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PIMR XIX International Conference

Changing Business Paradigms:
Trends in Innovation, Governance,
and Sustainability: PICOM-24
FEBRUARY 23-24, 2024

(An Autonomous Institution Established in 1994, Thrice Accredited by NAAC with Highest Grade, now A++)
About the Conference
Over the last 19 years, Pres ge Ins tute of One of the purposes of the conference is to review
Management & Research, Indore has organised whether Innova on with technological
Interna onal Conferences to establish a pla orm advancements leads to futuris c solu ons that
where academic minds from India and across the tackle global challenges. Will these lead to increased
world converge. This forum fosters meaningful equality, empowering marginalized communi es
discussions on current management issues, and promo ng inclusive growth? A he outset,
promotes collabora ve endeavours, and enriches sustainability along with governance demands
the exis ng knowledge reservoir. PIMR is proud to transparency with efficiency in decision-making
host the XIX Interna onal Conference, which serves processes resul ng in op mizing resource alloca on
as a vital forum for researchers, academics, and strengthening democra c ins tu ons. Can
prac oners and policymakers to converge. The these convergences create collabora ve spaces
focus of the conference lies on four key areas: where governments, entrepreneurs, academia, and
Change, innova on, governance, and sustainability civil society come together to co-create solu ons
from a business perspec ve. Over two days, the that have a posi ve impact on a global level? Can the
presenters can benefit from engaging in workshops, transforma ve power of these alliances lead to
enlightening plenary sessions and open discussions greener and more sustainable prac ces? By
with esteemed scholars, faculty members, cul va ng an environment that inspires
policymakers, and corporate leaders in the field. entrepreneurship, embracing digital transforma on,
In today's VUCA world, the interac on between and highligh ng good governance mechanisms and
trending business innova on and governance plays a sustainability, the purpose of the conference is to
cri cal role in promo ng inclusive and sustainable create a future that thrives on innova on, prosperity
growth. Corpora ons take into account not only the and well-being for all.
aspects of economic performance but also their This Conference also aims to explore the current
social and environmental performance. Accordingly, issues, trends, challenges and research
sustainable business represents an opportunity for opportuni es in the space of innova on,
corpora ons to enhance trust and create ethical governance, inclusion and sustainable growth. The
values on a larger canvas. However, a sustainable conference would also provide a forum for
business must be economically worthwhile, so that it dialogue/discourse for researchers, academicians,
can have a posi ve impact on profitability, policymakers, and corporate leaders to deliberate on
s mula ng the long-term growth and resilience of different aspects of management, innova on,
overall societal welfare and sustainable financial governance and educa on.

Call for Papers

PIMR XIX Interna onal Conference on the Sub Themes
theme "Changing Business Paradigms: Trends Research Papers can be submi ed
in Innova on, Governance, and Sustainability: on broad sub-themes men oned
PICOM-24", invites empirical and conceptual below. However, research papers
re s e a rc h p a p e rs f ro m a ca d e m i c i a n s , can also be submi ed to any
professionals, consultants, prac oners, related area or discipline under
research scholars, and students related to the the Conference's broad theme.
following themes and subthemes.
Conference Tracks
• Financial Inclusion • Governance and Bankruptcy • Green Financing
• Financial Innova ons • Behavioural Finance • Risk Management in Banks
• Digital Banking • Crowd Funding • SME Finance
• Financial Literacy • Crypto Currencies • Sustainable Finance
• Fintech • Entrepreneurial Finance • Corporate Finance
• Microfinance/Microcredit • Financial Analy cs

Human Resource
• Se ng the Hybrid Work Model • Remote Work Environment • Digi za on in HR
for Collabora on • Digital Transforma on and • Statutory compliance and its
• “Human” Leadership Workplace management
• Working in the Metaverse • Workplace Wellness/ • Organiza onal change
• Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Sustainability management
• Global HR • Social issues in management • Leadership role and VUCA
• Diversity, Equity & Inclusion • Technology and innova on in • Environment
• Gen-Z Workplace Expecta on management • Sustainable HRM

