.31
percent while in previous decade it was 28.33 percent. The population of Rajasthan forms 5.66
percent of India in 2011.

Sex ratio
As per 2011 Census, the sex ratio of Rajasthan was 928.During the last decade, the sex ratio
in Rajasthan increased from 921 in 2001 to 928 in 2011.

In 2011 population census literacy rate in Rajasthan was at 66.11 percent, where the male
literacy rate was at 79.19 percent while female literacy was 52.12 percent respectively. In 2011
census actual numbers of total literates in Rajasthan stands at 38,275,282 of which males were
23,688,412 and females were 14,586,870


Delhi is the National Capital Territory of India and it is bordered by Haryana on three sides
and by Utter Pradesh in the east side. Delhi covers an area of 1483 Sq. Km.,out of which
369.35 sq. Km. is designated as rural and 1113.65 Sq. Km. is designated as urban, which makes
it the largest city in terms of area in the country. Delhi has 11 districts with 33 Tehsils and Sub-
Divisions. The location of Delhi is such that a major part of the city falls on the western side
of the Yamuna River. Delhi’s urban area is now considered to extend beyond the NCT
boundaries, and include the neighboring satellite cities of Ghaziabad, Faridabad, Gurgaon, and
Noida in an area now called National Capital Region (NCR).


As per details from Census 2011, Delhi has population of 1.68 Crores, an increase from 1.39
Crore in 2001 census. Total population of Delhi as per 2011 census is 16,787,941 of which
male and female are 8,987,326 and 7,800,615 respectively. In 2001, total population was
13,850,507 in which males were 7,607,234 while females were 6,243,273.

Sex ratio
Sex ratio is a very important demographic indicator for analyzing the socio-economic features
of a population. It is the ratio of females per thousand males. As per 2011 Census, the sex ratio
of Delhi was 868.During the last decade, the sex ratio in Delhi increased from 821 in 2001 to
868 in 2011.

The literacy rate in Delhi has seen an upward trend. In 2011 population census literacy
rate in Delhi stood was at 86.21 percent, where the male literacy rate was at 90.94 percent
while female literacy was at 80.76 percent respectively. In 2011 census actual numbers of total
literates in Delhi stands at 12,737,767 of which males were 7,194,856 and females were

Landmark judgements that changed the rape laws in Rajasthan and Delhi:

Vishaka vs the State of Rajasthan-

Bhanwari Devi was gang-raped by five men as she was preventing child marriage. She went to
the trial court but the trial court acquitted all five accused. Later Vishakha a group for women
education and research undertook the case of Bavaria Devi and filed a petition before Supreme
court for sexual harassment at the workplace. The Supreme Court held that the safety of women
at workplace is a must and convicted the five accused and gave a new definition of sexual

Nirbhaya case-
It is the landmark case of 2013. The judgement of the Supreme court widened the definition of
rape laws in this case. The Supreme court reviewing all the facts of the case gave a death
sentence to four adults and sent the minor to reform for 3 years. Changed the definition will

constitute rape when there is penetration in any women’s body part. The punishment of rape
included a minimum of 20 years of imprisonment and death in extreme circumstances.


• According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data Rajasthan for the
second consecutive year has recorded the highest number of rape cases and among all
the Union territories Delhi for the second consecutive time has recorded the highest
number of rape cases in India in 2020

• The crime data for 2020 released by the NCRB showed that Rajasthan has a total of
5310 rape cases that were registered in various police stations and in Delhi 997 rape
cases were recorded.

