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ASSIGNMENT No 9 Develop Positive Relations

YOUR NAME …………………………Nasif Ibne Shafiq……………………………….…

YOUR PLACE OF WORK ……………Discovery Home……………………………......

DATE STARTED …………………… 22/08/2015………………………………..

DATE COMPLETED ………………… 28/08/2015…………………………………

Declaration of Authenticity:

I declare that this is my own work and that I have not presented the work of any other person
as my own.

Signed: Date :


ASSESSOR: Signature:

Date Assignment Signed Off



Task 1
Think of three reasons why developing positive relationships with children
Young people are important. (Unit CYP 3.5: LO 1, AC 1.1)
Write them below.

1. Communicate

The child with special need always communicate with the person they feel safe and
comfortable. Because most of them got certain level of communication or
understanding, it’s always god to maintain a positive relationship with the children in
order communicate effectively

2. Understanding need

Positive relationship always helps to identify the needs of our children. They always
prefers to express their need to the person they are most familiar with. And through
positive relationships we can always help our special need children by identifying
their need.

3. Building confidence:

Children who develop secure attachments to one or more adults are more likely to
develop positive social and emotional skills. They know they can rely on adults to
meet their needs, to respond to them, and to comfort them. They feel important and
begin to develop a sense of competence and confidence.

Level 3 Diploma in CYP Health and Social Care

Task 2

Children and young people need to feel valued, nurtured and acknowledged.
For each of the age groups below, think of one way in which you can do this,
And complete the three blank columns of the table.

Valued Nurtured Acknowledged

Babies up Smile at baby Lots of Pick up and

to one year and talk to physical cuddle if
them, lots of contact, crying and
eye contact cuddles and engage with
and attention holding babies when
they are

1–2 year Lots of praise Cuddles Respond to

olds for and let them them if they
achievements sit on your communicate
and positive lap if they with you in
comments want to anyway,
listen to them
with interest
and always
be positive
so as to
encourage a

3–5 year Encourage Verbal Listen to

olds them in play reassurance them talking
and activities and and sharing
with other approval their ideas
children and try to
answer any
they have as
Honestly as

6–11 year It is important Verbal it is essential

olds to talk and reassurance to allow them
listen to them and to develop
Level 3 Diploma in CYP Health and Social Care

expressing approval are their own

their still views and
thoughts, important at opinions and
ideas and this age listen to
Feelings. them.

12–19 year It is important Verbal It is vital to

olds to evaluate reassurance allow them to
their work and positive develop their
and opinion attitude skills and
express their
views more

Task 1

Level 3 Diploma in CYP Health and Social Care

Complete the spider diagram below to show how you can demonstrate that
you are listening to what a child is saying. An example has been provided for
You. (Unit CYP 3.5: LO 1, AC 1.2)

Positive body Listen carefully

Good eye contact

How can I
Allowing enough Allow the children to
time during repeat the massage
that I am
listening to a
child or young
Keeping promises Showing respect and
and honouring courtesy
commitments Valuing and

Task 2
Level 3 Diploma in CYP Health and Social Care

Case study
Kerry has just arrived at the children’s home where Tom works. Kerry is nine years
old. Her mother has just been taken into hospital and there are no family members
who can look after Kerry. Kerry’s father is not allowed to see her or her mother as he
was prosecuted for physically harming them both. Kerry is understandably wary of
men and will not talk to Tom. As the senior member of staff on duty that day, it is his
responsibility to settle her in.

1. How can Tom start to develop a good relationship with Kerry?

There are many techniques I can use when children and young people come to the
setting for the first time includes the following:

Find out her preferred name; be sure I know how to pronounce it, and make an effort to
use it show her around the facility. Remember to check that the child knows where the
toilets are. Making good eye contact with the child will help her feel welcome explain
any routines that you use go over the evacuation procedures in case there is an
emergency ask her if she know any of the children or young people who are already
attending ,ask the child if she have any particular interests that I can discuss . Talk to the
child and find out what she likes to do explain any health and safety issues and explain
the guidelines for behaviour show the child what activities you have available and ask if
she has played them before. Introduce myself and the other workers with the child.
Explain our policy for free play activities get the child involved in an activity, and observe
her during the initial and following sessions to ensure the child is settling in well. Make
eye contact when I speak to the child and listen to her reply try to ask open questions.

