Mapeh Reviewer

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Best describes vocal music of Japan - based on intervals of human breathing rather than mathematical timing,
simple, meditative in character
Best describes vocal music of China - means of calming the passion and of dispelling unrest and lust
Best describes Sakura of Japan - a song depicts the spring or season of cherry blossoms
Mo Li Hua - music/ song describes a Chinese custom of giving jasmine flowers
Best describes Arirang song of Korea -a song of farewell that evokes the feeling of tears shed by the Koreans
Duple meter is used in the Japanese song Sakura
4/4 is the following is the time signature used in Chinese song Mo Li Hua
Dizi - is a traditional Chinese flute
Musical instruments that are chordophone (erhu, kayagum, zheng)
Musical instruments that are aerophone (piri, ryuteki, sheng)
Musical instrument that are membranophone (changgo, taiko, tsuridaiko)
Chordophone are musical instruments that produce sound by way of vibrating strings stretched between two
EAST ASIAN music is a cultural and musical practices of East Asia are revealed through the musical
elements used
KOTO is a Japanese instrument accompanies Sakura
SYLLABIC is the text setting used in the song Sakura as well as Mo Li Hua and Arirang

Best describes Japanese painting subjects or theme is scenes from everyday life
Landscape painting is a painting of nature or natural resources
Mountains and water are important features and most widely used in Korean landscape painting it serves as site
for building temples and buildings
Best describe woodblock printing a technique for printing text, images, patterns used widely throughout East
Calligraphy an art of Chinese beautiful handwriting
Regarded as the highest form of Chinese painting landscape painting
Best known Japanese origami, paper crane
Japanese art of paper folding origami
He was the inventor of Chinese writing Cangjie
The earliest document showing paper folding is a picture of a small paper boat
jianzhi first type of paper cutting design since paper was invented by the Chinese
sycee is a type of silver or gold currency used in China similar to a paper boat?
Paper is one of the greatest contributions of ancient China in the development of arts
calligraphy closely related to painting it involves the same techniques
roof guards are figures at the tips of the roof of East Asian temples, believed to be a protection from evil spirits and
from elements of water, wind and fire

basketball invented December 1891
best describes basketball it a team sport
main objective of basketball to shoot the ball and earn a score to win the game
best describes dribbling basic skill in basketball allows you to move around the court while in possession of
the ball
technical foul is a violation is awarded when certain infraction occur such as unsportsmanlike conduct on the part
of the player or coach?
A player successfully shoots the ball into the basket from the inside of the three- point line or arc, what score is
being awarded two (2) point
Shooting basic skills creates a score
Referee official in control of the basketball game
best describes a good pass a good pass is a pass that a teammate can receive
free throw following is awarded to an offensive player if he is fouled while shooting the ball
cross over If you want to protect the ball from an opponent in front,
overhead pass. If a player wants to pass the ball to a teammate covering a long distance,
player hold the ball with both hands then resume dribbling situation as considered foul?
Sportsmanship best character/ values a basketball player should possess?
playing basketball is best beneficial to an individual it improves emotional, mental, physical and social health

dating is a social activity which involves two or more people generally assessing each other’s suitability for
potential relationship
marriage a lifelong partnership of a man and woman in love
importance of dating, strengthen relationship, know one’s strength and weaknesses, develop affection and
respect for each other
dating is fun, when done responsibly
courtship best beneficial between two persons
it helps both get to know each other better
it helps both observe each other’s character
it helps both decide if there will be an engagement or such agreement
successful marriage, good character, love,maturity
INFATUATION selfish uncontrollable desire
LOVE deeper understanding or care and commitment
LOVE is all about what you feel
mother’s role during pregnancy avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, do light exercises like walking and
stretching, have a regular and necessary prenatal and post natal checkups
parenthood rearing a child is a joint effort of both mother and father
parenthood a status where responsible couples arrive at after making a decision to have a family
responsible parenthood includes the decision when to form families, includes the decision when to have the
first child, includes the process of deciding how to choose out partners
breastfeeding is a traditional and ideal form of infant feeding, which lowers the risk of intestinal illness and general
newborn screening (NBS) described a procedure to find out if the baby has a congenital metabolic disorder
that may lead to mental retardation or even death

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