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CWM Technical Guideline

Requirements and Procedures for the

Disposal of Hazardous Wastes

Version & Change History
Date Document Revision/Change History Author/Revi
Name: ……………………….......... Signature …………………….. Date …../…../……… ser
April 2013 1/0 New Document GM


Name: ……………………….......... Signature …………………….. Date …../…../………

Name: ……………………….......... Signature …………………….. Date …../…../………

Name: ……………………….......... Signature …………………….. Date …../…../………

Name: ……………………….......... Signature …………………….. Date …../…../………

Name: ……………………….......... Signature …………………….. Date …../…../………


Name: ……………………….......... Signature …………………….. Date …../…../………

Effective Date ……./……./……………

Page 3
Contents Abbreviations
Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................................................5
COP Code of Practice
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................6
2. Requirements ..........................................................................................................................................6
CWM The Center of Waste Management-Abu Dhabi
2.1 Legal Requirements .........................................................................................................................6
2.2 Permits and Licensing ......................................................................................................................8
EAD Environment Agency–Abu Dhabi
3. Standard & Guideline for the Disposal of Hazardous Waste ...................................................................9
Annexures ......................................................................................................................................................15
ESMA Emirates Authority for Standardization & Metrology
References .....................................................................................................................................................16

MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

NOC No Objection Certificate

RSP Registered Service Providers

WG Waste Generator

WMDS Waste Material Data Sheet

Page 4 Page 5
1. Introduction adhered to, however compliance with this document and those referenced within, shall

This technical guideline provides requirements and procedures for disposal of Hazardous ensure compliance with the requirements stated within the legal standards listed below:

wastes. It identifies International standards / guidelines applicable for the disposal of

1 Federal Cabinet Resolution No. (39) of 2006 on Banning the Import and
hazardous waste. Production of Asbestos;
2 Federal Law No (24) for the year 1999 on the Protection and the Development of
Hazardous wastes, due to inherent hazardous characteristics, can cause substantial
the Environment;
harm to human, properties or to the environment, particularly during handling, storage,
3 Federal Law No. (28) of 2001 Regarding the Establishment of the emirates
transportation, treatment, and, imminently, at disposal sites. Improper storage or disposal authority for standards and Meteorology;
of hazardous wastes also would contaminate surface and groundwater supplies. In 4 Federal Regulation for Handling Hazardous Materials, Hazardous Wastes and
addition, workers at disposal facilities and those people who are staying at buildings Medical Wastes, issued by Cabinet Decree No. 37 of 2001;

located near old and abandoned waste disposal sites are the most likely at risk due to 5 Law No (21) for the year 2005 on Waste Management in the Emirate of Abu
obnoxious gases that expectedly arise from the deposited wastes.
6 Decree 2G24 of 2009 for Tariff System of the Waste in the Emirates of Abu
In an effort to remedy existing problems and to prevent potential harm due to improper Dhabi;

handling of hazardous wastes, the Center of Waste Management-Abu Dhabi regulates 7 Centre of Waste Management Board of Directors Decree No 1/2010 for Waste
Tracking System;
the practice of hazardous waste disposal.
8 Decree No 17 of 2008 Establishing the Centre of Waste Management – Abu
This technical guideline also provides requirements for annual approval of hazardous Dhabi;
waste disposal. The annual approval of hazardous waste will be based on a case-by- 9 Decree No 42 of 2009 Requirements of the Abu Dhabi Emirate Environment,

case. The purpose of annual approval is to reduce heavy administrative burden on both Health and Safety Management System (EHSMS) Regulatory Framework;
10 The Trade Effluent Control Regulations, 2010; and
the Waste Generator and CWM.
11 Basel Convention Protocol for Liability and Compensation on the Control of
Transboundry Movement of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal (Texts and
2. Requirements Annexes).
12 Recycled Water and Bio-solids Regulations 2010.
2.1 Legal Requirements 13 Health Authority Abu Dhabi Policy for Medical Waste Management in Health
Listed below are the main legislative requirements related to the hazardous waste within Care Facilities (PPR/HCP/P0002/07; Ver.1).

the Abu Dhabi Emirate. All the requirements listed within these documents shall be 14 Recycled Water and Bio-solids Regulations 2010.

Page 6 Page 7
2.2 Permits and Licensing 3. Standard & Guideline for the Disposal of Hazardous
Listed are the specific licensing and permitting requirements relevant to this technical Waste
guideline. The Waste Generator is required to ensure that all licensing and permitting
requirements have been complied prior to commence any work.
This technical Guideline explains the procedures and requirements of submission of
a) Hazardous waste carriers / transporter: request or application for disposal of hazardous waste in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
(i) To be approved by CWM-AD. through the following CWM/NADAFA Customer Service offices:

b) Hazardous waste Facilities:

(i) To be approved by CWM-AD.

Location Name City Address
c) Testing Facilities:

(i) All testing facility shall be approved for the purpose (Scope of accreditation) The Licensing Department (NADAFA) of Abu Dhabi Street No. 13, Al Nhayan

by Emirates Standardization and Metrology (ESMA) Authority. the Center of Waste Management-Abu Complex, behind Red
Dhabi crescent-Branch.

The Center of Waste Management-Abu Al Ain

Dhabi, Al Ain Office

Tem Centre Madinat Zayed Western Western

Region Region

Table 1: Customer Service Offices

1. All Waste Generators (WGs) for the disposals of hazardous waste are required to
contract with CWM Registered Service Providers (RSP) permitted under
hazardous waste category.
2. Waste Generator shall be responsible for their waste from origin to final disposal
("cradle to grave").