Marke ng
• Changing Marke ng Environment • Digital Marke ng • Industry Best Prac ces (case
• Retail Transforma on • Marke ng Analy cs studies, prac oner papers)
• Experien al Marke ng • Technology Adop on amongst • Green Marke ng
• Sustainable Marke ng Consumers • CSR & Branding
• Customer Engagement • Media Consump on • Ethics in Marke ng
• Value Crea on in Business and • Role of Social Media • Metaverse
Consumer Markets • Customer Privacy

• Gender Jus ce • Public and Private Interna onal • Judiciary and Sustainable
• Environmental Laws & Laws Development
Sustainability • Commercial Laws • Goals
• Intellectual Property • Energy Laws • Human Rights
• Social inequality • Criminal Laws • Interna onal Trade
• Cons tu onal Law • Sports Law

Technology & Innova on in Business

• Digital Transforma on and Learning • Data Analy cs
sustainability • Ed-Tech • Cyber Security
• Hybrid Work Environment • Machine Learning • Recent Trends in IT
• Ar ficial Intelligence • Data Protec on • Applica ons of Block-chain
• Social Media • OTT Pla orms
• Online Educa on / Digital • Big Data
Opera ons and Supply Chain Management
• Enterprise Agility • Total Quality Management • Green Supply Chain
• Logis cs • Business Opera ons Management

• Disrup ons in Supply chain • Service Opera ons Excellence • Industry 4.0 and SCM

• Six Sigma • Business Process Re- • Recent Trends in Opera ons

• Project Management engineering • Innova ons and supply chain

General Management
• Business Sustainability • Entrepreneurship • Innova on Management
• Economic Reforms • Start-Ups • Recent Trends in Management
• Inclusive Growth • Strategic Management
• Ease of Doing Business • Communica on
• ESG • E-Commerce

Note: There will be a special track for student delegates.

Who Should Attend?

Senior Managers/ Prac oners, Academicians (Faculty/ Consultants), Research Scholars (Along with Doctoral
Workshop), Foreign Delegates, and Indian/Foreign Students.

Conference Highlights
• Best Ph.D. Contest # Selected papers will be published in the Pres ge
• Workshop on the topic "Research Conclave: Interna onal Journal of Management and Research
Cracking the ABDC Code”. (A peer-reviewed journal with a high impact factor of
SJIF 8.025 and indexed in ProQuest, ISSN 0974-
• Special Track for Students Presenta on 6080).
• Publica on Opportunity Note: All the papers will be checked for plagiarism
• Best paper award in each track and cash prizes through Turni n So ware. Papers with a 10% or less
for best paper award for the conference. similarity index will only be selected for publica on.
• E-Cer ficate

Important Dates
Last Date for Submission of Abstract December 20, 2023
In ma on of Acceptance of Abstract December 22, 2023
Last Date for Submission of Full Paper April 5, 2024
Early Bird Registra on January 20, 2024
Last Date for Registra on February 5, 2024
Conference PPT Submission February 20, 2024
Conference Registration Fees
Residen al Residen al Non-Residen al
Senior-Managers/ Prac oners Rs. 5500 Rs. 3000
Academicians (Faculty/ Consultants) Rs. 5000 Rs. 2000
Research Scholars Rs. 2500 Rs. 1500
(includes Seminar and workshop par cipa on)
Indian Students Rs. 2000 Rs. 1000
Foreign Delegates US $150 US $100
Foreign Student US $100 US $754

Note: In case of group registra on from a single ins tute (more than 2), then a flat discount of 10% will be offered.
In the case of early bird registra on un l January 20, 2024, a 10% discount will be provided.

The Registration Procedure

1. The mode of payment is NEFT / RTGS / Online presenta on cer ficates would be given to only
Payment in INR only. those who register for the Conference and
2. The online registra on link will be opened from present the paper at the Conference.
December 1, 2023, at 5. You can register by paying the registra on fee
The registra on form and link will also be e- through NEFT / RTGS / Online Payment- (UPI
mailed to the selected par cipants. Bank Transfer). For online payment, please find
3. The registra on fee is non-refundable. the following informa on.
However, a change in nomina on(s) is 6. In case, the paper is not presented, an absen a
acceptable. cer ficate shall not be issued.
4. In case of more than one author, the

Bank Detail For Neft/ Rtgs

• Account Name: PIMR Na onal Conference • IFSC Code: PUNB0625100
• Account No.: 2892012100000092 • Branch: PIMR, Scheme No. 54, Indore
• Bank: Punjab Na onal Bank • Branch Code: 6251, MICR Code: 452024015
Note: Please men on the Transac on ID of the IMPS/UPI payment and the par cipant's name in the registra on

