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2nd Semester, AY 2023-2024

COLLEGE: College of Social Sciences and Philosophy

DEPARTMENT: Department of Public Administration and Governance
COURSE TITLE: Tools in Policy Analysis
FACULTY: Rafael R. Baesa

This course provides an in-depth exploration of the essential tools and
methodologies used in policy analysis. It equips students with the necessary skills to
critically analyze public policies, evaluate their effectiveness, and propose evidence-
based recommendations for policy improvement. Through a combination of theoretical
and practical approaches, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the key
tools employed in policy analysis and their application in real-world scenarios.

University Vision

Bulacan State University is a progressive knowledge-generating institution,

globally-recognized for excellent instruction, pioneering research, and responsive
community engagements.

University Mission
Bulacan State University exists to produce highly competent, ethical and service-
oriented professionals that contribute to the sustainable socio-economic growth and
development of the nation

Core Values: SOAR BulSU!

Service to God and Community

Order and Peace
Assurance of Quality and Accountability
Respect and Responsibility

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The BulSU Ideal Graduates Attributes (BIG A) reflect the graduate’s capacity as:
a. highly and globally competent;
b. ethical and service-oriented citizen;
c. analytical and critical thinker; and
d. reflective life-long learner.

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

Program Educational Objectives (PEO) University Mission

1. Critical Analysis Skills: Develop the ability to critically
analyze and evaluate various public policies using both
qualitative and quantitative tools, thereby enabling students to
identify strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas for
improvement within policy frameworks.
2. Application of Policy Tools: Equip students with the
knowledge and skills necessary to effectively apply a range of
policy analysis tools and methodologies to real-world policy
issues, fostering an understanding of how to choose and
implement the most appropriate tools for different policy
3. Effective Communication and Advocacy: Enhance
students' communication and presentation skills, enabling
them to effectively articulate complex policy analyses and
recommendations to diverse stakeholders, and
empowering them to advocate for evidence-based policy
solutions in a persuasive and compelling manner.

Program Outcomes (PO)

On completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to do the following:

Program Educational Objectives

Upon completion of the course, students will
demonstrate advanced skills in critically
evaluating public policies through the proficient
application of both qualitative and quantitative
analytical tools.
Graduates will be able to proficiently select and
apply appropriate policy analysis tools and
methodologies to address complex real-world
policy challenges, showcasing a comprehensive
understanding of the relevance and effectiveness
of different tools in diverse policy contexts.
Students will exhibit the ability to effectively
communicate complex policy analyses and
recommendations to various stakeholders,
demonstrating strong presentation skills and the
capability to advocate for evidence-based policy
solutions convincingly and persuasively.

Course Outcomes and Relationship to Program Outcomes

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Course Outcomes Program Outcomes
After completing this course the student must be able to: a b C
LO1. Students will demonstrate the ability to effectively apply
various policy analysis tools, including both qualitative and
quantitative methods, to analyze and evaluate public policies
in different contexts.
LO2. Students will develop the skills to critically evaluate the
effectiveness of existing public policies, identifying their
strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas for improvement
using systematic analytical approaches.
LO3. Students will be able to communicate their policy
analyses and recommendations clearly and persuasively
through well-structured reports and presentations, effectively
conveying complex ideas to diverse audiences.
Note: (I) Introductory Course to an Outcome (E) Enabling Course to an Outcome (D) Demonstrative
Course to an Outcome



I. Introduction to Policy Analysis

- Definition of policy analysis

- The role of policy analysis in Lecture-
decision-making Week discussion;
- Key stakeholders in policy 1-2 assignment; and
LO1 analysis readings.
- Policy Analysis Frameworks and
Theories Reaction Paper

II. Policy Analysis Frameworks

and Theories
- Rational-comprehensive model discussion;
- Incrementalism and mixed Week assignment; and
scanning 3-4 readings.
- Advocacy coalition framework
Multiple streams framework Reaction Paper
LO1, LO2

III. Quantitative Tools in Policy Lecture-

Week assignment; and
- Cost-benefit analysis
- Regression analysis for policy 5-7 readings.
- Data visualization techniques Reaction Paper
LO1, LO2, LO3 Impact assessment methods

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Midterm Examination

IV. Qualitative Tools in Policy Lecture-

Analysis discussion;
Week assignment; and
LO1, LO2, LO3 - Case study analysis 9-11 readings.
- Content analysis
- Comparative analysis Reaction Paper
- Deliberative methods
V. Policy Modeling and
Simulation Lecture-
- System dynamics modeling Week
LO1, LO2 - Agent-based modeling assignment; and
12-13 readings.
- Scenario analysis and forecasting
Reaction Paper

