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Type : Research Paper (Master’s Degree)

Title : Determinants of Internal Audit Effectiveness on Fraud Prevention and


Overview :
Have sent out questionnaire with Likert scale questions and received 86
responses. Tried running multiple regression analysis but highest R squared
value is ~62%. Need help in terms of suggestions to improve this results and to
run the data for the following listed tests.

Models :
IAE = COMP + SMGT + INDEP + error term
FPD = IAE + error term

Dependent Variables (2) :

IAE - Internal Audit Effectiveness
FPD - Fraud Prevention and Detection

Independent Variables (3) :

(1) COMP - Competency of Internal Auditors
(2) SMGT - Senior Management Support for Internal Auditors
(3) INDEP - Independence of Internal Auditors

Plan to run the following tests as well :

4.2 Multiple Regression Analysis
4.3 Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Analysis
4.4 Pearson’s Correlation Analysis
4.5 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
4.6 Multicollinearity Test
4.7 Heteroskedasticity Test
4.8 T-Test

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