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Date A Live Redo

By: saka157 (/u/13223651/saka157) (
What if when shido use sixth bullet vav at the end of vol 18 he not just go back for few day but to when he woke after battle with kurumi?. that change a lot. spoiler
alert.more summary inside
Rated: Fiction T ( - English - Romance - Reine M., Shido I. - Chapters: 11 - Words: 43,023 - Reviews: 38 (/r/13845749/) - Favs: 86 - Follows:
91 - Updated: Aug 7 - Published: Mar 22, 2021 - id: 13845749

< Prev 3. chapter 03 Next >

Disclaimer: I don't own Date A Live.

Hello again, Saka here, first thing before I start the new chapter I want to thanks all of you for read this story and bearing all misspelling and grammar error. Secondly I want to reply
some of comment I get:

For Mystral 207: thanks for your advice, I really appreciate that, and no need to worry about future advance because I have thinking about that and for now I'll focusing on Kotori arc.

For HunterXKiller87: I would like to have one of those but, I don't know how to get one, so maybe you can tell me where I can get one?.

And that's it, now for the new chapter, enjoy.


There is a wasteland. What a before a beautiful scenery is now full of crater and smoke everywhere.

In the middle of that there is Fraxinus, Ratatoskr honourable spaceship and the flag ship of Ratatoskr main force against DEM.

The Faxinus is destroyed, its laying on the ground with huge damage from the impact and there's many hole with smoke out from it.

Thereabout Fraxinus bridge control there's many bodies, they are laying on the debris with no indication of life.

Seeing this Shido run over it, " is anybody alive!!??" he shout out loud, hoping there's somebody answer him. He shout and shout again, he checking every bodies he see but his effort
come to vain, because no one is alive.

When he is about to stop he saw them, 10 bodies, the bodies of the spirits, their body laying on the ground motionlessly. "KOTORII,YOSHINO,KAGUYA,YUZURU…." Shido shout all their
name but, no one answer.

He run to his adoptive sister, " Kotori..!!! Wake Up!!" he shout, and shake her body try to wake her up but she didn't . tears start shedding from his eyes then the scenery start to

He is no longer in the Faxinus ruins but he is in the alley way, he no longer holding Kotori but he is holding another person hand, Mio hand, he and Mio seems run from something, Mio's
expression Is filled with fear, worries, and bewilderment.

His feet is move by itself and he involuntary say " its okay Mio we almost there, keep running". He doesn't have control to what he do and what he say, they continue to run and when
they almost out of the alley.


A gunshot rang over the alley and he felt sudden pain in his torso.

"SHINN!!??" Mio cried when she see her love fall to the ground. She immediately put her hand on his torso to stop the bleed.

"how unfortunate, if you just give her this will not going to happen and your sister will be back" said the man who shoot him " even I'll give you money if you just hand her, how
unfortunate indeed".

Shido try to look at the man and he see a man with dash ash blonde, wearing jet black suit with smile on his face and gun in his hand. Issac Wescott. Shido try to get up but the pain in
his torso make him fall.

"don't try to move Shin!!, I'll heal you just stay down!" Mio cried while she try to heal him.

"its seems you have befriend with her" Wescott said again "but I'll not allow it, that's will messed up the plan". He pointed the gun to Shido's head and



Shido jolted up from his bed and grasping for air. He checked his body only to find there is no injury on it and he is drenched in sweat.

' just a nightmare' he though as he try to calm his breath, he look at the clock on his drawer and see, 05:00 AM, ' it's still too early to wake up but, maybe I'll take a shower to calm my
body down'.

Shido get up from his bed, go to the bath room, put his soaked pyjamas in the basket and take a shower. ' cold' he though when water touching his skin, he stay like for a while before
he turn off the water and go to bathtub.

He take a seep inhale and think ' calm down its just a nightmare' he convince himself ' but the last part that's not just a nightmare, that's a part of Shinji's memories' he clench his fist
remembering how he got killed.

'but now I am think about it' he tough ' am I Shido or Shinji?'.

Shido is confused, in one side he is Itsuka Shido adoptive son in Itsuka family, but in other side he also have Shinji's memory. That's make he feel identity crisis.

' its still too early in the morning to think about this' he groan.

He stay like that for a while till he feel calm enough and out from bathroom. He cook breakfast for Tohka and himself while think ' tomorrow I have to reseal Kotori's power, but what
event before that day?'. Shido try to remember what he do in a day before he reseal Kotori in first timeline.

Shido get the answer not long after he and Tohka eat breakfast, when Reine call him to Fraxinus.

"….good morning, Shin" Reine greet him when he arrive in teleporter room.

