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‘Plant Food’
By: Luna, Bryce & Gabriel
How do we interpret the scientific names of

The scientific names of

plants are based on
their Taxonomy(The
science of defining
groups of biological
How do plants grow from seeds?
The process of seed
development is also
called germination.
Through the process of
germination, the
embryo sprouts with
the help of water and
soil and grow into
small stems, roots, and
How can we use different parts of the plant?
Some parts of a plants are used in many
● We can eat certain parts of plants! We
eat the root, stem, leaves, blooms and
the fruits.
● Certain parts of the plants can be use to
make medicine.The leaves, roots, bark,
fruit, seeds, flowers are used to create
● We use plants like trees to make
different resources like tables, chairs,
papers, pencil and a lot of other things!
How and why plants make
seeds and fruit?

The ovary inside the flower turns into a fruit once pollen
contacts it. Within this fruit, the ovaries ovules mature into
seeds. The process starts over when a seed is planted; the young
plant is similar to the parent plant but not identical.

Plants essentially create seeds in a subtle

method to specifically ensure the
survival of the species. They believed
that the seed's embryo would eventually
grow into a new plant.
How does a
plants life cycle
The major phases of a plant's life
cycle are seed germination,
seedling emergence, growth,
development, and differentiation
leading to a mature plant,
pollination and fertilisation, and
the creation of fruit and seeds.
Why it is important to maintain biodiversity
when growing plants?
Biodiversity also helps provide
pollinator species such as bees and
butterflies that are necessary for
pollinating plants such as wheat,
soybeans, and corn. Without these
species, our food supply would not be
able to grow because there would be no
way for them to reproduce and
continue their life cycle
Thank You!

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