Gravitation CW

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| Gravitation | | centric Theor | Geo- 4 Jr states that all fe heavenly bodies including Me | gun revolve around the earth. (in greek, Geo means cork) this Meory Was proposed by Ptolemy - Helio- Centric Theory rt states Mat all tne heavenly bodies including Me earth revolve Around the sun te was proposed. by wicholas Copernicus but he could no¥* | provide any Scientitic. evidence due to which his Preory wasn't in prackce . ut in certain secHons of ScienHee community welitved [strongly in this Hheory: Tyche Brahe had started | research work. to prove helio-centric tneory- The Junfinished work was completed bY his student (research | schota+) Sohnannes Kepler which was Summarised as | Kepler's Laws of planetary motion - | | Kepler's Laws (planetary motion) [First Law (law of orbits) | Tt states that all the planets including the earth revolve around tne sun in elliptical orbvits with me” | Sun at one of the focii (two focal points). iG | “fra AB major axis ik ed mincr aris AO = OB: semi-major ' (Cpeqee | lereoeey Beis 1 1 CO = OD + semi-minor fag et ee a axis = & : é Fo vy a a Flos ae Fira + AO- FO & | fg TAA 9 Ute) aera! | Similavly, fF, B >. FyO:+ OB | pet eet e watog FB a (ise) TO") Second Law (law of areas): Itostates ‘thatiin equal intervals oF Hime, he areas! covered or Swept by fadius vecto4¥ OF Planets are also equal , iat er | Areat’ Velo'd Hy* oF & planet vemVelving areund | mE Sun “vemaing constant | 1 , RPh arb siqnies : Area PF, p. PSY pis a | Area Pra Po | Paes area Pr Pa fo cubes of distances from the sun- > beh Aw Lx(r0) ade pees BA © grea of velocity = ale) at : Te da, byw x mM 3 o m emvw , my 2 oe aa oe dh. constant > ae aoe at Hence Proved Third Law (Law of Periods) 5 It states Mat Me squares of time periods of yevolution of me planets fs directly proportional their mean distances or average Tad Ps, Ki? ‘ SGD . Toho. tee ele Tet 7 ae +, As planets orbit is ellipHeal, no two distances are | Same. Hence, mean/ average djstante ot a planet LTS talen ag semi- major axis (ar | : ; [Cou of conservation of angular momentum is [Applicable for me planetry system as’no external ‘tPraue is involved ; 1 | | itation Newton's Law of Universal Gravi me gravitational js directly proP ‘ inversely propor hong | force oF attraction | It states that | lpetween two bodies | r masses and between them and acts ortional TD the | product of Hrei square of He distance | along the Wine joining Mem? im | Fam,m, | Peo ae ea re aaa) F = Gmm, v | whtre 6 i's Universal gravitation constant | : oh ; 6-67 x10" Nm] kg? Vector form: Position vector form, | Ge e Smimsz 5 s che | oe ee pos Peet Ch) a ad Hes) UF] | Unit vector storm, i ‘ | when Mere are mulliple bodies, with multi ple | | | 5 | gravitatonal forces. ‘existing ‘then i eek gravitaHona | gorce experienced by one of tne ; : => mit See Beer oe Tee A ete ae we gelation between g and G per ne body of mass m' be placed on the earth of mass M! Ris me distance between the centres of the bodies” considered. Radius of Earmh{(R): GHooKm on R* 4 | also wo = mg —— diy But here Fo = Ww ; . _ | GMA mg RE > 6M ee a8 Variation in tne value of ‘9’ [factors influencing *9’] | Height (alt tad e) uy de hy» aa “Cre [oe Se Oe Using binomial theorem, > (tax ectaene ae Ue) gn ge [1-28] ——& ead) Fs applied when heights are very higher evdy is applied when heights ave a bit lower Bur fs SB aime fv Av earth is spherical, Wao 3 STR i dee SER T @ ac fii Now at a depth ‘a’ fh effective redius—s (R-a) Bde Sw lRead fe ast wy pividing “Tt - . Ped coy ee Ee : oe Yn R LG - , oak Rod | Qe RB | | oo rn | Be S . Edi eee jf ads ae(t- $) o [+ At the’ centre of the corm, depth der | “7 | Oa > ge (|) | From ey); gd = ge [I &) | gd :0 | | 3) Lali tude : Vier} be the. latitrde of ov place on The earn | Let @ be the angular velocity of rotation of fhe / car then, effective value of g iS given by Ge > 9- RWTcos?