"good morning Reine-san" Shido greet her back with small smile.

"…do you have a good rest?" Reine ask with her sleepy tone.

"yes I have" Shido simply reply.

"..okay then" she said "follow me".

Reine walk out from the room with Shido follow her, they walk for a while before Shido ask.

"Reine-san what will we do now?" Shido ask.

"we will make preparation for tomorrow" she explain "yesterday I and all Fraxinus staff have been discussing about how the date tomorrow. And we already have several plan, we just
Date A Live Redo chapter 03, a date a live/デート・ア・ライブ fanfic...
need your agreement for that."

"my agreement..?" Shido reply.

"yes, we had made several plan and you just need to choose one" she said " we actually want you to attend the meeting to, but you look need for rest yesterday so we don't tell you."

"thank you for your consideration" Shido say.

"……and one more thing" Reine say catching his attention "don't think you're in disadvantage in this date because she is your little sister. But look it as advantage because unlike when
you date Tohka and Yoshino, for this one you know her well, like her hobby, what she like, what she don't like because you had live with her for years. You can use that in this date"

"yeah.. that's true, but I don't think that will much different from others" Shido said.

"..why?" Reine said and looking toward him.

"because… you know, the present Kotori is not Kotori that live with me for years" Shido explain "the Kotori I know is just a little girl that afraid of the dark, that she think dancing on top
of me is a good way to wake me up, and a little girl that try her best to cheer me up when I was in depression."

"that's Kotori I know. I don't know much about the commander Kotori except she is my little sister when she wearing black ribbons"

Reine gave him understanding look and say.

"now you mention it, that's true, but she's still your sister I am sure you can do it, it's not like she have double personality. Also for the commander Kotori she just do it as a personality
when she do her job as a commander, tough I don't know why she have to wear black ribbons when she do it"

"about that, maybe that because of me" Shido say as he stop and Reine mirrored him.

"how so?" Reine ask tilt her head a little.

"yeah, because five years ago I give her that ribbon as her birthday present and I say with these ribbon you will become stronger and not crybaby again" Shido explain.

"is that also during the tengu fire ?"

"yes, I don't remember much about that day, but I remember that"

Reine and Shido continue to walk again, when they arrive in the meeting room all of staff is already there.

"sorry for make you wait" Reine said as she sat on the chair and Shido sat beside her.

"alright now because Shido-kun is arrive we can start the meeting" Kannazuki say with serious tone "Reine"

"ah.. alright Shin like I have told you we already have some plan prepared for you the one is go to beach, to go to mountain, three go to onsen, and four go to park. You can choose
between these option as you like" Reine explain.

"thank you Reine-san" Shido said.

"you have to go onsen Shido-kun" Kawagoe said "enjoying hot water in nature, is best way to date commander. With this three days trip schedule you'll definitely win her heart!!!"

"but that will exceeding commander limit time. Is that have to be three days?" Reine state.

"I am so sorry, I not think that far. And you cant shortened it because its rely on minimize distance between two people in first two day and final step on third day!"

Everyone staring at each other with troubling look until.

"…I will take Kotori to park, a ocean park" Shido said after a while.

"…why ocean park?" Reine ask.

"because Kotori once said she want go to ocean park and also its been a while since I and Kotori go there so, it will be great" Shido reply.

" which park you want to visit?" Shiizaki ask.

"ocean park in Eibu" Shido say " we can swim first before go to dream park section".

"that's a good choice I will arrange the ticket and all," Reine say. "is any of you have any objection?"

All staff shook their head as they have no objection.

"okay, because it already settle, this meeting is over, all of you get back to your station and for you Shido wait in rest section" Kannazuki say "dismiss".

Shido walk out of the room and go towards rest section of Fraxinus, he get a drink for himself and sit there.

After around thirty minute the door opened and Reine come in.

"..Shin" Reine call him.

"Reine-san, what the matter?" Shido ask.

" I have arrange for your date tomorrow and we decided that's you will go to pool first before go to dream park."she said.

"okay I understood, is that just it?"

"…also we decided that's you need a practice before your date tomorrow."

"practice..?"Shido ask despite knowing what will happen.

"..yes, tomorrow you will date with Kotori, that's will fail if you got distracted by another women, so you need practice" she explain "wear your earpiece and go to this address after we
teleport you to the ground."

"okay" Shido say as he take a paper Reine give him. He got teleported to the alleyway near supermarket and he walk toward the address, the swimsuit store.

"…are you there Shin?" he hear a sleepy voice as he entered the store.

"yeah I am here, so what I have to do?" Shido ask.