Page 8 Page 9
3. Waste Generator shall submit application (Annexure 6) through Registered (All above listed parameters shall be analysed for interim purpose only and later on all
Service Providers (Annexure 7) along with all legal, administrative and technical listed parameters or other applicable herein shall comply with other relevant Local and
documents (Annexure 9) for document checklist to be filled by Waste Generator to International Regulations Standards)
the Center of Waste management-Abu Dhabi through at any of the above
mentioned offices in table 1. 6. The laboratory analysis report shall not be more than 1 month old reckoned from
4. Waste Generator must ensure not to store any hazardous waste container near the date when the sample was collected for analysis. New analysis report is
ADSSC Sewerage Water Network, Strom Water Network, Marine Environment, required for every batch permit application. The CWM may require other tests to
Marine Outfalls or Channel. further determine the hazard nature of waste.
7. A review of Basel Convention Protocol Annexures shall be carried out by Waste
Generator as specified in Annexure 1.
5. Waste Generator shall submit the following technical documents along with the
8. Disposal fee for every approved hazardous waste disposal application shall be
legal and administrative documents & application:
considered as specified in Annexure 2.
a. Waste Material Data Sheet (Annexure 3)
9. Upon payment of disposal fee, the Waste Generator must obtain the hazardous
b. MSDS, if available
waste manifest as specified in process flow (Annexure 4).
c. Analysis Report from any ESMA accredited laboratories in the Emirate of
10. All permitted waste shall be disposed off only into the designated site within 30
Abu Dhabi for the following wastes and the required parameters1 as a
days reckoned from the date of approval or as per the schedule set by the disposal
i. For Sludge & contaminated soil – pH, Solids (fixed/volatiles/total)
11. The Manifest shall be signed by the generator, the transporter and the osperator
Moisture content, Oil content (% by weight), chloride and Heavy
of the Waste Management facility in order to track the waste consignment and
Metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Mo, Ni, Se and Zn). For
ensure consistency of information.
contaminated soils, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX
12. It is mandatory to provide a copy of manifest to the Waste Generator, Waste
(benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylenes) shall also be
Transporter and Operator of Waste Management facility.
analysed if the contamination is due to fuel spills etc.
13. The importation of waste from other Emirates into the Emirate of Abu Dhabi for
ii. For Used Oil – Free Oil (%), Water Content (%), Sediment (%),
reuse, reprocessing, recycling or disposal is prohibited unless the Center of Waste
Sulphur (%), Total Metals (ppm)
Management-Abu Dhabi issues a NOC / Approval in advance.
iii. For Used Chemicals, inks, paints, solvents, etc. – pH, volatiles,
14. Any waste, damaged goods or deteriorated material arriving in Abu Dhabi ports
hydrocarbon, water content (%), Flashpoint (ºC), Heavy Metals etc.
shall be considered imported waste and will not be accepted for disposal. Such
iv. Medical Waste Treatment - Bacillus stearothermophilus test &
waste material must be sent back to its place of origin. A proof of shipment or re-
Bacillus subtilis test
exportation of such waste out of Abu Dhabi shall be submitted to the CWM.

Page 10 Page 11
15. The exportation of hazardous waste from Abu Dhabi to another Emirate shall not c. The waste Generator shall submit monthly record – RSP Register (Annexure 11) along

be permitted where such waste will be treated or disposed of to a lesser with waste test reports and copies of all waste manifests for the month, within 5 working

environmental standard than that which is readily available in Abu Dhabi. days of the following month.

16. The export of hazardous waste from UAE to another country is prohibited as per
Applications containing the following information must be made by the generator
Basel Convention Protocol.
in writing to The Center of Waste Management Center-Abu Dhabi:
17. Any intention of exporting hazardous waste shall comply with the requirements of
the Environment Agency and in accordance with the Basel Convention protocol on a. Copies of all approved disposal applications for the waste over the preceding 12 months

the Control of Trans-boundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal. including waste analysis.

b. The source and a description of the means by which the waste is generated.
18. CWM defines hazardous wastes in accordance with the Basel Convention as
c. Any data on the expected range of hazardous component concentrations in the waste.
described in Annexure 1 of this procedure.
19. The licensing and permitting approval for the hazardous waste disposal / treatment d. The amount of waste expected each year.

will be based on the documentary evidence which will be provided by the Waste
Generator and Registered Service Providers. If approved, an annual hazardous waste disposal approval may specify:

e. The maximum amount of waste permitted for disposal in one calendar year.

Annual Approval f. Limits on the concentrations of any components or any characteristics of the waste.

g. A waste testing program for the regular analysis of the waste.

Waste Generator must comply with below mentioned requirement in order to obtain annual h. An annual waste auditing and reporting program.
approval for the disposal / treatment of hazardous waste: i. Any pretreatment requirements.

Only waste generators meeting the following criteria will be considered for an j. Approved transporters and vehicle specifications.

annual disposal approval: k. Require the Waste Generator to maintain records as specified by CWM.

l. Require the Waste Generator to submit an annual report on waste volumes disposed of
a. The waste should be generated at a regular rate.
that year.
b. The type of waste is well characterized by the Waste Generator & WG shall undertake
m. Disposal or storage facility.
regular waste testing (minimum monthly) and ensure that the composition is within the ±

5% variation, if it exceeds the range the Waste Generator shall be responsible to obtain

fresh permit for disposal.

