CO2 - Position Paper 2 - ANSHA HUSNAIN

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ANSHA HUSNAIN Position Paper: The 01/05/2024

Cavite Rebellion -
Mutiny or Protest?

The Cavite Rebellion, sometimes known as the "Cavite Mutiny," was a pivotal
event in Philippine history. This historic event occurred in 1872, and it signaled the
beginning of the end of Spanish colonial power in the nation. On January 20, 1872,
the uprising began at the Fort San Felipe arsenal in Cavite, a province south of

Contrary to popular belief, the incident was not a mutiny. It was a protest
against the oppression, racial discrimination, and economic exploitation that the
Filipinos experienced under the Spanish colonial regime. The rebellion's participants
were primarily members of the Filipino colonial army, known as "Indios," who were
unhappy with their situation and decided to take matters into their own hands.

The rebellion was led by Sergeant La Madrid and Corporal Gomez, both of
whom were Filipino soldiers. They planned to take over the arsenal in Cavite, seize
weapons, and use them to launch a rebellion against the Spanish colonial
government. However, their plans were discovered, and the Spanish authorities
quickly dismantled the uprising. The leaders of the revolt were arrested and executed,
while many other participants were imprisoned or exiled.

Despite its defeat, the Cavite Rebellion remains an important event in

Philippine history. It fueled the Philippine Revolution against Spanish colonial
control, ultimately leading to the country's independence. The uprising also
emphasized the Filipinos' desire for freedom and self-determination, as well as the
injustices they faced under colonial authority. Today, the event is honored as a
national holiday, and many Filipinos remember it fondly. The Cavite Rebellion
serves as a reminder of the significance of fighting for one's rights as well as the
potential of collective action in effecting long-term change.

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