2. What strategies might Tom use to overcome the feelings and issues Kerry has
with communicating with men?

I was going to say that Tom would need to develop a good relationship with Kerry first.
Once Tom has Kerry's trust and confidence, he could slowly start introducing Kerry to
other male members around the children's home.... But Tom should find Kerry a female
buddy, either another child, or a member of staff who can help Kerry settle in and whom
she can go to talk to if she feels the need. He could then build up Kerry's trust in him, and
slowly introduce other males to Kerry.

Level 3 Diploma in CYP Health and Social Care

Task 3
‘I can’t do cooking because, if I do, I might get burnt and have to go to
If a child in your care were to make this statement, what do you think them?
might really be saying and how should you respond?
Write down your ideas and then discuss in a group or with your
Consider how effective you are in building relationships with children and
young people by answering the questions below. Try to be really honest and
think of examples in your practice that can support your answers. (Unit CYP
3.5: LO 1, AC 1.3)

Question Your answer How do I know? What might I do to

(Think of an example improve my
in your practice that practice?
supports your
How much do I know It is my duty to know One of my key child I can print a copy of his
about each individual about the children’s name X has a pre- diet and display in the
child’s and young individual preference, planned diet for his kitchen so that all staff
person’s preferences, as in my setting we breakfast .It’s my duty members are aware of
likes and dislikes? have the key child to make sure whenever the diet.
system which means he comes to the setting
we get certain number all our workers follow
of children designated his routine. If I am not
to a key worker. And working I always leave
it’s our duty to know the a massage for other
detail about the key staff to follow the
child. routine
How much do I respect All our children are This summer holiday I should be focusing on
individual children’s valued and respected. time one of the children more outcome based
and young people’s Whenever they ask for asked to go to the activities
views and feelings, and anything we always try cable car, I discussed
act upon these to full fill their wish. with my shift leader
appropriately? about it, and we took a
group of six young
children including that
particular child to the
Emirates Cable car, All
of them were really
Are children and young Yes most of our young Yes, most of our We should focus on
people aware that I persons are aware of children likes our staffs, giving same priority to
enjoy their company the fact, all of them In particular one of our the entire child.
and am interested in have their preference child with
what they do and say? on staff. developmental delay,
he is really obsessed
with some of our staffs.
Whenever he comes to

Level 3 Diploma in CYP Health and Social Care

the setting first thing he

asked is about those
staffs, are they on the
shift, are they coming.
In what ways do I Our setting is always We recently re We should be focusing
contribute to creating a welcoming for young decorated our family on creating a more age
welcoming atmosphere people, and our entire rooms to make it more appropriate
for children and young staff member welcome welcoming for our atmosphere.
people? all the children with a young people; we
worm heart. bought more toys and
equipment’s for them.
How do I support other It is my duty to maintain I always take the Try and give more time
people involved in the a positive relationship initiative to help my to my colleagues and
care of children and with all the children as colleagues by asking the children’s and help
young people and how well as staff members, them if they need them as much as I can.
effectively do I maintain families, carers. I anything, I did the
relationships with always support my same with my children,
others? colleagues I always take feedback
from the parents and
maintain good
relationship with them.

Task 1 (Unit CYP 3.5: LO 2, AC 2.1)

Level 3 Diploma in CYP Health and Social Care

Think of three ways in which you can be a good role model for children and
young people when interacting with other people involved in their care. Write
them in the spaces below.
1. By being supportive.

I need to support them to learn to share, take turns and develop friendships from an
early age. This could be done by developing their self-confidence. I could introduce a
shy child to a group of children I know to be kind and caring. Stay near the child but
remain in the background so the child has independence to develop the relationship
but has the reassurance of my presence to calm their nerves. I must not force
relationships – if children do not wish to interact with each other this must be
accepted or they will develop a negative relationship. If I do come across a situation
like this I could work with the children to explore why they struggle to interact and
have negative feelings towards each other. This helps them to develop an
understanding of the dynamics of different people and although they may not become
firm friends they will develop a relationship of understanding and tolerance.

2. by being positive

If I look for the good in everyone I will find it. I need to help children to learn this skill
and to remember that no matter how angry or upset they may be there is still good in
them. They will then develop the skill to look for the good in others. Teaching
tolerance and understanding through my own actions helps children to learn. Again
this could be by making the child reflect on their own behaviour. If they have used
unkind words or hurt someone get them to think about how they would feel if it
happened to them. If they reply with “I don’t care” tell them I do because I know they
are a good person and they are angry but when they calm down they will care. I need
to remind children of the good in themselves for them to seek the good in others.

