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DN Besonence* RAN K Soret laws Fontes Dheca LEE) BOOSTER 1000+ Performance Boosters.. Best problems to revise, strengthen & clarify the concepts. = tions. > Topic Wise 1000+ Qi. > 6 Part Syllabus Test. > 3 Full Syllabus Test. - » Covers Class XI & Class XII Syllabus. > Complete Solutions. For More Materials Join- —. \@anacay ons. Each amen nneoeore Materials Join- renin Contents SECTION-| (TOPIC WISE PROBLEMS) RESONANCE RANK Booster (RRB) JEE-MAIN No. Tople ae PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY STOICHIOMETRY o1-04 2. ATOMIC STRUCTURE 05-09 3. GASEOUS STATE 10-14 4. CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM 15-20 5. IONIC EQUILIBRIUM 21-25 6. THERMODYNAMIC & THERMOCHEMISTRY (26-33 (JL CHEMICAL KINETICS & RADIOACTIVITY 34-4 8. ELECTROCHEMISTRY 42-47 9. SOLID STATE 48-53. 10, SOLUTION & COLLIGATIVE PROPERTIES 54-59. Yt SURFACE CHEMISTRY 60-64 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY JL, PERIODIC TABLE & PERIODICITY 65-69 ¥ CHEMICAL BONDING 70-74 3. COORDINATION COMPOUNDS 75-78 4, METALLURGY 79-82 5. d& BLOCK ELEMENTS 83-86 6. p-BLOCK ELEMENTS 87-90 7. BLOCK ELEMENTS 91-94 8, QUALITATIVEANALYSIS 95-98 9, HYDROGEN &ITS COMPOUNDS & ENVIRONMENT CHEMISTRY 99-101 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 4, BASIC CONCEPTS OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, IUPAC NOMENCLATURE, ISOMERISMAND SEPARATION TECHNIQUES 2. FUNDAMENTALCONCEPT IN: ORGANIC REACTION MECHANISM 3. HYDROCARBON ALKYLHALIDE, ALCOHOL, PHENOL, ETHER ALDEHYDE, KETONES, CARBOXYLIC ACID & DERIVATIVES BIOMOLECULES & POLYMER 4. 5. 6. NITROGEN CONTAINING ‘COMPOUNDS 7. 8. CHEMISTRY IN EVERY DAY LIFE Fo 102-107 408 - 112 113-119 120-128 129-136 137-142 143-147 148 - 150 pa eae a ‘Contents SECT! Tonic. © © 6 PTs (PART SYLLABUS TEST) ‘4 PT-O1 (PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY : CLASS-X!) ‘e PT-02 (INORGANIC CHEMISTRY : CLASS-X!) © — PT-03 (ORGANIC CHEMISTRY : CLASS-XI) ‘ —PT-04 (PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY : CLASS-XIl) “ — PT-05 (INORGANIC CHEMISTRY : CLASS-XIl) ‘@ PT-06 (ORGANIC CHEMISTRY : CLASS-XIl) © 3 FST (FULL SYLLABUS SUBJECT TEST) ‘> FST-01 (CLASS XI SYLLABUS) % — FST-02(CLASS XII SYLLABUS) ‘> _ FST-03 (CLASS XI+ CLASS XII SYLLABUS) Ml Resonance* : ‘Educating | 7 for beter omes>Viore Materials Join- tme/studyaffinity RESONANCE RANK BoDSTER (RR: BY ug, 1ON-II (PRACTICE TEST PAPERS) 151-154 155-158 159-162 163-167 168-171 172-176 477-180 181-184 185-189 Answers tee, la een Resonance Rank Booster (RRB) JEE-Main Answers & Solutions SECTION-I (TOPIC WISE PROBLEMS) ™~ Page Ne. PHY: oo eroucHOuETRY: ‘SICAL CHEMISTRY 2, ATOMIC STRUCTURE we 3. GASEOUS STATE ea 4 GheMicaL EQUILIBRIUM meat 5. IONIC EQUILIBRIUM 218. 226 6. THERMODYNAMIC & THERMOCHEMISTRY 227-233 7. CHEMICALKINETICS &| RADIOACTIVITY (234-241 8. ELECTROCHEMISTRY 241-248 9. SOLID STATE 249-253 10. SOLUTION & COLLIGATIVE PROPERTIES 253-259 11. SURFACE CHEMISTRY 260 - 262 INORGANIC CH EMISTRY 4. PERIODIC TABLE & PERIODICITY 263-266 2. CHEMICAL BONDING 267 - 274 3. COORDINATION COMPOUNDS 274-281 4, METALLURGY 281 - 284 5, d&fBLOCK ELEMENTS 284-288 6, p-BLOCK ELEMENTS: 288-291 7. s-BLOCK ELEMENTS 292-294 8. QUALITATIVE: ANALYSIS 295-298 a. HYDROGEN & ITS COMPOUNDS & ENVIRONMENT ‘CHEMISTRY 298 - 300 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 4. BASIC CONCE! PTS OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, IUPAC NOMENCLATURE, ISOMERISM AND SEPARATION TECHNIQUES 301 - 304 2 FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTIN ORGANIC REACTION MECHANISM 304 - 306 3. HYDROCARBON 306 - 310 4. ALKYLHALIDE, ALCOHOL, PHENOL, ETHER: 310-314 5, ALDEHYDE, KETONES, CARBOXYLIC ACID & DERIVATIVES 315-320 6. NITROGEN CONTAINING COMPOUNDS 320-321 7, BIOMOLECULES & POLYMER 322-325 8. CHEMISTRY IN EVERY DAY LIFE 325-325 cect mm laren! OF More Materials Join- esonance Rank Booster (RRD) lutions IN-lt (PRACTICE TEST PAPERS) Page No. ee 6 PTs (PART SYLLABUS TEST) ° ‘-PT-O1 (PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY : CLASS XI) 326-328 «_PT-02 (INORGANIC CHEMISTRY: CLASS-X!) 328-330 ¢e PT-03 (ORGANIC CHEMISTRY : CLASS-X!) 331-332 @-PT-04 (PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY : CLASS-XI!) 333-936 4 PT-05 (INORGANIC CHEMISTRY : CLASS-X!1) 936 - 339 300-342 “PT-06 (ORGANIC CHEMISTRY : CLASS-XI!) O 3 FST (FULL SYLLABUS SUBJECT TEST) ‘@ _ FST-01 (CLASS XISYLLABUS) 943-345 “ _ FST-02 (CLASS XII SYLLABUS) 346-349 ‘+ _ FST-03 (CLASS XI+ CLASS XII SYLLABUS) 349-353 PN Resonance Fdeniin fr hatter temererae PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY SECTION-I (TOPIC WISE PROBLEMS) FECTION: STRAIGHT OBJEC: E aes vm ied clay mineral contains 8% voter. The ona same contains 12% water bod 463 ac it A erent 8 wt eon scgersraretemmnnsrrs tewemeen " Theo erin ge a 12 tramolretenctaesnecaretten {0 byntdeg some soi all : ‘of two solutions wil be: ay 4:2 € Or yon 2:3 “ ¢ 1.3. Inthe balanced equation 448° eS + ino Hs Fe SOe"+ Mn ; thesochometicoatcens fFeS anero,areinthersiot gg as thers rie ers 14 K:C40, #6,0.++H,50,—+ K,$0, +60, *C4(S0)34H0 sation state: Inaba aah ne coneiowncs oootunere sarge neon sae: we (@)S&cr @K.O,S8 sa 4.5 From the mixture of 4 moles Ca,(PO,), and 5 moles of P,,,and 6 moles of H,PO, all the phosphorus aig are removed then moles of , molecule formed from all these atoms is (yes 217 (034 on) am 1.6 —Thedensity of aliguidis 1.2g/m. There are 35 reps in 2 mL. The number of molecules in one drop (mel mass of liquid = 70 gfmal)is: ' 12 12 tysy 12 4128, ' o()y, eels) Opa ()12N, 12 1.7 Sulphur existin diferent alloropic forms like S, Sgand S, etc. If equal moles of these three forms are taken in separate containers, then the ratio of number of atons present in them respectively is : (142324 (2)4it:4 (3)12:4:3 (4)4:3:4 1.8 There are two sample of HCI having molarity 1M and 0.25 M. Find volume of these sample take Prepare 0.75 M HCI solution. (Assume no water is used) (1)20 mil, 10 mi (2) 100 mi, 60 mi (3) 50 mi, 20 mi (4) 50 mi, 35 mi 19° Equivalent weight of KHC,O, 3NaHC,O, in reaction with acidic KMnO, is (M = Molar mass) M M M 5 QF aM My 1.10 The vapour density of a mixture containing equal number of moles of methane and ethane at STP is (N15 (2)11.0 (3)23 (4)12.0 1.11 The temperature at which molarity of pure water is equal to its molality is : (1)273K (2)298K (3)277K (4)None 112 Acompound has the molecular formula X,0,, I 109 of X,0, has 6.72 g of, then atomic mass of X's: (1)32amu (2)37 amu (3)42amu (4)98 amu me/studyaffinity ns ar 443 Equal masses of *y8!0n, hydrogen and m TEE (an) -RRB vethane are taken in container in ential conditions. Find the ratio of thelr motes, Gyaite:2 sh 6:1 1.14, Number of ele ORLTSESS 13: 16 Gyaoa ion TSMC tH OI0 sie 4.45 Whatis the molar ual (8)0.6022 «108 ie tran MY OFSO, souton hath density 1.84 oe aM Ofc at 35°C and contains 98% by weight 4.46 Howmany gram ions of S0,-+are pre erate ayia Oe (2h. 7 Presentin 1 gram molecule of K,S0,.Al,(SO,)y. 24,0: \ 4.17 Which of he folowing conta at wt \ (1) 19010, 2g or ser coma tho same numberof molecules 7 | Bambara ml of O, at STF \ (8)Allofthese? STP, 224 mlof He at 0.5 atm and 273K \ 1.48 Thedonsityofwatorat4*cie 1 x ()3*10™me eae 2 12:kam*. The volume occupied by one melecuo of watoris approximately hal: (8)3* 10% mL (4) 9 «10 mL 4.49 How many moles of KMnO, are dean Bre needed to oxidise a mixture of 1 mole of each FeSO, & FeC,0, in acidic 4 ae 5 Os Qa, oo ws laid iain NB, +401, + 5,0 —> Na,S0, + H,S0, + BHCI, vivalent weight of Na, S, O, willbe: (M = molecular weight of Na,S,0, awa (mie ek an 1.21 Chlorophyll the green colouring matter of plants i ‘ ator of plants responsible for photosynthesis, contains 2.68% of magnesium bymass. camciliae| the number of magnesium atoms in 2.00g of chlorophyll (1)1.345 « 10" (2)1.345 «102 (2) 13.45% 10" (4)4.945 «10 4.22 __ Inthe reaction 2NH," + 6NO,-(aq) + 4H"(aq)—> 6NO,(g) + N,(g) + 6H,0 the reducing agentis (NHS NO Hea) (4)NO, 4.23 Glitre of mixture of methane and propane on complete combustion gives 7 litre of CO,. Find out the composition of the mixture ? (1) 5.5 lit, 0.5 lit. (2) 4.5 lit, 1.5 (3) 3.5 lit, 2.5 lit. (4)None of these 4.24 — Carbonoccurin nature as a mixture of C-12 and C-13. Average ‘atomic mass of carbon is 12.011 whatis the % abundance of C-12 in nature? (1) 98.9% (2)60.9% (3) 32.9% (4) 1.4% 4.25 Inacompound Carbon = 