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Divvv Bikes operates as a bike-sharing service in Chicago, Illinois, under the management of
the Chicago Department of Transportation. It aims to provide an economical commuting
choice for residents and visitors. The bikes are stationed citywide, and users, identified as
either Subscribers or Customers, can unlock them using a key or code. After use, the bikes
are returned to the designated stations.

Data Collection

The task at present is to work with data available for the year 2017, across Quarters 1 and 2.It
is past data made available to the public; we can see the features of the available information
and try to identify trends and patterns in order to provide reasonable insights.

The given link has the datasets in csv format:




Data Preparation

Now that we have gathered our data, we can proceed towards cleansing the data obtained. I
initiated the analysis by inspecting the data for missing values, particularly in the gender and
birth year columns for both Quarters 1 and 2. To streamline the analysis, I opted to eliminate
rows containing this missing information. Additionally, I observed the presence of several
'Dependent' users in Quarter 1. Considering that users should fall into either 'Subscribers' or
'Customers' categories, I excluded this data as well.

Key Observations:

 The maximum birth year is: 2016.0

 The minimum birth year is: 1899.0
 In the given dataset, the minimum age of a user is 1 year, and the maximum age is
118. For the purpose of analysis, we will remove the column “birthyear’ due to
incorrect data.


Divvy_Stations_2017_Q1Q2 contains 582 rows and 7 columns.

Divvy_Trips_2017_Q1 contains 390308 rows and 11 columns.

Similarly for Divvy_Trips_2017_Q2.csv contains 844326 rows and 11 columns.

Data Exploration and Analysis

After the removal of non-essential data, let’s now observe the trends in our handy dataset.

 Examining Divvy_Stations_2017_Q1Q2.csv,

Key Observations:

 Average Dock Capacity as per dataset provided: 17.176975945017183

 Minimum Dock Capacity as per dataset provided: 0
 Maximum Dock Capacity as per dataset provided: 51
 Total Number of Stations with low capacity : 109
 Number of stations with dock capacity between 10 and 20: 482
 Number of stations with maximum dock capacity :1
 Strategic Planning for Dock Capacity: Boosting Ridership Across 109 Stations and
Maximizing Profit at Key Hub"

We can clearly see that dock capacity of most stations is in the range of 10-20 with very few
being above 40 and only one touching the 50 mark. It needs to be ensured that all the 109
stations must have a strategy built so as to increase the number of rides in these areas and
thus lead to more occupancy and help in business growth. While we aim to increase demand
to the 109 stations, the business needs to continue to maximize profit from the Dorchester
Ave & 49th St station.

 Examining Divvy_Trips_2017_Q1.csv,

Key Observations:

 The number of trips taken in Q1 is 390308.

 The number of users in Q1 is 390308
 The number of Subscribers in Quarter 1 of 2017 is 390210
 The number of Customers in Quarter 1 of 2017 is 98
 The number of Female Users in Quarter 1 of 2017 is 81663
 The number of male Users in Quarter 1 of 2017 is 308645
 The average trip duration in Quarter 1 of 2017 is 628.2576606167437
 The Maximum Trip Duration in Quarter 1 of 2017 is 85782
 The Minimum Trip Duration in Quarter 1 of 2017 is 60
 Examining Divvy_Trips_2017_Q2.csv,

Key Observations:
 The number of trips taken in Q2 is 844326.
 The number of users in Q2 is 844326
 The number of Subscribers in Quarter 2 of 2017 is 843945
 The number of Customers in Quarter 2 of 2017 is 381
 The number of Female Users in Quarter 2 of 2017 is 217121
 The number of male Users in Quarter 2 of 2017 is 627205
 The average trip duration in Quarter 2 of 2017 is 732.9147355405377.
 The Maximum Trip Duration in Quarter 2 of 2017 is 86096
 The Minimum Trip Duration in Quarter 2 of 2017 is 60
 Examining both Divvy_Trips_2017_Q1.csv and Divvy_Trips_2017_Q2.csv

Key Observations:

 The number of Subscribers in 2017 is: 1234155.

 The number of Customers in 2017 is: 479.
 The total profit in 2017 is: $133295925.
 The most popular station visited by users is: Clinton St & Washington Blvd
 The most used station is: California Ave & Cortez St
 The least used station is: South Chicago Ave & 83rd St

 The total profit in 2017 is $133295925

 Maximum Number of Trips are is in Spring Season.

