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Np MaD vt 1997

This material is confidential until the end of November 1997.

Test period Test time Weeks 18 - 22, 1997 Decided by the school, but at least 60 minutes (during normal lesson time). Decided locally by the school. The test material should be handed in together with your solutions. Write your name, gymnasium programme/adult education and date of birth on the papers you hand in. Test The Open-Solutions part consists of three alternative problems of which you choose one problem. The questions in the problem may be such that you have to decide between the possible interpretations. You should present the assumptions which form the basis for your computations and conclusions. A partial, but not completed, solution can provide a basis for positive assessment. For each problem, there is a description of what the teacher will consider during the evaluation of your work. If anything is unclear, ask your teacher.

Resources Test material

Working methods

The teacher responsible will inform you on the working methods which are allowed for the Open-Solutions part of the test. The presentation of the solutions to the problem will be done individually.

Np MaD vt 1997

A triangle has six elements, three sides and three angles.

c b

C a

Suppose that you choose values of three elements. Draw figures and show with examples how the other elements can be calculated if you have chosen values of: a) Two sides and one angle. b) Two angles and one side. Examine what choices in a) and b) above which result in one triangle, more than one triangle or no triangle.

When marking this question, the teacher will consider: how well yuo have chosen your examples. if your calculations are correct. how well you have ananlysed the different cases. how well you have explained and described your solutions. what mathematical knowledge you have shown.

Np MaD vt 1997


A research chemist is studing the way in which crystals of a certain chemical compound form. This diagram shows the features of a standard seed crystal of a substance.
4 mm

main horizontal spur

3 mm

main vertical spur

The chemist decides to define the size of the crystal as the distance between the end points of the two main spurs, marked P and Q in the diagram. Thus the size in millimeters of the standard seed crystal shown above is 32 + 4 2 = 25 = 5 The chemist finds that the main horizontal spur grows more quickly than the main vertical spur. Under optimum conditions, the main horizontal spur grows at a rate of 3 mm per hour and the main vertical spur grows at a rate of 2 mm per hour.

Uppgifter: 1. After how many hours is the length of the main horizontal spur 10 mm? What is the crystals size at this time? Assuming the crystal is as in the figure, determine how the crystals size changes with times in the text 5 hours. By the rate of change in the crystals size we mean the rate in mm/h which the crystals grows. Determine how this rate of change changes with time.



When marking this question, the teacher will consider: if your calculations are correct. how well you were able to describe how the crystals size change with time and how their rate of change changes with time. how clear your solutions are. what mathematical knowledge you have shown. what conclusions you were able to draw from your solutions.

Np MaD vt 1997

To increase the pH-value in a pond, lime is used. Since you dont want to use more lime than necessary, it is essential to know the volume of the pond, before the chemical treatment starts. Careful measurements of the depths of the pond were performed. It was found that the depth of the pond increased smoothly to the deepest region. A map of the pond was drawn in the figure. The map illustrates the change of depth throughout the pond.

2-metre level

1-metre level

Shoreline 0 10 20 30 40 50 m Scale 1:1000

Estimate the volume of the pond. Show your method, your calculations and your result. Discuss one or two other methods which can be used.

When marking this question, the teacher will consider: if you have chosen a reasonable method. if the calculations were correct. how clear your presentation is. how well you have explained and evaluted your method.

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