52.2%, Hydrogen = 13%, Oxygen = 34.8% are present and vapour density of the ‘compound is 46, Calculate molecular formula of the compound 7 (1)C,H,O, (2)C,H,0, (3)C,H,,0 (4)CH,.0, 4.26 Calculate the weight of 90% pure suiphurc acid to neutralize Sg caustic sod, (1) 19.19 (2)6.81 (3) 14.11 (4) None of these of 6g ofa hydrocarbon on combustionin excess ofoxygen produces 47.6g0fCO, and 10.8 gofH,0. The deta illustrates the law of : . (1) conservation of mass 2 Leach (3) constant proportions (4) reciprocal propor ; ‘b’ gKHC,O,neutralises 4.28 ‘a! gKHC,O, are required to reduce 100 ml of 0.02 MKMnO, in acid medium and 'b’ g KHC, 4100 mL of 0.05 M Ca(OH), then : = (4) None of these (iyasb (2)2a=b (3)a=2b @) JN Resonsncs Seming for better tomorow For More Materials Join- ____. "ye Fk ee es ea ertionation? Te prepornatogang censor OTT TH 80 50,00 ~ eee ee eco rncene 8 : oseag| 7 aed 8 has the S270 on tay, 4130. Atreth 1, suit abd 1.2. THe stun Sct hoay a (1) 3.4% (wth) (2)3.4% (volvo) @s ee Tsai Ss feof Sis other eset ai ! Ls twink ofthe fotowing compound, oxidation sito of Ss OMe Eu, (jpmoromonoeuprurc ec (oaaeed) POO ae eat ae (3) pyromuiphure cid (leur) sar fe emeaerccecvememmetnmenani “% ng, Ban, Ni Shave same vleney . are PHand NaH,PO,, This reaction ine 1.38 White phoschows reacts wit cause sod, the proses 1 + Howe anaes emerson 1.34 Howmany militires of a @1 H,SO, solution wl be required to neutralize completely Y ohion? (@)900mL 150, (1)18.0mL (2)8.0mL (9)16.0mL x 20 kg 1.35 One atom of an element x weigh 6.643 x 10- g. Number of moles of atom in (a ‘ea (9) 100 (4)500 45 4.38 Rearrange the folowing It IV)in the order of increasing masses ()0.5maooto, {i)0.59m atom of oxygen {1N) 3.011 « 10 molecules of , (IV) 5.6litre of CO, at STP ()il. solution having marty 1M, 0 £0 ond gensiy 1.5 gmt ia fa wales ee Gray melarty oF f,80, sctuton. tinal Gonaty ie ae ae id woz @)0145% )oszN 2moleo NH loses 16 mateo locronta being ‘alten mol of Ns is being converted a anew compound X. baal Cizpears inthe new compound. What lathe ondaton stats ote? re 2 ‘a2 ws (1.72 5:C10, reacts completely wih 9» 103 male X” to give XO; and Ce. The vale ot ns: @2 oF} are Hydrazine reacts with KIO, in presence of sin presence of Hes NH, + 10;-+ 24% Cr —> lel N HO ‘The equivalent masses of N.H, and KIO, respectively ae: (4)8.and67 ()Bend53.5 18 and538G)Band356 3.4 g sample of H,0, solution contain oki for complete 4,0, sohtion containing x% 0, by mass requres xml of aKMnO, ‘xidation under acidl¢eondtton. The molarity KhlnO, saute: (02 mt @os @)0a How many of the prefixes are correctly matched with thet multiples: () pico (p)— 10" (itera (T)—102 (ii) giga (G)— 108 (v)nano (n)—10 ()mega (M)— 10" (i) micro (y)~ 10 (i), centi (cn) — 10" (iy deci (0) 10 ahem S10 (5 ae or He Starting with 2 moles of Aand 1 mole of B, the following reaction 2A + 9B—>X +2¥ Is made to take place. Assume the reaction to go to completion. Match the number of moles sted in column I with various species listed in Column Hist Listat (ela (ys iE (28 (x (yoo oy (S43 ms fyb) e) ® ®) ) s R P @ ® Pp a eR §s 8 T s R P @ @ R S T Match List | with List Il and select the correct answer using the code given me lists : List (I) (a) 50 mL of MHC! solution + 150 mL of 1M FeCl, solution (p)4.A7m (b)An aqueous solution of NaC! with mole fraction of NaCl 850.1 (@icti=3M (c) 20% (ww) propanol (C,H,OH) solution ow a M rs ()6.1m (¢) 10.95% (wiv) HCl solution ® ©» © @& ® o» © @ ' a oF s Pp q @ 4 : r 4 P q ® 4 ®™ a § cnet Resenence Educating for For More Material SEGTION : STRAIGHT OBJECTIVE TYPE ane valve of 18 seats 2.1 Spin only magnetic moment of 23M fon Is (JiS BM. The as ay @2 D1 cakd bal ow 22 The sphnoniymagnetie momentof CP" n aquecus solution we (s) 5 OM. () YB OM. @) 5 BM. @ 46 OM oar Ts 23° y?