Page 12 Page 13
The Waste Generator must ensure: Annexures
a. Only dispose of wastes in accordance with the annual approval requirements and Annexure 1: Basel Convention Protocol Annexures
should not place or discharge the wastes at a site other than that specified in the annual Annexure 2: Fee Structure
approval. Annexure 3: Waste Material Data Sheet Format

b. Complete and lodge at the disposal site when waste is disposed, 2 copies of the Annexure 4: Process flow for the disposal/treatment of hazardous waste
attached “Waste Generation Consignment Note” (attached as Annex 10). Waste Annexure 5: Hazardous waste manifest format
generator must submit the application with Waste Generation Consignment Note with Annexure 6: Application form
the fee specified in Annexure 2. Annexure 7: List of Registered Service Providers
c. Provide one copy of the “Waste Generation Certification Note” directly to the Center of Annexure 8: Document Checklist
Waste Management Center-Abu Dhabi when the waste is handed over for transport to Annexure 9: Hazardous Waste Annual Approval Process
Registered Service Providers. (See process in Annex10).
Annexure 10: Waste Consignment Note
Annexure 11: RSP Register
The holder of an annual disposal approval must permit samples of the waste to be collected and

retained at the disposal site.

Landfill Environmental Issues:

The following factors need to be considered:

- Vermin, noise, odor etc.

- Risk of Land contamination (TCLP test to be conducted)

- Risk of ground water contamination (TCLP test to be conducted)

- Landfill gas is explosive and it is a greenhouse gas

Page 14 Page 15
References Annex 1: Basel Convention Protocol Annexures

1. Federal Cabinet Resolution No. (39) of 2006 on Banning the Import and Production Hazardous Waste

of Asbestos; (a) Wastes that belong to any category contained in Annex I, unless they do not possess
2. Federal Law No (24) for the year 1999 on the Protection and the Development of any of the characteristics contained in Annex III; and
the Environment;
3. Federal Law No. (28) of 2001 Regarding the Establishment of the emirates (b) Wastes that are not covered under paragraph 1 (a) but are defined as, or are
authority for standards and Meteorology; considered to be, hazardous wastes by the domestic legislation of the Party of export,
4. Federal Regulation for Handling Hazardous Materials, Hazardous Wastes and import or transit.
Medical Wastes, issued by Cabinet Decree No. 37 of 2001;
5. Law No (21) for the year 2005 on Waste Management in the Emirate of Abu
Annex I: Categories of wastes to be controlled
6. Decree 2G24 of 2009 for Tariff System of the Waste in the Emirates of Abu Dhabi;
7. Centre of Waste Management Board of Directors Decree No 1/2010 for Waste W aste Stream

Tracking System;
Y1 Clinical wastes from medical care in hospitals, medical centers and clinics
8. Decree No 17 of 2008 Establishing the Centre of Waste Management – Abu Dhabi;
9. Decree No 42 of 2009 Requirements of the Abu Dhabi Emirate Environment, Y2 Wastes from the production and preparation of pharmaceutical products
Health and Safety Management System (EHSMS) Regulatory Framework;
Y3 Waste pharmaceuticals, drugs and medicines
10. The Trade Effluent Control Regulations, 2010; and
11. Basel Convention Protocol for Liability and Compensation on the Control of
Y4 Wastes from the production, formulation and use of biocides and
Transboundry Movement of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal (Texts and
12. Dubai Municipality Technical Guideline No. 50 – Requirements for the Y5 Wastes from the manufacture, formulation and use of wood preserving chemicals
Transportation of Hazardous Waste.
Y6 Wastes from the production, formulation and use of organic solvents

Y7 Wastes from heat treatment and tempering operations containing cyanides

Y8 Waste mineral oils unfit for their originally intended use

Y9 Waste oils/water, hydrocarbons/water mixtures, emulsions

Page 16 Page 17
Y10 Waste substances and articles containing or contaminated with polychlorinated Y21 Hexavalent chromium compounds

biphenyls (PCBs) and/or polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs) and/or polybrominated

Y22 Copper compounds
biphenyls (PBBs)
Y23 Zinc compounds
Y11 Waste tarry residues arising from refining, distillation and any pyrolytic treatment
Y24 Arsenic; arsenic compounds
Y12 Wastes from production, formulation and use of inks, dyes, pigments, paints,
lacquers, varnish Y25 Selenium; selenium compounds

Y13 Wastes from production, formulation and use of resins, latex, plasticizers, Y26 Cadmium; cadmium compounds

Y27 Antimony; antimony compounds

Y14 Waste chemical substances arising from research and development or teaching Y28 Tellurium; tellurium compounds
activities which are not identified and/or are new and whose effects on man and/or the
Y29 Mercury; mercury compounds
environment are not known

Y30 Thallium; thallium compounds

Y15 Wastes of an explosive nature not subject to other legislation

Y31 Lead; lead compounds

Y16 Wastes from production, formulation and use of photographic chemicals and
processing materials Y32 Inorganic fluorine compounds excluding calcium fluoride

Y17 Wastes resulting from surface treatment of metals and plastics Y33 Inorganic cyanides

Y18 Residues arising from industrial waste disposal operations Y34 Acidic solutions or acids in solid form

Y35 Basic solutions or bases in solid form

Waste having as constituents Y36 Asbestos (dust and fibres)

Y19 Metal carbonyls Y37 Organic phosphorus compounds

Y20 Beryllium; beryllium compounds Y38 Organic cyanides

Page 18 Page 19
Y39 Phenols; phenol compounds including chlorophenols An explosive substance or waste is a solid or liquid

substance or waste (or mixture of substances or wastes)

Y40 Ethers
which is in itself capable by chemical reaction of producing
Y41 Halogenated organic solvents gas at such a temperature and pressure and at such a
speed as to cause damage to the surroundings.
Y42 Organic solvents excluding halogenated solvents

3 H3 Flammable liquids
Y43 Any congenor of polychlorinated dibenzo-furan

Y44 Any congenor of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin The word “flammable” has the same meaning as

“inflammable”. Flammable liquids are liquids, or mixtures of

Y45 Organohalogen compounds other than substances referred to in this Annex (e.g.
liquids, or liquids containing solids in solution or suspension
Y39, Y41, Y42, Y43, Y44)
(for example, paints, varnishes, lacquers, etc., but not

including substances or wastes otherwise classified on

account of their dangerous characteristics) which give off a

Annex II: Categories of Wastes Requiring Special Consideration
flammable vapour at temperatures of not more than 60.5ºC,

closed-cup test, or not more than 65.6ºC, open-cup test.