"….you have to maintain your focus while seeing girls with swimsuit, Tohka and Yoshino is on the way so, wait for a minute."

"but Reine-san are you sure this is necessary?" Shido say not willing to do this again "Kotori's life is on the line there's no way I will got distracted."

When he finish say that he hear a familiar voices.

"what are you doing here".

He look to the source and find there is a trio Mai,Ai and Mii, they are wearing a sexy swimsuit with different models.

"to actually go to this store, you are truly a pervert"

"that's so lame"

They said and walked away.

Shido only face palmed by that ' why those three always talk loke that?' he wonder.
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2 of 6 9/11/2023, 10:09 PM
Date A Live Redo chapter 03, a date a live/デート・ア・ライブ fanfic...
"….yeah, from this data, its seems you can handle seeing girls in swimsuit" Reine say snapping him from his wonder "but better prepared than regret, so you still have to do this".

"okay then" Shido reply. But he can't help but wonder ' how Reine-san look in swimsuit?'.

He imagine Reine wearing a two piece swimsuit while playing with water in the pool. He lost in his though for a while till.

", Shin "

He hear voice of woman he imagine and say.

"ah.. Reine-san are you say something?"

"your heartbeat become faster, are you wondering something?". Reine ask.

"no… it just…aa" getting caught, he try to find an excuse.

"its okay, it's a common thing for boys your age to wondering something like that" Reine said.


"I am curious though " Reine say "who do you imagine in your mind?"

"ummm about that uhm" he try to find excuse because there's no way he say he imagining her.


He hear Tohka loud voice and turn his head to her.

"Tohka, Yoshino and Yoshinon" Shido say in relief and let out a sigh for their distraction. ' I am save for now'.

"Shido-san" Yoshino said.

" ohayou~ Shido-kun sorry to keep you waiting~~" Yoshinon said.

"ohayou to Yoshino, Yoshinon" Shido say " thank you for coming".

" ne ne~~ Shido-kun to ask Yoshino to place like this, are you really want to see Yoshino body that bad?". Yoshinon say.

"Yo…Yoshinon" Yoshino stutter while she put her right hand on Yoshinon mouth.

"well, we plan to go to Ocean Park tomorrow so, I call all here to buy a swimsuit" Shido say.

"really Shido!!?" Tohka beamed.

"thank you Shido-san" Yoshino said

"thank you Shido" Origami said.




All three look at the new voice and.

"what are you doing here Tobiichi Origami!!!!???" Tohka yell.

"I just want to meet Shido" Origami say with her monotone voice.

She look at Yoshino and say.

"Hermit.. why are you here?"

Yoshino is quiver in fear remembering time when she being hunted by AST.

" alright alright~~ miss, don't you bully Yoshino please~~" Yoshinon say " also you will have wrinkle in young age if you always make that face~~".

Origami face still blank, there's no indication what she fell about Yoshinon provocation. She turn to Shido and say.

"what the meaning of this?"

"uhm.. just say this have liaise with what we talked yesterday" Shido say.

She stare at Shido for a while till.

"stop ignoring me Tobiichi Origami!!!!" Tohka yell again "what exactly you doing here!?!?".

Origami turn her gaze to Tohka and say. "Yatogami Tohka I have something to ask you"

"eh..what is that" Tohka said not expecting this.

"during battle on the rooftop, appear a spirit engulfed by fire. I want you to tell me everything you know about that spirit". Origami said.

'so, she still want to get revenge' Shido though.

"why I have to tell you that!" Tohka say "even if I know something I will not tell you,Hmph!"

"I beg you" Origami say while clap her hand and tilt her head a bit.

"wha..what are you doing Tobiichi Origami?!!?" Tohka yell not expecting this.

"please tell me about that flame spirit" Origami say again while bowing her head, "I beg you".

Seeing this Shido give a wry smile while scratch his check, 'just if you two can get along' he tough.

"okay okay, I will tell you. But stop that already, that disgusting!!" Tohka say.

Origami raise her head and look at her expectantly.

"she is strong" Tohka say.

"what else"

"she use fire"

"what else"

"and she gave a 'uwaa' feeling"

"how useless" Origami say.

"What did you say?!?!?" Tohka

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3 of 6 9/11/2023, 10:09 PM
Date A Live Redo chapter 03, a date a live/デート・ア・ライブ fanfic...
"I did rather watching surveillance camera or voice footage" she said.

"how dare you Tobiichi Origami, after my effort to tell you, this how you treat me!!".

Origami pay her no heed and turn her head to Shido.

"about yesterday, thank you for saying that. But spirits is calamity to this world, even if they just want to live, as long as they cause a spacequake I will hunt and kill them" Origami say
with her monotonous voice but he can fell determination and anger in her voice.

