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Balibago, Angeles City




Score : ________________________

Section : CCIS3B

Date : DECEMBER 1, 2023

Case Study: Software Development Company (100pts)


A medium-sized software development company, 3BTech Solutions Ltd., specializes in creating custom
software solutions for its clients. The company has decided to improve its internal processes by
implementing a comprehensive project management system. This system should facilitate project
planning, tracking, resource allocation, and client communication.

1. Identify the key stakeholders involved in the development of the project management system.

The key stakeholders involved in the development of a project management system can vary depending
on the organization and the specific context of this project and here the some common of stakeholders
project managers, team memebers, executive/leadership and developers/IT team and etc.

2. Explain the role of the System Analysis phase in this project.

he System Analysis phase is a critical stage in the development of any information system or project. This
phase involves a thorough examination and understanding of the current system (if applicable) and the
identification of requirements for the new system.

3. Discuss the importance of user involvement during the Design phase.

User involvement during the design phase of a project is crucial for several reasons. In the context of
software development, product design, or any other design-oriented process, including users in the
design phase helps in creating a more effective and user-friendly end product. User involvement during
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the design phase of a project is crucial for several reasons. In the context of software development,
product design, or any other design-oriented process, including users in the design phase helps in
creating a more effective and user-friendly end product.

4. Describe the data entities and relationships within the project management system.

In a project management system, key data entities such as Project, Task, Resource, Team, Timeline,
Dependency, Milestone, Status, Communication Log, and User are meticulously defined to capture
essential information for effective project organization and management. Each entity possesses
specific attributes that characterize its nature, from Project ID and Start Date to Resource Availability
and Milestone Description. These entities are interconnected through well-defined relationships,
establishing a structured framework for collaboration and tracking within the system.

Relationships are critical in orchestrating the flow of project activity. Projects contain tasks that may
be dependent on other tasks and necessitate the allocation of resources. Teams of participants
collaborate on projects, and timetables establish the overall schedule. Dependencies connect activities
and define their execution order, whereas milestones identify key project achievements. The status
properties of various entities indicate their current condition, offering a real-time snapshot of
progress. Communication logs are used to keep track of updates and interactions related to tasks,
projects, and teams. Users manage projects and contribute to collaborative activities by being
allocated tasks and roles. This complete framework ensures that the project management system
allows for effective planning, seamless collaboration, and rigorous monitoring throughout the
project's lifecycle.

5. Explain the security measures that should be implemented to protect client communication.

Protecting client communication is critical to ensuring client confidentiality and company ethics. To
limit the dangers associated with unauthorized access and interception of sensitive information,
comprehensive security measures must be implemented. Using secure file-sharing and messaging
systems with encryption features, such as TitanFile, helps to assure data security both in transit and
at rest.

Furthermore, a comprehensive approach includes not only protecting digital communication but also
physical records. Storing critical data in controlled access locations, adopting two-factor
authentication, and managing access permissions through a secure system all contribute to a multi-
layered defense against potential breaches. The use of unique personal identity codes and safe
authentication techniques promotes the prohibition of unlawful system access, creating
organizational accountability.

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In addition, strict protocols against sharing access rights and the implementation of physical security
measures for communication networks are crucial components of a comprehensive security strategy.
By adhering to these measures, businesses can instill trust and confidence in clients, demonstrating a
commitment to the protection of their sensitive information. Overall, a multi-faceted approach to
client communication security helps create a robust defense against potential threats and ensures the
confidentiality and integrity of client-related data.

6. Discuss the testing strategies that could be employed during the Testing phase.

White box testing: This strategy tests the internal code structure and logic of the software. It requires
knowledge of the programming language and the design of the software. White box testing can detect
errors in the code, such as syntax, logic, or algorithm errors. White box testing is usually done by
developers or testers who have access to the source code..

Unit testing: This strategy tests individual units or components of the software to ensure they are
functioning as intended. A unit is the smallest testable part of the software, such as a function, a class,
or a module. Unit testing can be done manually or automatically using tools such as xUnit. Unit testing
is usually done by developers during the coding phase.

Integration testing: This strategy tests the integration of different components of the software to
ensure they work together as a system. Integration testing can be done in different ways, such as top-
down, bottom-up, or sandwich. Integration testing can be done manually or automatically using tools
such as Selenium. Integration testing is usually done by testers after the coding phase.

Functional testing: This strategy tests the functional requirements of the software to ensure they are
met. Functional testing can be done at different levels, such as system, user acceptance, or alpha/beta
testing. Functional testing can be done manually or automatically using tools such as Cucumber.
Functional testing is usually done by testers or end-users before the release of the software.

Performance testing: This strategy tests the software to determine its performance characteristics
such as speed, scalability, and stability. Performance testing can be done using different techniques,
such as load, stress, or endurance testing. Performance testing can be done manually or automatically
using tools such as JMeter. Performance testing is usually done by testers or performance engineers
before the release of the software.

Security testing: This strategy tests the software to identify vulnerabilities and ensure it meets
security requirements. Security testing can be done using different methods, such as penetration
testing, vulnerability scanning, or ethical hacking. Security testing can be done manually or
automatically using tools such as Nmap or Metasploit. Security testing is usually done by testers or
security experts before the release of the software.

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7. Explain how the project management system can support scalability.

To ensure software scalability across varios projects, a project manager should analyze requirements, use
modular architectures, leverage cloud solutions, maintain open communication, and proactively monitor

8. Outline the steps involved in the Deployment phase of the project management system.
Testing: To make sure that all features and functionalities are operating as intended, extensive testing
must be done prior to system deployment. Functional, performance, security, and user acceptability
testing are all included in this.

Data migration: Transferring all project-related data to the new system is required if the old system is
being replaced by the new one. To prevent data loss or corruption, this should be done with caution.

Configuration: The system should be set up in accordance with the needs and preferences of the
company. This include configuring system settings like time zones and currencies, as well as creating user
accounts and access levels.

Training: To ensure that they are using the new system efficiently, all users should undergo training. This
could involve one-on-one training sessions tailored to each person's needs, classroom-style training
sessions, or online training modules.

Communication: To guarantee that all stakeholders are aware of the changes and any potential effects on
their workflows or processes, clear communication is crucial during the deployment phase. Sending out
emails, hosting town hall meetings, or regularly updating clients via project management software or
other channels of communication are a few examples of how to do this.

Launch: The system can be formally launched after all testing, configuration, training, and communication
have been successfully finished.

Ongoing support: After launching the system, ongoing support is necessary to ensure that users have
access to help and assistance when needed. This could include providing a help desk or support center,
offering regular updates and maintenance, and providing ongoing training and education as required.

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Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Liza G. Mananquil Ricky I. Oliveria George M. Granados

Instructor Program Chair Dean

Explain scenario about stakeholders

All in names in video / open cam google meet must be presented

1week deadline

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1st Semester, S.Y. 2023-2024

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