Optimal Denial-of-Service Attack Scheduling With Energy Constraint

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11, NOVEMBER 2015 3023

Optimal Denial-of-Service Attack Scheduling

With Energy Constraint
Heng Zhang, Peng Cheng, Ling Shi, and Jiming Chen

Abstract—Security of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) has gained attack pattern in the attack space [9]. Besides the theoretical research
increasing attention in recent years. Most existing works mainly on DoS attack, some experiments were also conducted to demonstrate
investigate the system performance given some attacking patterns. the effect of DoS attacks [10].
In this technical note, we investigate how an attacker should In practice, energy constraint is a natural concern for various types
schedule its Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks to degrade the system of attackers, which will affect their attack policies [11]–[13]. Law et al.
performance. Specifically, we consider the scenario where a sensor [11] pointed out that jammers may run out of energy very fast when
sends its data to a remote estimator through a wireless channel, their energy budget is limited. Kavitha et al. [12] introduced a random
while an energy-constrained attacker decides whether to jam DoS attacker who randomly decides to jam the channel or sleep in
the channel at each sampling time. We construct optimal attack order to save the energy.
schedules to maximize the expected average estimation error at Most existing works mainly investigate the system performance
the remote estimator. We also provide the optimal attack schedules for given attack patterns. The study of the adversary’s optimal attack
when a special intrusion detection system (IDS) at the estimator is schedules and the corresponding consequences is an important aspect
given. We further discuss the optimal attack schedules when the in CPS security as pointed out in [14]. Motivated by this, we aim
sensor has energy constraint. Numerical examples are presented to answer how to optimally schedule the attack so as to maximize
to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed optimal attack the attacking effect on a CPS. Specifically, we consider a system
schedules. where one sensor processes the measurements and sends the data
to a remote estimator through a wireless channel. An attacker has a
Index Terms—DoS attack, energy constraint, state estimation. limited attacking energy budget, and decides at each sampling time
whether or not to jam the channel in order to degrade the remote
I. I NTRODUCTION estimation quality. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work
Recently, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), in which information and on the DoS attack schedules against remote state estimation. The main
physical elements are closely integrated, have gained much research contributions of this technical note are summarized as follows:
interest from various aspects [3]–[5]. Applications of CPS have a wide 1) We construct the optimal DoS attack schedules, which maximize
spectrum, such as battle field, smart grid, smart building, intelligent the expected average estimation error.
transportation, etc. CPS are vulnerable to different types of malicious 2) We present the optimal attack schedules when a special IDS in
attacks which make the security a fundamental issue for reliable the estimator is given.
services [3]. A famous example is that in June 2010 a cyber worm 3) We further present the optimal attack schedules when both the
named “stuxnet” attacked an Iranian nuclear facility at Natanz, which sensor and the attacker have energy constraints.
resulted in 60% hosts damaged [6]. The remainder of the technical note is organized as follows. In
Researchers have investigated security issues in CPS from different Section II, we formulate the attack schedule problems. In Section III,
perspectives recently [7], [8]. Teixeira et al. [8] summarized the we construct the optimal DoS attack schedules for maximizing the ex-
characteristics of network attacks and defined an attack space with the pected average estimation error. In Section IV, we present the optimal
adversary’s priori knowledge of the system model, its disclosure, and attack schedules for avoiding a given intrusion detection system. In
disruption resources. Typical attacks can be categorized into Denial- Section V, we study the optimal attack schedules when the sensor also
of-Service (DoS) attack, replay data attack, and false data injection has energy constraint. In Section VI, numerical examples are shown to
attack [8]. DoS attack that blocks the communication between the sys- illustrate the results. Finally, Section VII concludes the technical note.
tem components has been well studied, since it is the most reachable Notations: Sn + stands for the set of n × n positive semi-definite
matrices. Z+ stands for the set of positive integers. E[X] is the mean
of random variable X, and E[X|Y ] is the mean of random variable X
Manuscript received June 9, 2014; revised October 19, 2014, February 1, conditioned on Y , respectively. γ0 is used to denote the zero norm
2015, and February 11, 2015; accepted February 14, 2015. Date of publication
March 4, 2015; date of current version October 26, 2015. This work was of γ, which is the number of nonzero entries of the vector γ. T r(·)
supported in part by the NSFC under Grant U1401253, the National Program represents the trace of matrix.
for Special Support of Top-Notch Young Professionals, Fundamental Research
Funds for the Central Universities 2014XZZX003-25, NCET-11-0445, and by II. P ROBLEM F ORMULATION AND P RELIMINARIES
an HKUST Caltech Partnership FP004. This work was presented in part at the
IEEE CDC 2013, Florence, Italy, December 2013. Recommended by Associate A. Problem Formulation
Editor W. X. Zheng. (Corresponding author: Peng Cheng.)
H. Zhang, P. Cheng, and J. Chen are with State Key Laboratory of In- Consider the following system (Fig. 1):
dustrial Control Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China (e-mail:
ezhangheng@gmail.com; pcheng@iipc.zju.edu.cn; jmchen@iipc.zju.edu.cn). xk+1 = Axk + wk
L. Shi is with the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, yk = Cxk + vk (1)
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China (e-mail:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
where xk ∈ Rnx is the system state with nx ∈ Z+ , yk ∈ Rny is the
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. sensor measurement with ny ∈ Z+ , wk ∈ Rnx is the process noise,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAC.2015.2409905 vk ∈ Rny is the measurement noise, and wk and vk are uncorrelated