"I understand" Shido say "but that aside, how about your body, you're in hospital yesterday".

"I am fine, there is nothing to worry about" she reply.

"that's good then" Shido say " is that your purpose here?"

"that it. Also I just have my school swimsuit so it will be bother if I want to swim out of the school"

"ahh want to join then?" Shido offer.

"with pleasure" she accept.

"what, what are you doing Shido, why you invite her?!?". Tohka said.

"its alright, its alright" he calm her down "more people more merrier, so there's no harm with inviting her".

"just choose some swimsuit and try it" Shido say.

"oh that's right, Shido what's swimsuit?" Tohka ask.

"ah swimsuit is.." Shido try to explain but he got cut out by Origami.

"MI-ZU-GI is the latest weapon that developed to kill spirits, every bullet is made in molecule size with realizer and can penetrate astral dress with ease. It will cause indescribable pain
and severe damage to its target. Even its forbidden to use it to human.". Origami explain.

" that true Shido!?!" Tohka ask with complete shock on her face and Yoshino cowering behind her.

"its true, I always want to kill you all along" Origami say with voice pretending to be Shido.

"Shido… how can you.."

"no that's not true, that's doesn't sound like me at all. You're being deceived" Shido explain.

Tohka face is as red as tomato, she turn to Origami and say.

"damn you Tobiichi Origami, how dare you deceived me!!!"

"I don't know what are you talking about" Origami simply reply.

"okay, enough of that" Shido say " swimsuit is cloth you wear when you swim, like that".

Shido pointing at swimsuit on display.

"hmm I get it, I get it" Tohka say as she looking at one "what are you wearing on it?"

"umm none"

"what… why?!" Tohka surprised.

"cause you know, its easier to move that".

"just choose some and give it a try, I'll wait here".

"alright Yoshino its win or lose, lets started" Tohka said.

"okay… please go easy on me"

"what win" Origami ask.

" today we have challenge that who can make Shido-kun heart beat faster win" Yoshinon explain.

Origami have determination look on her eyes and she look a bit exited.

"okay lets start then"

As Shido said that all three girls looking at the display for a swimsuit to try, leaving Shido alone.

"…you seems handle it pretty well, Shin" a sleepy voice said.

"ah.. Reine-san, I think its okay to invite Origami so, I hope its not too bother" Shido say.

"its okay" she said " but I am curious, what are you talking with her yesterday?"

"about that, I'll explain later, for now lets just finish this test"

"okay then. Also please choose an appropriate one and try to remain calm seeing their charming figure"

".. I understood"

Shido looking for girls and he see Tohka and Origami is entering fitting room and Yoshino still didn't decided which one she will choice.

"Shido." He hear tohka voice.

"how this look"

Tohka opened fitting room curtain revealing her body shyly. She wearing one piece swimsuit tha fit her body perfectly.

"umh that look good on you Tohka"

"really, thank you Shido" Tohka beamed.

"Shido look at here"

He hear Origami voice and look at her. She wearing two piece swimsuit with her hair tied up revealing her nape.

"that's also look good on you Origami."

"urgh, this not end yet Tobiichi Origami" Tohka said as she close the curtain, Origami following her act wordlessly.

' its good I've doing this before' Shido tough ' its easier to calm my heart'.

"you're doing good Shin" he hear Reine say.

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4 of 6 9/11/2023, 10:09 PM
Date A Live Redo chapter 03, a date a live/デート・ア・ライブ fanfic...
The curtain opened again revealed Tohka now wearing two piece swimsuit revealing more her cleavage.

"how about this Shido" she ask.

"that's really fitting you Tohka" Shido say, his heart beat faster a bit.

"really, are your heart beat is faster now?".

"yeah its faster now." Shido reply.

As Shido say that another curtain opened revealing Origami with her cloths on.

"Hmph Tobiichi Origami are you admitting your defeat now" Tohka snorted.

Origami pay her no heed as she walk closer to Shido and say.

"open it".

She grab Shido arm and pull it closer to her.

"what.. what are you trying to do!!?" Tohka yell.

"O…Origami maybe that to.." Shido try to resist but that's too late, as Origami make him grab her clothe and pull it. Revealing revealing white one piece swimsuit that fitting her pale
white skin.

"umh that's truly suit you Origami" Shido manage to say as his heart beat become faster.

"you think so" she ask.

"yeah, I do" Shido said.

"I am glad".

Shido try to calm his heart beat and Tohka face is reddened from seeing Origami action and from her anger, she want to say something but.

"Shi.. Shido-san help me… please" Yoshino voice can be heard from fitting room nearby.

