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Complete Name : sdfghjk

Student No. : 20456539
Date Submitted :

1. Why are computer manufacturers constantly releasing faster computers? How do

computer users benefit from the increased speed?
 People want faster computers to handle complex tasks, run multiple programs
simultaneously, and load data and applications more quickly. This is important for
people who use their computers for demanding tasks such as video editing, gaming,
or software development. Computer users benefit from the increased speed of
computers in a number of ways. Faster computers can perform tasks more quickly,
which can save users a significant amount of time. It can also help users to be more
productive by allowing them to handle more tasks at the same time and switch
between programs more quickly. can provide a more enjoyable user experience by
making applications run more smoothly and responsively. For example, a faster
computer can provide a smoother gaming experience or allow users to watch high-
resolution videos without any lag.

2. How is human memory similar to computer memory? How is it different?

 Human memory and computer memory are similar in some ways. Both human
memory and computer memory can be used to store information for later use.
Human memory is often organized into different types of memory, such as short-
term memory, long-term memory, and episodic memory. Computer memory can
also be organized into different types of memory, such as RAM, ROM, and hard drive
storage. While they have similarities, they function and their scales are different.
Human memory is large but limited and often leaves gaps in information to
accommodate its size. Computer memory has a very large capacity that leaves no
gap in information and oftentimes can be upgraded to increase capacity. Accuracy
and reliability also differ, as human memory has limits whereas computer memory is
fast and reliable.

3. If we think of the human brain as a computer, what are the input devices? What are the
output devices? What are the storage devices?
 The input devices would be the: eyes, ears, skin tongue, and nose.
 The output devices would be the: bones and muscles (including our vocal cords for
 The storage devices would be the: trillions and billions of neurons found throughout
the body.

4. What kind of new input and output devices do you think future computers might have?
 Gesture recognition devices would allow users to control computers with their hands
and body movements. This could be done using cameras or other sensors to track
the user's movements and can be used for a variety of tasks, such as playing games
and navigating menus. The most futuristic I can think of are brain-computer
interfaces, which would allow users to access computers directly in their minds. This
could be done by measuring the electrical activity of the brain or by implanting
electrodes in the brain.
 For output devices, haptic, olfactory, and gustatory feedback devices are recent
target milestones of the computer age. We already have screens and speakers to
simulate our senses of sight and hearing, output devices for the remaining three
senses would be interesting to have.

5. How would using a computer be different if it had no operating system?

 An operating system is software that manages the computer's hardware and
resources and provides a platform for running other applications. Without an
operating system, we would not be able to use most of the software that we are
used to using. It would require a deep understanding of computer hardware and
software to be able to use a computer without an operating system effectively which
makes it challenging and not user-friendly.

6. “The computer is a great humanizing factor because it makes the individual more
important. The more information we have on each individual, the more each individual
counts.” Do you agree with this statement by science fiction writer Isaac Asimov? Why or
why not?
 Yes, I agree with Isaac Asimov. Computers can help us to better understand and
appreciate the diversity of human experience. It can also help us to personalize our
experiences and interactions with the world around us. By collecting and analyzing
data about individuals and using the data to extract individual preferences and
interests, we can learn more about their different cultures and values and
recommend products, services, and experiences that are more likely to be relevant
to us.

7. Are computers morally neutral? Explain your answer.

 Computers are simply tools that can be utilized regardless of morality. It’s like saying
a knife is evil because it can cut when its very purpose is to cut. Knives can be used
with ill intent to harm someone but they can also do good in the hands of a chef. It is
similar to a computer in that it can do good in almost every aspect of human
advancements but it can also cause great harm by spreading misinformation or at
worst creating autonomous weapons of mass destruction. Even so, they are not
morally neutral as the question suggests. Computers are outside the matrix of
morality as morality is subjective therefore the only ones who belong in that scale
are humans as only, we have the capacity to do outside our nature and be conscious
enough to even come up with the matrix of morality.
8. What do you suppose motivates people to create computer viruses and other
destructive software? What do you think motivates hackers to break into computer
systems? Are the two types of behavior related?
 The motivations of people who create malware and hack into computer systems are
complex and varied. Some are cyber criminals who attempt to use malware for
financial gain, some for espionage purposes, and some for vandalism or revenge,
individuals who just want to watch the world burn. While the two types of people
are somewhat similar, the key difference between them is that those who create
malware are more inclined towards destruction as they do not have clear targets for
their malware. Hackers on the other hand are more inclined to gain an unfair
advantage as hacking requires a target.

9. What kinds of questions might be raised if humans develop biologically based

computers? How might our computers change society?
 The development of biologically based computers would be a major technological
breakthrough with the potential to have a profound impact on society. It would raise
a number of questions for sure, such as legal, ethical, and social queries from
different groups. Would they have legal rights? What are the ethical implications of
using living computers as tools? Would they be even considered alive? How would
they interact in a social structure? Biological computers will have a tremendous
impact for sure, but it will be very difficult to predict how they might change society.
However, it is clear that biologically based computers have the potential to
revolutionize many aspects of our lives.

10. Will personal computers and the Internet empower ordinary citizens to make better lives
for themselves?
 Yes, personal computers and the Internet can empower ordinary citizens to make
better lives for themselves. Computers and the Internet can provide access to a vast
number of educational resources to help people learn new skills, knowledge, and
information that can be used to improve their lives. Easier employment
opportunities can also help people. There are a number of ways personal computers
and the Internet can empower ordinary citizens and it’s not even limited in
opportunities! Social media can also play a vital role for empowerment.

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