=Orepresent a2 ‘ recat Ghose amptude of wave (Beta taneton an ae 24 Observe the folowing statements regerding aotones 2 send ses arelectoros, (aybut same number otneuronyg) 248 Ce BB. Nucledes having ferent atomic number(Z) and mass numbers et ( (1) a,b and.eare correct (2) Oniy aend b are cor ‘ (3) Only and care correct, (4) Only band care correct 220 2.5. fn, anda, are the boundary vale principal quantum numbers of @ pordonof specu of emstion SPs of H atom, determine the wavelength (in metre) corresponding to last line longest 2). Given +m * ny in, =n, = 3.and R, = 1.097 * 10 m-*, (Give your answer in multiple of 10°) oe me (24 3) 10 (415 a 2.6 Whatis the potential energy of an electron present in N-shell of the Be™ ion ? ()-34ev (2)-2720v @)-1360V (4)-8.8 eV 222 2.7 In which of the folowing transition, the wavelength wil be minimum + ()n=6ton=4 Q)n=4'ton= @n=3ton=1 — (4)n=2ton=2 28 Total Number of unpaired electrons in d-orbitals of an atom of element of atomic number ‘29is: (1)Ten (2)One @)Zero (4)Five . 2.40 Photons of minimum energy 496 kJ. mot" are needed to ionize sodium atoms. Calculate the lowest frequency of light that will ionize a sodium atom, (1) 1.24% 10% st (2) 1.24 10%S* (3) 2.48 « 10% 5 (4) 2.48 « 10% s* 241 According to Bohr’s model, i the kinetic energy of an electron in 2° orbit of He" is x, then what should be the ionisation energy of the electron revolving in 3rd orbit of M* ion 29 (x (2)4x (3)x4 (4) 2x 2.12 _Lastline of Lyman series for H-atom has wavelength 2, A, 2° line of Balmer series has wavelength 2,, Athen | oo #8 a ao 3 7h asta Oa, Ie ay 3 2.13 Which electronic level would allow the hydrogen atom to absorb a photon but not to emit a photon (1) 3s (2) 2p (3) 2s (4) 1s PA Besenence" ‘anearieoerst More Materials Join- rin) rum #7, —— oo» st tate ce 2 246 27 218 219 223 225 227 Number of nodal planes (planes of zero electron density) in the d, orbital is @)0 ws \ wt @2 The uncertainty in position and velocity of the particle are 0.2nm and 10.54 x10 me respectively hen the mass of the particle is: (h = 6.625 » 10%Js) . (1)48.889 (2)30.869 (9)24.860m (@)1009 \ ‘A partcie intially at rest having charge q coulomb, & mass m k9 i i. What . «gis accelerated by a potential diference of volt ‘would be ts KLE & da broglie wavelength respectively after acceleration hn h (NV. avn Q Fam va. schon series when electron jumps from 7" excited state to ground state as @ apav The numbor of possibie fines of Pa: (in hydrogen tke atom) is: (M2 @s @4 AIR service on Vividh Bharat! is transmitted on 219 m band. Whats its transmission frequency in Hertz ? (DNS7AONHZ (ABT x TOFHZ (8) 1.37 x 10H (4)2.74 «10° He, Calculate the maximum and minimum number of electrons. Which may have magnetic quantum number in= +1 andsom quant autre = incheomien (1)3,.2 (2)6,4 3)4,.2 {In the emission spectrum of H-atom from energy level 'n' to ground state in one or more step, no line boionging to the Brackett series is observed. The wave number of lines belonging to Balmer series may be (42,1 eR 5R aR aR SRR aR BR 1036 eo 3516 Oae The ionisation energy of H Is 13.6 eV. Calculate the Ionization energy of Li* ions. (1)844ev @)12240v @)244.8 eV (4) 1088 eV If Photon having wavelength 6.2 nm was allowed to strike a metal plate having work function 50 eV then calculate wavelength associated with emited electron: (11 10"%m 2)2 «10m (3)3* 10" m (4)4 10m ‘Tho number of nodal planes in ap, orbital is: (tone (2)two (2) three (4) four The wave number of electromagnetic radiation emitted during the transition of electron in between two levels of Li ion whose principal quantum numbers sum is 4 and difference is 2 is 8 ()35R (aR @ar Or The correct order of wavelength of Hydrogen (,H'), Deuterium (,H?) and Tritium (,H*) moving with same kinetic energy is (1), > Ig > Dey (2) iy, = ag = (8) by (4) None of these The distance between 4th and 3rd Bohr orbits of He* is: (1)2.645% 10m (2) 1.322 10"%m (3) 1.85110" (4) None What is the frequency of revolution of electron present in 2nd Bohr's orbit of H-atom ? (4) 8.13 x 10% s* 228 (1) 1.016 « 10" s* (2) 4.065 * 10" s* (3) 1.626 * 10s" EOS ore MRIETAIS TORT UMeTSUaTaTT a, PN Besonencs'- fore Materials Join- Lme/studyattinity ze (1 Potential energy of electron =F umber (0) = 2 22 (2) The productof velocty of eleclron and principle quantum = 2 (@) Frequency of revolution of electron in an orbit = 7° a 2 243 (4) Coulombic force of attraction on the electron = : 1 1s T,, «herent 4 fod ofrevolution is presented 28 Tn. a 230 IfinBohr's mode, for unielectronic atom, time per will -hollno. and 2 represents atomie number then the value ofT,.3°Ta1 ay 4:32 aaa te! ize ecb