3. by encouraging independence.

Children have to learn to be independent in order to build new relationships. They

must not be allowed to rely upon one or two people but encouraged to interact with
everyone within a setting. If I find a child is continuously coming to me for support and
I know they were working with another adult I should support and encourage them to
interact with that adult by taking them over and helping them to articulate. An
example of this could be when a group of children are working together at a table,
with another adult, colouring in and one of the children is someone who has formed a
particular attachment to me. This child comes to me because he wants a pencil
another child has and that child won’t let him use it.I could begin by asking him why
he didn’t speak to the other adult and remind him that they are also there to help him.
I could then suggest I go over together and speak to this adult. You could start the
conversation by saying Charlie has a bit of a problem and then encourage the boy to
explain his problem – supporting him with words but getting him to talk. This should
Level 3 Diploma in CYP Health and Social Care

them give him the confidence to articulate his needs to that adult next time. Children
also need to learn how to sort out disputes and difficulties. I need to be able to take a
step back and help them to try and resolve their difficulties themselves. This helps
them to learn to see things from another person’s point of view.

Task 2
Complete the sentence below using the space provided.
Positive relationships with other people who are involved in the care of
And young people are important because…
Communication in the workplace is so important as it is essential that I have to have
good communication with everyone to ensure I can have strong relationships and work
well together and be able to share and gain information with each other, so we can all
work together to meet the needs of the children in the setting. If I do not have good
relationships then it may cause bad feeling and a divide between colleagues and it may
be the case that you will all not work well together and be able to share information then
the parents and children may suffer. It is important to have good communication with the
children in the setting as this ensures you have a good relationship with them which will
help them feel more comfortable with us which will help them settle in or provide
reassurance during transitions in their lives as well as supporting them in their play and
learning. Also if the parents see that you have a good relationship with the children it will
help them feel more relaxed and helps them to trust us to care for their children.

Read the scenarios below and explain how you would respond in a
way that would build positive relationships with other people
involved in the care of children and young people. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper. (Unit CYP 3.5: LO 2, AC 2.2)

Scenario 1
A new member of staff joins the setting and you have been asked to help
her to settle in. There is a rumour spreading that she had to leave her
last setting because she fell out with her room leader.

Answer: I should her to settle in the setting by providing all relevant information. I should
introduce her with other staff members. Tell her to read all the policies from policy book
and get used to with that. I should be ignoring any rumours unless there is some
concrete evidence.

Scenario 2

Level 3 Diploma in CYP Health and Social Care

Staffs are complaining that Amanda is not pulling her weight. She never
helps to clear up without being asked and disappears at important and
busy times of the day.

Answer: If that is the case than I should speak to her in person first, and explain the
importance of team work. If she does not respond in a positive way than I should go to
my team leader and inform him about the situation.

Scenario 3
Allan borrowed some money from Christine and, despite promising to
pay it back by the end of the month; he keeps finding excuses not to do
so. He is gaining a reputation for being a bit dishonest and this is
threatening to ruin relationships within the setting.

Answer: I should sit with both of them and listen to their stories, explain the importance
of keeping good relationship with colleague’s .And also discussing with Christine Try to
give a specific time frame to Allan to return the money.

Scenario 4
The number of children at the setting has fallen and staffs are anxious
that this will mean redundancies. The setting owner asks you to provide
reassurance by telling staff that redundancies will be a last resort and
that marketing strategies are being considered to remedy the situation.

Answer: I should keep confidence on my manager and should encourage him on the
marketing. And I also should share my ideas about it. Help him on the promotion

Scenario 5
Lesley has recently become a room leader. She is an excellent
practitioner but, in her new role, she is proving to be a bit of a bully. She
always seems to know best and rarely involves her staff in decision
making, choosing instead to hand out edicts and demands. Morale within
the room is falling and there are rumours that some staff is considering

Answer: I should talk to her in person about the experience. Also tell her about our
expectation from her. I should also assure her that we will help her to resolve the issues.
Explain her about the importance of team work. If all this effort does not come in action
than I should go to my manager and discuss about the matter and follow his guidelines.
Level 3 Diploma in CYP Health and Social Care

Level 3 Diploma in CYP Health and Social Care


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Level 3 Diploma in CYP Health and Social Care



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Level 3 Diploma in CYP Health and Social Care

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