Abstract and Paper Submission Guidelines

1. Kindly send the abstract and full paper in so copy to the Email: interna
and a Copy (cc) should be sent to: pra
2. The main text of the Research Paper should have Abstract (150-200 words); Keywords (5-7 words);
Introduc on; Body of the text; Ques ons/issues for a teaching case only; in-text cita ons and references as
per APA Style, 7thedi on; Annexures (diagrams, images, figures, tables, graphs); end notes (if any).
3. Contributors must provide their affilia on, complete postal and e-mail addressesand mobile numbers. In
case there are two or more authors, the corresponding author's name and contact details should be
indicated on the first page.
Spelling and Numerical usage
• Use Bri sh rather than American spellings. Use from one to nine, 10 and above to remain in figures.
the 'z' variant of Bri sh spelling. However, for exact measurements use only figures (3
• While referring to periods/decades, use km, 9 per cent not %). Use thousands and millions
'nineteenth century'/*1980s'. Spell out numbers (e.g., not lakhs and crores).

Quotations, notes, tables and gures

• Use single quotes throughout. Double quotes the text at the end and numbered in the order
should only be used within single quotes. that they appear in the text. Loca ons of tables
Spellings of words in quota ons should not be and figures should be indicated in the text using
changed. Quota ons of 45 words or more callouts (e.g., '(see Table 1]). Each figure and
should be indented from the text. table should have a heading, an explanatory
• End notes should be numbered serially, the cap on if necessary, and a source or reference in
numbers embedded in the manuscript. The a separate file. All photographs and scanned
notes should be presented at the end of the images should have a resolu on of a minimum
ar cle. Notes must contain more than a mere of 300 dpi and 1500 pixels and their format
reference. should be eps/. ff/jpeg. Due permissions
should be taken for copyright-protected
• All figures, i.e., diagrams, images photographs, photographs/images.
and tables should be provided separately from

In-text citations (as per APA, 7th edition)

(Kessler, 2003, p. 50); (Joreskog & Sorborn, 2007, pp. Book chapter: Chachra, S. (2011). The na onal
50-66); Basu et al. (2007) (for three or more authors); ques on in India. In S. Moyo and P. Yeros (Eds),
( Study finds', 2007); (Anonymous, 1998); (Gogel, reclaiming the na on (pp. 67-78). Pluto Press.
1990, 2006, in press); (Gogel, 1996; Miller, 1999) J o u r n a l a r c l e : F o s t e r, J . B . ( 2 0 1 0 ) . T h e
References: financializa on of accumula on. Monthly Review,
Book: Patnaik, Utsa (2007). The republic of hunger. 62(5), 1-17.
Three Essays Collec ve

Best Ph.D. Thesis Contest

1. The contest is open to all PhD awardees from calendar years January- December 2022 & 2023.
Management/Social-Science/Law Ins tutes in 5. The Abstract/Summary of the thesis should be
India and Abroad other than the Pres ge Group routed through the Head of the B-School to
of Ins tu ons faculty members. which the contestant belongs. The tle of the
2. A copy of the Abstract/Summary of the PhD thesis should be indicated by the Head of the B-
thesis duly typed in 1.5-line space must be School in the cover le er while forwarding the
submi ed in a copy in the format of 12-point entry for thecontest.
text single font - Calibri in MS Word by the 6. The Abstract/Summary of the Ph.D. thesis must
Contestants. be accompanied by proof of the award of the
3. The Abstract/Summary should contain the topic degree.
of the thesis, ra onale, objec ves, method 7. A panel of Subject Experts will screen the
(study, design, sample, and tools), salient Abstracts/Summaries, and three to five best
findings, and implica ons of the study. c a n d i d ate s w i l l b e i nv i te d to m a ke a
4. To be eligible for admission to the contest, the presenta on based on the complete thesis
PhD degree must have been awarded between before a Panel.
8. The last date for receipt of entries is January 22, Pradesh, INDIA.
2024 e-mail: 9. A rac ons
interna • The Contestants invited for the presenta on will
The address of communica on is Pres ge not be charged any delegate fee.
Ins tute of Management and Research, 2
Educa on and Health Sector, Scheme # 54, Near • Best Ph.D. Awardee will receive aCash Prize of
Bombay Hospital, Indore - 452010 Madhya Rs. 5000/- along with Cer ficate and Memento.