0018-9286 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology. Downloaded on March 15,2023 at 18:23:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

P , then it can be easily obtained that Pks = P for all k ∈ [1, T ].

 Δ Δ
Define h, hk : Sn + → S+ as h(X) = AXA + Σw , and h (X) =
x nx k

 ◦ h ◦
· · · ◦ h
k times
From [17], the following result holds.
Lemma 3.1: The function h has following property:
Fig. 1. Schematic of attack on the network. P ≤ h(P ) ≤ h2 (P ) ≤ · · · ≤ hk (P ) ≤ · · · , ∀k ∈ Z+ .
zero mean Gaussian noises with covariance Σw and Σv , respec-
1/2 It is straightforward to show that at the remote estimator, x̂k and Pk
tively. The pair (A, C) is assumed to be observable and (A, Σw ) is
are obtained as follows [18]:
After yk is obtained, the sensor pre-estimates the state xk , and (Ax̂ k−1 , h(Pk−1 )) , if γk = 1 and θk = 1;
then sends its minimum mean squared error (MMSE) estimate x̂sk = (x̂k , Pk ) = s
x̂k , P , otherwise.
E[xk |y1 , . . . , yk ] to a remote estimator through a wireless channel.
We consider the scenario that there is an attacker which degrades Assume that the data packet is delivered to the remote estimator
the remote estimation quality by jamming the wireless channel. The successfully at time s, and the attacker launches m consecutive attacks
attacker has a limited energy budget and has to determine whether to from time s + 1 to s + m. The state space of the error covariance
jam the channel or not at each sampling time. It is assumed that the matrix Pk in this period is {P , h(P ), . . . , hm (P )}.
packet will arrive at the remote estimator if there is no DoS attack We can see that the error covariance matrix Pk during the consecu-
during the transmission. tive attack period [s + 1, s + m] is a stationary Markov chain, and the
Denote γk = 1 or 0 as the attacker’s decision variable at time k, transition probability matrix (pij ) is given by
and γ as a schedule that defines γk at each k. When the attacker α, j = i+1;
launches an attack and jams the channel, the sensor data packet will pij = P r Pk = hj (P )|Pk−1 = hi (P ) = 1−α, j = 0; (2)
be dropped with probability α. Denote θk = 1 or 0 as the indicator 0, others
function whether the data packet drops or not. We assume that θk ’s are
i.i.d. Bernoulli random variables with E(θk ) = α.1 i, j = 0, 1, 2, . . . , m. Moreover, we have the following properties for
Denote all the data packets received at the estimator until time Pk , k ∈ [s + 1, s + m].
k as D(γ1:k ). The remote estimator then computes its own MMSE Property 3.1: During the consecutive attack period [s + 1, s + m]:
estimate x̂k and its corresponding estimation error covariance Pk 1) the distribution of the error covariance matrix Ps+k can be
based on D(γ1:k ), i.e., x̂k (γ1:k ) = E[xk |D(γ1:k )] and Pk (γ1:k ) = computed as
E[(xk − x̂k )(xk − x̂k ) |D(γ1:k )]. For simplicity, we write x̂k (γ1:k ) 
αi − αi+1 , i = 0, 1, . . . , k − 1;
as x̂k , etc., when the schedule γ1:k is given. P r Ps+k = hi (P ) =
αk , i = k.
Consider a finite horizon T . Due to the finite energy constraint, we
assume that the attacker can only launch n attacks from k = 1 to k = 2) the conditional probability can be computed as follows:
T , i.e., γ0 = n. 
Average Error: For a given attack schedule γ, define Ja (γ) as the αj − αj+1 , j = 0, . . . , k−1;
P r Ps+k = hj (P )|Ps = hi (P ) =
average expected estimation error covariance matrix, i.e., αk , j = i + k.

