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In company interviews: Units 5–7

Before you watch
1 Read the sentences below. Do you agree with the opinions? If not, change the sentences
so that they are true for you.
• Thinking of a good idea for a business is easy.
• Starting a new Internet business can take a long time.
• Developing a website is the key to success for a business.
• Having an app as well as a website is essential for all businesses.

While you watch: Introduction

2 Watch the video. Answer the questions.
a What is the name of the business and what does it do?

b What does a driver have to do? Complete the description with the correct verbs.
The driver has to (1) the website, (2) in a location,
(3) the space, (4) for the space and then (5)
on the driveway.

While you watch: Internet histories

3 Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
a the idea / did / for his company / Anthony / have / Where / ?

b models / What / develop / Anthony / did / ?

c Anthony / When / his business / start / did / ?

d drivers / How / many / / use / ?

e use / many / How / houses / in / / the UK / ?

4 Watch the video. Answer the questions in 3.

a b c
d e

While you watch: Orders

5 Watch the video. Match the sentence beginnings (a–e) to the sentence endings (1–5).
a Anthony wanted to make sure 1 of the most important stages.
b Homeowners and drivers can interact 2 together on the website.
c The idea of the business is to see 3 a space in the same way as the website.
d Getting the system set up was one 4 the booking process was automated.
e Drivers can use apps to book 5 the money roll in.

6 Look at the words in bold in 5. Match the words to the definitions below.
a prepare and start
b receive in large quantities
c an automatic process without people
d communicate

In Company 3.0 Pre-intermediate © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 INTERVIEWS 5–7 1


While you watch: Hotels

7 Complete Anthony’s recommendations with the correct verbs.
choose   ​fly   ​go out   ​have   ​join   ​lower   ​
make   ​meet

Make sure you (a) a frequent flyer club.

Don’t (b) first or business class until you have enough money.
(c) the right hotels – (d) sure it’s got Wi-Fi and
(e) a look on TripAdvisor to check suitability.
Remember you are the most interesting person there, because you’re from
a different culture. So (f) your inhibitions, (g) ,
network and (h) people.

After you watch

8 Write answers to the questions.
a) Would this type of Internet business be successful in your city/country? Why? / Why not?

b) As a customer, do you prefer automated websites or companies that offer customer

support? Why? / Why not?

c) Do you agree with Anthony’s recommendations about business travel and hotels?
Add three more recommendations.

In Company 3.0 Pre-intermediate © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 INTERVIEWS 5–7 2

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