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Aluno(a): Rogério Albergaria de Azevedo Junior

Professora responsável: Brenda Pereira de Souza Data:01/09/2023

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The Role of Empathy in Health and Social Care Professionals

by Maria Moudatsou, Areti Stavropoulou, Anastas Philalithis and Sofia Koukouli


The current article is an integrative and analytical literature review on the concept and
meaning of empathy in health and social care professionals. Empathy, i.e., the ability to
understand the personal experience of the patient without bonding with them, constitutes an
important communication skill for a health professional, one that includes three dimensions:
the emotional, cognitive, and behavioral. It has been proven that health professionals with
high levels of empathy operate more efficiently as to the fulfillment of their role in eliciting
therapeutic change. The empathetic professional comprehends the needs of the health care
users, as the latter feel safe to express the thoughts and problems that concern them. Although
the importance of empathy is undeniable, a significantly high percentage of health
professionals seem to find it difficult to adopt a model of empathetic communication in their
everyday practice. Some of the factors that negatively influence the development of empathy
are the high number of patients that professionals have to manage, the lack of adequate time,
the focus on therapy within the existing academic culture, but also the lack of education in
empathy. Developing empathetic skills should not only be the underlying objective in the
teaching process of health and social care undergraduate students, but also the subject of the
lifelong and continuous education of professionals.

1. Introduction

Communication skills have been described as the most important ability for a health
professional. Efficient communication depends upon the therapist feeling certain that they
have really heard and recorded the health care user’s needs so as to provide personalized care.
It is important for health professionals to understand people’s feelings, opinions and
experiences in order to assess their real needs and act accordingly, offering tailor-made
services. Reaching that goal makes the development of empathetic skills necessary.

The concept of empathy is a common denominator for many health professionals such as
nurses, doctors, psychologists, and social workers. The person-centered approach for the
unconditional acceptance of the health care user and empathy have for years been the
fundamental values in the education and implementation of clinical social practice.

Fonte: Moudatsou, M.; Stavropoulou, A.; Philalithis, A.; Koukouli, S. The Role of Empathy
in Health and Social Care Professionals. Healthcare 2020, 8, 26.

Responda as questões a seguir de acordo com as informações fornecidas pelo texto I.

1. Qual é o gênero textual do texto ? (0,5)

a) Resenha

b) Reportagem

c) Argumentativo

d) Artigo Científico (Resposta)

2. Assinale a alternativa correta de acordo com o texto I. (0,5)

a) Uma porcentagem significativamente elevada de profissionais de saúde não tem

dificuldade em adotar um modelo de comunicação empática na sua prática cotidiana.

b) Empatia é a capacidade de compreender a experiência pessoal do paciente criando um

vínculo completo com ele.

c) A comunicação eficiente depende do terapeuta ter certeza de que realmente ouviu e

registrou as necessidades do usuário de assistência médica para prestar um atendimento
personalizado. (Resposta)

d) O desenvolvimento de competências empáticas deve, somente, fazer parte do processo de

ensino dos estudantes de licenciatura em saúde e assistência social.

3. Na sentença “Communication skills have been described as the most important ability for
a health professional.”, o termo em destaque indica um: (0,5)

a) Comparativo de igualdade.

b) Superlativo de superioridade. (Resposta)

c) Superlativo de inferioridade.

d) Comparativo de superioridade.
4. Marque a alternativa incorreta de acordo com o texto: (0,5)

a) A empatia constitui uma importante habilidade de comunicação para um profissional da


b) O profissional empático compreende as necessidades dos usuários de assistência médica,

pois estes se sentem seguros para expressar os pensamentos e os problemas que os

c) A empatia inclui três dimensões: a emocional, a cognitiva e a física. (Resposta)

d) É importante que os profissionais de saúde compreendam os sentimentos, opiniões e

experiências das pessoas para avaliar as suas reais necessidades e agir em conformidade,
oferecendo serviços sob medida.