jie wavelengths have the rato (a 231 Bo and aproton are accelerated the same poten, ther de-Broglio w= s8ime | mas of neutron) er 2as 28 a the second static 2+ Joninthe se 232 onization energy of He"is 19.6 « 10" J per atom then the energy of Be” Ion in ey ag state fs: | 19.4 «108% ()=49%10% —(@ aarntoms —@) 18.025 10" (419. is 10 em sec with 0,000 233° The mass of a particle i ay BAG ans a 10-" g and its radius is 2 « 10+ em. If its velo« 2ar Uncertainty in measurement, the uncertainty nls position is (1) 5.2% 104m (2)52x107'm (8) 52 10%m (45.2% 10° 2.34 What's the shortest wavelength line in the Paschen series of Lion ? R 2 1 w & mF ae ot 7 2a 235 Adye absorbs a photon of wavelength 2 and ro-emits the same energy into two photons of wavelengths 4, and 2, respectively. The wavelength Ais elated with, and 2, a8: 22 andthe: =A =e (4) 4= 2 (a Q) regia O)=qheh Ona CaF 2.36 Ahydrogen atom in the ground state is excited by monochromatic radiation of wavelength 2A. The resulting spectrum consists of maximum 15 different lines. Whats the wavelength K? (1)937.3A. (2) 1025A (3) 1236A (4) None of these 2.37 The ratio of magnetic moments of Fe(|Il) and Co\(II)is : (1) 5:7 (2) 35:5 @7:3 (4) 24: AB 238 —Acompound of vanadium has a magnetic moment (1) of 1.73 BM. If the vanadium ion in the compoundis present as V*, then, the value of x is? (yt (22 3)3 (a4 2.39 According to Bohr's theory, the ratio of electrostatic force of attraction acting on electron in 3" orbit of He* ion 3y \ and 2” orbit of Li?* ion is (3) » Then, the value of x is : \ (7 6 @s 7 | 240 _ Ina sample of H-atom electrons make transition from §* excited types of photons, then number of lines in infrared region are (1)4 @)5 @)6 4) © Besonence | For More Materials Join- state to ground state, producing all possible | pete > J (ate RR cx 244 aan 244 250 Nunberofoacrone os £4 vn ea 0200 Fo ae or _ (ayiz 1 exctation Potent ofa hyrogen| panies) he nape 18 vot al the atoms ofthe sample rein 2 excited .InV ofthe electron faced i photon of energy S© oe a2 photon of energy SS Vt supptedto ts samele, Traraook bo wavenumber coreapondng ona ea ws eros of ahyorogen te Ponding tothe tne Lyman srs ol ashen Hig oore as ema (208 (@)100 t4)200 AAperticle X moving wit cert « 50% thot, 2 certain veloctyhas a debrogle wove 50% etch andwooy Sou mater tra regi 72 paca Vine aman wii Bieash (36.084 aga {Broton having wavelength 310 nm is used to breek the bond of Ay molecule heving bond ene asks then of onrgy ol noun coneoee giRerce hse sesGb orks ev=abKumal (60 @75 (aye ithe wavel ime wavelength of phen ema rom an secon umpn=4ton "2h Heke paces 1210 A hen (ieeiom (2)Hotion (@)LPion (4) Bo ion Electrons in a sample of H-atom: : 1s make transitions from state n = x to some lower excited state. The ‘emission spectrum from the sample's found to contain only the tines belonging o a particular series. Wone ofthe photons had an energy of 0.6976 9. Then find the value ofx (Take 0.6375 eV= x 0.850V 1 is (224 oe “20 Infrared lamps ore used in restaurants to keep the food warm. The infrared raciaon is strongly ‘absorbed by water, raising its temperature and that of the food. I the wavelenath of infrared radiation it scumedto be 1500 nm, ten the number of photons per secondo infrared radiation produced by an infrared ficient ony is yx 10 *, Fin the valve oly. lamp that consumes energy at the rate of 100 W and ts 12% el 7 as ws me ‘The wavelength (2) of monochromatic light coming fro these sources will be able to exhibit photoelectric effect pezeev) cmap ate pet=l[elei[ets soo | eo [ om [ree | ono | 00 sm some light sources is isted below. How many of ifincident upon surface of Li metal (work function, vem) | 100 | 200 | 200 (6 7 @s ays Suppose a hypothetical H-like atom produces a blue, yellow, redand violet line in emission spectrum. Match the above lines with their corresponding possible electronic transition : Colour of spectral ines Possible corresponding transitions (a) Blue ()6 +3 (0) Yellow (241 (c)Red () 532 (2) Violet (493 Code: (b) (c) (d) @® © © @ (a) (o) f ) ‘ ar ¢ ; : @ Pp t q 8 a) r Pp @ ep rf fs 4 mesonence’ ——————— ak Educating 1 Detar tomorrow > @ ros pia oa 4 Match ist! wth tit and select tba caectanawor using