(Since the results of open-cup tests and of closed-cup tests

Y46 Wastes collected from households
are not strictly comparable and even individual results by
Y47 Residues arising from the incineration of household wastes
the same test are often variable, regulations varying from

the above figures to make allowance for such differences

would be within the spirit of this definition.)
Annex III: List of Hazardous Characteristics
4.1 H4.1 Flammable solids

Solids, or waste solids, other than those classed as

UN Class Code Characteristics
explosives, which under conditions encountered in
1 H1 Explosive transport are readily combustible, or may cause or

Page 20 Page 21
contribute to fire through friction. serious injury or to harm human health if swallowed or
inhaled or by skin contact.
4.2 H4.2 Substances or wastes liable to spontaneous combustion

6.2 H6.2 Infectious substances

Substances or wastes which are liable to spontaneous

heating under normal conditions encountered in transport, Substances or wastes containing viable micro organisms or

or to heating up on contact with air, and being then liable to their toxins which are known or suspected to cause disease
catch fire. in animals or humans.

4.3 H4.3 Substances or wastes which, in contact with water emit 8 H8 Corrosives

flammable gases
Substances or wastes which, by chemical action, will cause

Substances or wastes which, by interaction with water, are severe damage when in contact with living tissue, or, in the

liable to become spontaneously flammable or to give off case of leakage, will materially damage, or even destroy,
flammable gases in dangerous quantities. other goods or the means of transport; they may also cause
other hazards.
5.1 H5.1 Oxidizing

9 H10 Liberation of toxic gases in contact with air or water

Substances or wastes which, while in themselves not
necessarily combustible, may, generally by yielding oxygen Substances or wastes which, by interaction with air or
cause, or contribute to, the combustion of other materials. water, are liable to give off toxic gases in dangerous
5.2 H5.2 Organic Peroxides

9 H11 Toxic (Delayed or chronic)

Organic substances or wastes which contain the bivalent-o-

o-structure are thermally unstable substances which may Substances or wastes which, if they are inhaled or ingested
undergo exothermic self-accelerating decomposition. or if they penetrate the skin, may involve delayed or chronic
effects, including carcinogenicity.
6.1 H6.1 Poisonous (Acute)

9 H12 Ecotoxic
Substances or wastes liable either to cause death or

Page 22 Page 23
Substances or wastes which if released present or may compounds

present immediate or delayed adverse impacts to the

A 1030 Wastes having as constituents or contaminants any of the
environment by means of bioaccumulation and/or toxic
following: • Arsenic; arsenic compounds • Mercury; mercury
effects upon biotic systems.
compounds • Thallium; thallium compounds

9 H13 Capable, by any means, after disposal, of yielding another

A 1040 Wastes having as constituents any of the following: • Metal
material, e.g., leachate, which possesses any of the
carbonyls • Hexavalent chromium compounds
characteristics listed above.
A 1050 Galvanic sludges

A 1060 Waste liquors from the pickling of metals

Annex VIII
A 1070 Leaching residues from zinc processing, dust and sludges such
Wastes contained in this Annex are characterized as hazardous under Article 1,
as jarosite, hematite, etc.
paragraph 1 (a), of this Convention, and their designation on this Annex does not
preclude the use of Annex III to demonstrate that a waste is not hazardous. A 1080 Waste zinc residues not included on list B, containing lead and

cadmium in concentrations sufficient to exhibit Annex III


A 1010 Metal wastes and waste consisting of alloys of any of the

A 1090 Ashes from the incineration of insulated copper wire
following: • Antimony • Arsenic • Beryllium • Cadmium • Lead •

Mercury • Selenium • Tellurium • Thallium but excluding such A 1100 Dusts and residues from gas cleaning systems of copper

wastes specifically listed on list B. smelters

A 1020 Waste having as constituents or contaminants, excluding metal A 1110 Spent electrolytic solutions from copper electrorefining and

waste in massive form, any of the following: • Antimony; electrowinning operations

antimony compounds • Beryllium; beryllium compounds • A 1120 Waste sludges, excluding anode slimes, from electrolyte
Cadmium; cadmium compounds • Lead; lead compounds •
purification systems in copper electrorefining and electrowinning
Selenium; selenium compounds • Tellurium; tellurium operations

Page 24 Page 25
A 1130 Spent etching solutions containing dissolved copper A2 WASTES CONTAINING PRINCIPALLY INORGANIC CONSTITUENTS, WHICH MAY
A 1140 Waste cupric chloride and copper cyanide catalysts

A 2010 Glass waste from cathode-ray tubes and other activated glasses
A 1150 Precious metal ash from incineration of printed circuit boards not
included on list B A 2020 Waste inorganic fluorine compounds in the form of liquids or

sludges but excluding such wastes specified on list B

A 1160 Waste lead-acid batteries, whole or crushed

A 2030 Waste catalysts but excluding such wastes specified on list B

A1170 Unsorted waste batteries excluding mixtures of only list B

batteries. Waste batteries not specified on list B containing A 2040 Waste gypsum arising from chemical industry processes, when
Annex I constituents to an extent to render them hazardous. containing Annex I constituents to the extent that it exhibits an