5. Marque a alternativa que não corresponde a um dos fatores que influenciam

negativamente o desenvolvimento de empatia dos profissionais da saúde, de acordo com
o texto. (0,5)

a) o elevado número de pacientes que os profissionais têm que gerir.

b) a falta de tempo adequado.

c) o ambiente inadequado. (Resposta)

d) a falta de educação em empatia.

6. Na sentença “Although the importance of empathy is undeniable, a significantly high

percentage of health professionals seem to find it difficult to adopt a model of empathetic
communication in their everyday practice.” o marcador discursivo em destaque sinaliza:
a) Consequência

b) Adição

c) Contraste (Resposta)

d) Exemplificação

7. O conceito de empatia é um denominador comum para muitos profissionais da saúde,

que exemplos desses profissionais são citados no texto ? (0,5)

Enfermeiros, médicos, psicólogos e assistentes sociais.

8. Escreva 3 possíveis palavras-chave para o texto I: (0,5)

Empatia (Empathy), comunicação (communication), profissionais de saúde (health


9. Marque a alternativa que contém uma sentença na voz passiva. (0,5)

a) It is important for health professionals to understand people’s feelings…

b) Reaching that goal makes the development of empathetic skills necessary.

c) Communication skills have been described as the most important ability for a health
professional. (Resposta)

d) The current article is an integrative and analytical literature review…


Is it impossible to end burnout?

While burnout has long been a widespread workplace phenomenon, rates spiked during the
pandemic. Amid lockdowns, caring responsibilities and a public-health emergency, global
data shows more workers reported feeling chronic stress and exhaustion: according to a
March 2021 study of 1,500 US workers by hiring platform Indeed 67% of respondents
believed burnout had increased during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Yet, three years on, there are few signs burnout is abating. In the new world of work, large
swaths of the workforce still say they’re burnt out. Rates continue to climb: in a February
2023 survey of 10,243 global workers by US think-tank Future Forum, 42% reported burnout,
its highest figure since May 2021.

In theory, flexible working arrangements would mean increased work-life balance,

productivity and well-being for employees. Conversations around burnout have increased, and
companies seem to be more willing to offer employees perks such as gym memberships and
home-office expenses that, intuitively, should help mitigate stressors driving burnout.

But despite these factors, reports of burnout are still on the rise – and the phenomenon can no
longer be solely associated with the pandemic. Its prevalence suggests it's here to stay for the
long term, even with companies making adjustments in the workplace. Given this, experts say
it may be the case that employers and workers need to instead focus on managing burnout,
rather than aim to eliminate it entirely.

A long-standing issue

Burnout had been a growing concern even before the pandemic. A 2018 Gallup study of 7,500
US workers showed that 67% experienced burnout on the job. In 2019, the World Health
Organization (WHO) included it in its International Classification of Diseases, defining it as
an ‘occupational phenomenon’, rather than a medical condition.

While extreme working culture and gruelling hours have been glamorised in some cases, the
conversation around burnout has largely shifted to recognise its seriousness. Data has been a
part of this evolution in attitude: a May 2021 study by WHO and the International Labour
Organization suggested that an estimated three-quarters of a million people die annually from
ischaemic heart disease and stroke, due to working long hours.

“Even before Covid-19, we saw that burnout had turned from an occupational risk in a few
high-status, high-stress professions, to something that was more of a public health problem,”
explains California-based Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, author of Rest: Why You Get More Done
When You Work Less.

Major causes of burnout include prolonged heavy workloads, sustained overworking and
toxic cultures. Pang says such workplaces practices have been common for decades. “Many
companies have felt entitled to demand long hours from their employees, and extract the
maximum amount of work from them in order to improve the bottom line.”

Traditionally, businesses have left the onus of managing burnout up to the employee.
“They’ve tended to think of it as a worker's responsibility: it’s something that happens to
you,” says Pang. “It’s typically been treated in the same category as health and fitness, rather
than a phenomenon the employer allows to happen as a result of certain workplace conditions.
Burnout is an organisational problem, left for the individual to deal with.”


Responda as questões a seguir de acordo com as informações fornecidas pelo texto II.