• The sex ratio in Rajasthan is not a great indicator of its overall growth and development.
Present sex ratio is 926 females for 1000 males. Rajasthan's sex ratio has declined in
the last two decades which causes a serious concern for Government and Agencies
whereas the sex ratio in Delhi is 868. During the last decade, the sex ratio in Delhi
increased from 821 in 2001 to 868 in 2011. The sex ratio is less in Delhi compared to

• According to 2011 census, the literacy rate in Delhi was 86.21%where the male literacy
rate was at 90.94 percent while female literacy was at 80.76 percent respectively and in
Rajasthan it was 66.11% where the male literacy was 79.19% while female literacy was
52.% respectively

• As per details from Census 2011, Delhi has population of 1.68 Crores, an increase from
1.39 Crore in 2001 census. Total population of Delhi as per 2011 census is 16,787,941
of which male and female are 8,987,326 and 7,800,615 respectively. In 2001, total
population was 13,850,507 in which males were 7,607,234 while females were

• Rajasthan with a population of 80,782,495 (8 crore) people is ranked seventh largest

state of India population wise,.. The population of male is 41,918,036 and female is
38,864,459. The female population is more in Rajasthan compared to Delhi.

• Due to the more population of female in Rajasthan there are more rape case when
compared to Delhi which has less female population so there there are less rape cases
than Rajasthan.

• During investigation, the Rajasthan Police found that in 95 percent cases the
perpetrators were relatives or known to the victims. According to the NCRB data in
246 incidents of rape the accused were unknown and in 721 cases the violators were
family members. The NCRB data states that in 1531 cases, a girl was either raped by
her friends or she was raped on the pretext of getting married. According to the bureau’s
data 2794 victims were violated by their neighbours.The fact that around 99% rapes are
done by people who are known to the woman being raped. In 2018, NCRB data pointed
this number as being 94%, where the offender was someone known to the survivor.
However, the involvement of strangers has been dipping in Delhi. As per the statistics
by Delhi Police, the case with strangers involvement has come down to 1.17%.

• The Rajasthan DGP also claimed that the state leads in timely delivery of justice in rape
and gangrape cases and whereas Delhi has topped the list and has registered a whopping
353% increase in pending rape cases.

• In terms of rape in Metropolitan cities, with 409 rape cases in 2020, Jaipur is next only
to Delhi city with 967 cases. However, at 28.1, its crime rate for rape is more than
double of Delhi city, which is at 12.8 rape cases per lakh population.

• While crimes against women in Delhi declined by 24.65% in 2020 as compared to 2019
and also in Rajasthan the rape cases of 2020 declined when compared to rape cases of
2019 possibly on account of the Covid-19 pandemic that kept people mostly indoors
last year, the national capital still topped the Union Territories (UTs) in the number of
rapes reported.

• The patriarchal societal structure in Rajasthan is another reason for rape cases. The high
incidence of rape in this state is a result of the power imbalance between men and
women. Rape plays a role in maintaining patriarchy by perpetuating the threat of
violence. Violence against women surges whenever the patriarchal status quo or the
traditional Mode is challenged. You need to be very masculine in north India. This has

been because of historic reasons, ie., north-india was the 1st stop of any invaders. So
much so that your masculity is checked by girls for being a bf/husband.

• The condition of women in Rajasthan is pitiable in comparison to other states. Infamous

for child marriages, Rajasthan is among the states having the worst sex ratios in the
• Many families in society are not ready to accept the fact that someone in their family
has been raped. This is the main reason why most of the rapes are not even registered.
Women are unwilling to report even those incidents that fit the legal definition of rape
or attempted rape. Sometimes this is due to their successful resistance and the
ambiguous feelings that they have about whether the harm that was inflicted reached
the level of a criminal act, and their doubts about the integrity of the system to which
they have to report.

• However, with expanding employment opportunities for women, they have become
more autonomous and assertive. So some increase in reporting rapes is not unlikely.
Although media coverage of sexual violence and rapes has increased significantly after
the ghastly December 16, 2012, rape there are reporting biases.