 Analysing Subscription Trends and Customer Engagement: Exploring avenues for

expansion and growth

A substantial disparity is seen in the counts of Customers and Subscribers. While there is an
increase in the number of Customers across Quarters 1 and 2, it remains relatively low. To
address this, I propose initiating a campaign to bolster the database of new users. Moreover,
from a revenue perspective, there is room to raise the cost of Customers especially the price
of the day pass.
The Subscriber count is noteworthy, reaching 453735, highlighting a preference for annual
subscriptions. However it is unclear whether users are regular riders as continuous usage data
is not given. If there are frequent users, a distinct analysis would be required to understand
the contributions of regular and new users. It is plausible that some customers, while not
subscribing are recurrent users. The number of Subscribers is 1234155 while customers is
only 479.This is a below par figure .It is hugely expected that the company creates a
campaign to increase customer count Also as per analysis customers are paying much lesser
than expected, indicating a significant oversight.

 Surging Ride Numbers: Quarter 2 is the Primary Revenue Catalyst

No of rides have almost doubled which is a huge plus point. There is a huge shift in the
revenue generated as well with quarter 2 being the major source of revenue indicating an
upward trend.

 Gender Dynamics In User Growth

Male Users are way more than the female users 75.8% of the users are male while only
24.2% are females. It is remarkable that both male and female user base has grown more than
double from Quarter 1 to 2. But it is highly evident that male users are clearly dominating the
consumer base. Consequently principal revenue stems from male users.

 Trip Duration Metrics: Balancing Investment Risks In Bike Acquisition and


The increase in the average duration of trips across the two quarters is minimal. This
indicates if the company invests in acquiring new bikes, the expenditure on maintenance
might outweigh the returns, resulting in a non-profitable outcome. Moreover there is a slight
variance in the average trip duration, with only a 5 minute increase.

Suggestion and Critical Thinking based on Findings

 The most common birth year for Subscribers is1989(34 years old),constituting 76,486
users out of a total of 1234155.For Customers, the predominant birth year is 1978(45
years old) representing189 users out of 489 .

 The recording of user ages is inaccurate, leading to a significant gap in analysis,

particularly when predicting the future most common birth year. Consequently, the
reliability of the graph is compromised. To address this issue, it is suggested to restrict
user registrations to those within the age range of 10 to 85.
 Certain deficiencies in the data, such as the lack of weather data, and terrain
information have come to light. Rectifying these gaps in future analysis could offer
deeper insights into user behaviour and contribute to the refinement of strategies.

 Targeting regular users to become Subscribers, rather than solely purchasing a 24-
hoour pass is advisable. Consequently, an adjustment in the pricing of Customers is
strongly recommended. Customers are hardly contributing to the companies’ revenue
as evident from the graph (Price Strategy Analysis) there is a huge gap between
customer pricing and subscriber pricing which needs to be fixed.

 We live in a world of Women empowerment where more women are entering the
workforce and actively participating outside their homes .Hence it is recommended to
launch a robust marketing campaign aiming at involving women.

 Another proposal involves a distinct pricing plan for males and females to attract a
broader audience.

 Although we cannot entirely influence a users’ destination preference, it is

recommended to launch a campaign encouraging long distance trips such as intercity

 The user segment 34-45 years should be of primary focus for targeted efforts.

 A general recommendation is to concentrate marketing efforts on users of these age

groups, given the significant utilization of company’s services. Notably the current
outreach appears less appealing to the youth, as evident by the majority of the new
one-day users being 45 years old. Subscribers on the other hand, are relatively
younger. To attract a more youthful demographic the business should consider
tailoring its strategies to appeal to the age group 20-30, particular targeting college
students and young employees.

The highest number of trips occurs during the Spring season, while Winter
experiences the lowest usage. Prioritizing efforts to increase user sign-ups is crucial
for enhancing business prospects. Additionally, promoting infrastructure
enhancements and suggesting suitable winter attire could be motivators ,encouraging
more people to utilize services even during the colder months.

 Focus on stations with low dock capacity for business growth by implementing
strategies to increase rides in these areas and maximize profits from high-capacity
stations; consider exploring collaborative ventures or providing incentives to boost
ridership in regions with low dock capacity.

 Adjusting the zoom level during spatial analysis to 12 provides varied insights into
station distribution, density, and their correlation with surrounding geography,
enabling identification of hotspots on the heat map to strategically focus attention,
while cold spots indicate the necessity for decisions on potential expansions or
adjustments in areas with lower bike station density.

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