Shido not wasting any time running to fitting room and swiftly open the curtain and he saw Yoshino, kneeling on the floor with her choice swimsuit half wear and revealing her chest.

"its hard to …tying it with… one hand" Yoshino say, her face is flustered from embarrassment.

Seeing this scene before him, Shido's heart beat involuntary become faster, much faster compared from when he saw Tohka and Origami.

"its seems we have our winner" her heard Reine voice coming from earphone.

"guh!" Shido involuntary groan feel defeated.


Shido is on Fraxinus again, after helping Yoshino with her swimsuit he pay for their swimsuit, including Origami, and ask them to go home while he got teleported to Fraxinus.

He is in Fraxinus rest section looking for drink.

"…Good job today, Shin" Reine say handed him a juice.

"thank you Reine-san" he take that juice open it and sit on chair nearby.

"…you handle it pretty well" Reine said as she sat beside him.

"thank you, I just do what I can" 'she smells good' Shido tough.

"..also there's one thing I want to ask" Reine said.

"what is that?"

"what are you and Origami talking about yesterday?" she say.

Shido take a sip from his juice and say.

"just about what happened five years ago and about spirits" Shido say "I just say that spirits is another being that want to live, its not their fault they caused spacequake. And don't
worry I don't say anything about Ratatoskr or my ability to seal spirits power"

".. why you say that to her" Reine ask again.

"because Origami parents is killed by spirits five years ago during tengu fire, and she hold grudge agains spirits that's why she join AST." Shido explain.

"are you say Kotori kill Origami parents that day?".

"no!!" Shido say louder than he meant it to be " umm sorry, but no, the one who kill Origami parents is not Kotori".

"its okay. But how are you sure its not Kotori" Reine say.

" because I remember it, after Kotori caused the fire she not go anywhere near Origami parents or anyone else. And I seal her power right after that, so there's no way she could kill
Origami fire".

"I am sure there's another spirit that day that kill Origami's parents" Shido explain.

"is that so" Reine say "that's good then, I don't know how Kotori will react if she know she kill someone that day".

"yeah, me to" Shido said. He take another sip from his juice again and they sit in comfortable silent.

"also Shin" he turn to Reine as her hear she call him.

"this morning, there's fluctuation in you mental state, did something happen?" Reine ask.

"it's fine, I just having a nightmare that's all" Shido say.

"..what nightmare" Reine ask curiously.

"I …don't want to talk about it" Shido say averting his eyes.

Reine stare at him for a moment before choice to not push it further.

"its okay" she said as she stand up "just make sure to take a good rest and if you want to talk about it you can always tell me".

She pat his head stroke his hair before heading towards exit door, leaving blushing Shido behind.

' well that's a good feeling' he tough ' maybe I can ask her to hug me later?'.

He blushing more further before shook his head to clean his mind. He go to teleporter asking to teleported to his house and prepare for dinner.

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Meanwhile with Origami, she is in JGSDF army post to report to her superior after her recovery. She give her captain a sharp salute and say.

5 of 6 9/11/2023, 10:09 PM
"I have recovering from previous battle and ready to serve again"

"that's good" her captain said " and what's that" she said after seeing a bag in Origami arm.

" this is a precious thing from precious person" Origami said "but its also a reminder for a great defeat. I will never forgive Hermit".

"what do you mean?"

"its dosnt matter. What is that?" Origami say as she see a large device she not seeing before.

"ohh that's White Licorie, a new device from DEM industry that still in developing state." She explain.

Origami examine the device, its have two large cannon that you usually see in battleship and a lot of another weapon.

"with this maybe we can kill " She say.

"why so suddenly you metion that spirits. Ahh is that because she appear in battle agains nighmare?" Ryouko ask.

"also you cant use this device, this device is send here strictly just for lieutenant Mana only. Other wizard testing this device is vaporized after thirty minute using this" she warn her.

"from where you know appear in that battle?. I am not reporting that yet" Origami ask curiously.

"from the footage. There's camera near your school recording that battle. Do you want to see it?" Ryouko offer.

Origami nod her head.

"this" she handed Origami a cassette "you can use a briefing room today".

Origami thanks her and heading towards briefing room, she play the video and watch it for a while before pause it. She glare at the screen showing a face of . Her glare is filled with hate
and anger as she say

"Itsuka Kotori"

Author note: SORRY FOR LATE UPDATE!!!!!!. I have some errands to do in real life and that's keep me occupied for most of the week. I'll try to update more consistent from now on but
don't hope so much. And that's the new chapter, thanks for reading it and hope you enjoy it. Please review.

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