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Walking Keeps Me Safe

Wherever I go there are rules to keep me

I can stay safe at school when I walk in the
Sometimes I want to run in the classroom but
running in the classroom is not safe.
If I want to run, I can ask my teacher.
Can I run?
I might be able to run outside. First work,
then run
Can I run?
When I am at school, I can line up with my
class to walk from one place to another.
I can walk up or down the stairs.
I can walk inside my classroom.
I can march in the classroom.
When I walk in the classroom it keeps me safe.
I will try to be safe in my classroom.
What other ways can I move safely in my
Teacher Tips:
• As students suggest ways to move safely in the classroom, the teacher
and students can discuss if it is or isn’t a safe choice. The teacher can
use the yes/no visual to reinforce if student’s can move the way

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