@) Wy: At equator, as’d =o", deat gr RW 08") Gea + 9 - Rw” ——— wily LAY poles, b= 40° apr = 9 - Rw? cos™(0) Spl = gq —— iid From ea wii) and (vill) + Spl > Seq : Ee | 4) Shape of We Earlh \ Eavth iS not a perfect sphere , if 1S bulged at the equator and FlaHened at the poles due to Cen Wifugay force ovey billions of years together. Equitorial diameter is neavly 21km more than, Polar diametey Re > Rp ay Re >! ap | Vsing gs GM | a= a Ses GN 7 | oe : = te 2 ay de 8 GM: Rp> 5) Local Conditions: The value of 4 Sligntly changes according tp local conditions. Tris siighty higher at the’ places | where mountains, yocky structures, mines ave | present. Similarity, 4s value is slightly lower ar the places where watery bodies, valleys , plains ek | ave present : aa : Gravitatonal Potential Energy Ww) Us -gmims ae For A system af bodies, - | Vaca fo mime fp omsmy cca sbtes gman oe V2 ee aes. ¢ mam \ ie ne Yarw Furl mame 4 mm a mm] Fore orem bodies tere should be MOND) en vinahons chp Gravitahonal Potential : | | pmount of work done in Shifting| displacing a unit | [mass from infinite distance +> 4 porticular point lin a gravitational Field is called gravitational | potential at that point | Ne a or acy | eu ve ; viz - 6m & Yor Nm i Kg (Mesy > TIkg | | | its > | units NM) kg S) | Tt is a Scalay Quank ty, | | GravitaHonal Field. | The 3- dimensional region around a body(mass) in which its gravitational effect Can be felt is’ called (Gravitational field - “Intensity of gravitational Field. j (Me gravitational force experienced by a unit mass fwhen ia is placed at a point im a gravitational Retd is catled intensity of gravitational field ab that point 7 Reine ere a * in vector form, T= > noe : Seo, intensity of gravitational fied at O point ig : nething put acceleration due to gravity at tet peint Escape velocity [ve J The minimum velocity with which a body Mult be | Projected Sco that Ft escapes from te grovi tatong field of the earth (heavenly body) ts called escape veloci hy. Here, KE =u ———JUy At BO height ‘h , | | 1 | I | | | | | | | | ee From diy and ch , Ve = J29gR at neight ‘h’ ve + (ea lRA®) SG orital veloci Hy. { minimum v " me elocrty required oy a body to. Move + ao parhculay orbit around a heavier mass is i \ ‘ galled orbital velocity for that orbit tere GMm | my (Ran? (RAK? But here » V — Ve > 2 6M Roh vo Hea or | oes Rth to rhe earth closer in an orbit very (Reh) — F No = vsing g= GM , ae oR = 6M ; Re Ne = Jar why is there no atmosphere on the moon? | As escapé velocity oF Qa molecutes AS higher than i | ems velocity, they have. escaped From the Surface | | | of the moon. ' | | Hence, there is no atmosphere on ne moon | Potential energy of a Satellite Us - GMm | R Kinetic energy of @ Satellite Total energy of a Satellite Total energy + Potential energy s kineHe ens = U + KE > - Mm 4 Emm & an = GHm call ze C =) : aut 7 ts TE = -GMm zR PEL KE: TE ele Geo- Statonary satellite “me satelli ‘ Wide whose Hme period of revoluHon is same oS Hm ‘ : € period of rotation of the Earth(aubr) is called Geo-stationa yy satellite yas het i ight is nearly se0oKm. Tes sense oF direction of revolytion 1S same as that of rotation of he earin (west to east). As a result, j4 appears to a stationary gekete as observed from Me earth be me orbit of a geo- srationaTy satellite is catled parking orbit. These satellites are used 07 felecommunications, Spying Purposes by military forces, weather forecasting ete Polar sarenite sorellite whieh revolves lower Te around the earth's north J and soutn poles at very attitudes is called polay satellites located at heights of neatly Soo to Sookms They are [Hence these orbits imey are used for of atrmosphert, are called low earth orbits(Leo) e sensing, study of remot exploration tte upper layers mineral

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