10. Qual é o gênero textual do texto ? (0,5)

a) Resenha

b) Reportagem (Resposta)

c) Artigo Científico

d) Dissertativo

11. Localize as informações a seguir sobre o texto: (0,5)

I) A pesquisa de fevereiro de 2023 foi realizada com quantos trabalhadores globais ?

10.243 trabalhadores globais._

II) Qual foi a porcentagem dos que reportaram burnout ?

Referente ao estudo de 2023, 42% reportaram esgotamento (burnout).

12. Responda: (0,5)

I. Na sentença “ Given this, experts say it may be the case that employers and workers need
to instead focus on managing burnout, rather than aim to eliminate it entirely. ”, a palavra
sublinhada refere-se a quem?

a) experts b) focus c) burnout (Resposta)

II. Na sentença “ Many companies have felt entitled to demand long hours from their
employees, and extract the maximum amount of work from them in order to improve the
bottom line. ”, a palavra sublinhada refere-se a quem?

a) employees (Resposta) b) work c) companies

13. Marque verdadeiro (V) ou falso (F) sobre as informações a seguir: (0,5)

I) De acordo com um estudo de março de 2021 com 1.500 trabalhadores dos EUA, 67% dos
entrevistados acreditavam que o burnout havia aumentado durante a pandemia de Covid-19.
(V )

II) Burnout está incluído na Classificação Internacional de Doenças da OMS (WHO) como
uma condição médica. ( F )

III) Tradicionalmente, as empresas deixam a responsabilidade de gerenciar o burnout para os

gerentes de equipe. ( F )
IV) Os relatos de burnout continuam a aumentar e o fenómeno já não pode estar associado
apenas à pandemia. ( V )

V) Burnout era uma preocupação crescente mesmo antes da pandemia. ( V )

14. Marque a alternativa que contém apenas palavras formadas com prefixo. (0,5)

a) International, overworking (Resposta)

b) businesses, practices

c) health, prolonged

d) culture, turned

15. Marque a alternativa que não corresponde a uma das maiores causas de burnout, de
acordo com o texto. (0,5)

a) Cargas de trabalho pesadas e prolongadas

b) Excesso de trabalho contínuo

c) Culturas tóxicas

d) Desentendimento entre colaboradores (Resposta)

16. Analise as sentenças a seguir e identifique os tempos verbais em destaque: (0,5)

I. Burnout had been a growing concern even before the pandemic.

II. Data has been a part of this evolution in attitude.

III. Burnout is an organisational problem, left for the individual to deal with.
a) Passado simples - presente simples - presente simples

b) Passado contínuo - presente perfeito - presente perfeito

c) Passado perfeito - presente perfeito - presente simples (Resposta)

d) Passado perfeito - presente simples - presente simples

17. O estudo da Gallup de 2018 foi feito com qual público? Esse estudo mostrou qual
resultado ? (0,5)

7.500 trabalhadores nos Estados Unidos da América (EUA). O estudo mostrou que 67% dos
trabalhadores envolvidos na pesquisa sofreram esgotamento (burnout) no trabalho.

18. Assinale a alternativa que contém as informações corretas: (0,5)

I) A Organização Mundial da Saúde incluiu burnout na sua Classificação Internacional de

Transtornos em 2018.

II) Alex Soojung-Kim Pang é autor de Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Work

III) Para Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, as empresas tendem a pensar no burnout como uma
responsabilidade do trabalhador.

a) Apenas a III está correta

b) Todas estão corretas

c) II e III (Resposta)

d) I e II
19. Responda: (0,5)

I. Na sentença “Burnout had been a growing concern even before the pandemic.”, a palavra
em destaque é um:

a) Verbo b) Substantivo c) Adjetivo (Resposta)

II. Na sentença “Conversations around burnout have increased…”, a palavra em destaque é


a) Verbo (no passado simples) b) Verbo (no particípio passado) (Resposta) c)


20. Na sentença “ Given this, experts say it may be the case that employers and workers need
to instead focus on managing burnout, rather than aim to eliminate it entirely” o verbo modal
May indica:

a) Possibilidade. (Resposta)

b) Permissão.

c) Proibição.

d) Pedido.

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