Annex III hazardous characteristic (note the related entry on list

A 1180 Waste electrical and electronic assemblies or scrap9 containing
B B2080)
components such as accumulators and other batteries included

on list A, mercury-switches, glass from cathode-ray tubes and A 2050 Waste asbestos (dusts and fibres)

other activated glass and PCB- capacitors, or contaminated with

A 2060 Coal-fired power plant fly-ash containing Annex I substances in
Annex I constituents (e.g., cadmium, mercury, lead,
concentrations sufficient to exhibit Annex III characteris- tics
polychlorinated biphenyl) to an extent that they possess any of
(note the related entry on list B B2050)
the characteristics contained in Annex III (note the related entry

on list B B1110)10

A 1190 Waste metal cables coated or insulated with plastics containing

or contaminated with coal tar, PCB11, lead, cadmium, other A3 WASTES CONTAINING PRINCIPALLY ORGANIC CONSTITUENTS, WHICH MAY
organohalogen compounds or other Annex I constituents to an CONTAIN METALS AND INORGANIC MATERIALS
extent that they exhibit Annex III charac- teristics.

A 3010 Waste from the production or processing of petroleum coke and

Page 26 Page 27
bitumen related entry on list B B3110)

A 3020 Waste mineral oils unfit for their originally intended use A 3120 Fluff - light fraction from shredding

A 3030 Wastes that contain, consist of or are contaminated with leaded A 3130 Waste organic phosphorous compounds

anti-knock compound sludges

A 3140 Waste non-halogenated organic solvents but excluding such
A 3040 Waste thermal (heat transfer) fluids wastes specified on list B

A 3050 Wastes from production, formulation and use of resins, latex, A 3150 Waste halogenated organic solvents

plasticizers, glues/adhesives excluding such wastes specified

A 3160 Waste halogenated or unhalogenated non-aqueous distillation
on list B (note the related entry on list B B4020)
residues arising from organic solvent recovery operations

A 3060 Waste nitrocellulose

A 3170 Wastes arising from the production of aliphatic halogenated
A 3070 Waste phenols, phenol compounds including chlorophenol in hydrocarbons (such as chloromethane, dichloro-ethane, vinyl
the form of liquids or sludges chloride, vinylidene chloride, allyl chloride and epichlorhydrin)

A 3080 Waste ethers not including those specified on list B A 3180 Wastes, substances and articles containing, consisting of or

contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), poly-

A 3090 Waste leather dust, ash, sludges and flours when containing
chlorinated terphenyl (PCT), polychlorinated naphthalene (PCN)
hexavalent chromium compounds or biocides (note the related
or polybrominated biphenyl (PBB), or any other polybrominated
entry on list B B3100)
analogues of these compounds, at a concentration level of 50
A 3100 Waste paring and other waste of leather or of composition mg/kg or more.
leather not suitable for the manufacture of leather articles
A 3190 Waste tarry residues (excluding asphalt cements) arising from
containing hexavalent chromium compounds or biocides (note
refining, distillation and any pyrolitic treatment of organic
the related entry on list B B3090)
A 3110 Fellmongery wastes containing hexavalent chromium
A 3200 Bituminous material (asphalt waste) from road construction and
compounds or biocides or infectious substances (note the
maintenance, containing tar (note the related entry on list B,

Page 28 Page 29
B2130) A 4060 Waste oils/water, hydrocarbons/water mixtures, emulsions

A 4070 Wastes from the production, formulation and use of inks, dyes,

pigments, paints, lacquers, varnish excluding any such waste

specified on list B (note the related entry on list B B4010)

A 4080 Wastes of an explosive nature (but excluding such wastes

specified on list B)
A 4010 Wastes from the production, preparation and use of
A 4090 Waste acidic or basic solutions, other than those specified in the
pharmaceutical products but excluding such wastes specified on
corresponding entry on list B (note the related entry on list B
list B
A 4020 Clinical and related wastes; that is wastes arising from medical,
A 4100 Wastes from industrial pollution control devices for cleaning of
nursing, dental, veterinary, or similar practices, and wastes
industrial off-gases but excluding such wastes specified on list B
generated in hospitals or other facilities during the investigation
or treatment of patients, or research projects A 4110 Wastes that contain, consist of or are contaminated with any of

the following: • Any congenor of polychlorinated dibenzo-furan •

A 4030 Wastes from the production, formulation and use of biocides
Any congenor of polychlorinated dibenzo-P-dioxin
and phytopharmaceuticals, including waste pesticides and

herbicides which are off-specification, outdated,13 or unfit for A 4120 Wastes that contain, consist of or are contaminated with
their originally intended use peroxides

A 4040 Wastes from the manufacture, formulation and use of wood- A 4130 Waste packages and containers containing Annex I substances
preserving chemicals in concentrations sufficient to exhibit Annex III hazard
A 4050 Wastes that contain, consist of or are contaminated with any of

the following: • Inorganic cyanides, excepting precious-metal- A 4140 Waste consisting of or containing off specification or outdated

bearing residues in solid form containing traces of inorganic chemicals corresponding to Annex I categories and exhibiting

cyanides • Organic cyanides Annex III hazard characteristics

Page 30 Page 31
A 4150 Waste chemical substances arising from research and Thorium scrap • Rare earths scrap • Chromium scrap

development or teaching activities which are not identified

B 1020 Clean, uncontaminated metal scrap, including alloys, in bulk
and/or are new and whose effects on human health and/or the
finished form (sheet, plate, beams, rods, etc), of: • Antimony
environment are not known
scrap • Beryllium scrap • Cadmium scrap • Lead scrap (but
A 4160 Spent activated carbon not included on list B (note the related excluding lead-acid batteries) • Selenium scrap • Tellurium
entry on list B B2060) scrap