This property can be easily obtained from (2) by mathematical induc-
Ja (γ) = E [Pk (γk )] . tion method. Due to the space limitation, the proof is omitted.
k=1 Property 3.2: 1) If the packet is not received at the remote estimator
In this technical note, we aim to solve the following problem in the at time s, then E[Ps+m |Ps ≥ P ] ≥ E[Ps+m |Ps = P ].
viewpoint of the attacker: 2) Consider two different consecutive attacking periods, n1 and n2 ,
Problem 2.1: where n1 ≥ n2 . Then E[Ps+n1 ] ≥ E[Ps+n2 ].
An attack scheme with given attacking number n can be divided into
max T r [Ja (γ)] the following consecutive attacking sequences, k1 , k2 , . . . , ks , i.e.,
s.t. γ0 = n, (0, · · ·, 0, 1, · · ·, 1, 0, · · ·, 0, 1, · · ·, 1, 0, · · ·, 0, 1, · · ·, 1, 0, · · ·, 0),
where Γ = {0, 1}T is the set of all possible attack schedules. k1 times k2 times ks times

where ki = n. Note that each neighboring sequences are di-
III. O PTIMAL ATTACK S CHEDULE A NALYSIS vided by at least one zero. Using Property 3.1, we have
A. State Estimation Under DoS Attack
1 1 
T s ki
T −n
In this section, we present some properties of the estimation error at Ja (γ) = E [Pk (γk )] = E [Psi +ni ]+ P
the remote estimator under a DoS attack. k=1 i=1 ni =1

The MMSE estimate x̂sk is obtained from a standard Kalman n −1 

s ki i
filter. Let Pks be the estimation error covariance matrix of x̂sk . Stan- T −n
= h (P )(α −α
m m m+1 ni
)+α h (P ) + ni
dard Kalman filtering analysis shows that Pks converges exponen- T T
i=1 ni =1 m=0
tially to its steady-state value P [16]. For brevity, we assume Π0 =
1 Since the bit error rate (BER) is fixed in every attack time when the attacker
exploits the same energy to jam the channel [15], we assume that the rate of Note that (3) is independent of the attack start sequence si , i =
successful attacks follows a Bernoulli probability distribution. 1, 2, . . . , s, which means that any permutation of the ki ’s will lead to

Authorized licensed use limited to: Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology. Downloaded on March 15,2023 at 18:23:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