he oe piven below the fists (nd m (0) LE. of H-atom, Code : (a) (6) (©) (d) (@) (b) (ce) ay fr op os 4 @ s p qe @ 4 h s Pp M 4 P 8 r 7 speciale smut angmaprec avant 2) a we Used (2) Number of value of foranenergylevel (1) 0, 1,2 (@) vate ot ¢tore particu ype oferbtal (2) +810. {e)Numberfvaiues fm fore=2 os w [GValieot'mtorapartoulertype of obits (4) wi Seah o ( oo @ © he Ge sg i of fF 3 asf 3 3 Ouediy 2 8 ® 1 wo 2.53 Match ist wit List I and select the corect answer using the code given below the E, = total ener “angular momentum K=KE.N, 33 T= time period, r,= radius ofr orbit List) use) (o)E," ! OF @P 34 Atpoint P and Q, the real gas deviation with respect to Ideal gas is respectively : v— (1)Positve, negative _(2)Positve, positive (3)Negative, positive (4) Negative, negative 3.5 Areal gas most closely approaches the behaviour of an ideal gas at: (1) low pressure & low temperature (2) high pressure & high temperature (3)lowpressure & high temperature (4) high pressure & low temperature Ifthe number of molecules of SO, (molecular weight = 64) effusing through an orifice of unit area of cross- the number of He molecules (atomic weight = 4) effusing 3.6 section in unit time at 0°C and 1 alm pressure isn, under similar conditions at 273°C and 0.25 atm is : OF ne (@)2n Os 37 Ageseous moture contains tree goes ‘, The pola pressure ofA ond Bare Sam and 1 iat Thee we oc reset mie mn SS eo 2. pti nt 34° 1 mototagaseous slphanasc compound C450, 8 oreo |nvolume ls (assume weler gel conconsed 02) ) ») -) a a te tial KEL OADM EA a eeg 38° Atwhat temperate wi th lla KE of 03 mot of He be te 2 kr a (4300 322 wats 833K 00K S ‘outs aseaby 3 12ctr O13. Giron Pay, crest 340 The volume ot agasincreases by aftr of 2 whe the pressure number ef mola unatectd, te aca by whe te temperate Oe 323 Anco 2 A wies on 3 @yan2 oF 2 we (am ast 3.11 Which has maximum internal energy at 290? wine te (1)Neon gas @Nirogen gas ——_(@)Ozane.gss Kee om 342 Therearo 6.02 10" molecules each ofN.0, andH, which remixed together st 7EO MMS TOK Tg | 55 ‘mass ofthe mistue in grams: ae | o () 62 (2) 4.12 (3) 3.09 ® aa 3413 127°C, a gasis compresses to haf of ts volume, To what temperature it must now be heated 80s ay | : occupies just its original volume ? A (1) 58°C (2) 600"e (3) 327°C () 327K } amt ' 3.14 Agas in an open container is treated from 27°C to 127°C. The fraction of original amount of gas remaining; the container willbe. | 1 2 at ot oy 328 315. AVedm* task contains gas Aand anatherNask of 2V dm? contains gas Bathe same temperature. Weéensty| 5 Agno hands Ge tSodir wc esimti asinine A exerted by gases ie- we ae fhe wi = 33 3.16 Atlow pressure, vander waal's equation is reduced to PF a 2 \V=RT. The compressibility factor canbe given as: RIV tae @- Otay aie 347 300mlofagas at 27°C is cooled to -3°C at constant pressure, the final volume is : (1)540mi (2)135ml (3)270 mt (4) 350 mt 3.48 Inthe ideal gas equation, the gas constant R has the dimension of = (1) Mole - atk (2)Litrefmote (8)Live-atrvKimole —(4)erg/k (AN Ssseneose’———_____ yf For More Materials Join- “at 409 rat the The a0 3.29 3.30 (2) 1 mole of the gas occupies. (3) 1 mole of the gas occupies 22.4 L at pressu (4) None of the | oe PN Besonense p | oo tts JAR tes 8 20°C occnihed the sama whi ws 0.56A Grn ck pean wt STC Be 8 Ser \Winat nina melee man citar (2087 wo 100 mot croc hen Bega ere marron a NSrentan Zt kD, te ath os 20 maraen. Wine se meteor nen fhe hyesarian? ~ nas ae Awa Ai ghel weormure wa otroqan mcbesban hart sna aan Vast6 et weep eS oe (24200 onaaK wane the ictal pronsura exerted by th riture of 7.0 re aM, 2008 seat ogc wsene Bec Pras “eM copechy tet hee been kept ot 27°C, ponent * (aster ‘a)19 8m (ys 7000 ‘An 090 flask containing wit haat tren 300 Yo 0K. Wh parca a atmosphere, if the pressure is kept constant 7 o- alias oem (yoo 40 on we ALSTP a container hos 1 mola of, 2 mete No, 3 mala O, ond & cha M, Vinten chanson tk ress itameiacf0,isromoved, ba pant qroveue oO wavs Goceaveg OF e (126% (240% 233% Cnt Density of methane, at 250°C and 6 atm pressure, is (R = 0.0821 atm]: (12.236 gh (2) 60 B) 129 (4) 18 ‘The ratio among most probable velacdty, mean velocity and rock mean square velccty given by (42d 2) heeds 