Best Research Paper Award (For Delegates)

1. The award would be given in each track of the Conference Award” which will be selected by
Conference to the paper presenter's delegate the Panel of Experts from the Best Research
from India and Abroad other than the faculty Paper(s) of each track. Following will be the cash
members of the Pres ge Group of Ins tu ons. prizes:
2. The senior panel of session chairs will judge the • First Best Research Paper of the Conference: Rs.
award. 10,000/-
3. The best paper of each trackwould receive a • Second Best Research Paper of the Conference:
Best Paper Cer ficate Award. In addi on, all Rs. 5,000/-
par cipants will receive a cer ficate of • Third Best Research Paper of the Conference:
presenta on. Rs. 3000/-
4. There will be the“Best Research Paper of

Pres ge Ins tute of Management and Research is best self-financed educa onal and training centres.
conceived as a unique growth-oriented ins tu on of The Ins tute has been an Autonomous Ins tu on
professional educa on and training. The Ins tute since 2006. It has been accredited by the Na onal
had in its genesis the solemn objec ve of catering to Assessment and Accredita on Centre (NAAC) and
the educa onal and training needs of the students has received NAAC 'A' Grade Accredita on by UGC
and execu ves from industry and government. The twice consecu vely, in 2009 and 2014. In 2021 the
uniqueness of the Ins tute lies in its provision for an Ins tute received an 'A++' Grade Accredita on by
elaborate spectrum of professional programs under UGC. It is an ISO 9001:2008 cer fied Ins tute.
one roof. The Ins tute had made a beginning in 1994 University Grants Commission recognizes it under 2
by introducing MBA (full- me) programs and an (f) and 12 (b). The Ins tute is recognised as a mentor
undergraduate program in management discipline Ins tute for the NAAC under the Paramarsh Scheme
(Bachelor of Business Administra on). The Ins tute of the University Grants Commission. The Na onal
also started Master's Program in MBA (Marke ng Board of Accredita on has accredited the MBA
Management),MBA(Interna onal Business), MBA program under AICTE in 2000, 2003, and 2012.
(Financial Administra on), MBA (Personnel
Management), MBA(Adver sing and Public The Ins tute has been ranked consistently in the
Rela ons),Bachelor of Computer Applica ons, B. upper edge of top-ranking business schools in the
Com.(Hons.), Masters and Bachelor in Mass na onal surveys undertaken by agencies like
Communica on, Bachelor of Foreign Trade, B.Voc., Business Today, Cosmode, Ministry of Human
BA LLB (Hons), B.Com. LLB (Hons), BBALLB (Hons), Resource Development, Business India, and Outlook.
LLB, and LLM. The Ins tute is also are cognised The achievement of the Ins tute in a short span of
research centre for the PhDprogram in twenty-eight years of its existence has been widely
Management. It aims to become one of the country's appreciated.
Our Patron
Padma Shri Dr. Nemnath Jain Dr. Davish Jain Shri Dipin Jain
Founder, Pres ge Group Chairman, PEF Vice-Chairman, PEF

For More Details, Contact

Dr. Debasis Mallik
Sr. Director & Conference Chair

Col. Dr. Subramanian Raman Iyer

Director (UG) and Conference Co-Chair

Dr. Raja Roy Choudhary

Director (Law) & Conference Co-Chair

CS Dr. Pra ma Jain

Conference Convenor
Mobile: 9826021575
Email: pra

Conference Coordinators
Dr. Chanchala Jain Dr. Amrita Baid More
Mobile: 9926521678 Mobile: 9755011101

Dr. Chetan Nagar Ms. Navra Dongre

Mobile: 9893246374 Mobile: 9113926750
Email: Email: navra

(An Autonomous Institution Established in 1994, Thrice Accredited by NAAC with Highest Grade, now A++)
2, Educa on and Health Sector, Scheme # 54, Near Bombay Hospital, Indore-452 010 Madhya Pradesh, INDIA.
Phone: +91-731-4012222, Email: interna Website:

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