VI. Policy Implementation and Lecture-

Week assignment; and
LO1, LO2, LO3 - Performance measurement and
management 13-14 readings.
- Monitoring and evaluation
techniques Reaction Paper
- Policy feedback and adaptation
VII. Policy Communication and
Advocacy Lecture-
- Effective writing for policy briefs Week assignment; and
and reports 15-16 readings.
- Public speaking and presentation
skills Reaction Paper
- Stakeholder engagement and
consensus building
Submission of Project/Output

Final Examination Week



1. Midterm/Finals
2. Quizzes, Reflection and Case Study Papers


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Use the rubric as a guide to help you evaluate your work. Look at the rating system found on the right
columns. Your work should score at least in the Satisfactory Achievement column as described by the
items in the left column. If your work does not score in the Satisfactory column, revise your work until it
reflects the criteria. If you want a higher mark, have your work reflect the criteria in the Exemplary
Achievement column.
(21-30) (11-20) (1-10)
Content The submitted work The submitted work The submitted work
(critical appraisal, explores the problem manifests some depth lacks focus,
evaluations and showing thorough and complexity of demonstrates
assessment) comprehension, and thought. confused or
comprehensive simplistic thinking,
analysis or fails to
communicate ideas.

Organization The submitted work The submitted work is The submitted work
(coherence, is coherently well-organized and is partially
smooth transition) organized, stays on developed with organized, lacks
target with the appropriate reasons. relevant support.
problem, with the
ideas strongly
supported by apt

Structure The submitted work The submitted work The submitted work
(mechanics, data is generally free from may have few errors in has persistent errors
concreteness) errors in mechanics, mechanics, usage, and in mechanics,
usage, and sentence sentence structure. usage, and
structure. sentence structure.

Appropriate use of All necessary Information when

data relevance information are present. necessary are
enhances the lacking.

Term Examinations 30%
Quizzes 20%
Activities/Reflection/Case Study 20%
Participation/Recitation 20%
Attendance 10%
TOTAL 100%
Final Grade = Midterm Grade + Tentative Final Grade Period

Range Grade
97-100 1.00
94 – 96 1.25
91 – 93 1.50
88 – 90 1.75
85 – 87 2.00
82 – 84 2.25
79 – 81 2.50
76 – 78 2.75
75 3.00
74 and below 5.00


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1. Dunn, W. N. (2017). Public Policy Analysis: An Introduction. Routledge.

2. Bardach, E. (2012). A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More
Effective Problem Solving. CQ Press.
3. Birkland, T. A. (2015). An Introduction to the Policy Process: Theories, Concepts, and
Models of Public Policy Making. Routledge.
4. Van Horn, C. E., & Van Horn, C. E. (2019). Public Administration and Public Affairs.
CRC Press.
5. Hill, M., & Hupe, P. (2014). Implementing Public Policy: An Introduction to the Study
of Operational Governance. Sage Publications.
6. Bardach, E. (2012). A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More
Effective Problem Solving. CQ Press.
7. Fischer, F., Miller, G. J., & Sidney, M. S. (2007). Handbook of Public Policy Analysis:
Theory, Politics, and Methods. CRC Press.
8. Hill, M. J. (2013). The Public Policy Process. Routledge.
9. Howlett, M., Ramesh, M., & Perl, A. (2009). Studying Public Policy: Policy Cycles and
Policy Subsystems. Oxford University Press.
10. Sabatier, P. A. (2007). Theories of the Policy Process. Westview Press.

Academic Journals:

1. Public Administration Review

2. Policy Studies Journal
3. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
4. Evaluation Review
5. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management

Online Resources:

The Brookings Institution. (n.d.).

The Urban Institute. (n.d.).
The Pew Research Center. (n.d.).
The World Bank. (n.d.).
The RAND Corporation. (n.d.).


I have read and understood the above syllabus in full and in participating in this course I agree to
the above rules. I have a clear understanding of the policies and my responsibilities, and I have
discussed everything unclear to me with the instructor.

I will adhere to the academic integrity and policy and I will treat my fellow students and my
teacher with due respect.

I understand that this syllabus can be modified or overruled by announcements of the instructor
in class or on any social media site at any time

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