0) 2:5: Vein 6) 2 ETB “Tho compressitilty factor for nitrogen at 330 K and 600 atm is 1.99 and 200 atm is 1.10. Acris mass of N, occupies a volume of ‘1d? at 320 K and £00 atm calculate volume occupied by same quantity AN, G25 (yee ‘at 750 K and 209 atm, aye (v2 st I the weight of §.6 lires of a gas at N.T.P. is 11 gram, The gas maybe (2)coc, NO le) The vapos eftuse teach (PH, The density of vapour of a substance (X) at 1 ‘atm pressure and $00 K is 0.8 kg/m. ‘vinatia te comgresstity ‘small hole at a rate of 4/5 times slower than oxygen under the name condition. (4122 tor (2) ofthe vapour ? (1)0.974 (2) 1.35 (3)1.52 The volume of 2.8g of CO at 27°C and 0.621 ‘atm pressure is (R = 0.0821 fit. atm mot" K*) (1) 1.5 titre (2) 3 litre (3) 30 fitre. (4)0.3 ire Choose the conclusions which are. appropriate for the observation stated. Observation Conclusion . 204 L ‘The gas need not be showing the idea! behaviour . izes Ii, Onopplying pressure the gas wil respond by increasing its volume: mZ<1 Ill. The gas has the ability tobe liquefied. WV.2 =» 1 forlowP I, The goals approeciog a Mee bee: jions are true (2) Conelusions |, I! & IV are tue tO pechaions ll (4) Conclusions Ill & {V ere true (3) Conclusions j,I1& IV are wus For areal gas'G'Z> 1 at STP Then for'G': Which of the following is rue : 22A4LatNTP ‘at STP (keeping temperature constant) 1 the gas occupies ee a nabe ri 22.4 Lat pressure higher than that re lower than that at STP (keeping temperature constant) For More Materials Join- 3.36 338 3.39 3.40 3.42 3.43 344 3.33. Fotowing gph represents pronsure (2) von (V0 resigns. The graph hee MO! temperature (7) fone {irony Wraano tne towing opto ve (2 <1 lntneragin Bivona” (4)2epproaches ax wo move rom rogen inte redion a : 1d prossure 979 8°C 2480 in, | ‘Awa butte rao to abot elke, hare to tmperahrs 2 Cecaia tation volume gi {ha water wrfac,wtore te lomperatres 26°C and Pest Dubble tenia vlvma wae 2m. 0 (4) 15m tame (2)12.72mb cstatm ee “enlorato is collected. THe vOIUM of oxy xyp0n gas gonoratod by tha decomporiion of potassium chloral Coles ty macs (mn grant Collected at 24°C and atmospheric prossure of 760 mmHg te 125 7 ig ‘oxygen gas obtained. The pressure ofthe water vopour a 24°C: 1a) 1639 «tse 1.820 (0)0-1639 wat the temperatur The root mean square velocity ofhydrogenis 4 mes tan that of nvogen. tT the Olt \ 1908, then: i (1) Ty «Ty, 2) 42% Ota 4, TT jothon find what ‘Agascous misture containing He, CH, and SO, was alowed to offuse through fing hoo ole ratio of gases coming out inal? i mixture Gontain He, CH, and SO, in: 2+ 8mole rato. (1)2:2:3 (2)6:6:4 (3) Bs 33 (ayarasd 349, 6» 10% g09 molecules each of mass 10 *kg are taken Ina vessel of 10 fire, Whats the pressure bby gas molecules? The root mean square speed of gas molecules Is 100.mis. ()20Pa (2)2%10'Pa @2*10'Pa (6)2*10"Pa Two flask Aand 8 of equal volumes maintained at temperature 300 K and 700 K contain equal mass of ‘and N,(9) respectively. What's the ratio of total translational kinetic energy of gas in flask Ato that of flask 4:3 @3:4 3:49 (4) None ofthese The density of gas Als twice that of B at the same temperature the molecular weight of gas Bis tice| of A.The ratio of pressure of gas Aand B will be: (16 (tit ast (ayia 1 ‘Abalion weighing 50 kg is flled with 685 kg of helium at 1 atm pressure and 25°C. What willbe its pay load ifit cisplaced 5108 kg of air? (1)4373kg (2) 4423 kg (3)5793kg (@)none of these At273K temp. and 9 aim pressure, the compressibilly for a gas is 0.9. The volume of 1 mili-moles of gas at this temperature and pressure is: (1)2.24 lire (2)0.020 mt. (3)2.24 mL (4224 mL PAY \ 318 and “Et \ Calculate the volume occupied by 16 gram O, at 300 K and 8.31 MPa if Re, (Given 314 MPalk-mol) (3)248.62 mL (4) none of these (1) 124.31 mL (2) 124.31 mL. Density of dry air (only N, and O,) is 1.24 g litre at 760 mm and 300 K. Find the partial pressure of N, ges X iitre atmimot k i mol. wt.of Ny, inal (Take R= 55 (4)0.75 (1)0.25 (2)0.35 2 Besensnge§____________yy For More Materials Join- zo he SEE (Mate) RRB ce 45 Themass of molecu) wu molecule Ais twice the mass of molecule B. The rms speed of Als twice the ms speed of B. 3.46 3.48 3.49 3.50 3.51 {ttwo samples of Aand 6 contains ecules I tho pressure of gas er sari ame number ef molecties, i pO be tho pressure of gas Aan). Iwo semplon ae akon nsopura constr eel eka @32 48 OM Pan? inte above four morcry columns of 10 cms each are Warped Been 88 vy fm em 275 om ea Gaumne of 10m each P.