the same average expected estimation error. Thus, for the consecutive
k1 ⊕k2 ⊕···⊕ks
attack sequences k1 , k2 , . . . , ks , we define γ1:T as the set of
(k1 ⊕k2 ⊕···⊕ks )
attack schedules which have the same performance Ja,1:T .
k1 ⊕k2 ⊕···⊕ks k1 ⊕k2 ⊕···⊕ks
For simplicity, we write γ1:T as γ , and write
(k1 ⊕k2 ⊕···⊕ks ) (k ⊕k ⊕···⊕ks )
Ja,1:T as Ja 1 2 , when the time horizon [1, T ] is
given. In particular, let γ n be the set of attack schedules with a con-
secutive attack sequence n, which have the same performance Ja .
From Property 3.2, we have following property. Fig. 2. Schematic of attack on the network against state estimation with an
Property 3.3: The following statements are true. intrusion detector.
(n ) (n ) 1, m2 = m − m1 if m is odd, with m = z + [n mod (T − n)].3 The
1) Ja 1 ≤ Ja 2 , where n1 ≤ n2 .
(n ⊕n ) (n) resulting cost is
2) Ja 1 2 ≤ Ja , where n = n1 + n2 .
(n1 ⊕n2 ⊕···⊕ns ) (n)
3) Ja ≤ Ja , where n = n1 + n2 + · · · + ns . 

(m1 ⊕m2 ) (n1 ⊕n2 ) 1
4) Ja ≤ Ja , where m1 + m2 = n1 + n2 and T r(Ja )min = Tr (T −n− 1) hi (α, P ) + hi (α, P )
max{m1 , m2 , n1 , n2 } is n1 or n2 . i=1 i=1

From statements 1) and 4) in Property 3.3, we can see that the + hi (α, P ) + [(T − n) + m(1 − α)
more the attack times are grouped together, the lager the system cost i=1
becomes. Statements 2) and 3) demonstrate that consecutive attack is + z(1 − α)(T − n − 1)] P , (6)
much better than scattered attack from the viewpoint of attacker.
where hi (α, P ) = [(n − i)(αi − αi+1 ) + αi ]hi (P ).
Proof: A direct result from Property 3.3 3) and 4). 
B. Optimal Attack Schedule Design From the above two theorems, one can see that grouping the attacks
Now we are ready to present the optimal attack schedule for together leads to maximal attacking effect, while separating the attacks
Problem 2.1. as uniformly as possible leads to the minimal degradation. Thus the
Theorem 3.1: The optimal attack schedule that solves Problem 2.1 results can be viewed as the upper and lower bound of the damage an
is anyone that belongs to γ n , and the corresponding cost is given by arbitrary attack schedule can make.

1    T − nα

T r(Ja )max = T r hi (α, P ) + T r(P ), (4) IV. O PTIMAL ATTACK S CHEDULES AGAINST A G IVEN IDS
i=1 The aforementioned problems are discussed under the assumption
that the channel is perfect and there is no defensive measure. In
where hi (α, P ) = [(n − i)(αi − αi+1 ) + αi ]hi (P ). practical applications, when the estimator considers unknown factors
Proof: A direct result from Property 3.3 2) and 3).  from environment changes or adversary’s intrusion, which may lead to
As a byproduct, we can obtain the worst attack strategy which data drops, a detector is often designed at the receiver side as a first
minimizes the expected average error covariance. step to reduce the effectiveness of these factors (Fig. 2). For example,
Problem 3.1: packet reception rate (P RR) at the receiver side is proposed as the
criteria for intrusion detection in [19]. P RR is the rate of packets
min T r [Ja (γ)] reception that are successfully delivered to the estimator compared to
the number of packets that have been sent out by the sensor.
s.t. γ0 = n. In practice, the P RR can be computed for a given length of a
time window τ , i.e., P RR = σ/τ , where σ is the packet reception
The solution of Problem 3.1 is given by the following theorem. numbers in the time window. If the P RR is too small, the detector
Theorem 3.2: 1) If n ≤ (1/2)T , an optimal solution for will deduce that there may exist an attacker, which triggers an alarm to
Problem 3.1 is anyone in γ 1⊕1⊕···⊕1 , and the corresponding cost is alert the sensor. Then the sensor can use channel hopping technology
given by to guarantee the packet can be received by the remote estimator [20].
In this technical note, we assume that the alarm is triggered if P RR ≤
T − nα nα   P RR0 , where P RR0 is a given alarm bound.4
T r(Ja )min = T r(P ) + T r h(P ) . (5)
T T Before introducing the attack schedule against the IDS mecha-
nism, we present a property to help formulate the attack optimization
2) If n > (1/2)T , an optimal solution for Problem 3.1 is problem.
Property 4.1: The alarm triggering condition P RR ≤ P RR0 is
(1 · · 1 0) · · · (1
 ·  ·
 0)( 1 ·
· · 1 0 1
· · 1 ) (0 1 ·
· · 1) · · · (0 1 ·
· · 1) equivalent to Pk  hd (P ), k = 1, 2, . . . , T , where d = τ − σ0 , σ0 =
max{σ|(σ/τ ) ≤ P RR0 }.
z times z times m1 times m2 times z times z times
Proof: See the Appendix. 
r1 times r2 times