• Delhi is surrounded by 3 different states and Rajasthan is surrounded by Haryana, Utter

Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab and Gujarat.No matter where you are in Delhi and
Rajasthan, you can hide away from cops. Also, Delhi police’s jurisdiction is only within
the borders of Delhi. Tracking criminals once they move outside Delhi and Rajasthan
becomes a very difficult exercise. Criminals know it and use it to their advantage. Same
applies to other areas in NCR. Once a criminal commits some crime, he/she can easily
evade police by moving across Delhi and Rajasthan boundaries. Delhi NCR sees a lot
of migration from some of the most unruly states (Haryana, UP, Bihar etc.). This factor
also plays an important role.

• Less number of female police can be one of the reasons for sexual violence problem in
India. Whenever a woman is being raped she is more likely to report her case to a female
police officer. Historically speaking of which New Rajasthan has just 9.31% female
officers and Delhi has just 7% of female police officers. Statistically speaking 161
district police stations in Delhi have only one female station house officer.

• None of the families in Indian society are ready to accept the fact that someone in their
family has been raped and they often advise the victims to stay away from the haphazard
caused after rape in the police station. This is the sole reason why most of the rapes are
not even registered in Delhi and Rajasthan.

• Women who drink, smoke or go late-night clubbing are seen as immoral in most of the
Indian society and are the reason for being raped. If the public themselves think and are
okay with this kind of reasoning behind rape then women in India are definitely not
safe in public places. The state is still living in a feudal mindset. This mindset has been
the biggest contributor to crime against women. NCRB puts Rajasthan at the top when
it comes to rape or attempting to rape cases.

• Open defecation is the main reason for rapes in Rajasthan and Delhi Women in India,
who use open defecation are prone to sexual violence and due to less infrastructure
improvement it provide them with less level of protection. women who use open
defecation sites like an open field or the side of a railway track are twice as likely to get
raped when compared with women using a home toilet.

• Delhi stands out as the number of rapes increased about six times. The sex ratio rose,
there was greater affluence and a higher female worker/male worker ratio. While these
were likely to reduce the number of rapes, their negative effects were more than
compensated by higher open defecation, alcoholism, and a marked reduction in the
conviction rate.

• The newspaper has a vital role in representation of news for the public. Newspaper,
television stations, radios are among the most influential sources used by the public to
develop opinions about the crime and Criminal Justice system( Chermark, 1995).
• Finally, I think the presence of news-hungry media houses in Delhi and Rajasthan also
impacts Delhi and Rajasthan. Every small crime gets national coverage which may not
be the case for many other cities. This results in Delhi and Rajasthan seeming more
unsafe than it really is.

• Though there are laws being framed to protect the victims of rape and to give them their
legal rights, still there is a problem in the implementation of laws that are being framed.
• The GOI needs to understand that ‘law can never be the entire answer… framing laws
and making them perfect should not take up all our time’ (Bhabha 2013). Even
maximum punishment, i.e. death penalty, for the Delhi rapists does not begin to address
the needs of rape survivors. With each day’s delay, we are risking the lives of hundreds
of women.

• Government initiatives to ensure the safety of women--such as

• this National Vehicle Security and Tracking System and setting up of women’s
helplines—have failed to effect a measurable drop in the number of reports of rape and
other sex-related crimes. At the same time, funds allocated for improving safety of
women in public transport have been underutilised for years on end, as this ministerial
reply in the Lok Sabha (lower house of Parliament) indicates.
• Very
• After shooting up drastically in 2019, mainly due to strict measures and various
initiatives by the Ashok Gehlot government, the overall cases declined in the state in
• Hence, while Rajasthan still needs to do a lot more for women, there has been an overall
decline in crimes against women in the state in 2020. IPC+SLL crimes also shot up
drastically in the state between 2018 and 2019 but declined in 2020.
• the figures shoot up drastically in Rajasthan under Congress due to, Post 2019, the
increase in crime figures in Rajasthan can mainly be attributed to strict measures and
various initiatives by the Ashok Gehlot government, which came to power in December
2018. The chief among them is strengthening the framework around mandatory
registration of FIR.
• Due to which the crime situation in Rajasthan has worsened in the last two years.
Registration of more cases doesn’t necessarily mean that crime has increased. In
Rajasthan, the police department’s campaign to register every complaint has led to an
increase in registration of FIRs in the state, and thus the overall drastic rise in figures
between 2018 and 2019, before a decline in 2020. Increase in crime numbers in state
police data may in fact be on account of certain citizen centric police initiatives, like
launching of e-FIR facility or women Helpdesks, etc.”

