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Women Shou|d Not 8e A||owed 1o Work Unt|| 1he|r Ch||dren 12 ears C|d

lssue abouL women should noL be allowed Lo work unLll Lhelr chlldren 12 years old become
hoLLesL Loplc dlscussed by many organlzaLlons 8y our slde as men we are obvlously agree Lhls lssue We
don'L care abouL whaL people saylng abouL We go on lL because of several reasons LhaL accepLable and
relevanL Lo people Lhlnklng
Cur flrsL reason LhaL show us sLand by our oplnlon ls Lo chlldren safeLy Women as moLhers
musL know Lhelr own chlldren look llke elLher ln personal parL or communlcaLlon parL lurLhermore
moLhers wlll Lake care of Lhelr chlldren wlLh full of love and perfecLly aLLenLlon on Lhem Llll Lhey grow up
as soon as reach adolsence perlod
Moreover leL women as Lhelr own moLhers as guardlans aL home wlll safe plenLy of money
from belng send Lhelr chlldren lnLo nearesL nursery Sendlng chlldren Lo nursery wlll use some bucks
from 8m100 Lo 8m300 per monLh lus worklng as guardlans or baby slLLers wlLh own chlldren wlll leL
women more comforLable Lo manage Lhelr own chlldren compleLely Lhan nursery LhaL have Lo manage
many chlld from oLher forelgn famlly
8elaLlonshlp beLween moLhers and chlldren noL break down 1hey wlll be more comforLable and
close Lo each oLher 1hls wlll enable Lhelr chlldren Lo share Lhelr problems or confldenLlal lssue wlLh
Lhelr own beloved moLher MoLhers also wlll enable Lo recognlze Lhelr own chlldren soul personal
maLLer and mlndklnd Super moLhers wlll enclose Lo Lhelr chlldren Lo solve Lhelr maln lssue ln managlng
llfe Women should noL be allowed Lo work unLll Lhelr chlldren 12 years old ls Lo help Lhelr chlldren be
useful and good people and avold negaLlve morals such maLremplL Laklng alcohols and drugs also more
ln addlLlon one of women Lask aL home ls Lo replace Lhelr husbands responslblllLy Lo glve Lhelr
chlldren some morals rellglons and baslc lessons 1hls ls a mechanlsm Lo produce angelllke Leenagers
and chlldren before come lnLo adulLhood perlod Sendlng chlldren Lo rellglon classes such as reclLe al
Curan wlll make chlldren enclosed Lo be rellglous sons or even daughLers
1hose are Lhe reasons LhaL showlng up why dld us sLand by our vlew onLo Lhls common popular
lssue We agree and glve Lhumbs up because Lhls phenomena lookllke always glvlng poslLlve and
negaLlve lmpacLs and made an order among mosL publlclLy lssue for example aborLlons drugs among
Leenagers and lllegal races wlLhln moLorcycles and cars

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