=76 om of Hg then te ges presi inte ba v0 T]fom (1) 55 om of Hg G)ssemortia (3)65emof He a (4)45 om of Hg 3.06 L of H,0 vapour is taken ata pressure of 1 atm and 378K. tis now condensed to HO (ft 200K. Calculate the approximate volume occupied by H,0 (¢): ante A (Assume dons of iquid water a 300 K= 1000 ae) (acct (ism free (4)3.06 mt ‘Aminture of two gases A and Bin the mole ratio 2:3 is koptin aie vessel, A second 3 re vesselhas iho samo two gates in the mole rato2 5. Both gas mtures have. the same tomporature snd same pressure, They are allowed to Intrmix and he nal temperature and pressure ao the samo os te ial ‘ales, the inal volume being Stes, Given that the molar masses re, ond M, whats lve rnean moar ‘mass of the final mixture : (4) TZMaM23My——(g) $20Mys77Mg——c@) T7MAS23Mg 4) 4250477 00 SS “The variosonofcompressibiytactor'Z wh pressure a ilerentimperxes , T, m ‘and T, is given as follows rs Match the temperature in List I with the List II values. " Uist Listit zed (@)T, (p) 500K wr, (@ 1000 te or, (©) 200K paGe ® o © @ © © “of op 4 @ ep aier 8 a FB {@tnormation in suient .de given below the lists : Match List | with List II and select the correct answer using the code give ist (p) Effects of ‘a’ and 'b’ compensate each other. List! Oat. oe tert oo mt reece regi @ Tarslarn en between physical (r)Z>41 (ror fle gas at 0°C in all pressure region 8 T, = 160K (ay (®)) , a fs # by © grrr gh hie atch the following forms of Vander waa's equation fr 1 mole of sraigait gencontons: (@)high pressure Py RFR, @ Peer traction between gas molecules is negiible eve r+ oN (4) volume of gas molecules is negiible is cars ® 8 OG oo ® 0 © @ Gi ™ © wa) mM 0 o@* @ MM Resonance’ os Moma state sonemenesTpa 2 TEE Oat py 10° Whichot RI U M O) NO, L EQUILIB' | @) 280 CHEMICA ast 108m \ eau } «yr é PE aan a as mean molar 488611 80.7, | 44 Azamplo of misture ofA (@),B(a) and Cfg) under aquirium 12 1508 equilibrium is: | aes Aig) == Bia) + () Je at equiibrium is ve Wintaty 4 mete of 4 gas le presen then total numberof mole 1M, = 100, m= 60M, = 40} (os 413 tor: ms (22 we aye 42 cacoys) —> ca0(8)+ C0) nd‘ motes of CO, are found, c Atequlbccmiine above cass ‘& moles of CaCO, W’meaas of CaO and mo Tha @ ‘deny the wrong statement a (1) Motes of CaCO, wit decrease wit he ation of inert gas at constant pres {2)Motes of aco, wit remain constant withthe merase in voume. 416 Fo {3)11 volume ofthe vesselis halved then males of CaCO, wilinerease. (4) Moles of C20 wil decrease with the increase in pressure. im 43° N,+3H, <= 2NH, Starting with one mole of nitrogen and 3 moles of hydrogen, at equilibrium be of each ¢ had reacted. lf the equilibrium pressure is P, the partial pressure of hydrogen at equilibrium would be (pa (2p (Pls (4) P16. 445 44 For the reaction : CaCO, (s) <= Ca0(s) + CO, (g),K, = 1.16 atm at 800°C, If 20g of CaCO, were kepting c ‘Olive vessel at 800°C, the amount of CaCO, remained at equilibrium is: ‘ (34% 264% (2)46% (4) pone 446 45° Thedegree of aissaciaton of N,0, (1) obeying the equlitriam, NO, (0) = 2N0, (is approximately related to the presure at equilibrium by: 1 1 1 (axe (2)ax Bae Aya Qa @ax Max 5 ce, 48 Inthe folowing reaction, 3A (6) + B (g) <= 2C (g) + D (9), Initial moles of Bis double of A. At equlbrium, moles ofA and C are equal. Hence % dissociation of Bis oy (1)10% (220% (2)40% 4)5% 47 Thevalue o,f ereacion, Ag) +28(0) Cl) 25am at acer temperature. ThevaluectK, ; 1 419 for the reaction, 5 O(a) <=> > A\Q) + Bla) atthe same temperature would be : a sac i (1)25 at (2) 35 ot (@) gatm (4)5 atm 42 4.8 Forthe equilbrium in aclosed vessel PCI,(a) = PCI, (g) +c K, is found to be double of K,. This is attained when eli) ()T=2k (T= 1218K (@)T=24.36k ()T=273k 49° Inthe folowing reaction started only with A,, 2A,(g) == 2A, (9) +3, Ax(9)+A,(@) moe fection o ys M brim, of acute (10.28 (ore (ote rt ulin: . [IN esenence ee For More Materials Join-

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