• One important thing to note is that rapes and other violence against women have been
happening for a long time. The media keeps jumping at every single incident of rape
post the Dec 16 Delhi gangrape which is what makes us feel that there has been an
increase in the number of rapes especially in Delhi. Delhi and Rajasthan no exception,
every city or village in India has incidents of rape happening almost everyday. The
initial outcry on the visual and print media, the numerous talk shows and the public
anger slowly dies out in a few days, we are more concerned about populating our
facebook walls and blogs with messages and statements in support of women and
demands for action against the rapists rather than actually doing something. So rather
than looking at Delhi and Rajasthan in particular, it would be better to think of the
problem that is prevalent in a majority of areas in India.
• Watching porn is not a crime and the new demand for making it a criminal offence will
not solve the problem. Our forefathers did not have access to the internet nor to movies
or any such things that people now blame to be responsible for this increase but rapes
did exist even then. So where is the problem? It exists in the very mindset of us Indians.
For us women have always been the weaker sex who can be exploited and trampled at
will. We have grown up seeing our moms give the utmost devotion to dads, not
complaining for any of the injustice being meted out to them from a simple thing like
being given the smallest piece of a cake or simply ignoring their opinions on many
issues, we have seen our sisters being taught to respect and be submissive to their dad
and brothers till they get married and then to their husband and members of his family.
For us women are machines to handle the house and give us physical satisfaction. We
carry this attitude when we go to college and then to work... we believe that the topper
girl is always supposed to have "mugged up" the entire subject failing to note that she
did worked really hard (more than the guys who consider themselves to be the smarties)
to get this score, any woman in the higher echelons of the company made it there
through really unfair means, we don't realise that she did indeed do the same work that
you kept on complaining about in a better way, that she did prove her capability to a
big crowd of people who like you considered her to be worth nothing. It is this attitude
that needs to be changed. We need to understand the fact that they have the same kind
of brains and feelings like we do and they go through worse hardships to study and
work among a dominating male crowd both at home and outside. We need to be taught

to treat our mothers and our sisters as equals. It is this understanding that we need to
create in the minds of the upcoming generation rather than blocking access to porn
which we are sure will never work out as we are the class of people who somehow use
Facebook from office even if the firewalls block access.

• After Nirbhaya Rape case on March 21, 2013, the rape law in the country was amended.
The new tougher anti-rape law – Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013 – to punish
sex crimes redefined rape and made punishments more stringent – including death for
repeat rape offenders. But despite the stricter law, weak policing and investigation
haven’t deterred rape, the fourth-most common crime against women in India,
according to government statistics. In the absence of systemic and procedural reform,
the law has failed to to attain its primary objective, evident by the similarly brutal cases
in recent weeks.

• Women are unwilling to report even those incidents that fit the legal definition of rape
or attempted rape. Sometimes this is due to their successful resistance and the
ambiguous feelings that they have about whether the harm that was inflicted reached
the level of a criminal act, and their doubts about the integrity of the system to which
they have to report.
• However, with expanding employment opportunities for women, they have become
more autonomous and assertive. So some increase in reporting rapes is not unlikely.
Although media coverage of sexual violence and rapes has increased significantly after
the ghastly December 16, 2012, rape there are reporting biases.

• Many social reasons like patriarchal structure, feudal mindset, caste, gender gap,
economic reasons like open defecation, cultural reasons- the myth about clothing,
makeup, miscommunication etc. play an important role.

