NinjaTrader Indicator Modification.

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Indicator modification.

I will give you a copy of the indicator to make modifications. This is not something
I actually
Use, but the logic is somewhat similar to something I do use. A lot of this I
typically do on a higher timeframe.

Some basic adjustments here.

1- Adjust the section to show number of days. Currently these extend a minimum
of 10. Basically, I’d like
To be able to show only same day on some smaller timeframe ones…

2- Duplicate this 3 times to be able to use 3 separate timeframes on one indicator

load. Currently if I use it,
I load 3 separate copies.

3- Add the ability to show only a certain number per day. So example the first two
that are set in one direct,
Show those only unless one is filled. Same Thing for the other direction. A bearish
or bullish one for example.
You can show two of both… Not just the first two if they are bearish or bullish.

4-Add a line for high of day and low of day 24 hour session. This exists already of
course, but easier to have it
Directly inside of this indicator. There is a reason fir this I will explain below.

5-Add a line for RTH high of day, and rth low of day. Basically this just needs a
start time and end time. Ex:
930am easter start-1600 eastern end.

The reason for 4 and 5 is, I would like to include the option to extend these lines
until touched.
So in the settings, like we have for fvg, we can choose to extend these 1 day, 10
days, 30 days, whatever.
Please add a box to label these. That way I can tell if it was an overnight high, or
low, rth high or low etc.
This indicator is plotting the timeframe shown, no matter what sort of chart you
have up…..
If you have a range chart, as long as fvg data series is checked, it is drawing from
timeframe selected on the indicator.

Now for the larger adjustments. All the setting in parameters let you filter down
what needs to happen for these
to be drawn on the chart. All of this is something I currently use. However where I
draw the lines from is different.
This is a 3 bar pattern. In this example we will use a 15 minute NQ chart. With the
parameters above if I click those boxes
It will only show if the ATR is above 1.1 over the last 10 bars. The gap it creates
must be 2 points wide. And once the gap is
pierced through the line stops…..
This is how the current logic works. We want to keep the same basic logic, but are
going to change where the lines are drawn from. It will still be the same 3 bar
pattern. We want to give 2 choices of where the line is drawn from here. We will
no longer even need to use the rectangles.

This is the same chart as above. We are now changing where these lines are drawn
from. In the indicator we will be able to choose if we’d like to use the front or the
back. The low of bar one is still the same, but instead of using the high of bar 3 to
draw the zone, we are now using the high of bar two. That is where the move
actually started that created the gap.
Now what we want to do if give this the choices we want to use. Whether it is the
front, and if we want to use an offset.

Now for front only. We are using the bottom of bar 1 to create the line for the
bearish” side.

We use the top of bar 1 for the “bullish” side.

If we choose to use back only. We are now using the top of bar 2 for the “bearish

We are using the bottom of bar 2 for the bullish side.

The same sequence of the original indicator is the same. We are just changing the
way the levels are drawn, and giving a choice of which side to extend the lone from
instead of a box.
Now we will create an offset.

All of the same logic again. It’s just allowing us to adjust the lines of the bearish or
bullish side up or down a given number.
In the current settings if the box is pierced it stops, and is considered complete.
Now we want to stop the line on touch. We will also need to create a section for
“offset” in the indicator…. Also the settings to choose front or back in the

Choose front or back, and offset needs to be available in the “bullish” section, and
the “bearish” section…..

This was we can use -3 on bearish, but use +3 on bullish… Or whatever offset is
Thank you.

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