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Assistive Technology

In an era where technological advancements are reshaping the way we live, it is
paramount to explore how innovation can also enhance the lives of individuals facing
unique challenges. Assistive Technology, or AT, is a diverse field encompassing a
range of devices and solutions designed to empower people with disabilities, fostering
greater independence and inclusivity.

Assistive technology is an umbrella term for assistive products and their related systems
and services. Assistive products help maintain or improve an individual’s functioning
related to cognition, communication, hearing, mobility, self-care and vision, thus
enabling their health, well-being, inclusion and participation.

Improving access to assistive technology can contribute to the achievement of the

Sustainable Development Goals and to ensuring that no one is left behind. This is
through enabling the inclusion and participation of assistive technology users in their
family, community and all areas of society, including the political, economic and social

Who can benefit from assistive technology?

Most people will need assistive technology at some point in their lives, especially as
they age. While some may require assistive technology temporarily, such as after an
accident or illness, others may require it for a longer period or throughout their lifespan.

Assistive technology is most needed by:

● older people
● children and adults with disabilities
● people with long term health conditions such as diabetes, stroke and dementia.

In the following pages, we delve into the heart of Assistive Technology, shedding light
on groundbreaking innovations that have the potential to change lives. From the
futuristic Xrai Glass to the revolutionary Hero Arm, the ingenious Syrinx, and the
essential Braille Display, each featured technology opens a gateway to a more
accessible and inclusive world.

Join us on this enlightening journey as we unravel the power of Assistive Technology

and its profound impact on individuals, emphasizing the incredible strides being made to
bridge gaps and create a more equitable society.

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