• One important thing to note is that rapes and other violence against women have been
happening for a long time. The media keeps jumping at every single incident of rape
post the Dec 16 Delhi gangrape which is what makes us feel that there has been an
increase in the number of rapes especially in Delhi. Delhi and Rajasthan no exception,

every city or village in India has incidents of rape happening almost everyday. The
initial outcry on the visual and print media, the numerous talk shows and the public
anger slowly dies out in a few days, we are more concerned about populating our
Facebook walls and blogs with messages and statements in support of women and
demands for action against the rapists rather than actually doing something. So rather
than looking at Delhi and Rajasthan in particular, it would be better to think of the
problem that is prevalent in a majority of areas in India.
• Watching porn is not a crime and the new demand for making it a criminal offence will
not solve the problem. Our forefathers did not have access to the internet nor to movies
or any such things that people now blame to be responsible for this increase but rapes
did exist even then. So where is the problem? It exists in the very mindset of us Indians.
For us women have always been the weaker sex who can be exploited and trampled at
will. We have grown up seeing our moms give the utmost devotion to dads, not
complaining for any of the injustice being meted out to them from a simple thing like
being given the smallest piece of a cake or simply ignoring their opinions on many
issues, we have seen our sisters being taught to respect and be submissive to their dad
and brothers till they get married and then to their husband and members of his family.
For us women are machines to handle the house and give us physical satisfaction. We
carry this attitude when we go to college and then to work... we believe that the topper
girl is always supposed to have "mugged up" the entire subject failing to note that she
did worked really hard (more than the guys who consider themselves to be the smarties)
to get this score, any woman in the higher echelons of the company made it there
through really unfair means, we don't realise that she did indeed do the same work that
you kept on complaining about in a better way, that she did prove her capability to a
big crowd of people who like you considered her to be worth nothing. It is this attitude
that needs to be changed. We need to understand the fact that they have the same kind
of brains and feelings like we do and they go through worse hardships to study and
work among a dominating male crowd both at home and outside. We need to be taught
to treat our mothers and our sisters as equals. It is this understanding that we need to
create in the minds of the upcoming generation rather than blocking access to porn
which we are sure will never work out as we are the class of people who somehow use
Facebook from office even if the firewalls block access.


Raising the boys right since birth is the most important factor that will lead to a decrease in a
huge number of rape cases.The problem with Indian society is that whenever any rape happens
only the victim is questioned and not the rapist. The victim has to go through innumerable
questions from the society and sometimes even blamed for the rape herself. All the individuals
in Indian society are busy educating the victim how to prevent or protect themselves from rape
but do not educate the other side of the party regarding the dos and don’ts. Many of us don’t
even know that the boys in India are being raped as much as girls but they don’t talk about it
because there are no help centres for them. The laws are even gender biased with respect to
rapes. So everyone must adopt the practice of educating and creating awareness about the right
and the wrong amongst the society because they are the ones who are going to make a
difference in future.

Judiciary plays a vital role in finding a proper solution to rape cases. They are responsible to
not rely on law rigidly but to allow some sense of flexibility while deciding such intense
matters. Everyone are trying nowadays to bring into light the saddening part of Indian society
and their approach towards rape. Film industries like Bollywood are also trying to create
awareness by making movies on sensitive topics like Section 375, Pink, etc. While there have
been no strict rules framed for the protection of rape victims which shows the positive side of
the picture, statistics show the actual side which is that there has actually been no such change
in spite of the strict laws. If the laws are really to adhere, the court and the legislation need to
make some changes. The reason being the laws remain the same and the number of victims
keeps on increasing every year. There needs to be some political sensitivity, judicial sensitivity,
special courts and training programmes to be able to control the worsening situation.


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• Chadha, P. S. (2021, December 30). Woman who filed 8 rape cases against 8 men
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• Desk, O. W. (2021, September 17). Delhi Remains Most Unsafe City For Women As
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• Godha, M. (2021, September 15). At 5310, Rajasthan records maximum number of rape
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