B 1030 Refractory metals containing residues

Annex IX B 1031 Molybdenum, tungsten, titanium, tantalum, niobium and rhenium

metal and metal alloy wastes in metallic dispersible form (metal

List: B
powder), excluding such wastes as specified in list A under
Wastes contained in the Annex will not be wastes covered by Article 1, paragraph 1 (a), entry A1050, Galvanic sludges
of this Convention unless they contain Annex I material to an extent causing them to
B 1040 Scrap assemblies from electrical power generation not
exhibit an Annex III characteristic.
contaminated with lubricating oil, PCB or PCT to an extent to
B1 METAL AND METAL-BEARING WASTES render them hazardous

B 1050 Mixed non-ferrous metal, heavy fraction scrap, not containing

B 1010 Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible form: • Annex I materials in concentrations sufficient to exhibit Annex III
Precious metals (gold, silver, the platinum group, but not

mercury) • Iron and steel scrap • Copper scrap • Nickel scrap • B 1060 Waste selenium and tellurium in metallic elemental form
Aluminium scrap • Zinc scrap • Tin scrap • Tungsten scrap • including powder
Molybdenum scrap • Tantalum scrap • Magnesium scrap •
B 1070 Waste of copper and copper alloys in dispersible form, unless
Cobalt scrap • Bismuth scrap • Titanium scrap • Zirconium scrap
they contain Annex I constituents to an extent that they exhibit
• Manganese scrap • Germanium scrap • Vanadium scrap •
Annex III characteristics
Scrap of hafnium, indium, niobium, rhenium and gallium •

Page 32 Page 33
B 1080 Zinc ash and residues including zinc alloys residues in cadmium, mercury, lead, polychlorinated biphenyl) or from
dispersible form unless containing Annex I constituents in which these have been removed, to an extent that they do not
concentration such as to exhibit Annex III characteristics possess any of the characteristics contained in Annex III (note

the related entry on list A A1180) • Electrical and electronic

B 1090 Waste batteries conforming to a specification, excluding those
assemblies (including printed circuit boards, electronic
made with lead, cadmium or mercury
components and wires) destined for direct reuse,20 and not for
B 1100 Metal-bearing wastes arising from melting, smelting and refining recycling or final disposal21
of metals: • Hard zinc spelter • Zinc-containing drosses: -
B 1115 Waste metal cables coated or insulated with plastics, not
Galvanizing slab zinc top dross (>90% Zn) - Galvanizing slab
included in list A A1190, excluding those destined for Annex IVA
zinc bottom dross (>92% Zn) - Zinc die casting dross (>85% Zn)
operations or any other disposal operations involving, at any
- Hot dip galvanizers slab zinc dross (batch)(>92% Zn) - Zinc
stage, uncontrolled thermal processes, such as open-burning.
skimmings • Aluminium skimmings (or skims) excluding salt slag

• Slags from copper processing for further processing or refining B 1120 Spent catalysts excluding liquids used as catalysts, containing

not containing arsenic, lead or cadmium to an extent that they any of:

exhibit Annex III hazard characteristics • Wastes of refractory

Transition metals, excluding waste catalysts (spent catalysts,
linings, including crucibles, originating from copper smelting •
liquid used catalysts or other catalysts) on list A:
Slags from precious metals processing for further refining •
Tantalum-bearing tin slags with less than 0.5% tin • Scandium • Vanadium • Manganese • Cobalt • Copper •

Yttrium • Niobium • Hafnium • Tungsten • Titanium • Chromium •

B 1110 Electrical and electronic assemblies: • Electronic assemblies
Iron • Nickel • Zinc • Zirconium • Molybdenum • Tantalum •
consisting only of metals or alloys • Waste electrical and
electronic assemblies or scrap19 (including printed circuit

boards) not containing components such as accumulators and Lanthanides (rare earth metals):

other batteries included on list A, mercury-switches, glass from Lanthanum • Praseodymium • Samarium • Gadolinium •
cathode-ray tubes and other activated glass and PCB- Dysprosium • Erbium • Ytterbium • Cerium • Neodymium •
capacitors, or not contaminated with Annex I constituents (e.g.,

Page 34 Page 35
Europium • Terbium • Holmium • Thulium • Lutetium B 1230 Mill scaling arising from the manufacture of iron and steel

B 1130 Cleaned spent precious-metal-bearing catalysts B 1240 Copper oxide mill-scale

B 1140 Precious-metal-bearing residues in solid form which contain B 1250 Waste end-of-life motor vehicles, containing neither liquids nor
traces of inorganic cyanides other hazardous components

B 1150 Precious metals and alloy wastes (gold, silver, the platinum

group, but not mercury) in a dispersible, non-liquid form with

appropriate packaging and labelling

B 1160 Precious-metal ash from the incineration of printed circuit

boards (note the related entry on list A A1150)