3 mod is defined as modulo operation, i.e., n mod m is the remainder in

where r1 + r2 = T − n − 1, z = n/(T − n) ,2 and m1 = m2 =
m/2 if m is even, m1 = m/2 , m2 = m − m1 or m1 = m/2 + division n/m, where n and m are two positive integer.
4 By utilizing the pseudo-random sequence, the sensor and estimator may
implement channel hopping once the alarm is triggered [21]. However, the
attacker can detect such channel switch by detecting the alarm signal, and
search the new communication channel by scanning the wireless spectrum. In
2 x is floor function, which is defined as the largest integer that is less than this way, the attacker can learn the alarm bound through statistical analysis, and
real number x. follow the design against such IDS mechanism.

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Remark 4.1: From Property 4.1, any attack schedule with at most over an intermittent packet-dropping network. Mo et al. provided a
d times consecutive attack, i.e., i=k+1 γi ≤ d, k = 0, 1, . . . , T − τ , stochastic sensor selection scheme to minimize the asymptotic ex-
can guarantee that the attack action will not be detected by the esti- pected estimation error covariance due to the energy constraint [24].
mator. In fact, time window τ and threshold P RR0 can be evaluated You et al. investigated the stability of the mean estimation error over
by the attacker when he eavesdrops the transmission channels before a network subject to Markovian packet losses [25]. However, these
taking attack actions. literatures have not considered the state estimation quality when a DoS
In order not to be detected by IDS, we consider Problem 2.1 with an attacker jams the wireless channel and this shortage motivates us to
additional constraint, i.e., study the subsequent problem.
Problem 4.1: Denote ϑk = 1 or 0 as the sensor’s transmission decision variable at
time k, and ϑ as a scheduling scheme that defines ϑk at each k. Θ is the
max T r [Ja (γ)] set of the sensor’s transmission schedules. We assume that the sensor
s.t. γ0 = n, has energy constraint with ϑ0 = N and we consider the following

