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Name : Nabila Khairunnisa

Class : XII OTKP

PKL in Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan

PKL is an activity for pupils or students to gain work experience before entering the real
world of work. PKL is an activity that is usually carried out by vocational school or university
I practice field work at the Dinas Perindustrian and perdagangan . The Dinas perindustrian dan
perdagangan is a regional apparatus in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province which handles
government affairs in the field of industry and trade.


 Write the incoming letter in the agenda book.

 print a letter of accountability.
 Record incoming and outgoing letters in the planning subsection into the computer.
 Manage official trip reports.
 Input performance realization data for Activity Programs, Sub-Activities in the E-SAKIP
 Stamped the letter of accountability.
 archive the accountability letter file.

Dinas perindustrian and perdagangan helps manage regional government affairs in the field of
industrial trade and market management.


Source by my report.

 History of the dinas perindustrian and perdagangan.

After undergoing several changes, the Bangka Belitung Islands Provincial

Government made Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 18 of 2016, concerning the
Formation and Composition of Regional Apparatus of the Bangka Belitung Islands
Province and Governor Regulation (Pergub) Number 58 of 2016, concerning Position,
Organizational Structure, Duties and Functions and Work Procedures of the Regional
Services of Bangka Belitung Islands Province.

Based on the contents of Gubernatorial Regulation Number 58 of 2016 and

Regional Regulation Number 18 of 2016, concerning Position, Organizational Structure,
Duties and Functions, and Work Procedures, the Dinas Perindustrian and Perdagangan
of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province has been established to run the government in
the field of industry and trade.

 vision of the dinas perindustrian and perdagangan.

“The realization of a professional, reliable and advanced Dinas Perindustrian dan

perdagangan in supporting community empowerment and accelerating the development
of the industrial and trade sectors in an equitable and sustainable manner.”

 mission of the dinas perindustrian and perdagangan.

 Manage international resources to support the implementation of TUPOKSI.

 Increase industrial growth and development.
 Improving market access, smooth distribution, securing the domestic market and
protecting consumers and producers.
 Increase the role of foreign trade.

 Task of the Dinas Perindustrian and Perdagangan.

The Dinas perindustrian and perdagangan has the task of assisting the Governor in
carrying out government affairs in the industrial and trade sectors which fall under
regional authority and assistance tasks assigned to the Province.

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