B 2010 Wastes from mining operations in non-dispersible form: •
B 1170 Precious-metal ash from the incineration of photographic film
Natural graphite waste • Slate waste, whether or not roughly
B 1180 Waste photographic film containing silver halides and metallic trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise • Mica waste •

silver Leucite, nepheline and nepheline syenite waste • Feldspar

waste • Fluorspar waste • Silica wastes in solid form excluding

B 1190 Waste photographic paper containing silver halides and metallic
those used in foundry operations
B 2020 Glass waste in non-dispersible form: • Cullet and other waste
B 1200 Granulated slag arising from the manufacture of iron and steel
and scrap of glass except for glass from cathode-ray tubes and
B 1210 Slag arising from the manufacture of iron and steel including other activated glasses
slags as a source of TiO2 and vanadium
B 2030 Ceramic wastes in non-dispersible form: • Cermet wastes and
B 1220 Slag from zinc production, chemically stabilized, having a high scrap (metal ceramic composites) • Ceramic based fibres not
iron content (above 20%) and processed according to industrial elsewhere specified or included
specifications (e.g., DIN 4301) mainly for construction
B 2040 Other wastes containing principally inorganic constituents: •

Partially refined calcium sulphate produced from flue-gas

Page 36 Page 37
desulphurization (FGD) • Waste gypsum wallboard or electrolyses and from metallurgical industry)

plasterboard arising from the demolition of buildings • Slag from

B 2100 Waste hydrates of aluminium and waste alumina and residues
copper production, chemically stabilized, having a high iron
from alumina production excluding such materials used for gas
content (above 20%) and processed according to industrial
cleaning, flocculation or filtration processes
specifications (e.g., DIN 4301 and DIN 8201) mainly for

construction and abrasive applications • Sulphur in solid form • B 2110 Bauxite residue (“red mud”) (pH moderated to less than 11.5)

Limestone from the production of calcium cyanamide (having a B 2120 Waste acidic or basic solutions with a pH greater than 2 and
pH less than 9) • Sodium, potassium, calcium chlorides • less than 11.5, which are not corrosive or otherwise hazardous
Carborundum (silicon carbide) • Broken concrete • Lithium- (note the related entry on list A A4090)
tantalum and lithium-niobium containing glass scraps
B 2130 Bituminous material (asphalt waste) from road construction and
B 2050 Coal-fired power plant fly-ash, not included on list A (note the maintenance, not containing tar22 (note the related entry on list
related entry on list A A2060) A, A3200)

B 2060 Spent activated carbon not containing any Annex I constituents

to the extent they exhibit Annex III charac- teristics, for example,

carbon resulting from the treatment of potable water and

processes of the food industry and vitamin production (note the B3 WASTES CONTAINING PRINCIPALLY ORGANIC CONSTITUENTS, WHICH MAY

B 2070 Calcium fluoride sludge

B 2080 Waste gypsum arising from chemical industry processes not B 3010 Solid plastic waste: The following plastic or mixed plastic
included on list A (note the related entry on list A A2040) materials, provided they are not mixed with other wastes and

are prepared to a specification: • Scrap plastic of non-

B 2090 Waste anode butts from steel or aluminium production made of
halogenated polymers and co-polymers, including but not limited
petroleum coke or bitumen and cleaned to normal industry
to the following23 -ethylene -styrene -polypropylene -
specifications (excluding anode butts from chlor alkali
polyethylene terephthalate -acrylonitrile -butadiene -polyacetals

Page 38 Page 39
-polyamides -polybutylene terephthalate -polycarbonates - Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling, yarn waste
polyethers -polyphenylene sulphides -acrylic polymers -alkanes and garnetted stock) - not carded or combed - other • Waste of
C10-C13 (plasticiser) -polyurethane (not containing CFCs) - wool or of fine or coarse animal hair, including yarn waste but

polysiloxanes -polymethyl methacrylate -polyvinyl alcohol - excluding garnetted stock - noils of wool or of fine animal hair -
polyvinyl butyral -polyvinyl acetate other waste of wool or of fine animal hair - waste of coarse

animal hair • Cotton waste (including yarn waste and garnetted

Cured waste resins or condensation products including the
stock) - yarn waste (including thread waste) - garnetted stock -
following: -urea formaldehyde resins -phenol formaldehyde
other • Flax tow and waste • Tow and waste (including yarn
resins -melamine formaldehyde resins -epoxy resins -alkyd
waste and garnetted stock) of true hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) •
resins -polyamides • The following fluorinated polymer wastes24
Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of
-perfluoroethylene/propylene (FEP) -perfluoro alkoxyl alkane -
jute and other textile bast fibres (excluding flax, true hemp and
tetrafluoroethylene/per fluoro vinyl ether (PFA) -
ramie) • Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted
tetrafluoroethylene/per fluoro methylvinyl ether (MFA) -
stock) of sisal and other textile fibres of the genus Agave • Tow,
polyvinylfluoride (PVF) -polyvinylidenefluoride (PVDF)
noils and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of
B 3020 Paper, paperboard and paper product wastes The following coconut • Tow, noils and waste (including yarn waste and
materials, provided they are not mixed with hazardous wastes: garnetted stock) of abaca (Manila hemp or Musa textilis Nee) •
Waste and scrap of paper or paperboard of: • unbleached paper Tow, noils and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock)
or paperboard or of corrugated paper or paperboard • other of ramie and other vegetable textile fibres, not elsewhere
paper or paperboard, made mainly of bleached chemical pulp, specified or included
not coloured in the mass • paper or paperboard made mainly of
• Waste (including noils, yarn waste and garnetted stock) of
mechanical pulp (for example, newspapers, journals and similar
man-made fibres - of synthetic fibres - of artificial fibres • Worn
printed matter) • other, including but not limited to 1) laminated
clothing and other worn textile articles • Used rags, scrap twine,
paperboard 2) unsorted scrap
cordage, rope and cables and worn out articles of twine,
B 3030 Textile wastes The following materials, provided they are not cordage, rope or cables of textile materials - sorted – other
mixed with other wastes and are prepared to a specification: •