k+τ problem in this section.
γi ≤ d, k ∈ [0, T − τ ]. (7) Problem 5.1:
max min T r [Ja (ϑ, γ)] (9)
γ∈Γ ϑ∈Θ
The following result presents the optimal solution to Problem 4.1.
Theorem 4.1: Consider Problem 4.1. Let d = τ − σ0 , where σ0 = s.t. ϑ0 = N, (10)
max{σ|(σ/τ ) ≤ P RR0 }.
γ0 = n. (11)
1) If d ≥ n, any n times consecutive attack is optimal, and the
corresponding cost is (4). From [18], we have the following property:
2) If d < n, the optimal attack schedule has the structure of (8), Property 5.1: Let q = T /N .
see equation at the bottom of the page, where z0 + z1 + z2 +
z3 + (s1 + s2 )σ0 = T − n, and s1 + s2 = m, where m is the 1) If N < (1/2)T , the optimal sensor schedule ϑ∗ ∈ Θ that mini-
quotient of n/d and r is the remainder. The corresponding mizes the T r(Ja ) has following structure:
cost is
 (1 0 . . 0 )(1 0 .
 . . . 0 ) . . . (1 0 .
. . 0 ) (12)
  τ1 times τ2 times τN times
T r(Ja )P RR
max = m T r hi (α, P ) + T r hi (α, P )
i=1 i=1
in which there are T − qN times τi = q and (q + 1)N − T
T − nα times τi = q − 1 in {τi , i = 1, 2, . . . , N }.
+ T r(P ).
T 2) If N ≥ (1/2)T , ϑ∗ has structure (12) with T − N times τi = 1
and 2N − T times τi = 0 in {τi , i = 1, 2, . . . , N }.
Proof: See the Appendix. 
Remark 4.2: In Problem 4.1, the attacker can completely avoid Here, we assume that the attacker obtains the sensor’s transmission
the given IDS mechanism. However, this attack schedule seems too strategy by eavesdropping the transmission channel over a long period
cautious from an adventurous attacker’s point of view. If the adven- before starting its attack action. We denote t(i) , i = 1, 2, . . . , N as the
turous attacker still decides to use an attack schedule proposed in sensor’s data transmission time. If n ≥ N , it is obvious that optimal
Theorem 3.1, the probability of being detected is k>d Cτk ατ −k (1 − attack schedule is taking actions at full transmission time t(i) , i =
1, 2, . . . , N . Thus we only need to consider Problem 5.1 for n < N
α)k if n > τ , and is k>d Cnk αn−k (1 − α)k if n ≤ τ .
Theorem 5.1: Consider Problem 5.1 with n < N .
V. O PTIMAL ATTACK S CHEDULES W ITH S ENSOR ’ S 1) When N < (1/2)T and the sensor’s schedule ϑ∗ has the
E NERGY C ONSTRAINT . . 0 )(1 0 .
structure (1 0 . . . 0 ) . . . (1 0 .
. . 0 ), the optimal attack
The aforementioned problems are discussed under the assumption τ times τ times τ times
that the sensor has sufficient energy to transmit throughout the entire schedules are given by γt(k) = 1, k = i + 1, i + 2, . . . , i + n,
time horizon. When the sensor’s energy is also limited and cannot and γk = 0 otherwise. The corresponding cost is given by
transmit all the time, the attacker needs to change the attacking
schedule. Here we assume that the sensor and the estimator do not N − nα
T r(Ja )max = T r [hi (α, Δτ )] + T r(Δτ ),
know the existence of the attacker. T T
Some literatures have focused on sensor scheduling and optimal
state estimation in a lossy network environment [18], [22]–[25]. where hi (α, Δτ ) = [(n − i)(αi − αi+1 ) + αi ]hi (Δτ ).
Sinopoli et al. studied the problem of state estimation using Kalman 2) When N ≥ (1/2)T, α = 1 and the sensor’s schedule ϑ∗ has the
filtering in an i.i.d. packet-dropping network [22]. Reference [23] structure (1 . . 1 0)(1
 .  .
. . 1 0) . . . (1
. . 1 0), the optimal attack
studied optimal state estimation and optimal LQG controller design δ times δ times δ times

( 0 ·
· · 0 ) (1
· · 1 0
 ) · · · (1 ·
· · 1 0
· · 0 )( 0 ·
· · 0 1
· · 1 0
· · 0 ) ( 0
· · 0 1
· · 1 ) · · · ( 0
· · 0 1
· · 1 )( 0 ·
· · 0 ) (8)
z0 times d times σ0 times d times σ0 times z1 times r times z2 times σ0 times d times σ0 times d times z3 times
s1 times s2 times

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Fig. 3. Illustrating example on T r(J) under different attack schedules with Fig. 4. Illustrating example on T r(J) under different attack schedules while
varying attack times (T = 100, α = 1). successful attack probability is varying (T = 100).

schedules γ ∗ are given by γt(k) = 1, k = i + 1, i + 2, . . . , i + TABLE I

n, and γk = 0 otherwise. The corresponding cost is given by ATTACK S CHEDULES

T r(Ja )max = T r (N − n)P + (T − N − b)h(P )