Page 40 Page 41
B 3035 Waste textile floor coverings, carpets B 3070 The following wastes: • Waste of human hair • Waste straw •

Deactivated fungus mycelium from penicillin production to be

B 3040 Rubber wastes The following materials, provided they are not
used as animal feed
mixed with other wastes: • Waste and scrap of hard rubber (e.g.,

ebonite) • Other rubber wastes (excluding such wastes specified B 3080 Waste parings and scrap of rubber

B 3090 Paring and other wastes of leather or of composition leather not
B 3050 Untreated cork and wood waste: • Wood waste and scrap, suitable for the manufacture of leather articles, excluding leather

whether or not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets or sludges, not containing hexavalent chromium compounds and
similar forms • Cork waste: crushed, granulated or ground cork biocides (note the related entry on list A A3100)

B 3060 Wastes arising from agro-food industries provided it is not B 3100 Leather dust, ash, sludges or flours not containing hexavalent

infectious: • Wine lees • Dried and sterilized vegetable waste, chromium compounds or biocides (note the related entry on list

residues and byproducts, whether or not in the form of pellets, of A A3090)

a kind used in animal feeding, not elsewhere specified or

B 3110 Fellmongery wastes not containing hexavalent chromium
included • Degras: residues resulting from the treatment of fatty
compounds or biocides or infectious substances (note the
substances or animal or vegetable waxes • Waste of bones and
related entry on list A A3110)
horn-cores, unworked, defatted, simply prepared (but not cut to

shape), treated with acid or degelatinised • Fish waste • Cocoa B 3120 Wastes consisting of food dyes

shells, husks, skins and other cocoa waste • Other wastes from B 3130 Waste polymer ethers and waste non-hazardous monomer
the agro-food industry excluding by-products which meet ethers incapable of forming peroxides
national and international requirements and standards for
B 3140 Waste pneumatic tyres, excluding those destined for Annex IVA
human or animal consumption
B 3065 Waste edible fats and oils of animal or vegetable origin (e.g.

frying oils), provided they do not exhibit an Annex III


Page 42 Page 43
Annex 2: Fee Structure
B 4010 Wastes consisting mainly of water-based/latex paints, inks and

hardened varnishes not containing organic solvents, heavy

metals or biocides to an extent to render them hazardous (note

the related entry on list A A4070)
S. Fee type Fee
B 4020 Wastes from production, formulation and use of resins, latex,
plasticizers, glues/adhesives, not listed on list A, free of solvents

and other contaminants to an extent that they do not exhibit 1 Application Fee 100 AED

Annex III characteristics, e.g., water-based, or glues based on

casein, starch, dextrin, cellulose ethers, polyvinyl alcohols (note

2 Permit Fee 300 AED
the related entry on list A A3050)

B 4030 Used single-use cameras, with batteries not included on list A

Page 44 Page 45
Annex 3: Waste Material Data Sheet

Page 46 Page 47
Annex 4: Process Flow

Landfill Application Waste Material Data

Certificate submission Sheet (WMDS), Lab Test
Waste to customer service Report, MSDS (if available)
Start through CWM & legal administrative
approved ESP documents


Required Docs
attached verified by
Customer Service


Temporary Storage at
Application Fee landfill in CWM
submitted by ESP approved facility


No Subject Matter
Expert (SME)


Approval Fee
Approved submission
No by SME



Page 48 Page 49
Annex 5: Manifest

Annex 6:

Application Form

Page 50 Page 51
Page 52 Page 53
Page 54 Page 55
Annex 7: List of Registered Service Providers Annex 8: Document Checklist

The list of Registered Service Providers can be accessed through below mentioned
website link:
S. Requirement Provided

No. (Check Available)

1 Application form

2 Waste Material Data Sheet (WMDS)

3 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), if available

4 Lab Test Report

5 Legal & administrative documents

Page 56 Page 57
Annex 9: Hazardous Waste Annual Approval Process

Waste Generation Consignment Note

Waste Generator applies to CWM for annual approval for

hazardous waste disposal
1. Company / Establishment (Waste Generator) :

CWM approval granted for one year Waste Generator

P. O.
Contact Person
Waste Generators to submit a consignment note of
hazardous waste
Tel. Fax.

Copy of Waste Generation Consignment

Note to be forwarded to CWM prior to
Is documentation
2. Waste Details
checked by disposal
facility operator Further checking and investigation
confirming? Annual Approval
required by site operator, and if necessary Waste Type Code
CWM will investigate No.

W aste Description
2 Copies of waste generation
consignment returned by disposal facility
Volume (cubic meter) Mass (metric tonnes)

Permit Approved Quantity

Kept on a record in the Returned to CWM

disposal site Quantity of this waste load

1 Copy 1 Copy Cumulative Disposed Waste this year

Disposal Remainder of this permit

Annex 10: Waste Consignment Note

Page 58 Page 59
Designation Date / / 201

Approved Container/Packing

Size or Mass of each


3. Transport (registered Service Providers)

Transport Company

NADAFA Permit No. Expiry Date / / 201

Vehicle Permit
Vehicle Registration No.

Designated Disposal


Acknowledgment of Responsibility

I certify on the behalf of the Waste Generator that the waste stated above was
generated by us

& conforms with the approval specified above.

Authorized Signature

Signatory: & Stamp:

…………………..……………………. ……………………..……

Page 60 Page 61
Annex 11: RSP Monthly Register

Page 62

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