+ h (P ) , (13)
The effects of different attack schedules are evaluated. In Fig. 3,
where n = δb + b0 with 0 ≤ b0 < b. where we examine the performance under different attack times from
Proof: 1) The proof is similar to that of Theorem 3.1. The only 1 to 10 with T = 100, α = 1. It can be seen that the performance under
difference is that we replace P by Δτ . the optimal attack schedules given by Theorem 3.1, i.e., T r(Ja )max ,
2) One can easily obtain that the resulting cost under the attack increases rapidly with the allowable attack times. T r(Ja )min , which is
schedule γ ∗ is (13). For an arbitrary attack schedule γ, we have under the attack schedule obtained in Theorem 3.2, and T r(Ja )P RR
max ,
  which is under the attack schedule given in Theorem 4.1 with P RR ≤
1  m2 ti

T r (Ja (γ)) = T r (N −n)P + m1 h(P ) + hj (P ) , (3/7), grow much slower than T r(Ja )max . It also can be found that
T T r(Ja )max and T r(Ja )P RR
i=1 j=1 max are overlapping since they have the same
optimal attack schedule set γ n when n ≤ 4. But if n > 4, T r(Ja )P RR
where ti is the length of i-th (i = 1, 2, . . . , m2 ) attack period [si + grows much slower than T r(Ja )max as the attack schedules need to be
1, si + ti ] which satisfies ϑsi = 1, γsi = 0, ϑsi +ti = 1, γsi +ti = 0, re-designed under the given intrusion detection mechanism. It also can
and ϑk = 1, γk = 1 or ϑk = 0, γk = 0 for k = si + 2, . . . , si + ti − been seen that the attack effectiveness is significantly reduced by this
m2 m2
1, (N − n) + m1 + i=1 ti = T and t ≤ n + b. Then we
i=1 i detection constraint.
have In Fig. 4, we examine the estimation quality with different suc-
T r (Ja (γ ∗ )) − T r (Ja (γ)) cessful attack probabilities. In this example, the adversary can attack
  10 times in the time horizon [1,100]. From Fig. 4, we can see
m2 t i
that T r(Ja )max increases rapidly when the success probability α
= Tr i
h (P )− hj (P )−[m1 −(T −N−b)]h(P ) > 0, increases. On the other hand, T r(Ja )min grows much slower when
i=1 i=1 j=1 α increases, which also demonstrates the attack effectiveness of our
designed attack schedule. T r(Ja )P RR
max also grows slower due to the
which completes the proof. 
constraint of avoiding being detected.
Remark 5.1: In Theorem 5.1 we study some special cases of
In Fig. 5, we examine the estimation quality under different at-
Problem 5.1, and obtain the optimal attack schedules. Note that these
tack schedules when the sensor has energy constraint. Here T = 14,
schedules only depend on the sensor transmission schedule ϑ∗ rather
N = 5, n = 3. The sensos transmission schedule is chosen as ϑ∗ =
than on the system parameters. Thus the attacker can run his optimal
(100)(100)(10)(100)(100). There are 10 attack schedules which has
attack schedules when he obtains the sensor’s transmission schedule
been listed in Table I. We assume ϑ−1 = 1, ϑ0 = 0 for the time
ϑ∗ . The general cases of Problem 5.1, however, are complicated since
t = −1,0, respectively. The effectiveness of the attack is studied with
the optimal attack schedules depend on sensor transmission schedule
attack successful probability α = 0.8 and α = 0.1 in Fig. 5(a) and
ϑ, the system parameters, and the attack successful probability. An
(b), respectively. In Fig. 5(a), it can be seen that attack schedule 2
example is given in Section VI (Fig. 5) to illustrate this.
(γt(2) = γt(3) = γt(4) = 1) and attack schedule 3 (γt(3) = γt(4) =
γt(5) = 1) are optimal when the attack successful probability α =
VI. E XAMPLES 0.8. However, when α = 0.1, from Fig. 5(b) we can see that attack
schedule 5 (γt(1) = γt(2) = γt(5) = 1), attack schedule 8 (γt(2) =
Consider system (1) with
      γt(3) = γt(5) = 1), and attack schedule 9 (γt(2) = γt(4) = γt(5) = 1)
1.2 0.1 1 0 1 0 are optimal which is different from α = 0.1. In general, it is difficult
A= , C= , Σw = , Σv = 0.5C.
0 1 0 1 0 2 to find these optimal attack schedules explicitly. On the other hand, the

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